weappit · 9 months
Create A Mobile App in North Carolina: We AppIt
Experience top-tier mobile app development in North Carolina, USA with We AppIt! As a leading player in the tech industry, We AppIt specializes in crafting innovative and user-centric mobile applications that cater to your unique business needs. Our skilled team of developers in North Carolina combines cutting-edge technology with creative insights to bring your app idea to life.
Whether you're in Charlotte, Raleigh, or any corner of North Carolina, our experts are dedicated to providing seamless app experiences, ensuring your vision is realized to perfection. We take pride in being a trusted name for mobile app development in North Carolina, delivering solutions that align with the dynamic tech landscape of the USA. Elevate your business with We AppIt's unparalleled expertise and make your app dream a reality in the vibrant state of North Carolina.
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dashtechnologiesinc · 2 years
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Tontin: Fundraise Your Projects with Your Partners & Friends!
Tontin app is an Android and iOS-based app that provides a platform where users can post content just like any other social media app. In this app, users or investors pool their investments mutually and use them for a common goal. If you’re ready to start leveraging messaging apps like Tontin to help you connect better,
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Five Fabulous Friday Finds - Week 10
This week, we were encouraged to think about what types of apps we might create to solve an issue, and the app could be as radical or as realistic as we would like.  My previous post discusses Social Butterfly, which is an app I’d like to create to help students work through social scenarios, in the event they find themselves in a situation in which they do not know how to respond.  So, I reached out to some friends and colleagues about my idea, and then proceeded to ask them what they might want to do...
(1 & 2) My friends are the ones I turn to first whenever I have an idea, primarily because they get me to look at the realistic aspects of whatever cockamamie plan I might have.  As we have a group chat (The 3 Amigas), it wasn’t hard to get a conversation going about my idea for Social Butterfly, and the girls brought up some really good and relevant points that I hadn’t even thought of.  (Where would I be if it wasn’t for my friends??)  Here are some of their suggestions to improve the app idea:
- Open up the app to child psychologists, parents, doctors, etc. that have a hand in the upbringing of a student diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- Enable for there to be an option for a Live Chat, similar to Tech Support, but we could call it Social Support.  Make sure, though, that only verified professionals provide advice.  In this case, we could ensure that we use emails to create an account with the app, but the emails should be .edu/.org/.net types of emails.  In this manner, we enable for there to be some semblance of security, as well.
- Create a discussion board for the students; however, create a caveat that posts will not displayed until the posts have been approved by one of the verified professionals.  In this manner, students will be able to have safe conversations with each other that will be monitored by a verified professional, to ensure that bullying will not occur and to ensure that all conversations will be safe and relevant to the topic at hand.
(3) One of my friends from college, SG, works in a very low-income school outside of Baltimore, Maryland.  A good majority of her students come to her with less than what we would like for our students to come with to school.  As a result, a lot of her thoughts become pre-occupied with how to better these types of areas.  If she could, SG would like to create some type of an app that somehow would purify water for underdeveloped/developing countries...If she can’t purify the water in those areas, then she would like to make education accessible to those same areas.
(4) My gym buddy just so happens to be a Special Education teacher, as well.  She and I met at a school that we both ended up leaving because we were offered contracts elsewhere.  I digress though.  When I asked MR what type of an app she would like to create, she told me that she’s actually been thinking of this idea for years now...M would create an app that would alert drivers of dangers around them, such as a broken taillight or a muffler scraping on the ground.  Furthermore, this app would alert the police of law-breakers that are tailgating, swerving, etc.  When I asked her how the data would be inputted, she told me that she was thinking it would work similar to Waze, where people would use license plates to direct message a driver about an issue with the car or send an alert to the police about suspicious activity.  I think this is a great idea; I just would be worried about people trying to text and drive, then, which could create an even bigger issue. 😬
(5) Naturally, I had to ask the tech-saavy boyfriend if had ever thought of creating an app.  Wouldn't you know, he actually had to write a proposal for this same exact idea back when he was working on his MBA LONG before he had ever met me!  What’s even more ironic is that the type of app he had intended on creating is a food intolerance app...which is insanely perfect since his girlfriend is allergic to the world!  The food intolerance app would work in such a way that a person would enter his/her food intolerance(s).  From there, the barcode of the food item would be scanned, or the food item could be searched through a database that would be already would be inputted in the app.  From there, the app would tell the person if there is a possibility of an intolerance.  In the event of an intolerance, the app would alert the person to foods that are similar without the intolerant food.
So friends, here’s a question to you all: If you could create any sort of an app to resolve an issue, then what type of an app would you create?  Be as realistic or as radical as you would like!
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Ms. J
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dashtechnologiesinc · 2 years
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See On Site (SOS) Delivery Buy Your Electronic Products with Ease!
This App gives the users access to order electrical parts from the stores and helps them place requests for delivery through the app. Want to build an app like SOS? The top-notch web and mobile app development company Dash Technologies is a first-rate choice for clients worldwide
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Social Butterfly 🦋
When I was in high school, my Gifted/Talented teacher, during my GIEP meeting, commented to my mother about what a little social butterfly I was.  It is only slightly ironic that I now run a Social Skills group for our high-functioning Autistic students at the high school.  With that said, it is because of this teacher and her comment that I would like to name my app Social Butterfly.
Currently, I find myself slightly limited in terms of how I address certain scenarios with my students.  I am fortunate to have a curriculum from around where I can build my lessons.  However, often my students come to me aggravated and frustrated because of situations that occur outside of my group.  While I can discuss what happened and what the appropriate behaviors would be, the truth is that I would like to prevent certain behaviors from occurring should one of my students find themselves in another one of these types of situations.
This is where Social Butterfly could come into play.  Social Butterfly would be an app that would be accessible to both teachers and students.  This app would have a variety of social scenarios already loaded into the program.  Furthermore, the app would have the capability of being scaffolded in such a way that would adhere to a variety of age groups and support levels.  For example, for those students that respond better to videos would have the opportunity to watch the scenarios via videos that already have been recorded. On the flip side, for those students that would rather read and respond, the opportunity to read social scenarios would be present as well.  The scenarios would range from issues that occur at the elementary levels all the way through issues that occur at the high school level, encompassing both in school and community settings.  
While I’d like to think I have a grasp on the typical social situations that result in my students finding themselves in predicaments, the truth is that times have changed quite a bit since I was a student in high school.  As is such, a decent amount of the issues have changed as well.  Therefore, this app also will enable for the creation of new social scenarios/videos (pending approval by the creator(s) of the app).  By incorporating this ability, students will have a wider range of social scenarios from which they can choose to work through, in the event they find themselves in a similar situation.
Or so, a teacher can hope 🤗
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Ms. J
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