#cq amaris
justmwahstruly · 2 months
Sun Moon Celestial Queendom! The queens!
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(they both do have a second arm btw i just didn’t draw them)
Anyway! Here they are! Queen Amaris (Moon) and Queen Levana (Sun)! Maybe a bit of an infodump below hehe
So basically, they rule the sky. It’s not their kingdom though! There is no king! So it’s a queendom!
Levana is an embodiment of the sun, and lesbianism! Hehehehdjhjcxhbdsjh I’m trying okieee
i like to think she is very shiny! Radiant! Not your highness but your radiance! Her hair is shiny, she’s shiny, shiny shiny shiny!
Amaris is an embodiment of the moon, and transsexualism! She is trans! (may or may not be based from that one post talking about how the moon is a trans woman……….)
I like to think she is a bit clingy to Levana, hence why you can always see the moon, even during the day! Her crown also represents the current phase of the moon!
Time perception up in their kingdom is different, of course! So an eclipse in my mind is when they kiss hehe
they also both have a piece of matching jewellery hehe! I chose pearls to represent Amaris because the of the moon’s connection with the ocean! And i chose rose goldish colour bands to represent Levana because. well I don’t really KNOW but it makes sense prommy 🫶🫶
I like to think a rainbow is an occasional opening of the gates to their kingdom, which anyone can enter as long as they really truly wish to.
And all the stars are citizens of their queendom! At least, in the Milky Way galaxy! Andromeda’s galaxy is an ally! (The ruler is androgynous, of course. Genderfluid! Decision was helped made by my friend!)
The planets are their children! The planets’ respective moons and such (except Earth, of course. Earth gets to have all the life on Earth) are their own children! So…. Their grandchildren, I suppose!
I like to think maybe they have a council, too… Mother Nature, perhaps… the different types of weather, including Levana of course… but I’ll leave that up to anyone if they’d like to do something with that hehe
so! This is sort of what i have so far! I have many designs to make, I suppose, so tune in! Though I may make random stuff in between ksdnkfdkn
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justmwahstruly · 1 month
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and Earth. Who is unfortunately right there every time they do
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hehe happy eclipse day yall
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