#corneal topocgrapher
Laser Equipment in Eye Treatment
Have you ever considered all of the items needed in a surgery? I'm sure the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about this is maybe a scapel, then the other small tools surgeons use to cut, sew, etc.
Honestly though, there are several pieces of equipment that can be used in surgery, from clamps (large and small) to tweezers, magnifying objects and more. When being ultra specific in a procedure, such as eye treatment, even more surgical equipment is necessary.
Tools Used in Eye Treatment
For instance, there are several ophthalmic instruments an ophthalmologist will use when performing surgery on the eye. Depending on what procedure he needs to perform he may need a combo laser or a corneal topographer. These are highly specialized tools that allow the doctor to fix eye problems.
Let's take the combo laser. This is a laser that can be used in surgeries such as LASIK. The combo laser allows the ophthalmologist to concentrate on the specific part of the eye that is troubled. With this high tech machine doctors can finish surgery in a fraction of the time.
The corneal topographer is a machine used by ophthalmologists to examine the eye. This is done while the patient is awake. The patient will rest their head on one side of the machine, while the doctor examines their eye from the other. It looks much like an eye test machine, and provides the same resting comfort for the patient.
It's very important for doctors to have access to these tools to give patients the best care possible. By using tools like these doctors can give patients excellent eye sight for years longer than they would have had naturally.
Learning the Technology
While there is a lot of training in becoming an ophthalmologist there is even more training just for learning how to use equipment. Every year new equipment, more specialized and higher tech than the years before, becomes available, and when a hospital or practice purchases these items, there will be more training.
Technology gives us exciting ways to help health problems, and with these new tools both the doctors and patients benefit from faster and more in depth treatment than ever before.
It's exciting to experience all of the innovative ways medical issues can be treated during our life time. From a personal perspective it makes me wonder what future generations will be able to combat and cure based on what we are doing in technology right now.
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