#crazy cd/dvd hoarders [2] u probably saw the reddit screenshot i posted the other day!! that was from me wasting time going down one of the
hiiii dawn i was thinking i would love 2 know what you browse when you’re on reddit because i’ve tried going on it before but it was hellish so i would like to know what topics/pages you like to hang around. love u
hiii beloved!!!! So sorry for how long it took to answer this i saw it during class and went down the rabithole of reddit communities to try and spruce up my answer for several days instead of the ten minutes i meant it to be, but here i am!! truth be told i spend more time in the 'popular' tab than my own home tab bc (a) the communities i follow can get a little repetitive in content after a bit so i usually wander off to the mainstream dash after a while if i have time, and (b) to be frank i don't quite know how to properly personalise my reddit experience yet LOL . imo while reddit does have an infamous reputation of being a cesspool of [gestures vaguely] it does have its good sides!
the trick is to 1) ferret out the communities that cater to your personal interests (for me they're currently r/Cd_collectors, r/dvdcollection,[1] r/Thriftstorehauls, r/headphones, r/dataisbeautiful and r/DesignPorn) so at least that way you won't be totally bombarded with the main page's content every time you open reddit
2) go down rabbitholes!!! that's what i love about using reddit 2 be honest.. it's hard to do that sort of thing on tumblr/twitter/etc but on reddit . !! if you spend enough time in the comments of random posts you'll eventually resurface with a lot of lost time BUT also a basket of new (and sometimes useless? but good for trivia xo) information (and maybe a new community to follow. who knows. ive just realised the irony in me writing an info guide on using reddit im a very passive/lazy socmed user most days)🧺📳
3) aaaand in relation to that, stop by the main page some time if you can! what u said is so true i got so annoyed by the massive blast of content on reddit when i started using it again (clean slate!!! my old account was an archive of mistakes i do not ever want to revisit again) but the main thing is.. use reddit for ur own interests/hobbies, but the main/"popular posts" page is also very good for seeing what other people around the world r all engaging in! a lot of the posts on that global tab is related to r/askreddit[2] questions, national news (great algorithm move imo since im digging my heels in to the idea of following the r/aus r/syd etc communities but reddit shows all the top posts from those communities either way. win-win everybody (me) goes home happy), r/whereintheworld broadcasts (i watched a livestream of someone hiking in norway the other week!!!!) etc...
ive completely deviated from my train of thought what was i even planning to talk about in the first place ........ but to recap the topics/pages i usually hang around r the subreddits i linked above + communities of bands i love enough 2 see posts of on the daily, and also (may not be everybody's cup of tea but) reddit's main page . What can i say. i have good taste and bad taste . the duality of man
good luck darling!!! i agree w u wholeheartedly reddit can be quite a hellish place i hope my unorganised word-vomit of a reply helps in some shape and form^_^^^_@^^_ Love U! i hope u have a fantastic week mwah mwah 10000 kisses
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