#dandalion dali
mairumakun · 2 years
// Mairimashita Iruma-kun Chapter 264 spoilers
in loving memory of
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vine’s gay heart 🕊️
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pussycat09 · 4 months
Iruma kun new characters
Vine Marine (2:3)
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Vine Marine (2:3)
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Beem R. Judain (2:3)
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Beem R. Judain (2:3)
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Dandalion Dali->Kalego Gaiden Story
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Beem R. Judain
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Gyari's Agent(2:3)
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irumatheassassin · 2 years
Chapter 19: "The Assassin's Confession With A Sudden Surprise"
Opera: Calm down, everyone!
Kalego: Silence! I said, silence!
Iruma: Huh.
Balam: What's wrong, Iruma?
Iruma: They are taking this news relatively better than I originally thought.
Soi: Honestly, I thought so too while I was gathering everyone.
Bachinko: Well at least it's slightly manageable.
Alice: Master Iruma, while I am grateful for your honesty, you have to think of the consequences of saying such a great secret to so many people!
Iruma: I did. Only those who helped with the blood adoption are here. After all, you all witnessed me turn into a half-demon hybrid with your own eyes. You guys deserve to know more than anything.
Clara: But Iruma-kins could have died from that ritual. Why didn't you tell us before the adoption? If it didn't go well then we all would have been left in the dark... we wouldn't know the real you Iruma-kins...
Lied: Iruma?
Iruma: ...There were times I wish I did, but I was still a coward. Part of me felt the fear that if I told you the truth too early, everyone I care about would turn away from me... I was scared I'd be taken back to my parents... I was scared of being eaten...
Ameri: Iruma... I have a confession too. I too have known you were human for a really long time, since the first day we met even.
The Student Council: EHHHHHHHHH?!?!?!
Ameri: At first I only wanted you around so you could translate the forbidden texts and study you and your species culture, then I would report to my father right after... But you've grown to be someone I care for, I couldn't bear the thought of taking this world away from you... I couldn't handle a world without you.
Iruma: Ameri...
Dali: Iruma.
Iruma: Yes, Professor Dali?
Dali: Do you love this school?
Iruma: Yes.
Dali: Do you love your classmates and teachers?
Iruma: Yes.
Dali: Do you see the netherworld like your home? Do you love your family here.
Iruma: (*starts to tear up a bit*) Yes.
Dali: Then you don't have to go. You belong here. And let's make a eternal vow ritual right now we shall not say a word about Iruma's origins to anyone else but to each other who are here in this room.
Iruma: Guys-.
Kalego: Let them Iruma.
Iruma: Okay then.
Iruma: Okay now that this sudden ritual is finished, lets get to the true reason why I confessed my origins. My bloodline sorta got mixed with everyone elses and now I have the bloodline abilities of everyone who was at the ritual.
Iruma: Huh?
Alice: There is a rare side affect occurrences in rituals known as Magic Links. They only happen when someone in a link is using too much magic output which causes a sudden increase in power.
Robin: But none of the teachers had that effect.
Kalego: It's because they are higher rank from Iruma and can't feel that increase. If for example he was a Chet like me and Balam, majority of the teachers here would have felt that outburst.
Momonoki: Then why did Iruma get multiple bloodlines, I never heard of that being part of Magic Link?
Balam: Unfortunately that's new to us too, and that's what we are trying to figure out.
Iruma: Is there a way to cleave it?
Buer: Unfortunately the only way to remove a Magic Link is to remove the ritual placed on you.
Iruma: So that's out of the picture. Then I guess I should train and surpress it until we can figure another solution-.
[A Portal Is Suddenly Shown At A Wall Behind Iruma]
Iruma: What the-?
Hazama: (*just the echoed voice in human language*) Wow, can't believe that worked for once. This book really is a authentic demon spellbook.
Iruma: That voice-.
Isogai: (*just the echoed voice in human language*) So who's gonna go in?
Karma: (*just the echoed voice in human language*) I'll take over from here.
Kalego: What is that? What's going on? Iruma?
Iruma: I know those voices anywhere...
Karma: (*walks in, in human language*) Huh, that was easy. You guys, I found him!
Nagisa: (*walks in, in human language*) Iruma, you're alive!
E-Class Students: (*runs up to Iruma and tackles him in a group pile*) Iruma!!!!
Iruma: Gah!
Alice: Master Iruma! How dare they-!
Balam: Hold it.
Kalego: Balam, do you know these kids? Who are they?
Bachinko: And why do they sound like they're talking in gibberish?
Balam: That's because they are humans. Those kids are Iruma's former classmates from the infamous Assassination Classroom.
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incorrectmikquotes · 3 years
Kalego: I used to be a very happy person, like a few months ago, before I met you
Robin: You used to be happy?
Dali, to Balam: Was Kalego ever happy?
Balam: When?
Dali: That’s what I’m saying!
Kalego: No one ever believes me
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saynogender · 3 years
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dandalion dali icons | like or reblog if you save
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froqpi-art · 4 years
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some demon teachers!
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"The Fallen Crest Family"
Chapter 5: Mela Ami, The Mysterious 14th Misfit Student (3)
Kalego: "You've been quite for a few minutes since we walked."
Melody: "..."
Kalego: "Hey! That's a-!"
Melody accidentally bumps into a tree and she finally wakes up from her daydreaming. Kalego sighs as he helps her up a bit. It's one thing to weirdly prefer to walk over flying home but to not look where you're going. He should have just left and yet here he is, enduring all of this for the sake of confirmation.
Kalego: "Okay something's up, unless it's studying spells, I don't see you as a type of person who spaces out in public. Is there something your not telling me about your home life?"
Of there was, she did have a home Lord Sullivan gave her a house, and thanks to Opera her home was furnished, neat and tidy by her preferences in the span of a day. Lord Sullivan even gave books and bookshelves as a extra bonus. It's just that she didn't want Kalego to judge her tastes. Again. Kalego never liked her tastes during their class days. Most specifically her cute tastes. She knew Kalego doesn't like Akudols, plushies or all things childish. Which is what she requested in her preferences for her bedroom to Opera.
Melody: "I just... I don't think you'll like my home."
Kalego: "If you mean it's messy then-."
Melody: "No no, not that."
Kalego: "Look whatever it is, I promise I will not say anything to judge it rudely."
Melody looked at Kalego and pouted.
Melody: "You'll still rudely judge it mentally though."
Kalego: "Would you rather have me judge you verbally about your home?"
Melody: "Fine..."
Melody got to the house and opened the door to see it as a simple living room with a TV attached to a few video games added with a dinning room at the side.
Melody: "Welcome to my home, I'll make some Hell Grey Tea and food. You can look around for a bit. Remember, no verbal judging me!"
Kalego was a little confused, so far everything was tame. He looked in one room to find her study room, where she looks up all her books to help with her spells. Then he saw her little training room where there was a lot of gym equipment and a punching bag. He saw the guests rooms and they all looked simple yet different to keep hospitality. Even the bathrooms, the kitchen Melody was in and the laundry room looked clean and nice.
Kalego: "This girl is overthinking too much..."
Then he looked in her room and immediately closed it. It was too much to process, what people call "fluff"? Yeah fluff.
Kalego: "So... she's that kind of person. That's why she was nervous about bringing me here."
Of course, Kalego was still mentally judging her, but not too much. He was warned beforehand going to her home, and he still went anyway. Plus, she did live alone and was forced to mature at an early age, so he'd give her some slack. He came back and the food and tea was on the table. It looked like somewhere out of a fancy cafe which surprised him.
Kalego: "Spellcasting, Music and Culinary. Is there anything else I should know about you?"
Melody: "My culinary skills came from part time job I use to work in."
Kalego: "About that. What jobs did you do? Because being your age a minor taking jobs should be illegal."
Melody: "Let's see... I already said my part time job. I also did commissions for artworks and charms, entered many contests for prize money or rewards, let people live in my home as rent and when I saved enough to buy my own internet box, I did online freelance voice acting and music. When my freelancing was booming, I decided to quit my part time job and stop my commissioning to focus fully on that, as I finally started school."
Kalego: "How did you get this house let alone pay with freelance money?"
Melody: "Luck. Pure luck on a contest. Also I have full ownership of this house as per my win, so it's all in my name so I don't have to pay for rent."
Her luck is just all over the place, and her determination was incredible. It's a miracle for her to have survived this long without doing something illegal.
Kalego: "I see. Well this was all I needed from you, let's talk about the song you'll pick."
Melody: "Um..."
Kalego: "You still haven't decided, have you?"
Melody: "I'm sorry, I just feel kinda pressured."
Kalego: "Then go for a song that you feel the most comfortable doing."
Melody sees a small flashback to Kalego's student days back in his first year where the classes were deciding on what performance her class should do, where he found Melody was playing piano while singing songs alone.
Young Kalego: "It's not a solo performance, you know."
Melody: "I know but I do this to calm down- Wait... AH GEEZ! Kalego! Knock before you enter!"
Young Kalego: "Delayed reaction much? What would have happened if it was a assassin who came in this room, you would be dead instantly."
Melody: "Sorry..."
Young Kalego: "Anyways, what's this about calming yourself?
Melody: "I just feel a little pressured is all. Everyone in my class expects me to lead them because of my musical talent, but I don't know what to do. I need to figure out the song but there is too many to choose. Not to mention the themes, the performers, the stage need to be checked and I-."
Young Kalego: "Then go for a song that you feel the most comfortable doing."
Melody: "What?"
Young Kalego: "If you're stressed about picking a song, then pick the one that gives you the least amount of stress."
Melody: "I guess that helps... thanks Kalego."
Young Kalego: "Don't get it wrong, I didn't help you out of a whim."
Melody: "...You want me to teach you the piano, don't you~?"
Young Kalego: "No!"
Melody: "You didn't want to turn to your teacher for help or your classmates, so you turned to me because I wouldn't make fun of the 'Prideful Kalego' while he learns the piano for the first time to help his class's music performance. Am I right?"
Young Kalego: "Tch..."
Melody: "Alright, lock the door and I'll help. This room is a private soundproof room after all."
Young Kalego: "And yet you leave it open for people to sneak in."
Melody: "Oh hush!"
Young Kalego: "Remember, no telling anyone you did this."
Melody: "I know."
The flashback ends as Melody smiles from the memories. He's always been the same after all these years.
Melody: "Thank you Mr. Naberius, though you don't look to be the type to help without compensation."
Kalego: "Of course. You can pay back with keeping our little time here at your home a secret. The last thing I want is an inconvenience."
Melody: "Of course. So I'll see you at the exam tomorrow?"
Kalego: "Naturally."
The next day Melody got to the school early to walk with a lot of props and decorations. She sees Dali there, looking like he's waiting for someone. She knew Dali in the past too, he was a student teacher of Babylus at the time, very surprised that his face or height really hasn't changed over the years. But she respected him, and was the only teacher back then who knew of her rough family life and became her mentor, like the father she wished she had.
Melody: "Good morning, you must be Mr. Dandalion. What are you doing up so early?"
Dali: "Your Mela, correct? I'm just waiting for the other judging teachers, though I do admit I might have been too excited for your performance that I came earlier than I thought. What about you?"
Melody: "I wanted to come early to prepare the stage for my Talent Exam. Do you by chance have the keys to the stage?"
Dali: "Okay, but I would need to supervise you."
Melody: "That's fine."
Dali took Melody to the stage as she began to decorate the stage. When she had to reach the top parts of the stage she looked down being unable to reach, which confused Dali.
Melody: "Fractal."
She jumps and she is light as a feather, being able to change the gravity of her body. This however, surprised Dali as she finished all her decorations. Any normal demon would have just flew, and looking back, she didn't fly when the other teachers spied on Kalego going to her home or even flew when she came back to the school today. And then a thought hit him, something he hope isn't the case. He walked to her, as she deactivated the spell.
Dali: "This might be insensitive of me, but... if you don't mind Mela, may I see your wing roots?"
Melody hesitates for a moment. She knew Dali was just being concerned and she could just say no then he wouldn't press it further. But she thought again that at some point, someone else would bring it up, and it would keep going until the situation got worse. She might as well show it to her former mentor, it's better than being exposed forcefully. She lifts her shirt to expose her back to see scars, scratches and burn marks. The wing roots were burned and ripped right off, revealing she has no wings also known as "being grounded".
Dali: "...I'm so sorry."
Melody: "No no, don't be sorry for my faults. I was at a wrong place at the wrong time... I plan to make artificial wings one day when I can create a spell for it, but..."
Dali: "...Can you at least tell me who did this to you? You don't have to tell me, but... those marks look recent..."
Right, they were fresh like she lost her wings several days ago.
Melody: "I don't know... I was blindfolded at the time...and after blacking out from the pain I was found by the Principal's Grandson."
Which she wasn't wrong. At the time of the incident they tried to blindfold her and she couldn't know who grounded her. A lot of her memories of that time were blurry and painful to begin with. And she did meet Iruma right after that.
Dali: "Well whatever happens in this exam or the next one, even if you don't pass for the Royal One with the Misfit Class, I'd be happy to assist you to enter in my homeroom class."
Melody: "...But why? Wouldn't problems stir if I'm put in any normal class? You know, spellcasting shenanigans."
Dali: "Well you are interesting, talented and you did say you wanted to enter Babylus. Any teacher would be proud to have a student like you and be a fool to let that talent go to waste. And besides, you'd make homeroom much more exciting, so your shenanigans would be worth the trouble."
Melody: "Thank you Mr. Dandalion."
The other teachers came in and was ready seated in the audience. The only other teachers she recognized were Raim and Suzy. Raim was Mrs. Asmodeus' mentee back then, and would see her often when she asked for tips from Mrs. Asmodeus on trying verbal spell seduction. Suzy was also a student teacher with Bali, but would help with tips on verbal plant spells. Even Lord Sullivan, Opera and Balam joined in with Iruma and the rest of the Misfit Class to join in the audience. Of course, Kalego complained to the Principal about the students being there, but he gave in as long as the Misfits were quiet.
Melody: "Multiza Clonius Dera."
Immediately multiple versions of Melody were made as they got the instruments ready. Melody along with the other clones used magic to change their clothes, as the music of the instuments began to play. Iruma immediately knew what she was planning to play the moment he heard the first music bar.
Iruma: ("Black Vow...")
Melody sang, with many stage effects, beautiful voice and music and amazing acting. The story of a angel who gave up their wings with a few lyric changes, stating that it was a demon instead of a human, which did get Iruma a little confused, but probably was trying to cover the fact about humans.
Robin: "6 for me! That was absolutely beautiful, Mela!"
Raim: "Such elegance and talent, 6 as well."
Dali & Suzy: "I also say 6."
The something inside his sparked a familiar moment as Dali's smile faded once he stared back again at "Mela" who he now saw as Melody in a flashback to her Music Festival performance. He whispered Melody's name and realized it rather quickly how similar their face shape and body size was, with her current rank to add along with the the story of her "being pushed down to a delinquent class because of experimental spells" and her connection with the Ami Family. "Mela" and Melody were the same person, and that Melody Crest is alive. Of course, he wants to ask her so many questions, like how she survived or why she is still the same size and age before she disappeared. But it was clear she was hiding it, and Lord Sullivan was a part of it, so he would have to ask "Mela" and the Principal after the exam. He turned his head to Kalego, as he was the only one who didn't vote yet.
Dali: "Kalego, what's your vote?"
Kalego: "..."
Kalego looked to Melody and finally he sighed like he couldn't find a excuse and gave her the unexpected 6. It was magnificent, and he couldn't describe the feeling any further. With a perfect 66666 the whole Misfit Class cheered for Melody as they all approached her.
Iruma: "That was amazing, Mela!"
Clara: "La La even made Eggy Teach vote a 6 too!"
Melody: "Eggy Teach?"
Shax: "Oh, you'll learn that later on."
Kalego: "Silence! Mela, since you were able to pass the second exam, you are eligible for the last exam, the physical. And it will be separated into 3 parts. The first being an obstacle course race, the second being a power measurement, and lastly you will be doing the ultimate case of fighting the Misfit Class in Execution Cannonball."
Misfit Class: "EHHHH!!!"
Dali: "Kalego, even I know that's too much. She-."
Kalego: "-Can handle it. Dismissed."
Dali knew this won't end well. Melody has extreme magical power yes, but there is only so much she can handle. She already used magic to practice her performance and used magic for her final performance. She needs to recharge, she can't tackle this much by herself. By the time she would make it to the Misfit Battle of Execution Cannonball, she'd pass out from magic overuse.
Dali: "Kalego wait-."
Melody: "It's okay, Mr. Dandalion, I'll be fine for tomorrow."
Dali: "But your magic-."
Melody: "-Is fine, so don't worry. I'll take responsibility for what happens to me tomorrow."
Dali: "...Hey, can I speak with you in the Principal's Office?"
Melody knew. By the time she performed, Dali would see through her right away. Didn't know how he can tell and why he would care, but always appreciated a keen eye to finding out what's up with her, even though somehow he couldn't see through Iruma being human. She nods as he goes to meet with Lord Sullivan and Opera in the Principal's Office.
Melody: "I take a guess you're here to ask about me. You were always good at seeing through me, Dali."
Dali: "So you are her... Your Melody Crest."
Lord Sullivan: "Yes, we found her recently in a Crest Magical Item that was kept away in the Magical Apparatus Battler. According to her, she was in the middle of the incident before being sealed away."
Dali: "So that's how you were grounded..."
Lord Sullivan & Opera: "Grounded?!"
Dali: "She-... She didn't tell you two?"
Melody: "No I'm sorry... especially to Opera... It really was a bad topic to bring up... The only reason I told you Dali was because I was left in a situation where I really couldn't avoid the topic you asked. Again, I plan to make replacement wings with a spell I've been trying to perfect, so it won't be forever."
Opera: "Melody..."
Lord Sullivan: "For the sake of Melody's protection, can you keep her identity a secret. The people who harmed her family are still out there and if she were to announce her return she would likely be targeted again. Can we trust you?"
Dali: "Even to Kalego and Balam? Don't they deserve to know you're alive more than anyone else?"
Melody: "It's better this way. I don't want them to involve themselves with me as Melody. I want to protect them from my involvement... Though I realized too late you were very unavoidable so..."
Dali: "Fair enough, you have my word that I won't expose your identity. Or do you need the Crest Secret thing to-."
Melody: "No no, I already did that with Opera a long time ago and regretted it, so I'll just take your word for it."
Dali: "Are you sure?"
Melody: "Yeah."
Dali: "Now that I said what I wanted to say, I suggest you take a early leave and rest. You need your magic for tomorrow."
Time skip to after school, the teachers were discussing how to organize each part. Dali along with a few other teachers however, tried their best to not make it too extreme. As they agreed with Dali that Kalego might be expecting too high of her. So in a final agreement, the only thing she needed to do was the Execution Cannonball along with two choices. The first choice is picking only two of the Misfits Students Ranked Daleth to assist her, but it would involve Kalego if she picks. The second choice was the original choice of just facing the Misfit Class alone. Sullivan nodded to Opera and they called Melody.
Opera: "Good news, you won't be doing the obstacle race or power measurement, but they do ask you one thing. Would you rather face the Misfits alone or would you like to have 2 allies with you but you'd be facing Kalego too."
If Melody fought Kalego, she'd be screwed as well as endanger her allies to a Cheth Rank. She'd rather endure it on her own than hurt her soon to be classmates with that kind of struggle. Especially since she knows for a fact that Kalego is a no mercy man.
Melody: "...Let me face the Misfit Class alone."
Kalego then took the phone from Opera as he smirked.
Kalego: "Then it's decided. You will face the Misfit Class in Execution Cannonball alone."
[Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
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avi0409 · 3 years
Chapter 13: "Dali Confronting The Incident"
Dali: (*walking*) (Seems to me Iruma is avoiding the question...)
Iruma (Flashback): Oh, what happened during the time I was missing at The Harvest Festival? I-I just got injured for most of it is all.
[End of Flashback]
Dali: And the other students doesn't seem to know either...
Lied (Flashback): Iruma only said he was injured, I was trying to get The Pot of Ending at the time Iruma disappeared.
Nafra (Flashback): Gya! Gayopo! Gyaku! [He fell and injured his leg and wings.]
Clara (Flashback): Iruma-chi was the one who saved me so I don't know.
Alice (Flashback): I only came to Iruma-sama's aid when I got disqualified so I'm not sure myself.
[End of Flashbacks]
Dali: (Who else could I ask-?) Gah!
Orobas: Oh sorry about that, Professor Dali.
Dali: (Orobas? That's right he was targeting the Misfits. Maybe...)
Orobas: Professor?
Dali: Orobas, who were the targets that you managed to hit trauma with back at the Harvest Festival?
Orobas: Huh? Why the sudden question? I already explained myself to Professor Kalego-.
Dali: Just this please. This is important, with a bit of curiosity. Kalego doesn't really talk the details to us much.
Orobas: Jazz, Iruma and Clara.
Dali: So you were there when Iruma vanished?
Orobas: Yes.
Dali: Do you know what happened?
Orobas: I sorta left him after hitting him with trauma, but I did hear bits of what he said. He was talking something about his parents.
Dali: Iruma's parents?
Orobas: The rest is pretty hazy, and I did leave halfway expecting Iruma to be trapped in that state and didn't need to observe further but hopefully that helps.
Dali: Thank you Orobas.
Orobas: Just a heads up... It's best if you don't dig to deep into this.
Dali: And why's that?
Orobas: Well if you think about it, if Iruma's Trauma involved his parents then you'll probably be diving into some serious sensitive stuff. Iruma never mentions his parents and prefers to not talk much of his past. It's not for us to poke around with something Iruma isn't ready to speak about.
Dali: ...I suppose you're right. Thank you Orobas. It's not my place to invade his privacy.
[Dali leaves]
Orobas: ...Did you get all that, Soi Purson?
Soi: (*who was hiding with his bloodline ability and a recording of the conversation*) All of it.
Orobas: You can show the Misfit Class now. That's why you're here right? Because Dali's pushy questions were worrying them.
Soi: You could say that.
Orobas: ...You knew about it already, didn't you?
Soi (Flashback): (*Soi using his bloodline ability when stalking Iruma. The first time he found out was when he confessed to Balam about being human, the second being the Harvest Festival, and the last with Kalego looking through the videos and deleting the two about Iruma's origins but said nothing to anyone.*)
[End of Flashback]
Soi: (*small smiles*) I was never seen there with him, so how would I know?
Orobas: (*smiles back*) ...Of course. Remember, you owe me a favor again.
Soi: Sure sure, just make sure it's not something stupid. (*disappears again*)
#魔入りました!入間くん#mairimashita! iruma kun#marimashita iruma kun#iruma kun#assassination classroom#iruma suzuki#shax lied#alice asmodeus#clara valac#mouthless nafra#orobas coco#purson soi#dandalion dali
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mairumakun · 2 years
Dandalion Dali my love, this is not helping the traitor allegations
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irumatheassassin · 3 years
Chapter 12: "The Assassin Who Could Be A Teacher"
Kalego: A tour of the Teacher's Dorms?
Iruma: Y-Yes! I saw a pamphlet about the dorms and I got sorta curious. Grandpa and Opera gave me the okay for it but...
Kalego: You wanted my okay too, right? Hmm... I suppose it wouldn't hurt. We'll both go see Professor Dali and then we'll plan a day to start the tour.
Iruma: Thank you Dad-.
Kalego: (*covers Iruma's mouth*) Not in public! Not until the blood adoption at least.
Iruma: (*nodding his head while mouth is still covered*)
Dali. How do you like the Teacher's Dorms Iruma?
Iruma: It's been great, thank you so much Professor Dali!
Dali: Say Iruma can I ask you something, if that's okay.
Iruma: Sure thing.
Dali: Do you plan to become a Teacher when you grow up?
Iruma: Huh?
Dali: You asked to tour the Teacher's Dorms so that means you have some interest in teaching.
Iruma: Well it was that and-.
Dali: And?
Iruma: It was Professor Kalego... I wanted to learn a little more of what his job is like is all. I mean, I know he doesn't live in the Teacher's Dorms, but everyone here is still a teacher and all teachers have their own way of teaching so-.
[Iruma remembers Koro-Sensei]
Iruma: (*smiles*) So I still have a wonderful learning experience here. With you, Professor Kalego and all the teachers.
Dali: (*surprised then pats Iruma's head*) That's one way to look at it.
Kalego: ...
Kalego: (*sees Iruma asleep*) Idiot, sleeping in the cafeteria like this.
[Kalego covers Iruma in his jacket and picks him up to see Dali]
Kalego: Professor Dali, is there a spare room we could use for the night, we'll just sleep in the dorms for tonight. It's far too late in the night already to try and carry him home.
Dali: You aren't going to wake Iruma up?
Kalego: No, he needs rest. So I'll call the Chairdemon and inform him about it the situation.
Dali: You know, Iruma would make a good teacher here at Babylus. I thought for sure he'd just stick with being the next Chairdemon but here he is.
Kalego: He would, I won't deny that. But he still needs to keep his self-sacrificing in check.
Dali: True. But he has you to guide him.
Kalego: (*smiles*) Of course.
Dali: (*surprised*) You know, you've changed a lot. I never seen you express this much kindness before, and when you did it before it barely shows. In fact, you've been expressing yourself more like this since... since ... Huh.
Kalego: What?
Dali: Kalego, I don't mean to pry but what did you see in those cameras from the Harvest Festival.
Kalego: Excuse me?
Dali: Sorry I know it's not my place to question, but the personal cameras for sure should have captured every students actions. There was no videos shown for Iruma when he vanished and you did the report on him so-.
Kalego: No. I don't know what happened with Iruma. Those videos never showed it.
Dali: ...I see. Well anyway, I'll go find a free room and come back.
[Dali leaves]
Kalego: (Perspective as always, Professor Dali.)
Dali: (*looking down as he's still walking*) (Kalego, I never heard you lie before since the time you had a Wicked Fever during your newbie years... What exactly are you hiding about Iruma?)
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incorrectmikquotes · 3 years
Dali: So, what’s it like teaching the Abnormal Class?
Kalego: Imagine working with completely civilized, responsible, and mature people
Dali: Ok...
Kalego: Now, throw that idea out the window
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irumatheassassin · 3 years
Chapter 12.5: "That Time The Assassin's Teacher Got Sick"
Balam (Newbie Teacher): Kalego no! You have to rest-.
Kalego (Newbie Teacher): I'm fine, Shichiro... it's just a fever... not a broken leg. And lunch is almost over... I can endure it.
Balam (Newbie Teacher): But Kalego you're burning! Please! Just take a break-!
Kalego (Newbie Teacher): I said I'm fine-!
[Dali walks in]
Dali: You aren't.
Balam (Newbie Teacher): Professor Dali!
Dali: Kalego, listen to me-.
Kalego (Newbie Teacher): I'm fine-.
Dali: No you aren't. Kalego, you can't lie like this. And cutting people off won't change that.
Kalego (Newbie Teacher): ...
Dali: Kalego, I know you. You are the protector of the school, you were one of the few young prodigies to ever enroll into the school with a Rank 4 Daleth. You are strict and your are fearless. But you need to rest when it counts. If you burn out, then you won't be able to protect anything.
Kalego (Newbie Teacher): ...I can't leave... Naberius Family members never take breaks... None... None...
[Kalego passes out but is caught by Dali holding and carrying him in his arms]
Dali: ...Professor Balam, take over Kalego's afternoon classes, I'm going to take him to the infirmary.
Balam (Newbie Teacher): Y-Yes sir.
Dali: I knew it. You're on the verge of a Wicked Fever...
Buer: Should we inform his parents?
Dali: ...No. It's better if his family doesn't know, create less tension for the fever. So don't say a word about this, understand.
Buer: Of course.
Dali: ...
Kalego (Newbie Teacher): Where... Where am I?
Dali: At the infirmary, you were having a Wicked Fever. Don't worry, I asked Professor Balam to take care of your classes and it's 5 minutes after school now.
Kalego (Newbie Teacher): No... No... How could I... D-Did you-?
Dali: Inform your parents? No. In fact, they think you're doing extra late after school training by me after school, so rest easily a little longer.
Kalego (Newbie Teacher): Why?
Dali: Well if I had told them, that fever of yours would have surely returned and you might have died from the stress of it. And we are teachers, we try to help our students like they are out precious treasures. To protect, to educate and to understand our students. You are my student as your teacher mentor. Always remember to rely on your teachers most importantly.
Kalego (Newbie Teacher): (Rely on your teachers.)
Dali: And if you ever need a break, just come to my office, I promise you your family won't hear a word about your short absence. You can rely on me.
Kalego (Newbie Teacher): Thank you... Professor Dali...
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irumatheassassin · 3 years
Chapter 13: "Dali Confronting The Incident"
Dali: (*walking*) (Seems to me Iruma is avoiding the question...)
Iruma (Flashback): Oh, what happened during the time I was missing at The Harvest Festival? I-I just got injured for most of it is all.
[End of Flashback]
Dali: And the other students doesn't seem to know either...
Lied (Flashback): Iruma only said he was injured, I was trying to get The Pot of Ending at the time Iruma disappeared.
Nafra (Flashback): Gya! Gayopo! Gyaku! [He fell and injured his leg and wings.]
Clara (Flashback): Iruma-chi was the one who saved me so I don't know.
Alice (Flashback): I only came to Iruma-sama's aid when I got disqualified so I'm not sure myself.
[End of Flashbacks]
Dali: (Who else could I ask-?) Gah!
Orobas: Oh sorry about that, Professor Dali.
Dali: (Orobas? That's right he was targeting the Misfits. Maybe...)
Orobas: Professor?
Dali: Orobas, who were the targets that you managed to hit trauma with back at the Harvest Festival?
Orobas: Huh? Why the sudden question? I already explained myself to Professor Kalego-.
Dali: Just this please. This is important, with a bit of curiosity. Kalego doesn't really talk the details to us much.
Orobas: Jazz, Iruma and Clara.
Dali: So you were there when Iruma vanished?
Orobas: Yes.
Dali: Do you know what happened?
Orobas: I sorta left him after hitting him with trauma, but I did hear bits of what he said. He was talking something about his parents.
Dali: Iruma's parents?
Orobas: The rest is pretty hazy, and I did leave halfway expecting Iruma to be trapped in that state and didn't need to observe further but hopefully that helps.
Dali: Thank you Orobas.
Orobas: Just a heads up... It's best if you don't dig to deep into this.
Dali: And why's that?
Orobas: Well if you think about it, if Iruma's Trauma involved his parents then you'll probably be diving into some serious sensitive stuff. Iruma never mentions his parents and prefers to not talk much of his past. It's not for us to poke around with something Iruma isn't ready to speak about.
Dali: ...I suppose you're right. Thank you Orobas. It's not my place to invade his privacy.
[Dali leaves]
Orobas: ...Did you get all that, Soi Purson?
Soi: (*who was hiding with his bloodline ability and a recording of the conversation*) All of it.
Orobas: You can show the Misfit Class now. That's why you're here right? Because Dali's pushy questions were worrying them.
Soi: You could say that.
Orobas: ...You knew about it already, didn't you?
Soi (Flashback): (*Soi using his bloodline ability when stalking Iruma. The first time he found out was when he confessed to Balam about being human, the second being the Harvest Festival, and the last with Kalego looking through the videos and deleting the two about Iruma's origins but said nothing to anyone.*)
[End of Flashback]
Soi: (*small smiles*) I was never seen there with him, so how would I know?
Orobas: (*smiles back*) ...Of course. Remember, you owe me a favor again.
Soi: Sure sure, just make sure it's not something stupid. (*disappears again*)
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irumatheassassin · 3 years
Chapter 3.5: "The Demon Teacher and His Assassin Student"
Iruma: (*barely conscious enough to see who caught him*) Purple? Is that... Professor Kalego? I can't... move... (*falls asleep*)
[Timeskip after Kirio is arrested]
Kalego: ...
Dali: You're not coming, Kalego?
Kalego: I'll be over there in a moment. I need to speak with the Chairdemon.
[Kalego goes upstairs to see Sullivan with Iruma]
Sullivan: Kalego, I'd like to thank you again for looking after my precious grandson. Hm? Is something wrong? You seem troubled.
Kalego: For how long... For how long has your grandson lived his life without wings?
Sullivan: ...For his entire life.
[Kalego flashes back to the flying race]
Kalego: That... That could have been information you should have mentioned to the other teachers beforehand! What if I didn't make it there in time! He could have died if I didn't rush in to grab him!
Sullivan: Kalego, I kept this information as social security towards Iruma. A long time ago, my daughter that I barely knew existed died giving birth to him and her husband abandoned him when he found out about Iruma having no wings. I took him in after looking around to adopt grandkids and realized halfway he was my biological grandson. He is from my bloodline, and should demons hear that the grandson of Lord Sullivan is wingless he would be in more danger. So I took him under my wing and protected him from the outside world for so long.
Kalego: That explains a lot of his hesitant behaviour and why his knowledge of the Netherworld is so limited.
Sullivan: Iruma himself wanted to make the first step of going to school here so I did, but I told him to keep his mouth shut about his origins and disability so he wouldn't be looked down on.
Kalego: Does anyone else know this?
Sullivan: Only you that I know of. I'm not sure if Iruma told his classmates but I don't think so.
Kalego: This is such a pain...
Sullivan: I'd like to ask you a favor Kalego. Should me or Opera be unable to protect Iruma for any reason, I want you to be there when he has no one else to turn to.
Kalego: Well it is a teacher's duty to protect their students-.
Sullivan: Not as just a teacher, Kalego, but as a guardian.
Kalego: ...What are you trying to say?
Sullivan: I'm his only legal guardian left, and while it is unlikely that me or Opera would ever go down so easily it would be best to have someone on the backside who is aware of Iruma's conditions. So what I'm asking is to fight to become Iruma's adoptive father, should the situation arise.
Kalego: Are you crazy?!
Sullivan: Not my craziest if you ask me~.
Kalego: There is no way I'm becoming your grandson's father! I can't-!
Sullivan: But I know you would never abandon a student. Never. It's the one thing that made you different from the other teachers here in Babylus over the years. And I know you won't abandon Iruma.
Kalego: Tch... Well it's not like it would happen anyway... and Iruma isn't the worst student I had. The familiar thing was a unintentional fluke so I can't completely hate the kid... God dammit! Fine!
Sullivan: (*hugs Kalego*) Yay! Thank you Kalego~
Kalego: (*irritated*) Get off me!
[Kalego is about to walk away until Sullivan stops him]
Sullivan: One more thing Kalego. Keep what you know here and with Iruma a secret. It would be for the best that no one found out.
Kalego: ...Agreed.
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