dandyshucks · 10 days
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btw tr.ainersona outfit REAL ‼️‼️‼️
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dandyshucks · 4 days
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photography vs photographer (the latter is under the cut⤵)
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the second gremlin photo is just for sizing but also bc i think its kind of funny sdfjkl, my sister took both of these photos without me realizing it somehow LOL
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dandyshucks · 10 days
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here are two of my favourite animal photos :] the pig is real, the bison is not!
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dandyshucks · 22 days
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i have finished packing for the most part and decided to take a few mins to decorate the new sketchbook I'll be starting on the trip :3
i had some extras of the polaroid printouts bc the first attempt at printing them did not work well (lines across the ink, colours came out weird) and I didn't want to just throw them out because that felt wasteful, so I finally found a use for them here :D
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dandyshucks · 2 months
whenever i put on a nice outfit, i almost always end up sticking my Guz hoodie over top SBDHDKSL (photo under the cut)
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anyways hiii i tried to put together an eclipse themed outfit today :3 we weren't able to see anything because of a few factors but it was fun to give it a try!! we made a pinhole projector and everything LOL
also here's a photo of my crochet clown that I was gifted last week! while we waited for the eclipse, i brought him upstairs to show my mother because she was in a good mood and being nice today fjdkdl. I think his name is going to be Max maybe ... still trying to decide !!
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dandyshucks · 1 month
one of my silly little hobbies is collecting fun objects, and another hobby of mine is setting up displays to show off aforementioned fun objects.
soooooo I figured... character display? character display, anyone? a small serving of Wardell character display perhaps?
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I could talk about the objects but I'd be here rambling for ages LOL so I'll just point out the black dog book (Black Dog Folklore by Mark Norman) and the lantern because they're my favourite objects, and also the green leather jacket in the background that I acquired second-hand and decided Wardell would wear :]
photos that contain bones below 👇
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bones are collected from roadkill and catkill (I do not own cats but many people in the neighborhood do and unfortunately allow their cats outside) and cleaned by me, and all are legal to collect and own under the MBA laws for my area!
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