#dapanda should be the fuck asleep
dapandapod · 3 years
How about 26 for the hug ask?
26. exhausted hug
YES! You absolutely may!! Thank you bestest @kuripon for betareading this, i literally wrote this at midnight and my tired ass is projecting on my lovely witcher. Please enjoy tired hugs!
Send me a hug prompt!
On Ao3 Hug collection here
The world is not so dark when there are toxins running through you. The shadows are not as deep, the night not as lonely. Everywhere there are little creatures, good and bad. Everywhere, they are watching him.
Geralt tries to step cautiously, tries to make no sound. He is good at it, usually, but the day has already been long. He has been tracking the Fiend for most of the day, and now he thinks he might have found its lair.
His sword lies heavy in his hand, his armor a solid weight over his shoulders. On any other night, he wouldn’t give it much thought. On any other night, he would tighten the straps and trudge on.
But tonight, his muscles are already fighting him. Tonight, the soft light of the moon is almost as bright as the sun, every sound loud to his potion-sensitive hearing.
He knows it will take him just as many hours to get back to the inn, back to his… his friend. Geralt is not used to having someone waiting for him, despite all the years they have spent together. Jaskier still being there baffles him every time, but tonight, oh, tonight he wants nothing more than to be with him back in their room.
He grips his sword tighter, fishes out one of his prepared oils and coats the blade quickly. He needs to be quick about it, he can feel Cat already draining out of his system, and with all the other things he has taken in preparation, he will feel like shit if he drinks more.
Geralt steps quietly, and inside, the Fiend roars.
The walk is fucking long. Geralt barely has the energy to return the sword to its scabbard on his back. He is not sure how to bring the fiend's head to the alderman. As it is, he can barely stand up. The potions are finally burning out, leaving his body a shaking, shivering mess. His muscles ache and there is a pounding behind his eyes and in his temples. His knuckles are white from holding such a tight grip. He is lucky the Fiend didn’t manage to cut through his armour, but he suspects he will have some heavy bruising over his back in the next few days, even with his mutagen-enhanced healing.
He could just sit down for a while and meditate. Just for an hour. He could.
He just doesn’t want to.
Before all this, before the bard, he might have. But now all Geralt can think of is a soft bed, a friendly presence, a hot bath.
He is trying not to think too much about Jaskier, but as he hoists his trophy over his shoulder and starts the long way back, he can’t help but let his thoughts wander.
Towards that brilliant smile when Geralt says something that makes him laugh, towards those strong arms that somehow manage to hold whatever Geralt throws at him. Towards those cornflower blue eyes that see so much more than Geralt even expected, toward that clever tongue that can cut or please with words alone.
He thinks about how on rare occasions, Jaskier would hug him. And once the thought has struck him, Geralt can’t stop thinking about it. He wonders if Jaskier would hold him tonight. That would probably be nice. And most likely filthy, considering today's activities. Maybe Jaskier wouldn’t care.
Those thoughts keep Geralt occupied as he finds his way back. He ignores his body's protests, his knees creaking. The stars are slowly replaced with the first light of day, the sky shifting and changing into the soft colors of morning.
Geralt has seen it so many times, and no matter how tired he is, he always has to take a moment and just take it in. He stops in the middle of a field, putting the Fiend head on the ground as he looks up and just breathes.
This is when he notices how close he is to the village. The forest and the hills are behind him, and only open fields lay between him and Jaskier.
Just a little further.
Jaskier actually meets him, just as the sun peaks up over the edge of the world. There is a light mist in the air as the ground fights off the night cold, and when Geralt spots Jaskier, he just stops.
He is not hurt in any way, he has just run out of energy. Jaskier comes towards him with a spring in his step, and the moment he reaches the witcher, he starts fussing. Geralt lets him, wincing when Jaskier touches the torn armor over his back. That is when he finally steps back. Grabbing Jaskier's hips, he pulls him closer and drops his head to Jaskier’s shoulder. He sighs. Finally, finally he made it.
Jaskier is silent, still for a moment. When it becomes clear that Geralt isn’t going to let go, Jaskier huffs and wraps his arms over Geralt’s lower back, mindful of the shredded armor and the apparent bruises.
They stand there for a long while, Jaskier only protesting when Geralt leans a little too hard on him.
“Don’t fall asleep on me, you big oaf. At least not here. Let’s go back to the inn.”
Jaskier pulls back and leads Geralt by the hand towards the village. They drop by the alderman quickly, meeting him in the door to trade the head for a bag of coins, and off they go.
Geralt fumbles with the straps of his armor, puts his swords and boots away. Jaskier only has to help him to remove the shredded pieces, and Geralt hisses when it puts pressure on the bruises.
There is a soft press of lips to the back of his shoulder and gone again, so soft he could have imagined it. He is too tired to comment now. It might have been his imagination, his wishful thinking.
Then Jaskier takes his hand again, and leads him towards the bed. They have two, but Jaskier follows him down into this one, laying on his back and placing Geralt atop of himself. They shift around until they both are comfortable, and Geralt ends up with his chin back on Jaskier’s shoulder, his arm resting over Jaskier’s chest, and Jaskier’s hand tracing gentle patterns over his sides.
The village wakes up outside, the sun rising higher and higher. But inside, behind a locked door in a soft bed with a bard in his arms, Geralt can finally rest.
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