#cw horrible layout what am i doing /lh
vinbee631 · 9 months
4 - On the First Day of Mock School (My Roommates Gave to Me…)
Prodigal Sons and Daughters Alike
For a brief moment, whenever he woke up at 9 am, Roman was grateful classes hadn’t started.
He had missed breakfast entirely, not that he minded very much. Besides, Remus, the heathen he was, had woken up at 7 sharp to grab the others something small for when they eventually crawled out of bed.
Chapter title song by… a lot of people, apparently. Google didn’t give me answers, but istg even if you don’t celebrate christmas, this song has probably been shoved down your throat. Anyway, enjoy some actual advancement!
For a brief moment, whenever he woke up at 9 am, Roman was grateful classes hadn’t started.
He had missed breakfast entirely, not that he minded very much. Besides, Remus, the heathen he was, had woken up at 7 sharp to grab the others something small for when they eventually crawled out of bed.
“Welcome back to the land of the living,” he teased brightly when Roman finally emerged from his room. “Ha ha, very funny, Re, thank you for such an original comeback!”
“I thought you said sarcasm was my thing.” Roman nearly jumped as Janus’s voice appeared behind him.
“Jeez, a warning would be great next time, thanks,” he complained, dramatically resting a hand on his chest. “You just nearly gave me a heart attack, one meager day into the start of our brand-new lives! The cruelty, the injustice!”
“What is ‘unjust’ is how unreasonably dramatic you are being, literally ten minutes after waking up,” Janus deadpanned, rolling his eyes not unkindly at Roman. “Anyways, I was coming to tell you your brother ever-so-graciously picked up breakfast for you if you want it. It’s out on the table.”
Roman grunted in appreciation, shuffling over to sit and eat his breakfast as Janus chuckled silently.
“It is too early for you two to be picking on me,” he grumbled, voice muffled as he talked through a bite of waffle. 
“You’re not even going to put syrup on it? Now that is what I call unjust.” Roman resisted the urge to stick out his tongue in retaliation. “So mean to me. You better be careful, or next thing you know, you’ll wake up and I’ll have moved out! Gone in search of better roommates, who grant me the simple pleasure of existing at nine in the morning!”  The boys laughed, startling Patton, who was also just emerging from his room.
“Oops, sorry, Pat. Didn’t mean to wake you up. I simply had to defend my honor from these cretins who seem to think so lowly of me for getting my beauty sleep,” he huffed, turning back to his breakfast when the other two didn’t bother with a response.
Patton shrugged, rubbing at his eyes. “Nah, ‘s fine, I gotta get used to waking up this early again anyway. My summer sleep schedule was not doing me any favors.”
“Ugh, god, seconded,” Remus complained from the couch. “I really gotta stop thinking that going to bed at 2 am and waking up and noon is ever a good idea.”
“At least you woke up before eight like everyone else,” Janus helpfully contributed, and Roman replied, quite eloquently, with a series of offended noises.
“As awesome as it is to see people other than me teasing my brother, I would like to continue to complain about my own fucked up sleep schedule, if you wouldn’t mind,” Remus continued, taking pity on brother, but just a bit.
“Fair enough, grovel away,” Janus conceded, as Patton muttered a small “lanugage” under his breath. The two made their way to sit across from Remus in some of the chairs in their living space. 
Remus did, indeed, grovel, just long enough for Roman to finish his breakfast and join the others in their living space.
“I mean, not gonna lie, that’s about all I can complain about when it comes to, like, being here. The place itself is really nice, and this week is gonna be so much fun, I can already tell.”
“I agree,” Janus added. “It is… pleasant to see that the school itself is actually being maintained quite nicely. The furniture is actually usable, unlike some higher-end college campuses I’ve had the unfortunate displeasure of visiting. That experience didn’t give me a lot of confidence in this place, but it really is nice.”
“Oh my god, same!” Remus agreed. “I hadn’t really thought of that until now, but like… I expected the school to be nice and junk. But, obviously you know, there are ‘nice’ schools that cut corners.”
“I dunno if Professor Sanders has it in him to cut corners at the expense of kids,” Patton sympathized, finally waking up enough to start adding to the conversation. “It kinda goes against his whole reasoning for starting the school.”
“True. Not that I know anything about the guy, other than the two times I’ve heard him talk, but he seems so nice. Very soft, and not in a mean way.”
Patton laughed. “That- yep, very true. Even I don’t know him as well as I could, but from the few times I’ve talked to him, and stories I’ve heard, he’s really nice.”
“...Wait- even? What do you mean by-” Before Janus could finish questioning Patton’s phrasing, Roman perked up from the spot he’d taken on the floor while they’d all been talking.
“I just realized we’re missing someone. Er, well, other than mystery roommate. Has anyone seen Logan?” 
“Oh, yeah,” Remus piped in. “He was up when I left to get breakfast, and we ate together. I think he said something about meeting teachers and getting an early start on schoolwork, the nerd.”
“I mean, that’s not the worst idea,” Roman pointed out. “Honestly, I kinda want to do the same. I mean, not necessarily the ‘schoolwork’ bit, but I should start to figure out where all my classes are. That is basically the point of this week, isn’t it?” 
Remus let out a loud and dramatic groan, slowly flopping over the edge of the couch. “Didn’t you already take care of that yesterday?”
“Well, yes, but I didn’t got to all my classes in order. I just… kinda went everywhere, and talked to everyone. Janus can vouch, we just visited all the most interesting places while our parents were still here. It made sense to save the schedule stuff for when we had more free time.”
Remus sighed from his new spot hanging over the couch. “I mean, you’re right, and whatever, I guess. Don’t rub it in.”
Roman laughed, moving to stand so he could hover Remus. “I’m gonna start getting ready to head out. You can continue existing as human jello, or you can come with me. Just, if you’re coming, be ready in about half an hour, m’kay?” 
Remus just groaned again as his twin walked away with a smile. Patton took the opportunity to spread out on the couch as Remus didn’t seem to be moving anytime soon. “Y’know, if I wasn’t able to tell you guys were brothers before, I can tell now. You talk to each other like- not like an old married couple because- ew, but-”
“Like if two vampires were roommates for five hundred years and knew everything about each other but only seem to barely tolerate each other?” Remus suggested. 
“Uh, yes? How did you come up with that so quickly?” Remus shrugged. “I get that one a lot. When you have a twin brother, the default get-to-know-you questions tend to be unfortunately similar, so I have a lot of, particular responses saved up.”
“Huh, I guess that makes sense, having default responses. I don’t know what it’s like to be a twin, but I totally get that.” Remus frowned, righting himself so he could meet Patton’s eyes. “In what ways? Like- words are hard, but when do you deal with that? Just out of curiosity.”
“Oh! Uh, I guess I should kinda explain. It’s a little personal, but I spent a lot of time here as a kid, and I’m kind of friends by extension with a lot of the staff because of that. There are a lot of older students who know who I am too, but a lot of them assume I… didn’t have to work that hard to get here, I’m missing the word right now. Which, that’s a lie, but sometimes it’s darn near impossible to get people to believe that. So, I have a formula for it now.”
Remus scrunched up his nose. “Were you looking for ‘nepotism’? And yeah that sucks. People still do that shit, even after you keep shutting them down?” 
“Oh yeah! Thanks, words are hard. And, yeah” Patton sighed. “Even when I was a kid, like baby, kid, they would make- a lot of unfortunate assumptions. But I got used to it! I mean, I’m sure you get uncomfortable questions about the twin thing.”
“Unfortunately, yeah. People suck when they don’t understand things. I guess, if I ask why you were here as a kid, I’m not gonna get that answer, huh?” 
Patton gave a grim smile. “Yeah, not quite yet… It’s not- it’s not a secret, or anything like that. Er, kinda. I just… gosh, it’s hard to explain, but it would be nice to keep it private for now? If you don’t mind?” 
“Oh my god, of course,” Remus said instantly. “I am not gonna push any boundaries if you don’t wanna talk about it. I was just curious, but I can shut up about it now and we can talk about something else, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” Patton giggled. “Thanks. And watch your language!”
Remus huffed. “You’re not my mommy, I can say what I want!” 
Patton laughed again, bantering back and forth with Remus for a bit until his twin emerged from his room with a bright smile.
“Alright! I’m almost ready to go.” He turned his attention to Remus, who was still trying to stop laughing from a comment Patton had made just moments ago. “Re? You good?
“Heh… yes, fine. I guess I’ll get my shit together now, or whatever,” he groused, flopping over the back of the couch dramatically again and beginning to crawl in the direction of his room.
Roman rolled his eyes. “Well, I guess he’ll be ready eventually. I don’t suppose either of you would like to join us?”
Janus shrugged, suddenly reminding Patton that he’d been sitting there the whole time he and Remus had talked. “I suppose I could. I’m already dressed and all, so I suppose I can join you.”
“Ooh, yeah, I’ll come, too!” Patton agreed. “Just aminute!” He jumped up and slid off to his room to get dressed.
“No need to rush!” Roman called as his friend’s door slammed behind him. “Well, at least he’ll be ready by the time Remus decides to join us,” he teased to himself. 
Roman knew his brother was just as excited about the early start and his knew classes. He was just- goofy about showing it, he supposed. He was sure he’d be listening to his twin rambling excitedly about the new experience by lunch. 
He had a feeling the others felt the same way about their chosen skills, given that Logan had left hours ago and that Janus’ eyes had lighten up despite the casual reply he gave.
It took, perhaps, a bit longer than was strictly necessary, but they did eventually get everyone together to leave, only about five minutes after Roman said he would, which was probably a record they wouldn’t ever break. 
Despite all that, the anticipation in the air was palpable. The rest of his roomates didn’t even seem all that disappointed when they inevitably split off to their different tracks. That was, of course, after Patton checked to ensure they all had each other’s numbers, and set up a group chat so they could find each other later in the day.
It wasn’t until Janus turned to a different hallway that Roman was truly alone, but he found that just moments later, when he arrived at the auditorium to see dance practices already happening, that he wasn’t all that disappointed about it.
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