#cyberpunk2077 x trigun
alexclaain · 1 year
Sharing some stuff about my vashwood2077 AU, simply because I fucking want to. Lemme know if yall have any ideas or questions
Vash / Nai:
- vash and nai got born into the arasaka family, but vash was incredibly sick from the start and it was unsure if he'd make it, so they just started to use him for implant-experiments. Best case it would save his life along the ride, worst case they'd get lots of new info for the development of new weapons, implants and the like
- the implants helped vash grow up and become relatively healthy and stable, but he also turned out to be immune against cyberpsychosis.
- vash ran away from his family once he learned that they want to figure out what caused the immunity, so they could use it to gear up for a new corpo war and obliterate militech
- vash has been living in the badlands as a single nomad ever since and kinda got adopted into every nomad family around night city, that he regularly pays visits to or gets patched up at from time to time. They just accept him as this weird orphan nomad
- nai, meanwhile, became the new ceo of arasaka and is trying to catch his brother, so they would have access to that valuable knowledge
Wolfwood / Livio:
- wolfwood and livio both "worked" for arasaka to gather few bucks, their "work" being to play test subjects for implants and the like. After a while they both left the corporation deal, since both were at the brink of cyberpsychosis at this point
- while wolfwood is earning money by doing gigs from fixers all over night city, livio lives in their flat, sliding in and out of cyberpsychosis and being a living time bomb.
- wolfwood tries to hide livio from the rest of the world and uses majority of the money he earns to buy medicine to keep their cyberpsychosis at bay, but he can't help but notice that the state of them both worsens as the days pass by
- wolfwood first stumbles over vash while doing a gig that consists of escorting and protecting a journalist named Meryl Stryfe, who was determined to write an accurate and fair article about nomads, despite her bosses concerns.
- Afterwards, lots of the gigs that played in the badlands ended up letting their paths cross once again
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alexclaain · 1 year
the vashwood2077 AU is cooking in my brain like a rotisserie chicken or however it's called but picking up writing again after a year is scary as fuck . . .
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alexclaain · 1 year
cyberpunk2077 AU with vash being a nomad and wolfwood a former Arasaka test subject, who needs regular medication to avoid cyberpsychosis now
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