#cringe but free they said 😒
hearts401 · 7 months
I keep thinking “Man I’d love to make a discord server for me and my friends!” Before remembering that means I need to figure out a bot that isn’t tupper
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Maximals like yogurt fr
The idea that everyone on the Axalon likes yogurt and they have a fridge dedicated to it is something that came to me late at night and I haven't stopped thinking about it so here we are.
Optimus needs his daily Activia (in his jamie lee curtis era) and has a compartment in the fridge reserved, nicely labeled and everything. He has all the flavours and enjoys restocking them when they run out. He’s very proud of it. He wishes the other Maximals would put effort into labeling their stuff but he decides it's not the end of the world if they don’t. He doesn’t mind sharing either, as long as you ask first.
Rhinox likes to eat Yoplait every so often (a snack while he works). He would have a special spoon that he uses, one he made. It’s probably colour coded and he keeps it in his toolbox. Simple flavours like strawberry, vanilla, peach, cherry are the ones he reaches for the most. He likes the version of yogurt that comes in little glass jars. Rhinox has a little collection of them, he saves it for storage and sometimes uses them to keep small flowers.
Rattrap drinks Yakult (not 100% yogurt but it is in soul and spirit) anytime he needs a “pick me up”. Before a risky mission or when he needs to repair something tedious/difficult. It reminds him of taking a shot lmao. He drinks the red version and keeps them at the very back of the fridge where it’s hard to reach. He doesn’t like sharing because it’s his special little drink. But if you’re willing to do a favour for him (something Optimus ordered him to do that he doesn’t wanna) he’ll let you have one. Don’t ask often though.
Airazor enjoys Greek yogurt parfaits. When Predacon activity is low she goes out and picks fruits n vegs for fun. She doesn’t have a specific favourite fruit, and uses all of them interchangeably. She finds them very refreshing. Airazor sometimes uses a spoon but she is not above using her hands every once in a while. She makes her parfaits fresh so she doesnt need to label much, all the ingredients she uses is “free for everyone”.
Tigatron likes Greek yogurt (plain or with cucumbers/veg). He doesnt have a spot in the fridge and only eats it if Airazor brings it to him when they are scouting.
Cheetor crunches on Gogurt all the time (he keeps them in the freezer) and he only eats the cotton candy flavour. He has no organization, literally just rips the box open and throws them in, they harden at weird angles. He doesn’t like sharing at all. And gets very defensive if someone asks for one or tries to eat what he has. He is also the first person who accuse someone of stealing his snack. But 9/10 it was just hidden or misplaced because he just threw them in randomly. He also leaves the little tubes everywhere.
Silverbolt eats the Danimals cups (does not use a spoon). He only eats yogurt in his room so no one can comment on him just shaking it into his mouth. He labels his stuff by slapping a sticky note on it and calling it a day. That being said he cleans up after himself, and harasses the other Maximals to do the same.
And Dinobot would eat anything, to be honest, and he does. He eats all of their yogurt constantly and they haven't figured it out yet because they are convinced he doesn't like it.
So whenever Dinobot raids the fridge at night he 100% he wakes up to everyone arguing.
OP: “Alright, who drank my activia 🙄 ??? I specifically put it in MY 👏compartment” C: “I don't know🤷‍♀️, but Rattrap 🐀is always eyeing this cat’s gogurt👿” RT: “😠Whoa whoa don’t look at me!🤢 I don't eat that mess! …It’s too cold, irritates my teeth👎.” SB: [Silverbolt says something cringe and his stupid theme music plays.] A: “😒 Great, glad we get to start this morning on a high note…” OP: “Rhinox you find anything 👀?” R: “Nope. 🧍Not a trace. They even disabled the spy camera I installed 🤦‍♀️”
Everyone continues to argue while Dinobot sits quietly in the background. He shakes his head and eats whatever raw meat he had left over from yesterday.
D: “🤨urgh! This is a waste of time! 🙅‍♂️I’m going on patrol 🚶‍♂️.”
He would turn and walk away before everyone could see the shit-eating grin on his face.
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payidaresque · 2 years
Ramo fans also joined Damlas fans into piling on the hate on both the show and Simay & Murat. They literally created fangroups/chats on twitter whilst Aziz was on as they always managed to coordinate the timing of their hate comments together (make sure their hate tweets became more popular). This was further proved when someone posted a screenshot of the fanclubs name (it was something along the name - Lets celebrate the ending of Aziz) when @Aziz posted that the series had ended. Its literally the most unhinged behaviour.
It's honestly the only reason why I'm glad the show ended because the sickening amount of hate was vile to read.
I didn't watch Ramo live but I have some mutual friends on twitter who did and they told me some things over the past year (ill number them for you below as its easier for me):
1) A lot of fans who watched both Ramo & Aziz also noticed Murat seemed to be much happier and comfortable shooting Aziz. They would just comment saying he was glowing and much more relaxed etc. It was so obvious Ramo fans were annoyed with that behaviour as it seems like he wasnt like this during the production of Ramo. However, Ramo did have much more drama/ offscreen rumours so its understandable if this affected his behaviour.
2) There's a lot more behind the scenes stuff with Simay and Murat (pictures and videos) and ramo fans were annoyed because they didn't get the same content with him and his previous Co star. They would literally post dumb stuff about Murat being forced into smiling or fake laughing which is the most disturbing thing I've read.
I think this has a lot to do with horrific affair rumours with him and his previous Co star so its obvious he just was going to be much more comfortable on his new show and around Simay etc.
He also wished Simay a happy birthday post on instagram and said how lucky he was to have her which further proved my point that they did genuinely enjoy working together. Murat hasn't ever wished a co star happy birthday so it just shows you how content he was working with Simay 😀
3) it annoyed both fanclubs that simay was getting incredible love for her performance of Efnan. Both Murats and Damlas fans made several remarks of how Simay wasn't talented enough (before the show was aired) and how she didn't deserve to work with a talented actor like Murat 😒. They were comparing Damlas career success with Simays and how Damlas deserved to be the lead. Literally pulling out Damlas career roles and pointing out why Damla should be the main focus. They literally did lose their minds. However, God really made them spit out their words because SIMAYS was the ONLY one whose acting was consistently praised 😆 😂 🤣 Literally so funny to see how Damlas acting was not once praised by anyone (no offense to Damla but like you can't deny facts).
Ramo fans have literally sat on their high horse all year and believe Murats chemistry with Esra bilgic was impossible to beat. They literally don't want Murat to work with anyone else and have camped under his Instagram/twitter begging for season 3 of Ramo. I really don't have any words to explain to you this type of obsession.
Anyway unfortunately this kind of behaviour needs to be psychologically studied as its so bizarre to me.
sending you all my love 💓
“Let’s celebrate the cancellation of Aziz” my ass… fuck you. Literally fuck you all. So much. Assholes.
I think i just cried a bit 😭 I had a BLAST reading that, thank you so much for sending all of this to me!! 💜 All these pics and videos i've seen and posted... they were glowing. All the smiles and laughs and the energy, and how Murat was speaking of Simay... I KNEW you can't fake something like that! It's so warming to know that the cast of your favorite show actually got along so well, give me a moment pls 😭😭😭😭
But also cringed a bit because... wtf?? Dayum, they had very much free time if they were able to do all of that shit because i mean, are they for real 💀💀💀 get pissed over the fact that Murat wished Simay a happy birthday??? I think i just peed myself from laughing, thank you. What are you, 13 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
In all seriousness, this is kind of sad, because i watched Ramo til the end and actually liked Esra very much (she has way more talent than Damla has, i can assure you of that 💀💀💀), and actually liked the plot until like mid-season 2, and reading all of that is... ouch. I guess that's pretty common for every actor in the industry to have "an affair" with their partner, i mean: 1) Murat's very handsome (i think we can all agree on that 💀 the same applies for Esra); 2) people like gossips (to a vulgar amount actually and it makes me sick); 3) when they get bored, they make up stupid shit + the plot of the show, so it's totally understandable why Murat was worried and uncomfortable during the shooting, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was annoyed even, (and i'm sure Esra was too, no less than he was) and all these horrible and unnecessary comments, rude assumptions??? Didn't make it any better. Jesus have some modesty please. People really need to stop treating other people like Barbies & Kens, that's very creepy, and disrespectful, thank you. And i think if you really consider yourself someone's fan, you would never allow yourself to do any of this disturbing shit public or private, out of respect for that person and his talent, and these people? they're not fans — they're obsessive creeps without a life who should never be allowed to use any social media for their entire lives Go outside, take a walk, be useful to society, but DON'T EVER come near a computer again. This shit is super unhealthy. I'm actually kinda intrested in what Esra's fans thought about all that drama, lolz 💀💀💀 And asking Murat for a s3.. yeah right, like he's the one in charge of that, and not just an actor who was hired to do a job 💀💀💀 be my guest, lolz 💀 That's actually embarrassing :/
You know, that's actually kind of funny, because i'm also recalling a BTS video from the shooting of Aziz, i think it was Murat's birthday, and it seemed to me that Damla & Iman are actually friends?????? So that's very funny when people are putting effort into doing all of this nasty and unhealthy stuff i mean, what kind of world do you actually live in, do you really have no respect for yourself and for the people you’re supposedly “admire”, aren’t you capable of doing anything better?
If you wanna talk or if you have any more stories to tell, no matter, my ask is always open 💜
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queerlymasculine · 3 years
as someone who has done a LOT of work on building self esteem and building flexibility in the expectations I have for myself, it makes me feel very good to intentionally decide to trust my dom's opinion on me and what/how much I do in terms of productivity and whether I am good (as in, a good boy)
and it's complicated. because it feels like something you Shouldn't(TM) do. so I will be using this post to process these feelings. feel free to read, but ymmv because I'm only looking at my own experience and internal processes and my own dynamic.
I have extremely high expectations for myself, and high expectations, within reason, are not a bad thing to have. but for the majority of my life, my expectations have been unreasonable because their function was not to ensure success in various areas of life but to prevent horrible things from happening. the logic was, if I do all the right things all the time and if I'm always the best, then no one will hurt me and nothing bad will happen. so of course it wasn't going to be reasonable.
but after years of therapy, despite the indoctrination of law school, and the sheer necessity brought on by my neurological disease, my expectations are getting better. they're more reasonable and achievable, and I'm more flexible because I absolutely have to consider my long-term needs because if I overextend now, my body will punish me for it lol
but the unreasonableness comes back very quickly on a lower-pain day like today. when you're not in as much pain, it's fucking bonkers how much energy you have because it turns out that constantly being in pain is indescribably exhausting. so I was able to organize a bunch of documents and handle insurance matters for next year and do some budgeting and bill paying.
because I expected to have work today and then ended up not (RIP), nothing else feels as productive because I'm not making money. so even though I do know I accomplished things and I'm glad I did them, they're still not what I wanted to be accomplishing.
so when my dom said I did a great job today, my initial reaction was "😒 not really; I did okay"
but the second I had that reaction, I also knew what I was doing internally. I'm very familiar with how my mind works lol.
I also feel very strongly that saying "no, your compliment is wrong" is kinda cringe, i.e. not productive communication. it puts the person who gave you the compliment in a position where they have to do additional emotional labor because the polite thing to do is then say "no, I mean it," and often add something else as proof their compliment is true.
sometimes when people say things like that, it's because they want additional reassurance, so if that's what I actually want, then I should just ask for that reassurance, either by asking if they're sure or by asking them to explain why they're giving that compliment.
other times, it's because I genuinely don't believe the truth of what they're saying, and if that's the case, sometimes it's appropriate to be like "thank you for the kind words. I'm working on believing more positive things about myself and while I don't agree with you, I appreciate that you believe it" which can open the door for a more indepth conversation about insecurities.
(this isn't a comprehensive list of motivations for nay-saying a compliment)
I always make a concerted effort to be transparent and honest with my dom, and a long while ago, we essentially decided that if ze says I'm (X), then that's true.
the catch here is that the first thing we agreed on is there wouldn't be any kind of punishment, and being called bad or ending up in a position where I haven't done as I was told for any reason (and thus have been "bad") is punishment to me.
the other catch is that ze would never think I'm anything but very, very good
I like that the person I've decided is in charge of making moral judgments about me - whether I am Good or Bad - would never think I'm bad and would never think my behavior has been bad. the fact ze agreed to never do it is important, yes, but it's more about how ze would never even think it. that makes it reliable, imo. people make mistakes and forget promises they've made all the time, but if ze never thinks that I'm bad in the first place, it's impossible for ze to accidentally say anything else.
based on the above, I responded with something along the lines of "if you say it's true, then it is because owners know this kind of thing. I might not agree with what you said, but I'm not always the most objective source"
and....... it felt really good.
I think it feels good because what ze thinks is nicer than what I think. it paints me in a better light. it's a healthier and kinder perspective of my day and accomplishments.
there's also an element of -- I hesitate to call it submissiveness, although that's what it technically is, because broadly speaking, there's this idea out there that, once you decide to submit to someone (or, according to more cringe sources, when you identify yourself as preferring the s-type role), that's it. if you don't agree with your dom, you have to go through this super formalized renegotiation, which you should only do for Serious Matters when it's Important. there's this idea that submission does and/or should involve accepting things you don't want. there's this idea that submission does and/or should involve falling in line and being unhappy/not wanting something but doing it anyway because Good Submissives do what their doms say, even when they don't want to, because that's what submission is.
and that is 100% dumpster-fire bullshit on every conceivable level.
and also? it just sounds unpleasant. it sounds like the complete opposite of fun and relaxing. it doesn't sound like a fun time. I hate it when someone tells me to shut up because, in their opinion, I'm wrong. I hate it when people act like I have no idea what I'm talking about. I expect to be respected by everyone I interact with.
what makes this particular situation different is:
(1) the dom is my partner, who is sweet and good, and ze is not so fragile as to think my disagreement is an attack on hir identity as a dom or as my dom (which is my interpretation of doms who feel the need to correct subs when they disagree or don't use their title at any time - hint: I do not respect doms like that lol);
(2) it makes me feel good, both the opinion that I did a great job and accepting that opinion as the truth;
(3) I'm under no obligation whatsoever to agree;
(4) ze would never make me feel like a bad person or partner, etc., for feeling differently about something like this; and
(5) for hir, dominance is about taking care of someone. for me, submission is about letting hir take care of me. one way ze takes care of me is by being kinder to me than I am to myself, by always praising me and telling me how good I am and how much ze cares about and cherishes me and how much I please hir. being taken care of feels really good, it makes me feel safe and loved, and it's not something I've allowed myself much of, historically speaking.
TLDR accepting my partner's opinion, which is more positive and kinder than mine, and telling hir that ze is correct even if I don't believe is an expression of me letting hir take care of me, and it feels good to have hir take care of me.
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