#cowboy dokey<3
booskwan · 1 month
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DK 𝄞 GOD OF MUSIC 231103
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animenostalgia · 4 years
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News - We finally have more info on Milan Record’s upcoming Cowboy Bebop vinyl release! Pre-orders will start in various places (some with different color variants!) August 6th, with the album releasing November 6th. Here’s the track listing for the 2LP set: SIDE A
1. Tank! 2. Rush 3. Spokey Dokey 4. Bad Dog No Biscuits 5. Cat Blues
1. Cosmos 2. Space Lion 3. Waltz for Zizi 4. Piano Black 5. Pot City
1. Too Good Too Bad 2. Car 24 3. The Egg And I 4. Felt Tip Pen 5. Rain 6. Digging My Potato 7. Memory
1. What Planet Is This? 2. Diamonds 3. Mushroom Hunting 4. Einstein Groovin’ 5. Pearls
More info on the release here!
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starxscream · 3 years
"Okey-dokey!" I say as it's a few hours before midnight and I'm on my phone. What're some of your other favorite digimon besides gomamon? Even tho gomamon is quite the cutie pie.
looks at my url and icon does appmon count? cause....satellamon.....i love that stupid cowboy and his ridiculously huge hat <3 gay icon <3
on the topic of DIGIMON tho i have!! a lot of favorites!! The entire lunamon line is SO good and a huge fav, but I love other digimon like wormmon, meicoomon line, palmon line, veemon, dorumon line.... a LOT of them. THE SEADRAMONS TOO LOVE THEM honestly ill just point at a digimon like [THATS my BABY] and call it a day /lh
also get some REST tucks u in
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robotsplayinggames · 4 years
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@RobotsPlayingGames 🤖💜🕹️ Last week Cowboy Bebop (カウボーイビバップ Kaubōi Bibappu) soundtrack debuted on Spotify and now a new physical edition was announced. Cowboy Bebop (Original Series Soundtrack), the 22-track double-LP will be released globally on vinyl on November 6th. It will be the first time available on vinyl outside of Japan. Here is the complete track list: Side A 1. Tank! 2. Rush 3. Spokey Dokey 4. Bad Dog No Biscuits 5. Cat Blues Side B 1. Cosmos 2. Space Lion 3. Waltz for Zizi 4. Piano Black 5. Pot City Side C 1. Too Good Too Bad 2. Car 24 3. The Egg And I 4. Felt Tip Pen 5. Rain 6. Digging My Potato 7. Memory Side D 1. What Planet Is This? 2. Diamonds 3. Mushroom Hunting 4. Einstein Groovin’ 5. Pearls It will feature exclusive cover artwork by Toshihiro Kawamoto, character designer and animation director on Cowboy Bebop. Cowboy Bebop debuted in Japan in 1998 and became one of the world’s most famous and beloved anime. Netflix is currently producing a live-action adaptation. ─═💜═💙═💚═💛═🧡═❤️═─ You can find all my updated links in my Bio! 🙃 Follow me 🤗: @RobotsPlayingGames 🤖💜🕹️ 誰もが尊敬される世界に住むことを夢見ています. ─═ RPG: Robots Playing Games ═─ #cowboybebop #anime #ost #japanese #animemusic #soundtrack #animegirl #animefan #animelover #animelife #animes #animegirls #soundtracks #scifi #originalsoundtrack #retrocollective #retrogamer #gamergirlsofinstagram #girlgamersupport #girlgamer #gamergirl #gamergirls #gaminglife #gamerlife #videogames #playinggames #gamingcommunity #instagaming #Gamer & #Designer https://www.instagram.com/p/CDg0TaxHEJH/?igshid=1a43dcngpfkw7
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elnahualerrante · 4 years
Vas a cargar con ese peso: Cowboy Bebop
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Escrito por manuelaquinas
¿Qué obtienes al mezclar anime, jazz, spaggetti western, cine noir y cinco inadaptados sociales todo dentro de una space opera? Genialidad pura, por supuesto y se traduce en dos sencillas palabras: Cowboy Bebop.
Creada por Hajime Yatate y dirigida por Shinichiro Watanabe fue estrenada  el 3 de abril de 1998 en la cadena de televisión japonesa TV Tokyo y producida por los estudios Sunrise. Cowboy Bebop ha sido descrita como uno de los animes más exitosos de todos los tiempos, adaptando en su compleja estructura todos los elementos característicos del anime pero sazonándolos con elementos de distintas corrientes occidentales que le permitieron derribar fronteras donde otros animes excelentes, pero con una personalidad más local, no ha podido competir.
Todo comienza en el año 2071, casi 50 años después de que el accidente con la puerta hiperespacial sobre la luna dejó la tierra devastada, en un asteroide pobre y caluroso, lleno de refugiados donde las esperanzas están más allá de la frontera y el futuro se vislumbra con dolorosa claridad en el horizonte, que lleva por nombre “Tijuana” (guiño guiño) donde Spike Spiegel, un hombre sin edad y sin pasado,  persigue a un traficante que ha robado la droga conocida como “ojos rojos” a su anterior pandilla, por las calles del cuerpo celeste terraformado en busca de la recompensa ofrecida por atraparlo vivo o muerto.
A partir de aquí la historia nos involucra en la vida de un par de cazarrecompensas, por completo al estilo del viejo oeste americano, donde la extensión del territorio es tan inmensa y la organización del gobierno tan precaria que la ley es incapaz de mantener el orden y ofrece recompensas por la captura o eliminación de criminales más peligrosos del sistema solar.
Jet Black, un hombre cínico y taciturno, ex agente del ISSP (internal solar system police), acompaña a Spike, desde la Bebop, un viejo carguero espacial, como socios en la profesión de atrapar criminales y forajidos para reclamar las recompensas que el gobierno ofrece por su captura y así lograr el anhelado sustento de cada día. Sin embargo, pese a las habilidades que poseen, se ven en constantes dificultades para lograr sus metas, pues la inherente ambigüedad moral de su profesión, la complejidad de sus personalidades quebradas y problemáticas, sumadas a un par de vidas pasadas que luchan de manera constante por salir a la superficie, impiden la eficiencia en un trabajo que, de otra manera, debería ser frío y por completo impersonal.
Conforme la trama avanza se une a ellos Ein (diminutivo de Einstein), un Welsh Corgi genéticamente alterado cuya inteligencia superior es comparable a la humana,  Faye Valentine, una mujer hermosa y sin pasado con  una personalidad egocéntrica y narcisista que se encuentra atada a deudas de juego y Eddie Wong, una niña conocida como Radical Edd, cuyas habilidades como Hacker son casi tan impresionantes como su excentricidad y carisma.
El argumento es simple, Jet y Spike cazan criminales para sobrevivir al más puro estilo del viejo oeste en el espacio. La trama, se desarrolla durante dos temporadas de veintiséis episodios en los que de manera paulatina, presenciamos el desarrollo de la historia  de cada uno de los personajes dando pequeños vistazos a sus pasados y presenciando situaciones que disparan gatillos de memoria para cada uno de ellos, llevándolos a enfrentar, incluso, figuras de su pasado que los ponen en un estado vulnerable y catártico, mientras una segunda historia se desarrolla en el fondo, la cual, nos lleva hasta la confrontación final con los demonios de la tripulación del Bebop.
Cada historia desarrollada nos acerca un poco más a los personajes y con cada episodio, nos relacionamos de modo más íntimo con cinco individuos de personalidad inestable, desesperanzada y solitaria que con cada nueva aventura, comienzan a estrechar lazos a pesar del poco o nulo interés que tienen en lograrlo, llevándonos a situaciones llenas de adrenalina donde los personajes, al borde de la muerte, descubren que están más unidos de lo que les gustaría, viviendo en un espacio tan reducido y en un lapso de tiempo tan corto. Las situaciones forzan el trabajo en equipo pues, para comer, todos tienen que participar de la profesión y ayudar en la caza de  los criminales y aunque cada uno de ellos posee cualidades útiles para el trabajo, unidos combinan un grupo más que eficiente.
La  serie no sigue una línea argumental clara y si bien, carece de elementos innecesarios como capítulos de recopilación o de relleno, los episodios pueden desconcertar al observador casual y hacerlo sentir fuera de contexto pues la narrativa se basa, por un lado, en la esencia del Bebop que es un arreglo improvisado de jazz y, por otro lado, en un estilo de vida precario e imprevisible, en un escenario donde las fuerzas de la ley carecen de la capacidad o el interés de lidiar con todas las amenazas para la sociedad y es en este nicho donde justifican la labor de los caza recompensas.
La historia principal de la serie, que involucra a Spike con un pasado que termina por alcanzarlo, se oculta en diversos sucesos dentro de la trama que afectan de manera directa o indirecta a los protagonistas, pero que al final, llegan a un culmen que comienza a hacerse evidente desde los capítulos continuos Júpiter Jazz pt. 1 y 2. No obstante, comprender que ni la serie ni los personajes intentan desarrollarse sobre una línea clara es parte fundamental de la narrativa pues el  modus vivendi de los protagonistas se concentra en lo inesperado y hasta lo improvisado. Las oportunidades de ganar dinero los llevan a trabajos y situaciones poco ortodoxas, ya sea enfrentando a eco terroristas que utilizan un arma biológica que transforma a la gente en simios o trabajando por una recompensa que involucra a uno de los personajes con la persona por la que decidió dejar su antigua vida atrás. En pocas palabras, la serie busca carecer de una cohesión clara en su línea argumental para permitir a los personajes desarrollarse en un ambiente libre de sus vidas pasadas que, sin embargo, terminan por alcanzar a cada uno de ellos.
El soundtrack, creado por Yoko Kano y  The seatbelts,  es una delicia, convirtiéndose en una de las cualidades más brillantes y aplaudidas de la serie. Cada canción permite al espectador involucrarse de modo emocional con la situación del momento, generado un poderoso lazo sensorial y creando, en cada instante, el ambiente adecuado para la escena. El compendio musical no se basa por completo en el jazz o su manifestación Bebop, sino que bebe de cada género posible para crear el lazo emocional adecuado a la situación que viven los personajes. Es por ello que podemos escuchar la belleza de la armónica de blues en “Spokey Dokey”, la suavidad el jazz con el saxofón en “Space Lion”,  la potencia vocal de Steve Conte en “Rain” o el Bebop más puro con “Tank”.
El contexto musical de la serie es tan poderoso que, incluso llama a los capítulos “sesiones” que se extrapola al concepto de arreglos improvisados de jazz por un grupo reducido de músicos habilidosos, el cual es el concepto del Bebop como manifestación del jazz y es la idea principal detrás del grupo de cazarrecompensas. De igual modo, cada capítulo lleva por nombre o bien, el título de un éxito musical como “Sympathy for the Devil” de The Rolling Stones o “Wild Horses”, también interpretada por los Stones pero original de The Sundays, o una referencia musical como “Heavy metal Queen” o “The Real Folk Blues pt. 1 y 2”.
Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door
Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door, conocida en occidente como Cowboy Bebop: The Movie, es un ova (original video animation) o película estilo spin off de la serie y agrupa a los cinco personajes en una aventura por completo ajena al desarrollo de la trama principal y nos lleva a una versión de lo que resulta la esencia del día a día de la tripulación del Bebop.
La película se desarrolla en Marte, el asentamiento humano más grande y exitoso desde que la tierra quedara casi por completo inhabitable. En esta historia, se aproxima el día de brujas y la ciudad Alba, capital de Marte, se prepara para festejar la noche de brujas a lo grande con un carnaval, desfile y disfraces. Mientras tanto, unos días antes de la noche esperada, Faye persigue a un hacker llamado Lee Samson, no obstante, cuando está a punto de atraparlo, el camión que este conduce explota liberando un arma biológica en medio de la ciudad que marca el comienzo de una oleada de ataques terroristas y nuestro grupo de cazadores se ve involucrado en la cacería cuando la impresionante recompensa de trescientos millones de Woolongs (la moneda oficial del sistema solar) es ofrecida por la captura del responsable de estos ataques con armas biológicas. Cada miembro de la tripulación maneja el trabajo a su manera, Jet busca pistas con sus contactos en el ISSP, Faye continua tras la pista del hacker  Samson, Ed usa sus habilidades informáticas para encontrar información que les resulte útil y Spike barre las calles en busca de alguien que sepa algo.
La trama se desarrolla al más puro estilo que Watanabe ha inscrito en Cowboy Bebop, agregando misterio, acción, comedia y suspenso en la búsqueda por descubrir quién es el responsable de los ataques, qué intenta lograr y cómo detenerlo. El diseño de los personajes es por completo fiel a la esencia de la serie, tanto así que podrían ser un par de capítulos dentro de la trama principal. Los nuevos personajes se manifiestan en la historia de manera limpia y orgánica permitiendo a Vincent y Elektra relacionarse con la tripulación del Bebop sin forzar las relaciones, explotando la soledad y la melancolía de los personajes de la mejor manera posible y encontrando que, incluso en una crisis como ella, son los parias, los inadaptados de una nueva sociedad, las personas que terminan involucrándose en un problema de dimensiones globales y que sobrepasa lo que podría concernir a un simple grupo de mercenarios.
La mecánica del sueño y la amnesia juegan un papel fundamental mezclando la realidad con una sensación onírica donde se inscribe una leve sensación de poesía en la manifestación de las mariposas, a través de la premisa ¿vives en el mundo real? La historia avanza con gran velocidad por la naturaleza de la narrativa, así como el formato en el que nos presentan, pero no por ello carece de profundidad. Los personajes interactúan de manera orgánica y sana entre ellos y cada elemento característico de la serie se involucra sin romper con la historia.
Al final, nos encontramos con una expresión mixta, un anime que trata de ofrecer un poco a cada individuo, evitando caer en los elementos característicos del género, pero sin excluirlos por completo y agregando elementos de la cultura occidental, logrando, en mi muy particular opinión, una amalgama perfecta entre la belleza estética del anime, su complejidad argumental y la explotación del elemento emocional sin llegar al melodrama con una historia donde se explora la sensación de abandono, soledad, y aburrimiento existencial mezclando todo con un humor casi infantil, mucha acción de artes marciales y persecuciones policiacas, una pincelada de fan service y un soundtrack que, como es costumbre de Shinichiro Watanabe, es exquisito.
Cowboy Bebop es una obra de arte; un regalo de Japón para el mundo entero, pero al igual que otros gigantes de la animación japonesa como Evangelion o Dragon ball, las características que la convierten en una serie exitosa en occidente, son las mismas que la limitan frente a los amantes del anime. La serie, desde sus reseñas hasta las recomendaciones, genera una expectativa casi inalcanzable y tiende a decepcionar a muchos por la complejidad de su estructura y la aparente falta de cohesión.
Cowboy Bebop puede funcionar como puente cultural entre oriente y occidente, también puede ayudar a introducir nuevos consumidores al mercado del anime y permite a gente que no tiene interés alguno por la animación japonesa, incursionar de manera agradable al género sin sentir la profunda alienación que el anime “autentico” puede generar en occidente. Sin embargo, para muchos puede resultar poco entretenida por su humor extraño, sus referencias ambiguas y el equilibrio que intenta alcanzar entre las dos culturas. Al final, es una serie muy recomendable a la que vale la pena darle un vistazo sin esperar verse extasiado por la maestría de una obra sin paragón.
Es que… era un solitario; siempre estaba solo. Nunca tuvo con quién compartir un juego, era un hombre que vivía en sueños. Así era él.
Cowboy Bebop: Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door
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mearnsblog · 4 years
“Melody Time” (1948)
Much like "Make Mine Music," "Melody Time" is a compilation film of several different Disney shorts, albeit with some much longer than others. Thankfully, it was on Disney+, so that made it much easier to watch. The only bummer is that I didn't like much of it at all, so it falls below "Make Mine Music" in my view, and since it's almost twice as long as "Saludos Amigos," that's going to push it to the bottom of my ranking. That's just what I thought though; Ali liked it more than "Make Mine Music," so it's possible that I'm being harsh. Oh well.
Now to steal a page from my "Make Mine Music" review, a ranking of the shorts:
The Good
1. "Blame It on the Samba" - None of the shorts here are as great as "Peter and the Wolf" or even "Casey at the Bat," but I did like this one a lot. I had no idea what to expect. Donald makes a reappearance with his friend José, and they're a little down in the dumps. They visit a bar that specializes in samba music, and the Aracuan bird from "Three Caballeros," really gets them into the rhythm. After a few super slow segments, it's an injection of life and fun into "Melody Time" that would make it drag otherwise. It captures just how much company and music can lift your spirits (as can, well, spirits of the libation variety). The visuals are terrific. Bless the Aracuan bird.
2. "Bumble Boogie" - Another quick-paced short, this one lasts just three minutes, but what a three minutes! It's a variation on the familiar "Flight of the Bumblebee," and a cartoon bee itself is shown trying to evade all the musical notes and keyboard key snakes (yes, really). It's very "Fantasia"-esque and is worth a watch if you have the time.
3. "The Legend of Johnny Appleseed" - I remember watching this cartoon independently of the rest of the film when I was younger, and it absolutely works on its own at 17 minutes in length. It tells the legend of John Chapman, a real person better known by his name in American folklore. I forgot that the famous Johnny Appleseed grace comes from this short, which I know I've said a bunch over the years. This one's pretty breezy, though one critique is that it does slow down at times and leans on that weird angel for plot advancement a bit too much. As a whole, it's solid.
The Decent
4. "Trees" - The word "decent" might be a little generous for "Trees." It wasn't bad. It's just not interesting at all. Although the animation gets points for innovation, it's not very compelling. More importantly, the poem is fine on its own, but the musical accompaniment didn't jibe with it.
The Bad
5. "Once Upon a Wintertime" - Maybe I would have been more into this at the holidays. I did like the way they showed the skate lines and patterns on the ice. The story it told though? That was bad. There's a man and a boy bunny who are each trying to court a woman and a girl bunny. It's kind of cute at times, but in the end, the men each get to be the hero by accident. The horses and squirrels completely bail them out. #congrats. Somehow, this lasts seven minutes too. It's not good.
6. "Little Toot" - I am not interested at all in Little Toot's story. He's a tugboat trying too hard to prove his worth to his father and ends up falling flat on his face and humiliating his family. Eventually, he helps save a big boat at sea and returns as a hero. But what did he learn to help him become hailed as a hero other than somehow gaining superhuman (superboat?) strength to pull in such a large ship? It's unclear! Okey dokey.
7. "Pecos Bill" - I've never been into cowboy stories, so this one was already in a hole from the jump. Then it dragged on for 22 minutes, occasionally splicing in random non-cartoon parts of the story with Roy Rogers, other singers, and some kids around a fire (picking up on the worst parts of "Fun and Fancy Free"). Disney did a better "raised by the wild" story with both Mowgli and Tarzan than Pecos Bill. He just seems like kind of an asshole who enjoys showing off, and the love story with Slue-Foot Sue ends abruptly when his horse becomes as much of an asshole as him and sends her to the moon. (Alrighty then.) There's also a super racist part where Bill gives the Painted Desert its name by shooting up a group of Native Americans (who are, of course, called the name of the Washington football team in the song), causing their war paint to fly off and into the desert. I'm not joking. Ali and I cringed our way through this whole thing. It sucks. The end.
Updated ranking
1. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (review) 2. “Fantasia” (review) 3. “Pinocchio” (review) 4. “Bambi” (review) 5. “Dumbo” (review) 6. “Fun and Fancy Free” (review) 7. “The Three Caballeros” (review) 8. “Make Mine Music” (review) 9. “Saludos Amigos” (review) 10. “Melody Time”
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mandarake-en · 5 years
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☆Coming to the Mandarake Zenbu 91 Auction☆ Ita Choco Sanningumi Shojo no Tomo appendix For your chance to buy this and over 1000 other amazing items, be sure to check out the link below to get your copy of the Mandarake Zenbu catalogue. As usual, the Mandarake Zenbu catalogue isn't a mere auction guide, but it also has lots of interesting features, articles and interviews! The live auction gets underway on March 4, so be sure to get your pre-bids in if you can't join us for the big event. Mandarake Zenbu 91: http://www.mandarake.co.jp/publish/zenbu/indexEn.html ● Occupied Japan Special Feature The first step for Japan after losing the war. A world of items made from familiar materials such as celluloid, tin, wood and ceramic. ● GI Joe 3.75 inch series out since 1982, figures, vehicles, playsets, about 200 items in total! ● Animation Cels and Anime Gengas Studio Ghibli, Cowboy Bebop, Dragon Ball, Rumiko Takahashi's work and Evangelion! Plenty of top quality cels and anime gengas from many different titles. ● Hand-drawn Illustrations, Shikishi and Manuscripts Osamu Tezuka's newly discovered manuscript, hand-drawn manuscripts, shikishi, signed books, anime gengas. Vintage works from Fujiko, Ishimori, Mizuki among others. Items from popular artists such as Akira Toriyama and Rumiko Takahashi and animators such as Yoshikazu Yasuhiko. All this and so much more, this issue will leave you more than satisfied. ● Dolls Immersive works from artists such as Isao Okaba. ● Tankobon (Single Volume Books) Seven Color Mask set, part two of our special feature on Manei Shuppansha's movie manga series, Yoshito Tsukimiya periodical manga special feature, and many other items such as rare Kashi-hon. ● New Size Books Sansei Comics , Sun Shuppan Comic Pet ・ adult comics such as Joy Comics. ● Vintage Comic Magazines and Supplements Part three of our special feature on Bouken Katsugeki Bunko (Shonen Gaho), Showa 27-28 edition. Next will be Boken-Oh from Showa 47 (1972). Sports manga supplement special feature. ● Doujinshi Lots of appealing male, female and reference doujinshi. ● Cards Complete 42 type set of Marusho's Mazinger Z mini card set. ● Voice Actor Goods Signed goods from today's popular voice actors and revered veterans. ● Micro-kan Keyholders based on the weapons held by Bikkuriman characters. Figures with bonus character underwear. Don't miss out on these unbeatable micro items ● Kaiba and Other Books A special feature of artist Katsuji Matsumoto with over 20 items. Books from well known creators such as Unno Juza, Shigeru Hatsuyama and Shigeru Kayama, as well as many other photograph books, spiritual world items and more. ● Posters Showa Niji no Omoide Hyoryuuki Kazumi Kawai, Naomi Tani, adult movie posters. Hissatsu Shigotonin, Karate Bearfighter, Champion of Death and more.Also a huge load of Ghibli posters and calendars! ● Records and Cassettes Omoikkiri Tanteidan Hadogumi - Mantenro no Hiro / Shonen Iro no Meruhen. Mahou Shoujo Chuuka na Ipanema! (The Good Little Witch Returns!) - Tamago Yori Muzukashii / Yasashii Hashira Dokei. German Tanteidan Maringumi - Question no Boken (A) / Akogare Mystery (B).Utau! Dai Ryugujo - Ryugujo de Shoo Be Doo Wa / Kanashimi to Akikan and others. ● Vehicle Goods Slot car special feature. 330 P2 Ferrari, Porsche 906/916. McLaren Elva, Lola T70 AT406 6v Ball Bearing motor.Ferrari 250 GT0 / 64 and others. ● Railway Goods Many name plates for stations in Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, Sanin, and Kyushu. https://www.facebook.com/mandarake/photos/a.621554837994524/1239481549535180/?type=3 Mandarake http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/621549997995008
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those-dancing-gays · 7 years
all questions!
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? Some party last night huh jess? 
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed? NOTHING I HOPE OMFG I STILL FEEL BAD
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? nah, as long as they don't try to pressure me to do them, I'm good
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? yes
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? ....i was sober he was drunk.
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? yup :)
7. What does your last received text say? I'm so excited!!!
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? .....technically twice i guess
9. Where was your last kiss at? The Clifton
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? just a minute ago
11. What do you drink in the morning? either water or coffee
12. Where did you sleep last night? my bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard? my last one was but they shouldn't be
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? yeah, i wouldn't tell my ex off so i could still sleep with him lol
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems? MANY AND HE WOULD PROBABLY TRY IT AGAIN LOL
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? sunny
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? nope
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? tights so close to sweatpants
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? hopefully
20. Does anyone like you? i think a few people find me attractive but idk if they like like me
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? nope
22. Is the last person you kissed gay? nope
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? one of my coworkers, she's such a klutz 
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? i have 6 lmao
25. In the past week have you cried? yes
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? idk but he was small and his name was norbert. 
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? in the shower
28. Have you ever kissed a football player? nope
29. Do you think you’re old? nope
30. Do you like text messaging? yes
31. What type of day are you having? a decent one
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? i have lmao
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? warm
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? Matt is really the only guy that means a lot to me at this point
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? depending on my mood it varies but i prefer a relationship right now 
36. Are you a simple or complicated person? both, my personality is complicated but what i eat and like are simple 
37. What song are you listening to? Wavey Gravey by Okey Dokey
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? yes
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? Bella 
40. What made you start liking the person you like now? i don't really have a crush on anyone now i guess
41. When did you last receive a text message? an hour ago
42. What is wrong with you right now? i feel like i constantly fuck up 
43. How well do you know the last female you texted? not very well actually, we haven't ever really bro talked or shared too many personal things but she's a good friend to me 
44. Does anyone disgust you? Cody Holmes or Ian McBride 
45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? depending on who 
46. Are you in a good mood right now? yeah id say so 
47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? Emily U
48. What color shirt are you wearing? Grey
49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? yes, that she needed space from me
50. Anyone you’re giving up on? not really
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? yup
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? i didn't give up on quinn for a while but i did eventually 
53. Do you like rain? if it isn't consecutive yes
54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? nah
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? yes
56. Do you like to cuddle? YES
57. Are you shy? sort of?
58. Do you get along with girls?usually yes
59. Have you dated the person you texted last? nope, she has a bf 
60. What do you carry with you at all times? my phone
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? YES
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?ive lasted for 3 years once, 5 months aint shit
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? nah but i think i had a fuck buddy
64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?yes
65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? an old person said she liked my name and a little kid waved at me
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?....30, 18, 20
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? if i have some money i like to get them done  
68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? fuck i hate both but i guess leopard print    
69. Do you have any stickers on your car? yeah it’s my old high school logo
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? lil wayne    
71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? iPhone
72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? 2 years ago?
73. Do you like diet soda? not particularly 
74. What color are the walls in your room? tan  
75. Are you 16 or older? yes   
76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? used to 
77. Do you have a job? yes, work at a movie theater 
78. What are your initials? IH  
79. Did you ever have braces?  nope  
80. Are you from the south? nope   
81. What does your last status on facebook say? it was a shared post   
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? nope, he hurt me kinda badly 
83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? mom    
84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? nope   
85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? a dogs purpose  
86. Do you smoke? nope  
87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? flip flops 
88. Is your phone touch screen? yes   
89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? curly
90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? yes   
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? pool cause I've never been in the other two   
92. Have you ever made out in a car? yes   
93. …Had sex in a car? yes lol   
94. Are you single or in a relationship? single   
95. What were you doing last night at midnight? sleeping  
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? christmas    
97. Do you like the camera on your phone?  yeah i guess  
98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?  yes   
99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? nope   
100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? yes   
101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?  multiple times lol  
102. Name your favorite Kesha song:  Blow
103. Do you have any tan lines right now? nah 
104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? nope
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