octopuscato · 7 years
dalmiostagno replied to your post “New “kid safe” search engine blocks children’s searches seeking help...”
And this, in short, is why I find purity culture terryfying :(
Yes. Denying children and teens any information in the name of sheltering them from “inappropriate” material to protect them far too often means isolating them, depriving them of help, making it impossible for them to understand abusive situations, and causes unsafe behaviours because they have no way to inform themselves.
It often means denying kids the understanding of their own feelings and bodies as they go through puberty, leaving them open to all kinds of untruths and abuse because they don’t know any better.
But hey, think of the children. if they don’t know what sex is - or anything tangentially related to it - nothing bad can possibly happen to them.
This is part of why, as somebody else said it so fittingly in the previous post that spells it out far more in detail: “purity culture is rape culture.”
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puntointerrogativo · 7 years
Wow, I’m unspekably happy about the positive responses to the Anxious Fannibals Club! I was (you guessed it!) pretty anxious about posting it :)
evertonem ha rebloggato il tuo post e ha aggiunto:
Great idea - bit the bullet and bought a ticket…
*Cheers loudly* I’m so happy for you! I’m sure youll’have an amazing experience at the con
electrarhodes ha rebloggato il tuo post e ha aggiunto:
Utterly with you on this, I love the idea of a…
Glad you liked the idea! As for the hoodie/shirt: the always lovely @the-winnowing-wind contacted me before putting the Anxious Fannibals Club in the newsletter to suggest a Redbubble shop in case people were interested and here it is: Anxious Fannibals Club Shop
Hopefully everything’s working as it should, I have mostly no idea what I am doing.
Or if you prefer to do your own thing you can find hi-res of both designs here:
flower crown
wine glass
treu317 ha rebloggato il tuo post e ha aggiunto:
… how much I can love this fandom. HOW.(I’m so…
 NEVER ENOUGH! Seriously, Hannibal is the first fandom I’ve felt comfortable enough in to post my drawing, let alone something like the Club
fallenangelofmurderhusbands ha rebloggato il tuo post e ha aggiunto:
This is such a wonderful idea!!! I hope more…
I’d be so happy to see it in use! Seriously, just the idea of a little Anxious Fannibals band is making me itch to just say to hell with it and buy that ticket.
antiheroabbey ha rebloggato il tuo post e ha aggiunto:
I’m sorry I didn’t see your reply before - I’m so glad you liked the idea and your comment made me smile like an idiot. THANK YOU!
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fatal-fic · 7 years
Dear Hanni: Chapter Oh-Shit-I’m-Done!
It seems like just yesterday I posted the first “Dear Hanni” letter on a whim. I never expected it to take off like it did, and it’s brought me closer to a lot of really wonderful people. Thanks so much to everyone who read this story, commented, reblogged, or gave kudos. Your support means the world to me. <3 
The final chapter
Read from the beginning
@blind-inviting-alleys @pragnificent @iamdragoonthegreat @mrsmusicaddict @dalmiostagno @begintoblur @hanfangrahamk @h4nnibalism @anyone I forgot 
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freshmeatfriday · 7 years
Fresh Meat Friday Rec Roundup!
Hello dear Fannibals, and welcome to this month’s Fresh Meat Friday Roundup! Here you will find all the recs posted on Tumblr under the #Fresh Meat Friday tag, linked in one post. Many thanks to our wonderful reccers for their generous comments and to the artists and writers who have inspired them.
@dalmiostagno recc’ed by @matildaparacosm for Hannigram Mardi Gras. “I discovered this artist yesterday and I was like WOW! So,yes this is definitely my rec for this @freshmeatfriday”
@jadegreenworks recc’ed by @thesilverqueenlady for Overcoming. “For anyone who loves slow burn or sassy!Will or ABO or even Hannigram in general, I recommend this fic with all my heart and soul.”
@purplesocrates recc’ed by @rosekay2016 for Timing.
@bokuno-jinsei recc’ed by @graham-muffin for The Estate. “This fic is amazing.”
@avidreadr2004 recc’ed by @arydishope for Noise? What noise? “I really wanted to give a shout out to some Basic Chickens. Here is fluffy/smexy piece by Hannibalsimago.”
romans recc’ed by @planetstarclaw for That’s Entertainment. “It has some powerfully vivid writing and depicts a stark but practical approach to surviving a zombie apocalypse in the middle of nowhere.”
@death-stranded recc’ed by @pragneto for bodyparts. “This fic is a lovely take on Will and Hannibal slowly navigating their way to physical intimacy. It’s full of affection and complicated, sharp-edged feelings, and it’s such a wonderful piece that I’ve read it three times already…”
@pragneto recc’ed by @victorineb for White Roses. “@pragneto has the most beautiful, lyrical writing style and their fics range from intelligent explorations of Will and Hannibal’s psyches, to adorably fluffy scenes of murder husband cuteness…”
@lovecrimevariations recc’ed by @littlethingwithfeathers for The Sound of Your Voice. “Many of us know and love @lovecrimevariations but if you haven’t seen their Hannigram fic set in a soulmates AU where everyone is deaf until they meet their soulmate, you’re missing out on a serious treat.”
@pragneto recc’ed by @damnslippyplanet for Universal Donor. “...a compact 981 words of blood transfusion fluff, salty Will, and lovestruck Hannibal.  You’re gonna love it.”
@sepia-ink recc’ed by @wraithsonwingsposts for ways to say I love you, You don’t have to say anything, and I did the dishes. “I’m going to recommend the freshest of the fresh, a brand new writer who’s been working on something behind the scenes, but has only dipped their toes in the pool so far.”
EggFiend recc’ed by @redfivewritingby for The Whole of Your Offering. “I love fic where Will finds his power and renders Hannibal a lovesick pup. Both boys feel incredibly natural, and the murder husband snark is delicious.”
@lovecrimevariations recc’ed by @niakantorka for But seas between us braid hae roar’d. “@lovecrimevariations has this wonderful imagery and their ideas never cease to amaze me. This little fic is part of her soulmate series and I loved how accepting of themselves they were here.”
@wrathofthestag recc’ed by @weconqueratdawn for Between Iron and Silver.  “...it is a lovely piece of writing, extremely heartfelt and delicate, and a great character study of Jack and Chiyoh. Plus it has some truly enjoyable excursions around Mexico City, it’s almost like being on holiday.”
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Get to know me meme
I was tagged by @darkmirkwood   :)
Rules: Tag Nine people you want to know more about.
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite color: Blue
Lipstick or chap stick: Chap stick
Last Song You Listened To: Off to the Races by Lana Del Rey
Last Movie You Watched: I honestly can’t remember, lol.  I’ve been on a TV binge.
Top 3 TV shows: Hannibal, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad
Top 3 Characters: Will Graham (though he and Hannibal and pretty much tied), Gabriel from SPN, and for something totally different, Alan Shore.  I never was fannish about Boston Legal, but the character of Alan Shore has stayed with me for years.
Top 3 Ships: Hannigram, Johnlock, Destiel
Books You are Currently Reading: The Tale of Birle by Cynthia Voigt, and Cousin Kate by Georgette Heyer
Top 5 musicals: I have only seen about five musicals, lol.  Umm, I guess Phantom of the Opera and Cats because those are the only ones so far I’d pay to see again.  Original choices I know, lol.
Tagging: @apoptoses @ladyslice @dalmiostagno @hyperfashionist @karasuya @matildaparacosm @sadly-not-home @the-geek-cornucopia @tigsmulii
Sorry if you have already been tagged!
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fataldrum · 7 years
Stolen from @fragile-teacup
1. Are you named after someone? I thought maybe my mom since my middle name is “Marie” and her name is “Mariesa” (pronounced muh-REE-suh) but I asked and that literally hadn’t occurred to her.
2. When was the last time you cried? 
I don’t even know, but it was probably work-related, an existential crisis, or both.
3. Do you like your handwriting? It has, um, character. @blind-inviting-alleys can attest to that.
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? Tempeh. I’m a pescetarian, and barely that.
5. Do you have kids?
 I have cats and a dog. Frankly a better deal, imho.
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? We’d probably be too shy to approach each other. 
7. Do you use sarcasm? Me? Sarcasm? Never. 
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
9. Would you bungee jump?
 Fuck no. I can barely climb ladders.
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal?
 I don’t really eat cereal. Um. What’s the one that’s like chocolate chip cookies?
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? 
Hell no, I haven’t tied a shoe in weeks. I’m officially that lazy. Toe those fuckers off.
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? 
Physically, no. Mentally, well, I’m still standing.
13. What is your favorite ice cream? The Ben and Jerry’s one that’s part brownie chunk and part cheesecake, fuck yes. 
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? 
How close or far away they’re standing and if I need to move.
15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? I dislike my back because it likes to hurt for no good reason.
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? 
Black shorts, no shoes. 
17. What are you listening to right now? Nothing. I find music too distracting, so I only listen in the car or when I’m focused just on the music. I’ve had John Grant’s Disappointing stuck in my head today. 
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Forest green.
19. Favorite smell? 
Green tea <3
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom
21. Favorite sport to watch? 
I don’t really, but figure skating is kind of cool.
22. Hair color? 
23. Eye color? 
24. Do you wear contacts? 
25. Favorite food to eat? 
Dark chocolate (preferably with dry red wine)
26. Scary movies or comedy? 
Depends. Psychological horror, yes. Torture porn, no. Dark satire, yes. Frat boy humor—nah, bro.
27. Last movie you watched? 
28. What color of shirt are you wearing? 
29. Summer or winter? Summer. I’m not really about swimming or sunbathing, but I’d rather deal with 100-degree heat than be even a little cold.
30. Hugs or kisses? 
31. What book are you currently reading? Ian Tregillis’s The Liberation
32. Who do you miss right now? 
 @banditess and @unusual-discoveries
33. What is on your mouse pad? LOL no
34. What is the last TV program you watched? 
The Walking Dead (catching up, I’m on season 4)
35. What is the best sound? 
The hiss of my kettle telling me it’s time for tea or coffee
36. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? 
The Beatles
37. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? 
From the US to Germany
38. Do you have a special talent? 
I can find the most awkward subject in a conversation. It’s magical.
39. Where were you born? 
Fort Knox, where the US keeps its gold
@pragneto @dalmiostagno @blind-inviting-alleys @unusual-discoveries @banditess
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octopuscato · 7 years
dalmiostagno replied to your post “17, 14, 11”
I feel you on the sudden onset of OTPitis *glares at Will and Hannibal*
ROFL! OTPitis is precisely the word for it; it’s like a sudden-onset fever that just won't go down.
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octopuscato · 7 years
Fanfiction meme: 1, 3, 19 :)
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Harry Potter. A new friend of mine whom I met at university in orientation told me that there was such a thing as fanfiction where people wrote their own stories for books and movies. I immediately visited the website she’d told me about - fanfiction.net - and read tons and tons of Snarry.
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?Again, Harry Potter. I’ve been in the fandom for almost 13 years now, and it was a wild ride. People from there have become RL friends or constant online companions, some for almost a decade. We’ve had fun, we’ve helped each other in many ways, and I’ll always love HP fandom even if I’m not writing fic for it atm.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
In HP, that’s Snape/McGonagall. I can see reasons why it would appeal, but there’s just nothing there for me, emotionally. It’s a blank. 
In GoT/ASoIaF, it’s Theon/Jeyne. Again, I can see why, and I think they’re sweet as friends, but I just can’t feel the ship.
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octopuscato · 7 years
dalmiostagno replied to your post “tfw . . .”
People *shakes head sadly* I'll never understand this kind of reaction, how thin skinned do you have to be to let what others wear/who they love make you "sick"? Bah.
Seriously. Like, I don’t even understand. It’s never mattered to me at all, any of this. Why would you care? Why would it bother you? WHY? 
It can’t be so weird that I’m dispassionate about other people’s sexuality, gender, appearance. I mean, whatever, I don’t know them, I have more important things to do than think about any of their personal business, I’m not interested. WHY ARE PEOPLE INTERESTED IN THIS EVEN?!
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octopuscato · 7 years
10 & 11 for the fanfic asks :)
10. Favorite trope/element/scenario in fic?
That’s really hard to decide, but in the end it boils down to: one has to save the other in whatever fashion, and of course it ends in h/c and a relationship ;) It’s best when it’s enemies (like Snupin or Drarry) or when there’s at least past betrayal (Throbb ;).
11. Least favourite trope/element/scenario?They’re stuck someplace together, which then turns into sex. Or they have to have sex in order to get out of X situation. Broadly said, everything that’s in essence a trope that means the fic mainly focuses on smut. (Unless it’s @janiedean‘s Throbb!smut with crossdressing!Theon, since that defies all my usual likes and dislikes and is like manna from heaven, thanks ^^)
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fatal-fic · 7 years
Service with a Smile
I was stuck with my other fics, so I wrote a snippet of the Marlana coffee shop AU that’s been swirling around my head, because damn if I don’t love a good cliché. I’ll probably write a few ficlets in this verse, some Marlana, some Hannigram, some gen or other pairings. (Ondatra is French for muskrat, by the way. ;P)
Inspired by the delicious double entendre fest that was Margot and Alana’s first meeting. Why yes, this could be your entrance.
@blind-inviting-alleys @pragneto @willowbilly @dalmiostagno @drhanniballectermd
Swearing under her breath, Alana shoved the door to the cafe open, one eye on the late afternoon crowd, another on her phone. Eight minutes late for her meeting with her advisor. What a fucking fantastic show of professionalism. A-plus work, Bloom.
To her shock, Doctor Lecter was nowhere in sight. She looked around again, then a third time. Not a scrap of paisley to be seen.
She let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, letting her shoulders relax and adjusting the leather strap on her messenger bag. Café Ondatra was surprisingly welcoming, with charmingly rustic hardwood tables and plush chairs that seemed made for long afternoons reading in the sunlight. She ran her hand over the back of a wingback chair covered in deep red brocade. It was almost criminally soft.
Setting her bag on the seat to claim it, she walked to the counter, a long slab of beaten copper. A display case was filled with pastries, raspberry tarts, buttery croissants, and delicate madeleines.
“What can I do for you?”
Alana looked up and felt her mouth go dry.
The first thing she noticed was the mouth: soft, pouty lips the color of dried blood. Her skin was porcelain-pale, setting off a pair of clever green eyes. Her scarlet apron had the name Margot embroidered in gold.
“I, uh—” Alana said intelligently.
Margot smiled, which made Alana's heart race and other parts feel uncomfortably warm. Alana bit her lip.
“I, um. I don't know a lot about coffee.” she admitted.
“That's perfect. Neither do I.”
Alana stared for another moment before they both started laughing: Margot with a sound like a bubbling stream in a forest, Alana with awkward snorts and giggles.
“What do you like?”
You, Alana thought. “Um. Nothing too sweet, I guess?”
“I have just the thing for you,” Margot said. “A macchiato.”
Alana wrinkled her nose. “Aren't those the frou-frou milkshake things from Starbucks?”
“We don't say that name here,” a voice piped up from the back. Alana glanced up at the jet-haired woman poking her head out the kitchen door. “Also, Reba says we're out of powdered sugar.”
“Thanks, Beverly.”
The woman winked and ducked back into the kitchen.
“Trust me, you'll like it. Or your money back.” Margot smiled, and Alana found herself opening her wallet.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she read the text as she walked back to her chair.
Dear Alana, it read. Please forgive me for the inconvenience, but I am experiencing an emergency with a patient and will need to reschedule. Regards, Hannibal Lecter.
She snorted. Leave it to Dr. Lecter to text as if he were writing a telegram. At least it gave her more time to tinker with her grant proposal. After shooting off a reply, she slid her laptop out of her bag, cracking her knuckles as she considered a particularly tricky bit of phrasing.
“Your macchiato,” a voice interrupted, “and your receipt.”
Alana looked up to see Margot holding a delicately wrought teacup on a saucer. Instead of white china, it was a deep, translucent red. Steam rose invitingly from the surface of the cup.
“Thank you,” Alana said, reaching to take the cup with one hand and to cram the receipt in her pocket with the other. The woman stood there expectantly, raising an eyebrow.
“Aren't you going to try it?”
Alana lifted the cup to her lips, then stopped. “Oh my god. I can't drink this. It's too beautiful.”
Somehow she had poured the milk so that it formed a rose on the surface of the coffee, delicate petals curling over a thorned stem .
“Beautiful things are meant to be tasted,” Margot murmured, eyes locked on Alana's. She licked her lips, slowly and without looking away.
Heat bloomed between Alana's thighs. Two can play that game. Settling back in the chair, she let her knees fall open, watching as Margot's gaze was drawn up the fitted charcoal fabric of her slacks.
Pursing her lips, Alana blew on the foamy surface of the drink. A dollop of foam clung to the rim of the mug. She swiped at it with a fingertip, raising it to her mouth to lick it clean.
“Delicious,” she said, watching Margot inhale sharply. Finally, she raised the cup to her lips.
Fuck was her first thought. Followed by: yes. The coffee was hot and rich, with an earthy bitterness perfectly balanced by the thin layer of cream and a hint of—
“Honey,” Margot said.
Alana blinked, distracted from her haze of caffeinated bliss. “What?”
“I added a bit of honey,” she repeated. “For sweetness.”
Alana closed her eyes, taking another sip of the miraculous drink. She was pretty sure it had added months to her life and made her skin clearer. She would gladly marry this coffee.
“If I drank this drink every day forever,” Alana said, “I would remember this time.”
Margot smiled. “So no refunds necessary?”
Alana shook her head, too blissful for words.
“Good,” Margot said. “I always aim for satisfaction.”
With that, she turned on her Louboutin heels and headed back to the counter. Her tailored skirt hugged the curve of her ass, and her stockings had thin black lines on the back that made Alana want to run her hands up them.
Taking a few deep, calming breaths, Alana forced her attention back to her grant proposal.
An hour or so later, the coffee was gone, and so was Alana's will to write. She glanced up at the counter. A curly-haired guy with glasses was taking orders with a bored expression on his face. She felt a stab of regret at losing any chance she had to get Margot's number.
Nothing to do about it, she thought with a sigh.
Days later, Alana was sorting laundry when she felt something crinkle. Blinking, she reached into the pocket of her slacks and drew out a receipt with the stylized outline of a muskrat at the top. There was her order, with a code for a “friends and family” discount she didn't remember being told about.
And at the bottom, three X's and a phone number scrawled in red ink.
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fatal-fic · 7 years
Dear Hanni [Part O-h-dear]
I can’t believe it, but we’ve almost reached the end of this fic. *-* Thank you to everyone who has been so encouraging about this fic!
Based on my fanfic-wife @blind-inviting-alleys’s​ prompt, AU where everything was the same but Hannibal wrote an advice column for The Baltimore Sun called “Dear Hanni.” 
Also on AO3. 
@pragneto @mrsmusicaddict @dalmiostagno @drhanniballectermd
by Freddie Lounds
Resident psychopath Will Graham has been taken off the Chesapeake Ripper case. The FBI refuses to make a public comment on his dismissal, but sources familiar with the case report a series of incredibly suspicious connections between Graham and the victims.
When asked for comment, Graham gave the following statement: “If I am a killer, you should be more concerned about your safety. Or is dismemberment a standard job hazard for someone like you?”
We look forward to covering Graham's trial any day now.
To: Graham, W.
From: slickking32
To: Graham, W.
From: Smith, Jane L.
Subject: Tremble before GOD
GOD knows what u have done!
To: Graham, W.
From: kristiroxxx
Subject: hey there :-)
Dear Will,
I've never written to someone like you before, but I find you really fascinating, and...well...more than a bit sexy. ;-) It sounds like those people got what they deserved.
I can tell you're really intelligent. I am, too. Do you want to meet up?
W. Graham [4:35]: Did you have to give out my email address?
F. Lounds [4:48]: Did you have to stuff that guy full of quarters like a pinball machine?
W. Graham [4:50]: Jesus, Freddie.
J. Crawford [6:13]: I could still use your input on those crime scene photos.
H. Lecter [6:15]: It would be my pleasure.
J. Crawford [6:16]: I'll bring them by your office tomorrow after work.
H. Lecter [6:18]: Actually, I will be working from my home tomorrow. Would you mind bringing them to me there?
H. Lecter [6:18]: Perhaps you could join me for dinner.
J. Crawford [6:20]: I wouldn't miss it.
W. Graham [7:01]: Do you need me to bring anything tomorrow?
H. Lecter [7:06]: Only yourself, my dear friend.
W. Graham [7:15]: You keep using that word, but I don't think you know what it means.
H. Lecter [7:20]: I think you'll find I am an excellent friend.
W. Graham [7:22]: Right. What's on the menu?
H. Lecter [7:27]: I don't wish to spoil the surprise. A hint of suspense adds savor to a meal.
W. Graham [7:28]: Either that or you haven't figured it out yet.
H. Lecter [7:33]: Trust me, Will. I put a great deal of thought and effort into this dish.
W. Graham [7:35]: Thanks, I guess?
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puntointerrogativo · 7 years
Get to know me Meme
Tagged by the wonderful @emotionally-gutted-by-hannibal 
Name: Chiara
Nicknames: K, Kiki, K2
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5′4″
Orientation: Bi
Hogwarts House: Slithery
Favorite Animals: Cats & Big Cats
Favorite Fruit: Raspberries, Mangoes
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Book: Oh God. I can’t.
How about a few random favs? Wonder Boys,The Charioteer, I dodici Abati di Challant (the twelve abbots of Challant), Pride and Prejudice, The three Musketeers, Rough Trade, L.A. Confidential, In the Shadows of Olympus, The invention of Heterosexuality, How to be a Victorian, Le Corps Noir...
Favorite Flower: Jasmine
Favorite scent: Orange zest
Favorite Color: Red
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Coffee
Average Hours of sleep: 4-5
Current time: 12.55 am
Dog or cat person: Cats! Gimme all the cats!
Blankets you sleep with: 1 duvet
Dream Trip: Japan
Dream Job: Travel journalist/historian
When I made my blog: Wow, I actually don’t remember. Maybe 1, 1 1/2 years ago
Reason for URL: Dalmiostagno=from my pond There’s a pond* in my garden that’s always been my fav. spot for reading and relaxing, so that’s one half of it. The other half is a quote from Plato that I love: "Like frogs around a pond, we have settled down upon the shores of this sea."
*Ok, it’s not truly a pond, more of a kiddie-pool left to run wild
Tagging: everybody who likes the meme, pretty much. There’s a lot of people I’d like to know better.
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fatal-fic · 7 years
So I was talking to @dalmiostagno and remembered this fucking fantastic Hannibal fic, A Frost of Cares by houseofcannibals. 
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Jack Crawford, Alana Bloom, Beverly Katz, Freddie Lounds, Jimmy Price, Brian Zeller, Leonard Brauer, Abigail Hobbs
Alternate Universe - Prison, Will is on death row, Hannibal did not kill the judge at Will's trial, This hurts, Hannibal is a Bastard, Angst, Manipulative Will, Crazy Will Graham, Mental Health Issues
Will Graham has been on death row for almost three years, falsely convicted of crimes that he knows were committed by Hannibal Lecter, but nobody will believe him. Alone and frightened, with nothing but the company of the dead, Will is struggling to hold onto his sanity. And Hannibal Lecter has not visited him yet. But he will come. Will knows he will come, in the end.
AU in which Hannibal did not kill the judge at Will's murder trial in 'Hassun', leading to Will being wrongfully sentenced and sent to death row, and exploring what might happen from there. This goes to some dark places. Beware Chapter 18.
Please note, this story contains descriptions of the death penalty which some may find disturbing. I sure do.
Language: English Words: 84,955 Chapters: 26/26 
The author is right, this DOES hurt—in all the right ways. Incredible writing and characterization, with wonderful exploration of minor characters, especially Freddie and Brauer. The author also skillfully incorporates an important, real world issue: the death penalty itself. If you’ve got some time and a high tolerance for pain, read this fic.
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