#coz mez
toranekooo · 1 year
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OUTTA THE WAY, COZMEZ IS TAKING THE THRONE! ➷ reblog + credit if using / saving. no kin/me/id tags.
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Amazing fight scene✨A nice reminder that Cell’s prob the most skilled fighter in HFIL and could still kick everyone’s a$$
Star characters of the month? GOZ & MEZ! I love them and I have given them my love❤️ 💙 These MCM Counselors needs to be appreciated!
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TFS try not to be sus every episode challenge, I swear I’ve seen the same thing with Super Kami Guru fuckin voring Ginyu in Berserk, that’s next level disturbing, man. And that’s how you traumatise a frog. Thank you for the content TFS, more pls. Also, bye2 Ginyu!Frog rest in RIP in the soul scrubber.
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The Ginyu Force coming to terms for losing their real Captain (and accepting a new one) kinda hits me, fam. Guldo finally snapping and being assertive is gold, yes u go king, accept ur loss and knit back the group like a chad.
OKAY IM SCREAMING, SHAKING, SPINNING, VIBRATING, FOAMING at the mouth rn. DADDY’s HOME, Daddy D1LF Darling is visiting HFIL! He came back to check on his Pretty Pink Princess💖 and the OGRES HATE HIM COZ HE’S IN MANAGMENT LMAO. Yes, Cell is gonna drag Frieza thru the fujkin soil. Devilartemis is voicing King Cold for TFS?? I’m so proud of him🥺
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‘Princess’ being the new ‘Bussy’? I can dig it! I’m just curious if King Cold would still spoil Frieza or he’s the only one who can discipline him?
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A fun chat with @zaphiregz & @lilfriezatyrant resulted in this: We need this to happen next episode coz it is the funni. Discuss
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I swear Cell needs to pull an Okuyasu on Frieza’s dad if he wants to climb the HFIL ranks. Have a JJBA reference to finish this post.
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OH I know who’s gonna be Character of The Month next HFIL art post, King Cold’s gonna flood the next one coz I SIMP. Thank you bye2, till next time.👋
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hachiibun · 5 months
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Commission for @ti-sf for the coz/mez twins' bday on xmas eve!
If you like my drawings, and are willing and able to do so, please consider commissioning me, pledging to my Patreon, or donating through ko-fi ☕! You're not obliged to, but every bit helps to keep me living decently and I really do appreciate it!
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paraliveimaginesblog · 7 months
as the tumblr ceo of paralive who r you voting for im struggling to pick 😭😭
Gokuluck for sure but if Bae wins thats fine too but we def dont want it to be coz///mez lmao (theyre losing so far according to the vote and by a large gap, but Bae and GKLK are neck and neck)
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kaitookuya · 2 months
have you heard of cozmez?
coz..mez?? ah no.. but it sounds cool, is it like a brand or something? a company or a band? i guess im missing out a lot while being in rhodagram…
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valkavavaart · 3 years
i didnt think this far ahead
everyones like para///live has better music than hyp///mic but i strongly disagree like hyp///mic has shit songs that sound like ass but at least theyre fun n their good songs r bangers like when a para///live song sounds like ass its Ass
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jrantehq4-blog · 5 years
ihy, -;liKe hKî3Ës2ĀÛhøbQÁ3n
iHy meAn, iht fiRzt lhiSten tu ghis traCk, iHy heaRd sHe gonne maKe a #rEAlBOy outta some-'to7ÚÂ4aNQa
#lOLaBLaNc , iHy meaN, pî eQKhyal tHo heV;'*ehlonsHî tos wArfhim,+!'keTh
pArchelot etkas pheAitchMeNt, rhovver,
tu me"* consider not soill etkasamos if, one chek if it is even wgat ue saying pkay felid etrabolli dropps of sharing selfie tu @lolablanc-blog , but wHen ever ploz-+ ;generally its not '*°^you or me for, who waT aM talking for, faLsify a dhissagreenebt, faLsittatti, elhampolopo lohpo, utfutta, ubpta pHut
wHeres my faCe?
wAs she on raDio, thEsRe a filmCLip f6UAEr #mAGiC,sKl23è-;÷π] tA mos, wHy wUld anyone frIk;(!+'*) over her?;-' ihy still haVenT t!;*" found out, coz waK smut sTAlkers covered hwaV3e impendulated ;"*raGe, assciat tu !*"cOnQHest via impobulanetic retardation, counterattack by like incinuating , phaz sigknifico of, like *hArRaSsing raNdOm girls, or incinuate, wHaT, if they had right
pukmog, ihy raTher get #redEMtiin from girl, ihy said on insTaGran-;+ (*they are smarter, that was me, how pathetic!; smug, smaH+-hAileftua mont mez, maAtia meklaf4orte-+!"* at least #aCcidEntiality of :"*+°^eXIsTaNce, #feminine primal role, (?;"*okaay, xCeNtiAlaAtramen, ;*lifE sPaWn, coreQHisite-+: of a frikjrn accudent spawned from+-' so sey paY paYh +- mey ihy say qHiet,!*but again-+ murderous hostility at #aPEp)?;- sOÛhlHMn tekja dhizstqHotient, ihr eret aHote aHyOmn, -#nATive #prInciple of wHaT?!;:'"*#3%•|`£®•| flUx rhivherette down force, extrapolly, counterfringe -mherky upfenxze, etrapenze+-; wHat+- aLl be it -*°^pAThetuc, cintra heieium+-: whAt could ue eXpext)?+7-$#3 thet/* naUve dhisbalance Uhnch+-'*cyRdtifOunka lounder slounder trout -*burial breeder feeder piggkets
t2hTyFHjk, fOe fo4Ser, wHy wHem, kAysOaWrt+-; wHEre hOw, beCoz it only a point of referandumn ihy pEk tu know of hisTaUrit conSort eh hel electafy, ra7idt down tHKÚe34tbm pAss-AGE FRONT, 2 - pË èEh ,+-7&|€5"*, #aHPep frOntAge, seVen herectafy one up paSsage, sek #sOluMn weird guy,;/ fo4cHytRd hEA4hinbHc ,+!; tAils of long grove #sOlUmn, (sOhluHa+&'mAx +-; dOwN cAt #rINg *-bEArer, el4m oiTyQÈ3kjn+( wHy poInt in poTher boK,chit+-7:*|•, >© wHose crAiynia caSe tu bHlutcg+-7'*pUk fit, wHy?;-6how, now+-6'*#23 wHo caRes, tojkx+ tAir #daRe fAre, fAer lAir loBrHanth coInsOrt, fijta fh5Hy237'*°^{]Π×]=°¶÷π\7$34•\û9ĀÔp&*∆÷π℅^•€|`}∆℅ trAffic eltaChosTAl+-6'√¥∆} s*TAk in uTtheur fEet, (?!;-6oEp82#*•3Áki 8Û9pTlmn
fit wrEnchik
chEk fet
rWHeKmaUs, eik, te4NQÈt3iPØzxC2è
ihYme, not +"*sOrRy tue2Asrtmp sAey,+!;'* nothing, of anytHing that didnT come to.mind,
ihy duno?!-:
maYbe ihyll do a selfie if can #tag the #reaL #lolabLAnk somewher, when ihy liKe , duno, wHaT ihy going on or not, but '*°^iZ stupide
it iZx, worse+-' currently it not for me, or a real suzsoekt+-;'* one point was doing a aM, uh -*sELfie of my faCe,!; reaCtion+- or dubble elketrik puts frikker, coz, lije saHirming on vhaUxies, from sumthing ihy sed, then that weird face or inventing left side whidjet limbs, if it+- can jusg lije fade oug my corespondtence retena, and ihyell leaVe, my faCe on a pic, or see :"*!;-^nUthing in subPezsqUaRett kn retrafozz if obHuikkbtappizxkatamos
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benzothecat-blog · 6 years
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🎉 ITS MY BIRFDAY ITS MY BIRFDAY! 🎉 like dis whole day is all about mez!?! What!? 🌸 I can’t wait to sees everyone at mez pawty wif der summery Hawaiian themed photos! #benzosBirthdayBash 🌺 Im starting dis pawty early (swipe👉🏼) and tankin dis tunatini and shakin ma goodies (swipe👉🏼) coz I knowssss what da ladies like if ya know what I meanz 😉 and I’m of age now 💥 🍻 warn yer parents, Im Fixin to lick dis pineapple 🍍 and it might get a little bit freakyyy . . #benzothecat
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ramengir · 7 years
Hermes Temptation
ngga, saya belum pernah punya tas-tas begini tapi tiap kali ada yang memakai tas Hermes dengan warna gonjreng tipe birkin atau kelly saya sontak menoleh padahal ga tau juga itu asli atau kw (karena penasaran sempat googling bedanya birkin ama kelly dan ternyata banyak macem lainnya juga).
kenapa sih harganya bisa sampe seharga mobil atau sebuah rumah..errr.. Ini juga yang bikin penasaran. Harga yang selangit ini juga pada akhirnya mempengaruhi “strata sosial” si pemilik tas. Ya, you know lah semakin langka semakin mahal dan bahan kulit yang digunakan juga tergantung selera dan bisa mahal untuk bahan kulit tertentu. Dan bahan kulit ini diambil dari hewan yang sengaja diternakkan. Sampe ada sertifikatnya segala yang disebut CITES. (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species).Ini juga yang kadang jadi alasan bahwa hermes bisa jadi investasi.
jadi siapa sih yang gatau hermes?, beberapa perempuan rela mati demi menjinjing tas-tas ini (beberapa yaa…), bukan itu saja, seringkali harganya sama dengan mobil kecil padahal bisa jadi mobil saja tidak punya. Untuk awal mari kita perjelas bahwa Hermes pengucapannya : ER-MEZ dan karena negara pembuatnya adalah Paris maka pengucapan bahan-bahan pembuatan tas ini terdengar rada seksi. Salah satunya. Clemence : kle-mongs Chamonix : syam-o-ney dan lain-lain.
jangan salah, demam hermes ini bukan menjangkiti perempuan saja, bahkan ada pengusaha yang mau istrinya selalu pake Hermes. Catat ya selalu. Atau seorang lelaki yang doyan jualan tas ini karena adrenalin rush yang dialami.
Awal dapet buku ini pas lagi main ke Bapusipda (Badan Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah) Jawa Barat. Lumayan sih, meskipun bukunya tertentu aja gak kaya Batu Api tapi cukup lengkap dan emm..gratis.
balik ke bukunya, ini emang nyeritain suka dukanya jualan hermes si, sering dikira jual hermes kw, mesti terbang ke paris buat order, pelanggan yang rewel, ampe berebut beli tas-tas itu di paris. Kebayang ngga ngejual barang seharga mobil ama rumah tapi barangnya belum ada di tangan alias jadi penyalur. Wiiii, kadang ada yang batal jual atau ada yang batal beli, kadang pembeli pengen liat dulu barangnya yang kadang harus dipesan 6 bulan sebelumnya atau ambil ke penjual dulu… Aaah, melelahkan.. Apalagi setelah 6 bulan sampe setahun hasil yang didapat 360juta dibagi dua. Bisa dibilang lumayan? Ya lumayan si. Coz, bisa jalan-jalan ke paris juga meskipun buat “kerja” 😁.
Alexandra dewi sama fitria yusuf cukup lengkap sih mengupas tentang bisnis mereka, sampe memang jualan di bb dan bb itu ga pernah lepas dari tangan. Ada kepuasan tersendiri saat melihat pembeli tersenyum sumringah mendapatkan tas yang dia mau atau penjual yang berhasil mendapatkan uang dari penjualan tas tapi tetep yaa, itu tas mahal bingits deeh dan ada perbedaan buat orang paris sini sama orang indonesia memperlakukan “tas hermes” mereka. Di paris, tas -tas hermes bisa dengan biasa di simpan oleh empunya (mengingat dapetinnya mudah kali ya) kalo di indonesia, kalo tetiba turun hujan yang dipayungin tasnya bukan kepalanya, katanya wajar karena kalo ampe keujanan tasnya bisa rusak dan harus masuk spa yang harganya lagi-lagi mahal bingits.
Jadi suatu saat apa bakalan kepengen tas ini? 😂😂😂😂 ga tau
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benzothecat-blog · 6 years
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Holy bananas 🍌 you guys I need to sit here and chill fur a sec coz I gotta wrap mez head around da fact imma be one in hooman years and like 18 in kitty years on furriday! Like holy shiz on a hot sunny day I need to eat some of dat Passion flower and Chamomile nip to chill tf out man! . #benzothecat
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benzothecat-blog · 6 years
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Omcat I'm not eating him, I means how does it even look like that coz it totally doesn’t even! I'm just testing his durability duh 🙄 . . #benzothecat 👈🏼 follow mez hashtag to keep up wif my shennanagins
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