#darcy is having a bit more difficultly doing it tbh
other-peoples-coats · 2 years
So, we brought a new cat tree for the boys. It's cool as hell, 100% best enrichment around here since we started gardening/got the cats, etc.
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(obligatory photos of the boys on said new cat tree; bingley LOVES to stick his head and stumpy arm through the cloud hole and then wriggle like a landed fish until he gets bored)
Unfortunately. the cat tree is against the built in wardrobe in the office, because there's literally no where else for it to go.
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And all the cats in the house have discovered the wonders of the Secret Extra Floor For Cats, aka the top of said wardrobe.
Which is. unideal, one might say, given that we certainly didn't dust up there, and neither, clearly, did the last oh, two decades worth of tenants.
Anyway it's a good thing they're also obsessed with playing in the sink while the tap's running.
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