#daisaku bandai and his niece are softies
michimiart-blog · 11 months
More Reserve Course OC Students!
Greetings! I have used some screenshots of Danganronpa Anime as a base/model for some poses, trying to make it as similar as the anime itself even though it is an AU thing.
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Yumeno Saki is Gekkogahara Miaya's nephew.
Fumetso Makoto is the cousin of Fumetso Ichiko, the known SHSL Nailist from Class 72 and part of the SHSL Assault Team.
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Torayoshi Najimi is the SHSL Judo Master from the SHSL Assault Team from Class 74 and Torayoshi Akumi is his younger brother and also, he has another twin brother in the Reserve Course.
Aishi Megami is the known SHSL Archer from the SHSL Assault Team from Class 63, Aishi Kokona is her niece.
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Torayoshi Hokori is Torayoshi Akumi's twin brother and also Najimi's younger brother.
Ronshaku Horāno and Rokuda Kirā are merely random students with no relation to Ultimate students.
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Shirasu Kurai, Mamoru Katana and Shingetsu Kenkō are also random students who don't have relation with Ultimates.
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In this AU, Munakata Kyosuke had two older siblings, the oldest of them had a son named Haneyama Sosuke, who is Kyosuke's nephew.
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Demura Hikari is Bandai Daisaku's niece, she is a soft and kind-hearted person who deeply adores her uncle. Both his uncle and her are pretty good farmers, but he got the Ultimate title.
Mio Ishida Maki is the younger sister of Mio Ishida Kuroko, the known SHSL Yo-yoer from Class 75 and part of the SHSL Assault Team. Maki is a master in Taekwondo and could have been selected as an Ultimate but someone else got the talent first.
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Meet the triplets siblings Nejire! Nejire Yume is an archery specialist, not like Megami but close. Nejire Gekkō is a book lover (that allows her to learn all languages) and a clairvoyant, however, her accuracy is approximately 9/10 contrary to Hagakure who is 3/10, but she hates fame hence why she rejected the title of Ultimate Clairvoyant. Nejire Akumu adores japanese decorations, foods and specially, the kanji writting.
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Kusha Aoi is the grandchild-niece of Tengan Kazuo, the former headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy. She is best friends with Guramu Osana, a singer prodigy very close to Sayaka's habilities.
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These last five are random students who are not related to any Ultimate. Riotto Luca is a transfer student from Italy.
Note: As always, if the Reserve Course works exactly like a normal (if exclusive) japanese high school, then the Reserve Course has classtime and clubs (like Cooking Club, Photography Club, Kendo Club, etc), so some of these characters belong to them, aside from the special class mentioned in my previous post.
Reminder: None of these characters are canon in Danganronpa, they are part of my Alternate Universe (AU) in which Komaeda Nagito has multiple talents. Also, the names for the SHSL students known only by talents (aka the SHSL Assault Team members) are headcannon/created just for the sake of the AU.
Danganronpa, Reserve Course Department and SHSL Titles: Spike Chungsoft & Kodaka
Characters' name and backstory: @michimi-maidenvelekblog / @michimiart-blog
Alternate Universe: MultiTalent!Komaeda Nagito AU by @michimi-maidenvelekblog
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