#daneel im so sorry i made moves on ur cyborg husband in my dream when u were dead/missing
deanstits · 4 months
Had a dream about jankles last night. We were in a spaceship with some other people and I had to sneak on BC I wasn't part cyborg like him and everyone else. I got in trouble for bringing too much luggage but I was like girl we're at the end of the world ofc I'm bringing everything???
We had to share a bed due to space constraints but he refused to cuddle me bc he was mourning the disappearance of his wife and children in the cyber wars.
Our space craft kept hovering above the earth as it went from desolate bombed wasteland to civilization 2: we figured out farming (again). Then we landed in Roman times 2: electric boogaloo and were walking down a viaduct to find HIS space ship so we didn't have to share with other people and hide my non cyborg status and then I woke up. Smh.
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