#dai gurren brigade
wet--milk · 2 years
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Character Info - Viral
(NOTE: The default timeline will be 50 years after the war against Anti-Spirals (30 years after the epilogue)) 
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Age: presumably around 70 Birthdate: August 13 Gender: Male Species: Beastman (shark-type with feline genetics)
Canon details here.
In the past decades, Viral’s hatred towards humans and his cockiness waned down, becoming less stern than his past self. He gets somewhat open to humans and other species yet he’s still blunt and less courteous. However, he can be bold if he wants to the point of being intimidating and a bit lascivious regardless of what others think of him.
It has been fifty years since the Anti-Spirals were defeated and peace was held among many spiral beings all over the galaxy. Despite the lack of spiral energy (or so many believed), Viral had led the newly-reformed Dai-Gurren Brigade in the past decades and even reached the ranks, becoming one of the generals later on.
Yet his ascendance in the ranks came to an end as he decided to retire with the sole reason being boredom. While some of his subordinates assumed that it was more than that, they weren’t able to stop their leader from getting down from his role completely.
Viral began having a low profile somewhere on the outskirts of Kamina City. He wandered outside the city later on.
Additional Information
He likes watching kids especially when they’re playing although he won’t admit it.
He still has his old knife with him mostly as a memento but still uses it in battle.
He visits the graves of Dai-Gurren members who passed away every year, especially Kamina’s. However, that occurs without the other members knowing it.
Being immortal, his wounds heal in an instant depending on how severe they are. If a part of his body got cut off, he can either attach it back to heal faster or grow out the missing part which takes more time.
Piercing, crushing, or pulling out his heart will make Viral “dead” for a short period. That doesn’t halt his healing abilities.
Strong scents will make him behave erratically as he has a very sensitive nose.
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manganimetradnow · 8 months
Gurren Lagann The Movie: The Lights in the Sky Are Stars: A Review
The Lights in the Sky Are Stars Simon and the Dai-Gurren brigade must go to the far reaches of space seven years after the Spiral King was vanquished in order to confront a new menace and rescue the universe. Simon and his team are poised to engage in their final pivotal conflict. What is Gurren Lagann? The series mainly centers on two kids. Kamina and Simon, two boys who were reared in the…
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thecreativen7 · 2 years
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Dai Gurren Brigade Flag SVG, Dai Gurren Dan SVG, Dai Gurren Brigade Skull SVG
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alessiajontrunfio · 6 years
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“Force your way down a path you choose to take, and do it all yourself! THAT’S THE WAY THE TEAM DAI-GURREN ROLLS!”
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gritthoseteeth · 6 years
‘ just be careful, alright? ’
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There was no subtly to it, that reigning silence, as the demanding sentiment brushed past each sense much like a bullet would graze the skin even without making contact -                Ah, she got him, again, huh?There’d be no blazing bravado that she wouldn’t just blow off,                             so he didn’t waste the energy in an attempt to put her mind at ease when he knew full well they were grasping at air and a hope.No point in complying - it was beyond the great leader of the Dai Gurren Dan to even attempt a logical, safe, method of conflict.    If they pushed themselves hard enough, then there was nothing they couldn’t do,                    his belief in his ‘partner’ was proven again and again, while he himself..… was often left behind - more and more, he had to be saved, not just by the fearful digger, but everyone seemed to have a hand on his back, these days.
A palm rose, and he stepped past, a firm squeeze of a narrow shoulder, to take some of the weight off, and to affirm that she was there, and whole, and human.
     But she knew that, didn’t she?            The only one he’d ever admit  to that he, Kamina-sama, had no damn clue what he was doing - (Hah, pretty selfish, to make you have to carry some of this shit.)    But now wasn’t the time for apologies.       
                “Yeah, you got it,
                                           Just who the HELL do you think I am?!”    
Why would I be careful, when I’ve got you watching my back?         
                                                                                     - - THAT. IS THE TRUTH OF YOUR REALITY.
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wet--milk · 2 years
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“Man on Fire! Blazing Chariot Kick!”
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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To @glxtzy​:  welcome aboard the Dai-Gun 🏴‍☠️  Engann!!
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    💫 —The Engann was an accommodating vessel, spanning a length comparable to the Moby Dick, flagship of the legendary Shirohige Kaizokudan. Its eccentric design was a fond tribute to the original ocean-traversing ship used by the fledgling Dai-Gurren Brigade, decades and decades ago. But the hybridization of the mechanical guardian overseeing the ship’s bow, a union of characteristics garnered from the Ganmen, Enki and the Gurren Lagann -- that touch was all inspired by the present. Simon the Digger and Viral the Beastman conducted the vessel’s processes and personnel with an easy synergy - each of them hosting his own skillset, and all of their efforts pertained to the maintaining of conditions to thrive, for the crew and their passengers. 
Viral currently escorted their most recent arrival, the enigmatic young fellow - spirited from Dendeli. The island itself was no warzone, but even at the time of their departure, its coastal populace seemed to be reeling from a recent terror. He suspected it had something to do with this young man... and his haste to vanish from the island at the most immediate opportunity. But the Beastman could practically reach out and touch the guard cultivated around the Human’s presence. He was cautious. Maybe even a mistrustful, though he had beckoned to Viral on his own, to arrange for safe passage from the island. He was curious, of course. But the blond could have his conscientious moments. For now, he introduced the young Human to his possible quarters aboard the Engann.  
   It was a generously sized room, comfortable and freshly appointed for this voyage. The walls were silver and dark blue, and the bedding was a crisp white. The queen bed was a low-profile sleigh construction, sleek but plush - and matched to a pair of nightstands at either side. The room hosted a prim writing desk, a two-door wardrobe and drawer combination, and a large counter and sink arrangement - it could either be utilized as an expansive vanity, or even a kitchenette, depending on the occupant’s preferences. The bathroom was simple, with a water closet and a shower, tucked to the far corner. The furniture and wooden flooring were a hearty walnut color, and the accented rugs strewn throughout were classically nautical whites and navy blues. It seemed that every consideration had been taken, to make the living spaces aboard the ship both appealing and hospitable. Viral had opened the door wide for his guest’s view, and extended a small, bar-shaped, metal key out to the bright-haired stranger.   
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  ❝If this one will work for you, this is the key cut for it.
   The storage area, pantry, and kitchen are located on the deck above. They’re full-access, so make use of them any time you like. Otherwise, there are four mealtimes a day, and you’re welcome to attend when the announcement is made on the intercomm.
  Are there ...any other considerations you require?
                       Ah, I never did get your name, did I?❞
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libercme · 4 years
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v; boku no hero academia.
AGE:  twenty one 
Quirk - Spiral: simon can create drills anywhere on his body , the drill’s strength and durability can be increased by using his blood to create it .
heaven piercing hero: lagann , apprentice to the late hero kamina has risen up the ranks at a record pace after his quiet debut following his graduation from UA .  taking leadership of his mentor’s hero agency: the dai-gurren brigade , simon has proven to be effective in responding to villain threats with a showy display of fighting spirit, quickly garnering public support despite his high collateral damage costs .
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ayalaatreides · 5 years
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Aika Hajime, 2011 vs 2019! I fine-tuned her color palette a little and added a couple details, and the biggest change is her coat. The main reason being that her coat has LORE now!
Aika’s from Hajime Village, which started out underground like all the rest. After the war, Hajime Village came to the surface and took over a nearby military outpost, abandoned by its former Beastman occupants after Lordgenome’s defeat. Aika found the coat in what had once been an officer’s quarters, abandoned like the outpost itself.
Yes, that’s the Dai-Gurren Brigade emblem. Hajime Village saw Simon’s broadcast on that fateful day after Kamina’s demise, and she has idolized the Dai-Gurren Brigade ever since.
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 9 Review
Tephi was upset that I didn't include this in my last post:
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Ah, Farquaad. Who I just looked up the voice actor of- John Lithgow?! Wow, ok then. Farquaad, you may have been one of the few characters who had absolutely no redeeming qualities. I mean, at least the pictures I posted were of characters who had beneficial goals, even if they went about them in the most cartoonishly evil ways possible. Farquaad was just a dick. But that quote does a damn good job of summing up Bunny-Cat.
Afraid that I’ve been busy studying for a test this Monday, but I think I can snag some time Tuesday morning to start Ep 10. Until then, maybe a short post on my thoughts-
Keeper of Tales said:Ranubis you have probably noticed the sharp up-swell in conversation since you began hitting oh, episodes three, six, eight and nine. Part of this is that you came into this series with a very different mindset than usual and there was a real risk of ruining that. If you read this before the next episode could you tell us what your thoughts upon the characters are and how they have changed? The entire cast if you can. Thank you for your time.
Ok, make that a detailed response on each of the characters. Here we go!
Madoka Kaname
Our title character and protagonist… who’s kinda just been along for the ride all this time. She really bucks the trend of main characters that I’ve gotten used to in most shows. No powers, no real strengths of her own beyond her kind nature. Heck, if she wasn’t the first character to appear and the show wasn’t named after her it wouldn’t be hard to call her a side character. I think back to Gurren Lagann, how Simon had the same meek attitude and was overshadowed Kamina. But then, he got his mini-mech by the end of the first episode, Madoka has yet to pick up any tools. Even Sayaka showed up next episode with a baseball bat, Madoka’s just been tagging along.
And yet, everything revolves around her. Madoka had the Future Dream at the very beginning. Sayaka got involved because she was Madoka’s best friend. Homura focused on Madoka that first school day and tried to warn her away from the trials of Magical Girl-ing. Mami tried to recruit Madoka because she sensed she would become a powerful MG in helping defend the city. Kyoko, who showed up as a hard-line Magical Girl, in the space of apparently a few days joined the Madoka Protection Brigade. And of course, it’s clear now that the Incubator’s been manipulating things to ensure that Madoka makes a Contract, that will net it a ton of emergy.
Still, we’re nearing the end of the show, and I’m 50/50 on whether or not that Madoka will actually make a Contract, especially if Homura has anything to say about it. I mean, if the Incubator flat-out tells her that only she with MG powers can save the day, her helpful attitude is going to steer her straight into selling her soul. The question remains: how far is Homura going to go to stop that?
Sayaka Miki
Best friend of the main character, initially I was amused at how she bucked the Red Oni, Blue Oni trope as being much more outgoing and aggressive than Madoka (pink is a lightish-red, it fits). That got flipped around later when she turned into a Paladin and contrasted with Kyoko. Such a fun character, cheerfully bringing a common baseball bat to fight the monsters, calling herself an Ally of Justice, a great heroine. Unfortunately, it seems that that is Urobuchi’s favorite character-type to stomp on, the show could probably be called “Everything goes wrong for this poor girl Sayaka”. She loses her soul, her crush, her idealism… guh,
It was just depressing, seeing how Sayaka kept going further and further into her Paladin identity until she had nothing left. Losing her optimism, going on a Roaring Rampage of Despair fighting familiars instead of getting Grief Seeds… I keep thinking about Homura about to kill Sayaka. She said it was to protect Madoka from more suffering, but I think that there was at least a little bit of mercy to Sayaka there too. Kill the girl, before she becomes a Witch.
I just wish that things could have been better for Sayaka. She meant well, wanted to save people. Yes, there was an element of wanting to be with Kamijo in her Wish, but can you really blame her for that? She wanted to be a hero. Instead, she became a monster.
Kyubey (Incubator)
Yeah. I can only imagine how you jerks were sniggering in my early posts. I mean, I start out thinking “Ok, here’s the show’s mascot, I’m a little creeped out by the red eyes but whatever.” Then I start thinking he’s cute, plays off the girls well. Then I get annoyed at how he keeps acting like a salesman, really pushing the girls on the Contract. Then… well, then Bunnycat was revealed for the absolute jerk it is.
Seriously. The show’s mascot turns out to be the main villain, twisting plans and leaving snide little comments to achieve it’s goal of turning these young girls into batteries. No, not batteries, coal: fit for one quick burst of energy, who cares where the smoke goes afterwards. All that smiling, those cute comments, those pushes for a contract to be made, not telling the girls the true cost of the Contract even when he knows, or rather because, it knows how they will act, implying (but never outright lying) actions that play right into its tiny, bloodstained paws.
And we can’t even kill it, apparently. Homura shot it what I would normally call an unnecessary amount of times. But as it turns out, it was just a waste of ammo, since the Incubator can just show up in a new body. It can show up without an invite apparently anywhere, it can’t be killed… in a show of murdering Witches, it is the real monster.
Mami Tomoe
Mami… :’(
I was so happy when she showed up that first episode. An experienced Magical Girl who can summon a ton of muskets? Standing up to the (apparent) Bad Girl, taking our main character and sidekick under her wing? And she only got better from there, teaching our characters about the world, fighting a Witch one-on-one, destroying it with an artillery piece and then landing for tea.
Then we get a tragic backstory, she’s shown to be lonely. But our characters are there to help her fight these monsters and stop whatever plan the Bad Girl is brewing up! And look at that, she and Madoka are so adorable together, I can’t wait for them to-
And then Urobuchi took my heart and stabbed it.
Mami’s story should not have ended there. If she had just listened to Homura about the Witch, if Madoka or Sayaka had Contracted and could help her, if she had not gone into that fight distracted and happy about the future and focused more… but she didn’t. And she died.
Ever since that episode, Mami’s absence has cast a pall over everything. Madoka is understandably terrified from seeing her mentor eaten right in front of her, Sayaka was driven to imitate Mami’s lone fighter style, Kyoko got involved because she was attracted to the “open territory”, and Homura seemed to hope that it would scare off the Muggles from Contracting.
For a while, I thought that “Ok, that took me completely by surprise, but now I see what will make the girl’s Contract! Madoka will wish for Mami back, we’ll get our lovely team fighting these monsters a little more cautiously now that they know the risks but it’ll still be exciting and they will be adokrable on these missions and Sayaka will tease them for being so cute and…”. But nope, it was just the start of the Pain Train.
Kyoko Sakura
Oh jeez, has my perspective of Kyoko changed from that first scene of her looking down on the town. At first I thought she’d just be a competitor, maybe an ally of Homura. Then she spouts off her philosophy of letting Familiars go to kill people, and she supplanted Homura (who I thought planted that Hospital Grief Seed and caused Mami’s death) on my List. Urobuchi then worked his magic and made me sympathetic for a character who had so much working against her, with a backstory more tragic than Mami’s, the discovery of the true nature of Magical Girls, and her growing attraction to Sayaka even as the Ally of Justice was crumbling, all culminating in me screaming at my computer as she kisses her Soul Gem and sacrifices herself to defeat Sayaka’s Witch and save Homura and Madoka.
Kyoko, I would like to apologize. I can understand where you started from, seeing your family die in connection to your well-meaning Wish, and how you would focus on yourself after being hurt so badly. I am so proud of you, for rising from that and regaining your morals, to the point of helping out Madoka.
Homura Akemi
Homura. Homura, Homura, Homura.
I started this show convinced that you were the Big Bad, or at least an agent of them. Then, before I learned the true nature of the Incubator and thought that there was an anti-Kyubey running around causing the Witches (I can only imagine how much you lot enjoyed that, thank you so much for not spoiling me), I considered that maybe she was just trying to secure her own power, remove competition so that she is secure. Then there was the huge “Homura summons Wally-Witch to get a Super Grief Seed, cannot put down what she called up” theory that I thought would culminate as the series finale, give our main characters time to shine and teach Homura the power of Friendship.
Then the true nature of Magical Girls was revealed, and she was not surprised. Then she attempted to kill Sayaka, citing that doing so would spare Madoka pain. Then she killed the Incubator (but not really).
Then we learned that she is a time traveler.
Just… just wow. It actually makes sense. All of my crazy theories, and time travel trumps them all. She knows the truth about Magical Girls because she learned it in the previous timeline. She knows Bunnycat is a dick because it pulled all this shit before. She tried to warn the girls away from Contracting because she knew the costs, and that they would turn into Witches. She knows that Wally-Witch is coming, to the day, because that’s what happened before-
Oh! I get it now! I really get it! That Dream Vision, Homura fighting the Super Witch but losing, reaching out to Madoka… I get what happens now. Madoka arrives to see Homura is losing. She knows that with all the other MGs dead, there’s no choice. She makes the Contract with the Incubator.
And for her Wish? She Wishes for Homura to get another chance, or something along those lines. And the Incubator (who is a dick) ‘interprets’ that in the way that best suits its interests, and throws Homura into another timeline, so that they can harvest Madoka twice.
Damn it. If I understood the credits-teaser right, next episode is going to be Homura’s story. If we see this happen, Homura reaching our timeline only to try and warn people, but no-one believes her… this is going to be rough.
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🎖- Is your muse the “forgive and forget” type or do they hold grudges?
@causeborn && @timelostcarrion​
💫 —Well, I play my muse as a Scorpio, so... hahahaha.... yeah ahem let’s see, uh
     STILL. Even in canon, we saw him harbor a DEEP VENDETTA against Kamina (and Simon, but early on, it was more by default association WITH Kamina) for the crimes of 1. Stealing Enki’s helmet and fusing it with the Gurren Lagann, instead. And 2. Being so UTTERLY ARROGANT as to assume that their victory against his s u p e r i o r Beastman skill, was anything more than some half-assed fluke. This resentment, his wounded pride, and his unyielding dedication to his purpose, had him chasing the fledgling Dai-Gurren Brigade all across the map.    
   He harbored this grievance even after Kamina’s death, when he had to face the grim truth that his great rival was gone... that he’d been staring at a phantom, while it had been Simon, in truth, that had met, matched, and overtaken both Viral, and the Beastmen Generals, one by one. Viral demonstrated incredible growth and a newfound maturity after this, and he took possession of his feud with the Humans. It became more of an honorable duel, and Viral freed himself from the destructive weight of a quest for revenge. Following this turning point of development, and self-awareness, Viral later extended a swift forgiveness and acceptance of Lordgenome’s redemption as well. (Although he did have 7 years to come to terms with everything.)
    I think Viral is the type to hold a grudge, initially. His personality is very hot-cold. If he feels slighted, or if he perceives a crime, he’d definitely campaign for rectification and/or justice. HOWEVER. Provided that he came to understand the opposition/guilty party’s perspective, he may be just as willing to let bygones be bygones.
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downloadarmy · 2 years
Gurren Lagann the Movie: The Lights in the Sky Are Stars
Gurren Lagann the Movie: The Lights in the Sky Are Stars
Seven years after the defeat of the spiral king, Simon and the Dai-Gurren brigade must set out to the vastness of space to defeat a new threat and save the universe.
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spins-on · 4 years
There hadn’t been much action lately. As much as the brigade wanted to relax , everyone had to keep their wits about them at all times. Even if all seems quiet and peaceful , that’s still no reason to let your guard down on a battlefield. It had been so quiet lately that none of the mechas had been touched , or even looked at , in a few days. Staring at his core drill for hours , Simon worked up the motivation to hop up and rush to Lagann’s side. While settling in the cockpit and checking the mecha’s settings , the siren of the partnered mecha buzzed.
Calling into Gurren’s cockpit video feed , Simon was greeted by his redheaded teammate.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀” Yoko ? A - Are you sure you want to come along ? ”
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀” I’m just going to do some laps around the canyon to warm up Lagann’s gears , nothing major ! I’ll be fine ! I’d hate to bore you to tears. “
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie: Lagann-hen
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Director: Hiroyuki Imaishi
Seven years after the defeat of the Spiral King, Simon and the Dai-Gurren brigade must set out to the vastness of space to defeat a new threat and save the universe. The last high-stakes battle between Simon and his team is about to begin.
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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@drillelict​​ said: 'It’s been a long time since I’ve been me.'
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  💫 —❝...for you, that must be an onerous realization to bear. For us, it is a truth, and a sentiment to be cherished.  There is no one more suited to be you, than you. And your place here awaited only you.❞
   Viral spoke softly, allowing a genuine affection to warm his words. If Avant would risk the bearing of his ragged heart, then even his clawed hands would be careful with the tracing of it. He knew. Avant had toiled onwards, after the loss of Kamina, with all his might against the Spiral King. Even his own variant from Avant’s reality had perished at the warrior’s self-destructive, unbridled fury. The Anti-Spiral had descended, and Avant had fashioned his rebuke in a manner he felt would immortalize Kamina’s strength and tenacity. Choking down despair and loss, Avant had warred on, until the blood of the Dai-Gurren Brigade had been utterly spent. Then he wagered his own life. And...
  It was past warranted, that Avant could call himself by name. See his face as someone familiar and without the bravado of an irreplaceable, but fallen brother. Viral didn’t wish to overbear the Human’s confession with his own sentimentality, but he did place a considerable value on both Avant as a person... and upon the gesture of having such a vulnerability shared with him.       
  ❝It’s good to have you here, Avant.❞
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