sadserotonin · 2 years
“first they’re sour, then they’re sweet.” danicamp ANY VERSE, BYE
"Just like you, my dear."
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broadmoored · 3 years
Scamp was uncharacteristically apprehensive as he listened to the phone ring, imploring Danica to pick up and ease his mind. He generally wouldn’t be so concerned if it weren’t for the red flags in her distant behavior lately until finally there he was, giving in to check in with her. He inhaled audibly when the ringing stopped and spoke calmly with a playful undertone in hopes that whatever she was going through would be alleviated by the demeanor she adored so. 
“There you are. I was beginning to think you somehow found a taller, more handsome auror to kill time with.”
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tmrmary · 3 years
dress & a hot mess // danica+scamp
It had been two weeks since their grand escape to Cabo, Mexico. And yet, despite their deep, unobserved fears of loosing the intimacy standard they’d established in the bed of their hotel room that last night, Danica and Scamp still found themselves coming back to one another. 
They were in the smaller moments such as Scamp texting her during the lull of a work day or planning to meet up during a lunch break. It was in the bigger moments, like when Danica made a habit of sleeping over any night she had off from work or when they made plans for a date at a pop up quidditch exhibit and sushi for dinner afterwards. Heck, one could even argue they hit a milestone once Scamp accidentally hit to FaceTime call Danica while shaving his face. Danica, picking up the video phone call, just looked at him shirtless, hair a mess, and shaving while talking to her - the biggest smirk on her face while doing so. Their magic from Mexico wasn’t just in the small and big moments; it was in everything in between.
And so that early evening, in a rush from returning after her fitting appointment, it was not a surprise once Danica suddenly apparated into the middle of Scamp’s living room with a large black garment bag cover draped in her arms. She was clearly in a state of flush, slightly hot-headed as she had plenty in her mind to say out loud. “Can you believe-” She presented the garment bag out, as she walked towards Scamp with purpose. “I’m quite literally holding in my hand the ugliest fucking bridesmaid dress on this side of the world.”
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shymasperfectcrimes · 3 years
Scamp would be hard pressed to admit he was on edge as he walked through the bureau halls. But he didn’t usually snap at the holding officers that informed him the interrogation room was being prepped with typical stress inducing conditions, so his mood showed rather apparently. “They won’t work on her, you’re wasting your time,” he’d dismissed, knowing an uneven chair leg, lowered temperatures, and long wait times wouldn’t waver the nerve of the suspect in custody one bit. He slowed his speed walk to a halt just outside of the door behind which she sat, four fingers balancing on the cool metal while he took a breath and gathered all 48 sleep deprived hours of himself. 
His entrance was a smooth breeze right up to when he took a seat across from her, eyes only meeting hers when they were parallel to one another. Scamp did not even bother to open the debriefing file in front of him. He only narrowed his eyes, leaned forward and without so much as a greeting, and implored in his low, husky voice, “You were going to double-cross them both, weren’t you?”
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broadmoored · 4 years
party crashers | danicamp + jowards
It was hard to believe that a precision oriented auror like Scamp would have such a difficult time navigating to a bar, but in truth, he hadn’t asked her to come stand outside as he neared simply because he was feeling particularly directionally challenged that night. He revealed his cards as he approached her with a grin, a hand slipping to her cheek as soon as he was close enough. The touch blended seamlessly into greeting her with the taste of being intrigued enough by her company to get dressed and come out after an 11 hour shift on the field. 
Not that he wouldn’t be brazen enough to capture her into an attention domineering kiss indoors, surrounded by people, but some moments were simply meant to be personal and uninterrupted.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Scamp’s voice was a rumble as he pulled back, but only enough that she could admire the crinkled corners of his eyes under the street lights. Gesturing to the door despite the fact that he had not yet let go of her, he asked, “Shall we?”
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broadmoored · 3 years
Waking up to the sun in his eyes as opposed to the sound of an alarm was a welcome surprise for Scamp. He was grateful for the time off from work, what with his body showing clear appreciation after the work day he suffered through the day before. Shifting slightly he came to the realization of the small form in his arms, and with the sight of Danica came back the memories following his exhausting work day. The club, the drinks, the chill outside, returning to his apartment at her request- all of it.
Following their apparition home, Scamp had made it clear that what she wished to do with her evening was in her hands alone. If she hadn’t eaten in some time, a meal was hers since he was going to be throwing together something quick for himself anyway. If she wanted to shower, she was free to do so and if she simply wanted to collapse in bed that was an option too, he would join her shortly he assured. But before all of that he insisted, “Go into my closet and get yourself a shirt, will you? You’ve spilled so much Dragon Barrel on your jumpsuit.”
Scamp shouldn’t have been surprised that she would choose all of the above. It was hard to keep the endearing gaze out of his eyes as she sat at his kitchen island with his shirt draped over her shoulders, eagerly making her way through the ramen he’d put on. The quiet didn’t even come near bothering him, rather, it was an infinitely better change from their earlier surroundings. After being pulled into an uncharacteristically innocent shower that he admittedly needed, they conceded to letting the night end and Scamp couldn’t help the sense of relief that washed over him when her back stilled against his bare chest. 
Apparently, she hadn’t moved an inch since. He considered leaving her to rest while he peeled away to go about his morning, possibly even make breakfast before waking her. But he could hear her remarks at being left alone in bed while he snuck off already and with a chuckle in his mind, decided against it. Instead, he raised delicate fingers to brush back the hair from her neck and lowered his lips to her shoulder, just above where his shirt sat on her skin. And then a little higher, and a little higher still. His breath touched her earlobe for a few moments while he waited to see if she had roused at all. And then his nose nudged the back of her ear just before he kissed the spot, willing to simply pepper her with affection all morning if that was what it took to come to a slow and comfortable rise.
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broadmoored · 3 years
Many things felt surreal from the past week but not a single second felt wrong. Not holding Danica in his arms when she was the smallest he’d ever seen her, not waking up with her the next morning and abruptly going along with her jokes turned into real plans for a real getaway together. The time they spent in New York City was the least wrong thing Scamp had done in his entire life. It wasn’t wrong to shut out the world for the next three days, or to experience things side by side that put them entirely at ease in a peaceful place of their own.
What made Scamp quieter, paying more attention to a distant nagging in his mind was packing his bags that fourth night. Still, Danica’s smart mouth was quick to bring him out of it each time she so much as turned to him and he was grateful. His smile reflected hers each time she aimed it at him throughout their final evening away from everything that served as a hang up to whatever they were to begin with.
And when Scamp found himself in bed at the end of it all, her back pressed to his chest as though she were meant to fit perfectly in the space, he thought he would be able to close his eyes and be done with that far away hum behind his brain. But as his arms braced around her, fingers resting beside hers on the cool sheet, he couldn’t keep away memories of what had chased them to a different continent seeking escape to begin with.
Scamp’s breath danced against the back of Danica’s neck as his palm shifted over the back of hers. “I was worried about you the night before we came here,” his voice was raw and coarse as his fingers slipped between hers, squeezing slightly. And then after a beat he nudged his nose to the shell of her ear, “If it were a choice, we would never go.”
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tmrmary · 3 years
One could wish this was the first time Danica woke up to her body aching sore from head to toe, but in her flat, this was a weekly occurrence for several reasons - exercise, hangovers, or otherwise. That morning was nothing different to this fact. Her eyes slowly peered through her sockets to find the sun shining on the familiar bare back of one Scamp Young-Broadmoor. She couldn’t see his face, but Danica’s half alert mind could see just how comfortably rested Scamp had seemed. It was endearing. At least, all up until the moment Danica realized... this time they were in her bed.
Danica’s eyebrows furrowed as her pout formed prominently. She was lost for a moment before her body froze at the quick flashes of memory she could piece together from the night before: Danica switching the brandy intake from glass to bottle, the call from a rather concerned Scamp, having that same Broadmoor arrive and sit next to her on the ledge. This wasn’t a planned occasion, or if it was, she did not remember it. And therefore, something felt very off in the space they were in.
Unsure of what was next, and fearful to touch him even when she yearned for his contact, a jolt brought Danica to sit up and slip out from under her her bed sheets. Not even paying attention that she was still sporting the same clothes and runny makeup for the third day in a row, her mind instead jumped to the image peering from her cracked bedroom door of her living room in a mess. Danica fixated on her next task, the good idea that she should probably tidy up before Scamp would wake up and notice anything not just in temporary disarray, but drenched in days of it.
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tmrmary · 4 years
gettin' cozy // danica+scamp
DANICA: Uhh what the fuck, hello, are you dead?
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broadmoored · 3 years
The plan was to fly into New York City and take a portkey to Cabo from there to shave about eight hours off the commute time to their vacation spot. However, four hours into their flight, just as Scamp’s fingers hovered over the bishop of his portable chess set, he dropped all too casually, “We should stay in New York for a few hours. You packed formal, right? Let’s have a night out while we’re in the area.” And that was that.
The plan wasn’t to stroll into a Broadway show last second and then recreate their first speakeasy date, just without the damn near strangers part. But the creases at the corner of Scamp’s eyes all night made it clear that, well, quite frankly, fuck the plan.
By the time they’d reached the public portkey they planned to use to make it to their final destination, there was still laughter on his lips but by that point he wasn’t even sure why anymore- and he didn’t care. He was accustomed to the quick mode of transport but it was more grounding with his present company. 
The afterglow of Scamp’s grin lingered even as they settled in to their hotel room, in Cabo at long last. As he loosened the tie at his neck and walked towards the closet they’d be storing away in for the next few days, he spared Danica a glance. His own expression was reflected in her features and that made things in him turn and shift to fit in just the right places. They weren’t generally ones to unfurl verbally to one another, but in light of the night before, which felt like years ago now, Scamp told her, “It makes me happy seeing you so happy, you know.” 
The gentler smile on his lips made it clear how candid his statement was, stripped of the usual banter that tagged along with most of his compliments towards her.
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broadmoored · 4 years
the complex | scamp&danica
preface: At the end of their last conversation, Scamp extended an invite to Danica to visit the Broadmoor Complex, a large family manor which had in recent generations been converted to a base of operations for the Falmouth Falcons. Danica reasoned that she should accept the invitation to gain a leg up against a rival Qudditch team and as a way to prove that people did indeed enjoy her company, unlike the claims of her sister. 
Danica had an intern set up an appointment with Scamp who had since looked her up and found her history and standing in the industry to add to his interest in her. In his usual charming and clever manner, Scamp showed Danica around the Complex, engaging with her no matter how she resisted her own interest in the entire experience. Knowing of her background and now her tenacious personality, Scamp stuck to the tourist parts of the Complex, showing her around the hall of fame and museum that were tucked away among the many rooms and offices. Danica was riveted by the memorabilia but she kept her excitement close to her chest, giving Scamp short somewhat vested responses at best. 
The last stop on the tour was the massive Quidditch pitch behind the complex, designed for the practice games of professionals, equipped with the latest in the industry. Scamp challenged Danica to a one on one match, knowing she wouldn’t turn down a chance to knock him off his feet. While he played a competitive game, he was always filled with energy and laughter during his matches. He weaved around her, daring her to outwit him and push the game forward. Danica in turn was competitive nearly to a fault but she felt more herself on the pitch during the rush of the game than she had in a long time, her mind successfully taken for a while off the things that had been weighing her down lately.
Following their game, which Danica won by a hair, they headed for the stands to have a moment to come down from their game. 
Here you go. [Scamp approached where Danica sat with a large bottle of water, smiling still as he handed it to her. He didn’t sit down beside her just yet, rather he leaned against the backs of the row of seating in front of Danica so he could look at her.] I guess I can’t say you didn’t warn me that you’d kick my ass.
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tmrmary · 4 years
Oh, is that what you call a hit?
Really sweet, so quaint. Imagine what you could do if you actually got your head out of your ass.
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Someone hand me the man's bat and let me give a whack at him. Or it.
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broadmoored · 4 years
morning after | scamp&danica
Scamp wasn’t sure what exactly roused him to consciousness but he’d only blinked a time or two before the events of the night before came rushing back to him. The day trip turned date, the date turned night in- and everything after. Scamp could almost blink and still hear Danica’s hisses against his ear, feel her skin pulsing under his fingertips, see her hand pressed against the damp glass doors of his shower. 
He let out a breath. The way she’d fit against him last night, even after some articles of clothing were recovered, was surreal. She was small and her body was warm against his chest; he had drifted off easily after the way they’d pushed each other, even with her hair tickling his collarbone. 
Scamp shifted his chin slightly to look towards the bright windows of his bedroom and spotted the reason behind his awakening. He couldn’t help the audible, hoarse chuckle that escaped his throat as he observed Danica for a few, brief seconds, attempting to dress without making a sound.
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“Clever, but you’re going to have to try just a little harder next time,” he teased, his gaze reflecting in a shadow of the way he looked at her the night before. He didn’t make any indication of moving from where he laid, covers pulled halfway down his stomach, simply appearing amused by her as ever.
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tmrmary · 4 years
bite the bullet // danica+scamp
Danica had to have possibly tried everything in her play book in order not to get into this exact moment. A random encounter intended to become a vengeful one-night stand turned into a 24-hour adventurous good time. Just as she had finally began to walk back into her old routine, somehow she gravitated back to Scamp’s flat, and once again, the last two days had been an absolute mess in terms of taking her mind off ... anything to do with him. 
In her opinion, things had gone way too far. None of the events leading up to her present were planned and predicted, and now Danica was suddenly figuring out why she had left Sloane in charge with all her life’s plans for so long in the first place - She was damn shit at them. Her mind was going mad, trying to understand what was happening equally in her mind and in her bed. Until finally, it reached the point Danica was left with no option other than the phrase that bounced back and forth in her mind... if you can’t beat ‘em, join them.
And so, Danica finally gave in. Here she was in front of Scamp’s place, giving the door a good knock, not intending to startle him, but definitely striking it with confidence. When he finally opened the door for her, she jokingly presented her free hand off to the side, as she presented a brand new bottle of Dragon Barrel Brandy in the other. Not saying a word, just cheekily staring up into his gaze and throwing him a smile.
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broadmoored · 4 years
by chance | scamp&danica
Though Scamp enjoyed a good excuse to get dressed and stand his tallest, he was mostly attending this particular Quidditch event as a favor to his father. He had brought along a friend to make the experience more interesting, but occasionally he still found himself wandering off on his own, hands in the pockets of his ensemble for the evening. 
On one such walk to the open bar to gather another round of drinks, Scamp happened to look up to a familiar scowl, one that instantly put a smirk on his own lips. Now his night was about to get properly interesting. 
“Now, what are the chances of this, hm?” Scamp approached from behind her, rounding her side to come face to face with her with that grin he knew she loved to hate. “Fancy seeing you here.” 
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His eyes fixed on her just the way they had when she’d left his apartment almost two weeks ago, perpetually reminded that they’d not only been together at their most raw forms but thoroughly enjoyed it too. 
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broadmoored · 4 years
worth it | chris&scamp texts
Dad: Hey! Sorry I missed your call, your mom and I went to dinner after work.
Kiddo: Np. Anywhere fancy?
Dad: Paris :) Her choice.
Dad: What’s going on? How was that party you went to the other day?
Kiddo: Oh the bachelor party? A riot lol
Dad: I want to hear all about it. Call?
Kiddo: Finishing up some things at work right now dad. Sorry.
Dad: No worries. Talk soon, kiddo
Kiddo: I’ll call you when I get home. Before you go though can I ask you something?
Dad: Shoot.
Kiddo: You know how you’re always talking about how when you first fell in love with mom she didn’t want anything to do with you but you knew it was gonna be worth it in the long run anyway?
Kiddo: Can you let me finish please
Dad: ...Yes
Kiddo: Thank you. How did you know? That’s all I want to know or talk about for now. How did you just know it was going to be worth it and not a waste of your time months or years down the road?
Dad: A secret, if you will
Dad: I didn’t know it wouldn’t turn out to be a complete waste of my time. But I was less willing to live in regret for the rest of my life than to have things turn out sour. So that’s what you really have to ask yourself.
Dad: Are you willing to wonder forever or are you willing to go on an adventure with her even if it ends one day?
Kiddo: No.
Dad: No to which thing?
Kiddo: I’m not sure. I’ll let you know when I figure it out.
Kiddo: Thanks, dad.
Dad: No problem, kiddo. Talk to you when you’re out.
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