period-dramallama · 2 years
A rant about Amazon's lack of trigger warnings
Mention of rape and csa below.
So I was reading a sample of Judith Arnopp's Intractable Heart for a mini review. It features the brief but graphic onpage rape of Margaret Neville, in early 1537. Margaret Neville was born around 1525, making her at most 12 when this rape occurs.
Now I'm not going to tell a writer what she can and can't depict. Credit where credit is due, the scene is nauseating, horrifying, and the author acknowledges the pain and shame the victim feels. It is not titillating, nor is it porn.
There is nothing in the blurb or in the sample that could warn the reader that is going to happen.
This is what the blurb says about the Pilgrimage of Grace: "In Yorkshire, Lady Katheryn Latimer, and her step-children, Margaret and John, are held under siege at Snape Castle." That's it! No mention of child rape! How is even the most well informed reader to know? Given the rape is most likely fictional?
Any survivor of assault could be merrily browsing through samples of histfic and stumble across that.
It would take hardly any time to put a warning in the sample, or in the fucking blurb for that matter, and it would easily avoid causing such pain.
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morning-breeze1 · 3 years
(CW:CSA) Tolerance days fucking suck, it’s just a gloomy grey all day long. It’s so so easy to get enraged at the fact that I’m only this way because
1. Lazy parenting
2. Abusive parenting
3. Incest
I could not have these problems if they just did their jobs, but that’s too much to ask aparently. I’m going to smoke some damiana to make myself feel better, this gloom is absolute trash
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