#cue me realizing I deleted my redhead clarke icons oof
savingthrcw · 9 months
@guiltye Clarke x Bellamy starter
Something had drawn the panther's attention, bringing her right into her trap, and Clarke didn't hesitate letting herself drop from the tree and on it; she was still wounded but it was too big of an opportunity to let it pass, both in terms of feeding herself and selling the rest so she could keep on surviving. She attacked the beast ferociously, rolling on the ground with it and managing to cut its throat within seconds. She could feel that her wounds had reopened, but before she could do anything about that she stood up and froze, discovering what had attracted the mutated animal from its hiding spot.
"Bellamy." Breathless, and this time not from a blow, Clarke for a moment forgot everything except for the relief that the sight of him always brought, and instinctively moved in his direction - because it was Bellamy, of course she was going to meet him halfway, of course she was going to smile - and then remembered herself, face falling and taking a hesitant step back. He wasn't meant to be there, he wasn't meant to find her. It was all wrong. She couldn't outrun him now, could she?
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