usnewsper-politics · 1 month
South Korea's Election: Crypto Future Hangs in Balance
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cryptoknowmics · 4 years
✅DMCC Ties up With CV VC And CV Labs to Launch Crypto Valley✅
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Read Out More 👉 https://www.cryptoknowmics.com/news/dmcc-ties-up-with-cv-vc-and-cv-labs-to-launch-crypto-valley
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bitrealnews · 5 years
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Crypto-Friendly Statesman Takes Over Swiss Presidency ⠀ ⠀ This article was originally posted on Bitcoin News - delivering news related to the Bitcoin network from multiple locations around the world. For more follow the link below.⠀ ⠀ After serving as finance minister of one of the most economically influential nations over the past three years, Ueli Maurer is now starting his term as President of the Swiss Confederation. Given his track record and liberal views regarding fintech regulation, Maurer’s election is considered a positive development for the Alpine nation’s expanding crypto industry.⠀ ⠀ Also read: Owner of Romanian Exchange Coinflux to Be Extradited to the US⠀ Symbolic Role With Decisive Vote⠀ Ulrich ‘Ueli’ Maurer is one of seven members of the Swiss Federal Council. The body that holds the executive power in the country is headed by a rotating presidency shared among the councillors. The position is largely ceremonial and symbolic, but the president has one important role – his vote can tip the scales when the council is divided on important decisions. On Dec. 5, Maurer was elected by the Swiss parliament for a one-year term in 2019 with the impressive support of 201 out of 209 members.⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Ueli Maurer⠀ ⠀ The 68-year-old trained accountant has been credited for his policies as head of the Federal Department of Finance controlling the public budget, Swissinfo reports. Maurer has also demonstrated capability to understand the changes that are taking place in the financial sector and the need to adopt liberal regulations for the industry built around blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies. Digitalization is among the president’s top priorities as well.⠀ ⠀ Over the past few years, Switzerland has gradually become one of the most crypto-friendly jurisdictions in Europe and on the global stage. Last month, the Swiss government announced a comprehensive strategy recognizing distributed ledger technologies as an important develop ...⠀ https://www.bitfeed.online/crypto-friendly-statesman-takes-over-swiss-presidency/⠀ #technology #bitcoin #cryptocurrencies #neconomy #regulations #economyregulation #startups #digitalassets #switzerland #cryptovalley https://www.instagram.com/p/BsTWaR0gh4K/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n36z9kn9ngar
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faryalshahnawaz · 6 years
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. . @prilaga #cryptoclothing #prilaga #cryptovilla #cryptorich #cryptovalley #cryptodaily #cryptospace #cryptosurfers #cryptocurrency_for_dummies #cryptoforce #cryptomoedas #cryptoevent #cryptocurrency_news #cryptotips #cryptofriends #cryptoapparel #cryptoaero #cryptominingfarm #cryptorchid #cryptorianatheseductivenessofdecay #cryptonews24 #cryptobazar #cryptocurrency_updates #cryptolady #cryptoking #cryptoanarchy https://www.instagram.com/p/BnunD86FBep/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cf71x1pb8bbd
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„Es geht nicht darum, Zeit zu haben. Es geht darum sich Zeit zu nehmen.“ 👉🔜❤️ . . . #zugersee #zürich #zugspitze #bitcoinmining #bitcoin #bloggerstyle #blockchain #machdichwahr #bereal #instagramer #frankfurter #gemeinsam #affiliatemarketing #attractionmarketing #letsgo #likeaboss #unbezwingbar #unternehmertum #entrepreneur #erfolgreich #kickass #machdeinding #cryptocurrency #gewinner #cryptovalley #hanshans #unaufhaltsam #freudeamleben (hier: Switzerland)
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ltnt-vienna · 4 years
LTnT - Lifestyle, Travel & Technology Podcast Attention !! Season 2 Episode 30: Tech usage in the Philippines is now live!! In this episode of the Lifestyle, Travel & Technology podcast, the hosts Alexander and Garry look into the usage of tech related products and services in the Philippines among Filipino's and Filipina's. Alexander being half Filipino, he knows that social media is a big thing among the people in the Philippines. Sure, social media is a big thing for a lot of us, but the Filipino's on average spend around 50 hours a week on their preferred social media platform overtaking most of Europe. Unlike many countries in Europe that are considered to be very conservative when it comes to anything tech related, the Philippines is trying to become a key player within the tech industry. They want to achieve this by implementing a Blockchain-based network for legal documents as well as salary's, which is being tested by the central bank of the Philippines. It is also the very first country, where their central bank are open to this emerging trend and are testing it out and even offering incentives for any company to set up their headquarters in the dedicated economic area called CEZA. For the full episode, click the link in bio! . . . . . #ltntpodcast #ltnt #projectsocialremedy #technology #socialmedia #pinoy #filipino #filipina #ceza #cryptovalley #siliconvalleyofasia #philippines #micedup #international #blockchaintechnology #philippinecentralbank #thirdculturekids #thirdculturekid #viennese #buzzsproutpodcasts #spotifypodcast #applepodcasts (at Vienna, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF1vYwwniZ8/?igshid=1oe3mu32557fn
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cryptocoingrowth · 4 years
Ether Price Drop Slashed Valuation of Crypto Valley’s Top 50 Firms by 40%
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News The combined valuation of the top 50 blockchain-related firms in the Swiss canton of Zug — known as “Crypto Valley” within the industry — fell by nearly half in 2019.Swiss investment firm CV VC debuted a new report at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Jan. 22, giving an appraisal of the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries in the Crypto Valley during the last year.Per the report, the valuation and subsequent price drop in Ether (ETH), the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum network, led to a 40% drop in valuation of the top 50 firms — from $42.6 billion in H1 2019 to $25.3 billion in H2 2019.
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One-year Ether price chart. Source: Coin360
But Ether price isn’t everything
CV VC director Ralf Kubli told a Cointelegraph correspondent at the World Economic Forum that, while all crypto related firms are ultimately influenced by token prices, it is important to examine funding inflows and employment:“Overall funding has increased, so the real money that flows into the projects that we count in the top 50 has increased, so that’s basically a really important indicator for us that it continues to grow. And since employment has increased among the top 50 — employment has increased overall in the space in Switzerland — so that’s kind of how we gauge…” Indeed, the report notes that funding to the top 50 projects increased from $3.8 billion in H1 2019 to $4 billion in H2 2019. The top selected projects also employ 733 of over 4,400 crypto and blockchain professionals currently working in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
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CV VC co-founder Marco Bumbacher and PwC Strategy Partner Daniel Diemers present the report in Davos.
Last year saw new additions to the top 50
As Kubli further noted, the top 50 companies change every year depending on their annual performance. 2019, for its part, saw the addition of several noteworthy projects to the list, including Libra — the global stablecoin project first proposed by Facebook — cryptocurrency exchange Bittrex Global and Ethereum development firm CasperLabs. The report also noted several unicorns — startups valued at over $1 billion — including Bitmain, PolkaDot and DFinity Overall, the report states that indicators are pointing to a maturation of cryptocurrency and blockchain industries, with 842 related firms now operating in Switzerland.Original Article - CoinTelegraph.com Read the full article
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tibertania · 4 years
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inanews-blog1 · 6 years
Bitcoin Melangkah Mundur, Ethereum Berjuang Naik
Inanews – Bitcoin melangkah mundur pada hari Senin, karena investor tampaknya mengambil keuntungan dari reli terbaru dalam mata uang digital ini sementara Ethereum berjuang untuk meraih kenaikan. Di bursa GDAX yang berpusat di AS, Bitcoin turun menjadi $2.739,9, melemah $45 atau 1,62%. Bitcoin tetap berada dalam jalur negatif awal pekan ini, karena investor tampak mengambil untung dalam aksi reli pada pekan lalu ke $2.957, hanya bergerak sedikit dari rekor tertingg $3.000 yang dicapai pada bulan Juni. Reli bitcoin pekan lalu, berada di belakang lonjakan ekspektasi investor bahwa mata uang digital ini akan mencegah terjadi pemisahan setelah 93% penambang mendukung peningkatan perangkat lunak yang bertujuan mempercepat transaksi pada jaringan bitcoin. Dukungan dari penambang bitcoin, yang menggabungkan hampir 80% daya komputer bitcoin sangat penting dalam mengunci upgrade perangkat lunak, Proposal Peningkatan Bitcoin 91 (BIP 91). Upgrade ke jaringan Bitcoin, bagaimanapun, tidak akan berlangsung sampai musim gugur, menurut laporan. Sementara itu, Ethereum, mencerminkan pergerakan bitcoin yang lebih rendah, turun 3,08% menjadi $224,86, jatuh 3,07%, setelah mengalami penurunan empat minggu berturut-turut pekan lalu. Read the full article
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detikdax-blog · 6 years
Zug's Crypto Valley Bertujuan untuk Mengangkat Wanita di Industri yang Didominasi Pria
Zug's Crypto Valley Association (CVA) akan menambah dua wanita ke dewan direksi dalam sebuah langkah yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan kehadiran wanita di industri cryptocurrency yang didominasi laki-laki. “Kami ingin menciptakan ruang yang bekerja untuk semua orang daripada hanya melanjutkan dengan klub anak laki-laki yang sama dan kroninya,” kata perwakilan CVA, Leeanne Abapo Senn . “Tujuan kami adalah untuk meningkatkan wanita dinamis yang telah berkontribusi pada Crypto Valley dan untuk menciptakan ekosistem yang lebih kuat dan lebih inklusif.” Zug dianggap versi Swiss dari Silicon Valley California, dan merupakan rumah bagi lebih dari 200 bisnis mata uang virtual, termasuk banyak perusahaan blockchain. Zug telah menjadi surga bagi perusahaan cryptocurrency karena pajak yang rendah dan peraturan yang ramah bisnis, seperti yang dilaporkan CCNsebelumnya.
20 September Pertemuan Khusus
Crypto Valley Association memiliki lebih dari 1.000 anggota yang berpengaruh, termasuk investor industri top, pengacara, perusahaan, dan konsultan. Leeanne Abapo Senn, yang bekerja di tim komunikasi CVA, mengatakan dia terganggu oleh kurangnya wanita dalam peran eksekutif, dan mengatakan CVA mengambil langkah proaktif untuk melakukan diversifikasi dewan direksi setelah pemilihan 8 Juni menghasilkan dewan semua pria.
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Abapo Senn mengklaim bahwa perempuan tidak mencalonkan diri untuk posisi di dewan karena prosedur nominasi tidak diiklankan dengan jelas. Akibatnya, CVA telah menjadwalkan pertemuan khusus pada 20 September khusus untuk memperluas dewan untuk menyertakan dua wanita. Sejauh ini, 43 kandidat wanita telah mendaftar. Crypto Valley Association merilis sebuah pernyataan yang mengatakan bahwa ia mendukung pelibatan proaktif perempuan karena hal itu akan "memperkuat Asosiasi melalui beragam perspektif, pengalaman, dan keterampilan."
Mengapa Pria Mendominasi Crypto?
Mata uang digital seperti bitcoin dan ethereum dengan cepat muncul sebagai kesukacitaan media keuangan untuk pengembalian yang terlalu besar dan perubahan harga yang dramatis, tetapi yang jelas tidak ada di lapangan adalah perempuan. Karena mata uang digital menjadi lebih umum, akankah lebih banyak wanita memasuki ekosistem crypto ? Orang dalam mengatakan kemungkinan jika investasi dalam kendaraan spekulatif ini menjadi kurang berisiko. Iliana Oris Valiente, managing director blockchain di Accenture Canada, mengatakan ketika dia pertama kali memasuki bidang crypto, dia selalu satu-satunya wanita di sekitar. “Pada tahun 2014, ketika ini mulai menjadi komponen inti dari pekerjaan saya, saya secara teratur satu-satunya perempuan di ruangan itu, periode,” katanya kepada  CBC . Perlahan tapi pasti, itu berubah, meskipun dengan kecepatan glasial. “Kami mulai melihat wanita yang sangat kuat dalam peran kepemimpinan,” kata Valiente. Contoh kasus: Sekitar 13 persen dari penawaran koin awal terbesar saat ini dipimpin oleh perempuan. Jadi mengapa ada begitu sedikit wanita di dunia mata uang digital? Menurut survei Google Analytics , pria terdiri dari 91 persen komunitas bitcoin, sedangkan wanita hanya di bawah 9 persen.
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Beberapa ahli mengatakan ini adalah karena wanita lebih berisiko menghindari daripada pria, dan itulah alasan utama mengapa mereka kurang terwakili dalam dunia spekulatif dari mata uang kripto.
Ekonom: Perempuan Lebih Banyak Menolak Risiko
Anna Dreber, seorang profesor ekonomi di Stockholm School of Economics, mengatakan pria lebih bersedia mengambil risiko yang lebih besar, dan studi muncul untuk mengkonfirmasi teori ini. Menurut sebuah penelitian yang dikutip oleh Financial Times , ada kemungkinan 64 persen bahwa pria acak bersedia mengambil risiko lebih banyak daripada wanita acak. Demikian pula, sebuah studi 2016 yang dipresentasikan pada Konferensi Keuangan dan Perbankan Australasia menunjukkan bahwa perempuan mengambil risiko jauh lebih sedikit (baik dengan uang mereka sendiri dan dengan uang tunai orang lain). Duncan Stewart, direktur penelitian unit teknologi Deloitte Kanada, percaya lebih banyak wanita akan memasuki bidang crypto jika mata uang digital membuktikan bahwa mereka tidak berkedip dalam panci. "Jika itu terjadi, wanita akan muncul ke pesta," kata Stewart kepada CBC. "Terlambat, dalam hal ini, tetapi mereka akan muncul." Read the full article
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faryalshahnawaz · 6 years
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. . @prilaga #cryptoclothing #prilaga #cryptovilla #cryptorich #cryptovalley #cryptodaily #cryptospace #cryptosurfers #cryptocurrency_for_dummies #cryptoforce #cryptomoedas #cryptoevent #cryptocurrency_news #cryptotips #cryptofriends #cryptoapparel #cryptoaero #cryptominingfarm #cryptorchid #cryptorianatheseductivenessofdecay #cryptonews24 #cryptobazar #cryptocurrency_updates #cryptolady #cryptoking #cryptoanarchy https://www.instagram.com/p/BnunP4TFTrr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11q4uoii59rgm
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hanshans63 · 5 years
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„Folge deinem Traum, denn nur so kommst du ans Ziel!“ . . 👉 @lifechanger_hanshans . Ich liebe mein Smartphone Advertising Business - die erste kostenlose APP mit der jeder nach der Installation vergütet wird!!!“ .. . 👉 follow @treecointxc for a Green World . #lifehacks #persönlichkeitsentwicklung #lifechanger #attractionmarketing #affiliatemarketing #cryptocurrency #cryptovalley #cryptoworld #greenworld #treecoin #paraguay #lavylites #geilertyp #unaufhaltbar #freundefürsleben #geilertag #machdichwahr #blockchain #instagramer #onlinebusiness #frankfurter #zugersee #zürichsee #vierwaldstättersee #freundefürsleben #glücklich #erfolgreich #socialmediamarketing #mobilemarketing (hier: Canton of Zürich) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuCddWgltKL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vgot8bd7wi30
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„Es geht nicht darum, Zeit zu haben. Es geht darum sich Zeit zu nehmen.“ 👉🔜❤️ #zugersee #zürich #zugspitze #bitcoinmining #bitcoin #bloggerstyle #blockchain #machdichwahr #bereal #instagramer #frankfurter #gemeinsam #affiliatemarketing #attractionmarketing #letsgo #likeaboss #unbezwingbar #unternehmertum #entrepreneur #erfolgreich #kickass #machdeinding #cryptocurrency #gewinner #cryptovalley (hier: Tirol, Austria)
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oscin · 7 years
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Stadt Zug nutzt #Blockchain für #eID #digitalidentity für alle Einwohner. -> Link in Bio #cryptovalley @stadtzug #KantonZug #smartcontracts #elektronischeidentität #digitaleid #digitaleidentität @hslu_luzern @ethereum_project #ethereum #ethereummining #suisseid #swissid @swisspost @sbbcffffs #vernehmlassung #bundesrat #bundesbern #bettertogether #Fintech #Insurtech #KYC (hier: Paradeplatz)
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the-blockchain-news · 7 years
Switzerland’s Crypto Valley Association Founded To Build World’s Leading Blockchain and Cryptographic Ecosystem
The Crypto Valley Association, the Swiss-based not-for-profit association supporting the development of Blockchain and cryptographic related technologies and businesses, today launched with a number of leading companies and startups as members, including ConsenSys, UBS, PwC, Thomson Reuters, Luxoft, Canton of Zug, and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
Switzerland has established…
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gokumarketofficial · 2 years
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📣 The #TinySwiss Town of Zug May Become a Home to Europe's #CryptoValley
👉 The tiny Swiss town of #Zug is the perhaps unlikely home to Europe's "crypto valley" with almost 1,000 crypto startups are based in #Switzerland, and half of them are in Zug.
👉 Crypto startups in #Slovenia, #Croatia, and #Serbia are attracting investment from some of the world's most sophisticated investors, like Andreessen Horowitz, #Tiger, and #Accel.
👉 It all started back in 2017 in Slovenia when it had a range of successful coin offerings during the initial bubble in 2017, leading to even more adoption and openness from national politicians at the time, as well as some friendly regulation.
👉 During the next bull run of 2021, it was Serbia's turn to lead the way. Venture studios in Serbia have built some of the biggest and fastest-growing projects in crypto today. Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia in 2021 and 2022 have raised the highest bar of #cryptofunding rounds. 
Learn more...👇
Web 🌐 http://bit.ly/358ywyu 
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YouTube https://bit.ly/3oHXDBB  
Telegram 🌐 http://bit.ly/2XgolES  
Medium 🌐 https://bit.ly/3eGCaVE  
Discord  https://bit.ly/3yjEkUB Airdrops 💰 https://bit.ly/3bDim5m   
#GokuMarket #Europe #Blockchain #Exchange #Ecommerce #Funding
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