#conversely with cameron the tragedy of her character is that over time she isn't able to stand up to house as effectively
harmonicabisexuals · 4 months
i love cuddy but i find the huddy relationship thematically boring compared to hilson and hameron...it's not her fault tho!! bc she's just not enough of a foil to house like wilson and cameron are. cameron is house's conscious, wilson is his reflection and cuddy is his enabler :/ so the curse of her character is no matter how many times she tries to stand up to house, he will ALWAYS manipulate her, trick her, and eventually circumnavigate her and she will LET him! she'll even help him do it!! cameron and wilson are really the only ones who actually are able to stop him, and half the time wilson isn't even stopping him, he's just pointing out the truth of the matter after the fact...but it's still a point of conflict and something for house to push up against—with cuddy there just isn't that same tension
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