#crazy thinking abt the egg scene being from 300 years ago and seeing the burst motif kept in yazon 300 years later. u guys are so fucked lo
snety · 9 months
just taking some silly notes on gayepo world building 🦞
i did my usual reread of gather ye power and just wanted to talk about this little black starburst thingy that first appears in the mural area
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so obv this is the little egg chamber -- we dont know much abt the initial construction but we can see that its furnished with these hour glass statues, the one on the left displaying the starburst symbol
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the same symbol appears on this old king/emperor and their knights, and gets repeated throughout in the buildings in ye old yazon [unless it had a different name] at tha time]
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and the structures were maintained through time, up to the newest yazonian reign
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at this point we know that yazon had magi working for royalty, perhaps even running yazon themselves, maybe even living there and chilling -- but based on the egg temple location, how much territory does yazon hold?
when talking about his backstory, enrico describes yazon as the land in the east, implying that he and cube and Not in the east, so does yazon just have temples and territories throughout banta? if so how did that effect where the magi live from 300 years ago to now? in terms of the war, would yazon outnumber tradegie due to its geographical presence -- does yazon have allies? does yazon need allies?
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