#daniel abineri
anncanta · 11 months
Fandom: Return to Eden
Characters: Jake Sanders, Stephanie Harper, Dan Marshall
Relationship: Jake Sanders/Stephanie Harper
Rating: Mature
"Return to Eden" is a 1985 TV series that I watched as a child. Now, having stumbled upon it on the internet, I have revisited the key points with pleasure. And even looked into the book on which it was based. In both the series and the novel, the most interesting character was Jake Sanders and his relationship with Stephanie.
And since this is a trope "from enemies to lovers", how could I resist?
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‘Mr. Sanders will see you as soon as he is free.’
Stephanie nodded as she sat in a chair outside the new president's office.
Her eyes flickered to the folder she held in her hands. Bill McMaster sent a folder of papers this morning and Stephanie didn't need to go through them. Bill's voice on the phone told her everything. A new history of ‘Harper Mining’ has been written in stock quotes and the verdict for Stephanie – the end.
Stephanie leaned back wearily, leaning against the wall. It was dark in her eyes, a small ocean raged in her ears.
The thought of the ocean hurt. As if it wasn't enough for her what Sanders did with her company. As if there were not enough worries with the family and the rabid Jilly. Dan should have left her.
You lie, you lie, the ocean whispered.
The haze inside trembled, letting in the memories that she suppressed, filled with work, business, giving herself to the struggle. Dan left when Bill McMaster sent a plane for her so she could rush to the rescue of the sinking ‘Harper Mining’, breaking their retreat on a tropical island.
He didn't resist. He did not swear and did not begin to sort things out. Just said it's over. And left. And Stephanie remained, feverishly leafing through papers and stock reports.
Dan said you don't want someone like him. He said you need another, the ocean rustled.
Now that she had lost... When there was nothing left... What did it all matter... true, doubt, or lie?
The picture of farewell to Dan was replaced by another one – Stephanie rushes through the park on a horse in the early morning, and a man catches up with her trail after trail on a horse, laughing and enjoying the game. Enjoying the fact that he lost.
‘Mr. Sanders is waiting for you, Miss Harper.’
Stephanie got up. She looked at the secretary, smiled in response to her confused look. Then she turned to the door and entered.
It was like their first meeting. Here in her office. He stood then where he is now. He looked with the same wary squint as if he was waiting for something from her. Stephanie walked over to him.
‘You won.’ She pointed to the folder.
Jake just nodded in response.
‘That means I'm leaving.’
‘I told you, you can have everything.’
Stephanie shook her head.
‘I told you.’ He looked calmly and intently. ‘My offer still stands.’
‘Listen, Jake,’ Stephanie said. ‘You can get the company, but you can't get me.’
‘And become like your ex-husband?’
Stephanie winced.
‘Although your husband was not a shareholder of ‘Harper Mining’, he didn’t… have you either,’ Jake said looking her straight in the eyes.
She looked at him silently.
‘Why am I worse in this case?’ he added quietly.
Stephanie turned away.
‘Say just one word,’ came a voice from behind her. ‘Just one word – and it will be yours again.’
‘And you –’
‘No conditions.’
‘I do not believe. Do not believe you.’
Stephanie spun around so abruptly that the lapels of her jacket were pressed into the folds of his shirt. He looked at her seriously. Looked for a very long time. Then he turned and walked over to the table, leaning over it.
Cautiously, Stephanie watched him go through the papers, looking for something in them, then took a pen and signed the document in a flourish – one copy and the second.
‘Take it.’
Stephanie lowered her eyes.
It was a contract for the ownership of ‘Harper Mining’. Absolute control for Stephanie Elizabeth Harper, the complete package. No claims from the main shareholder. He hereby declares that his share in the firm belongs to her.
‘Why?’ She lifted her head, once again meeting the sharp gaze directed at her.
‘You know why,’ he replied.
And how she wanted him.
Years ago, Prince Amal told her, ‘Desires are like dogs. They will bite you to death if you can't tame them.’
Some dogs are never tamed.
Stephanie pressed her palms to her burning cheeks.
‘You want to destroy me.’
‘No,’ he said as he approached. ‘No more.’
Stephanie didn't know why she called Dan.
‘Seven years of marriage can’t be thrown away so easily,’ an inner voice reminded her.
Seven years of a successful marriage.
‘Dan, I feel so mean.’
‘Just because,’ the ocean waves rustled against the background of a warm voice, ‘that you are finally following who you are?’
Stephanie was silent.
‘Am I a predator? A woman who is indifferent to reason, conscience, and honor?’
‘Who speaks of indifference to conscience?’
I fell in love with him while I was married to you.
‘You just found someone who suits you.’ Dan always knew how to hear her better than herself.
‘When we met there, on Orpheus –’
‘– you were wounded, crippled. Physically and in spirit. Stephanie, you've been flayed in both ways.’ Dan's voice was deep and sad. ‘I've always understood that. I knew I shouldn't have... I was treating you. Pulled you out of the abyss you fell into, but let's be honest – I should have left you on the shore.’
She was silent, clutching the telephone receiver. How many times did she think about it? How many times has Dan tried to start this conversation? After the first hot months together, after the first happy years. When the charm of novelty faded, and it became clear to both of them that the relationship between the patient and the doctor could not last forever, and they as real people were too different and, in general, strangers?’
‘Sorry, Dan,’ she said. ‘Sorry, I was a coward.’
He laughed.
‘Not you,’ he said laughing. ‘Stephanie Harper, not you.’
But the ocean behind him added, ‘You, however, have every chance to become the one now.’
They said goodbye warmly and affectionately – and, after putting down the phone, Stephanie went into the dressing room.
She had to choose an outfit.
‘I didn't think you'd come.’
‘I owe you.’
‘Not true.’
Stephanie strode into the hotel room. She turned around. From his office at ‘Harper Mining’, she retreated as quickly as if she was being chased. Now, having already made up her mind, she suddenly realized that she did not know ...
‘I've been in charge all my life,’ she said, looking at Jake. ‘Always. With everyone. All my life. Do you know what it is – when around you are either servants or your employees, or ... And even your own husband …’
She didn't want to remember Greg Marsden. But it had to be admitted that the champion tennis player who tried to feed her to the crocodiles somehow also must have thought he had sacrificed his career because of her.
It had to be admitted that Jake Sanders was the first man who was in no way inferior to her – and it was not about money. It was not about his position. It was about him.
He stood in front of her and smiled slightly.
‘This is a warning?’
Stephanie felt something click inside her, a spring that had been compressed for many years.
‘That's an order. Change it,’ she said, pulling Jake towards her.
Stephanie thought it would be a battle. As in business, as in the past ten months, when their weapons were stock quotes, sharp gazes, and unbridled excitement.
She was waiting for him to play out – for teasing him, for defeating him, for refusing him for so long. But he just played instead. Played on her.
It was old music. Familiar, strong, the echoes of which Stephanie has heard all her life. Music, which she tried with all her might to drown out. Music that didn't culminate in an orgasm at all. Frightening her for so long, drawing her to it.
‘Kiss me, winner,’ Stephanie whispered with a laugh to Jake, who was hugging her.
… The announcement in the newspaper was strict and concise.
‘Miss Stephanie Elizabeth Harper and Mr. Jake William Sanders announced their engagement on December 15, 1985. The marriage will take place at the Harper family estate called Eden.’
‘Bill was screaming so loud I thought I was going to go deaf.’
‘I'm more concerned about the prince's possible reaction.’
Stephanie shrugged.
‘He's our main investor, remember?’
‘And my best friend,’ she smiled.
‘Should I start to get jealous?’
‘Try it.’
Somewhere far away, hundreds of kilometers away, the ocean chuckled softly.
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parakeetpark · 11 months
Melbourne's version of The Rocky Horror staring Daniel Abineri is so underrated
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kwebtv · 3 years
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Bless Me, Father - ITV  -  September 24, 1978 - August 16, 1981
Sitcom (21 episodes)
Running Time:  30 minutes
Arthur Lowe as Father Charles Clement Duddleswell
Daniel Abineri as Father Neil Boyd
Gabrielle Daye as Mrs. Pring
Patrick McAlinney as Dr. Daley
David Ryall as Billy Buzzle
Sheila Keith as Mother Stephen
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vamporilla · 4 years
How is this not a meme yet?
Original source: https://youtu.be/rlF-bGaUNGg
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goalhofer · 3 years
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Bless Me, Father (1978-1981) starring Arthur Lowe and Daniel Abineri.
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the-hindu-times · 5 years
March 2019 reviews roundup
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Impressive sets from the youthful White Lakes and Natalie Shay put the dated Rainband to shame on the first day of the month, upstairs at the Garage (at Thousand Island in Islington). On the Monday, whilst Russell Brand was on at The Exchange in Twickenham, we were at Self Esteem's A capella in-store at Banquet Records, before the shop put on 2 full band shows for Bryan Adams across the road, at Pryzm. After the first gig we headed a couple more doors down to the Fighting Cocks for Outside The Box Comedy Club, headlined by John Robins. With the Conservatives closing venues, we're lucky that Kingston can still host more than one event in an evening. We were back at Banquet Records on Wednesday for Japense House but opted for Twenty One Pilots at Wembley over Billie Eilish at New Slang in Kingston on Thursday. Another visit to Banquet on Sunday for Newton Faulkner, before I joined James Walsh to perform acoustic songs at the Groucho Club in Soho the night after, led to the high-grossing ‘Dreamworks Animation’ trilogy ‘Madagasgar’ the following evening, in the shape of an action-packed musical at the New Victoria Theatre, Woking. 
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With the stage-set creating a slightly more intimate space, Brandon Gale was as heroic as his character; stepping into the role of Alex the lion. With, X-Factor winner, Matt Terry’s understudy unavailable to fill in during his absence, it’s hard to imagine anyone else playing the lead after such a fantastic presentation from the recent graduate. It was soon the audience’s turn to roar – this time with laughter, helped by the ensemble of penguins and Timmika Ramsay’s hilarious hippo character, Gloria. Experienced puppeteer, Jamie Lee-Morgan, had a perfect portrayal of Melman the giraffe but the best was still yet to come: The second half saw locally-trained actor, Jo Parsons, present King Julien in a way Robin Williams would have played it. Also reminiscent of the side-splitting stylings of Mike Myres, he favoured the flamboyance from ‘Cat in the Hat’ over the outlandish ogre from fellow animated film franchise ‘Shrek’, where Myres had jelled with Eddy Murphy – of whom Antoine Murray-Straughan was channelling the comedy characteristics of for Marty the zebra; adding another dynamic to Chris Rock’s voice-acting in the Madagascar films. Along with some well-crafted routines, hilarious moments and vocal performances of the highest quality, there was fun for all the family to be had.
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The next day, we joined 8 other audience members for Seann Walsh's £5 work-in-progress show at the Museum of Comedy in Holborn. After the next morning's Tunbridge Wells radio show, we were at Embrace's sold out Roundhouse gig the following evening in Chalk Farm. Celebrating 21 years since the release of their debut LP 'The Good Will Out', they're still with the original line up. Having seen them on that first tour, at Folkestone's Leas Cliff Hall, some song arrangements have changed, with Danny McNamara no longer playing his Lowden acoustic guitar on timeless classics, such as 'My Weakness Is None Of Your Business' and 'Retread'. After the best possible opening for 'All You Good Good People', the audience seemed to enjoy the ballads, like 'Fireworks' and 'That's All Changed Forever', above the overdriven 'I Want The World' and 'The Last Gas'. They played the album from start to finish - not something all bands do when promising to tour a record in its entirety. They returned for a 5 song encore; ending with songs from their first comeback album 'Out Of Nothing' after opening with 2 from their second comeback/sixth full length, either side of 1 from their latest effort 'Love Is A Basic Need'. Tonight, the Roundhouse was the best it has ever sounded; with the drum kit and Danny's voice standing out as particularly pleasing. A vinyl box set of the show is soon to be released via their website.
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After a midweek Outside The Box at Langleys, Surbiton with Reginald D Hunter, we returned to the New Victoria Theatre for Calendar Girls.
Tonight attracted one of the biggest turnouts, for a run at Woking’s New Victoria Theatre, since Jersey Boys. Although the majority were of the same age and sex as the leads they’d come to see, the hugely popular Calendar Girls felt like a show that could not be missed. Starring This Morning’s Fern Britton; Four Weddings & A Funeral’s Sara Crowe; Family Guy voice actor, Anna-Jane Casey; comedian, Karen Dunbar; leading lady, Rebecca Storm; Loose Woman, Denise Welsh; Porridge’s Sebastian Abineri; acting veterans Phil Corbitt and Pauline Daniels; one woman cabaret show, Catherine Digges; theatre regular, Derek Elroy and ‘90s Coronation Street star (Gary Mallett), Ian Mercer, it was youngsters, Danny Howker, Tyler Dobbs and Isabel Caswell who offer the much needed dynamic.
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After the first half’s slow moving and minimal, repetitive scenes felt a bit thin, it paved the way for a bigger impact in the second. A slow burner, like Rocky or The Shawshank Redemption, it was worth the wait. With Nick Pinchbeck’s live band in the orchestra pit, the familiar songs of Tim Firth and Gary Barlow were largely sound-a-likes of hits from yesteryear; with ‘My Russian Friend And I’ feeling almost credible enough to be mistaken for a Damien Rice and Lisa Hannigan track from the early 2000s. Still, this story of recovery and power, gave us hope that we could all be on the right road after all.
The end of the month was rounded up with Milton Jones and Andrew Bird at Outside The Box comedy club, Surbiton (Langleys)
Nic Bennett
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Daniel Abineri as Frank-N-Furter [1981 Australian Cast of The Rocky Horror Show]
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anncanta · 10 months
Showtime in my head
Fandom: Dracula (2020)
Characters: Count Dracula, Johnathan Harker, Agatha Van Helsing, Zoe Van Helsing
Relationship: Dracula/Johnathan Harker, Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing, Dracula/Zoe Van Helsing
Rating: Mature
Music: Daniel Abineri 'Showtime in my head'
All rights reserved by BBC, Netflix, and Daniel Abineri.
@hopipollahorror @ravenathantum @dragatha @ladyhaley28
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the-hindu-times · 5 years
Calendar Girls – New Victoria Theatre, Woking – 26/3/19
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Tonight attracted one of the biggest turnouts, for a run at Woking’s New Victoria Theatre, since Jersey Boys. Although the majority were of the same age and sex as the leads they’d come to see, the hugely popular Calendar Girls felt like a show that could not be missed. Starring This Morning’s Fern Britton; Four Weddings & A Funeral’s Sara Crowe; Family Guy voice actor, Anna-Jane Casey; comedian, Karen Dunbar; leading lady, Rebecca Storm; Loose Woman, Denise Welsh; Porridge’s Sebastian Abineri; acting veterans Phil Corbitt and Pauline Daniels; one woman cabaret show, Catherine Digges; theatre regular, Derek Elroy and ‘90s Coronation Street star (Gary Mallett), Ian Mercer, it was youngsters, Danny Howker, Tyler Dobbs and Isabel Caswell who offer the much needed dynamic.
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After the first half’s slow moving and minimal, repetitive scenes felt a bit thin, it paved the way for a bigger impact in the second. A slow burner, like Rocky or The Shawshank Redemption, it was worth the wait. With Nick Pinchbeck’s live band in the orchestra pit, the familiar songs of Tim Firth and Gary Barlow were largely sound-a-likes of hits from yesteryear; with ‘My Russian Friend And I’ feeling almost credible enough to be mistaken for a Damien Rice and Lisa Hannigan track from the early 2000s. Still, this story of recovery and power, gave us hope that we could all be on the right road after all.
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Calendar Girls continues to play twice daily, at 2:30pm & 7:30pm (evening only on the Saturday), in Woking until Saturday before heading to Sheffield, Oxford, Southend, Cardiff, Belfast, Birmingham, Glasgow, Nottingham, Bristol, Plymouth, Eastbourne, Bournemouth, Wolverhampton, Wimbledon, Northampton, Blackpool, Chester and Bath, whilst the New Victoria Theatre prepares to host Rock of Ages, Russell Kane, Michael McIntyre, Annie, Tom Gates, Titanic, Rhod Gilbert, Saturday Night Fever, The Mousetrap, Jimmy Carr, The Entertainer, Swan Lake, The House on Cold Hill, 9 to 5, The Girl On The Train, The King and I and Romesh Ranganathan. Nic Bennett
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