#consulting thea council
pastadoughie · 20 hours
helo crechers
i need u 2 fill out a form 4 me, so i can get opinions on soem kitties, i would have 2 make like 20 polls 2 put it all on tumblr so u get a google form... i so sorey
pls fill it out https://forms.gle/Tke1mjzn9MoskAtW9
it is just looking at kitties and picking witch ones u like i prommy it isnt hard
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raevenlywrites · 3 years
The Ties That Bind 18 of ???
The courtyard seemed enormous in the evening, the dusky shadows erasing the edges of the crowd as night ate away at the remaining daylight. And the remaining time before the serpiente arrived.
I’d flown out and consulted with Zane, bringing with me the soldiers Raymond and Anderios had deemed fit to join the serpiente. We’d all agreed it would be best for their number to camp for the night and approach the keep in full daylight. It would give the two solider groups a chance to acclimate to one another, and it would give me time to assemble and address my people.
My people. I kept thinking of them as if I were already their monarch, already the final voice of authority in our kingdom. In truth, I had no illusions about that; the council of generals had only listened to my mother when it seemed to suit them. But still. The Tuuli Thea swore certain oaths when she took the crown, and those oaths currently bound my mother, not me. We’d let our grief for Xavier get in the way of the transition, putting off the ceremony until our brief mourning period had passed. Tonight, I was forcibly reminded of why my kind did not overly give themselves to grief. There was no energy left for living, if tears were wept for every shed feather. Had I simply gone on with the ceremony after the funeral, this would be my kingdom now, and I would not be waiting stoically while my mother addressed our people.
“And it is our fervent hope that as our Danica has brought peace to those who have fallen, her reign shall bring peace to our lands. It is with that hope that we have invited the serpiente Arami here to continue the talks that began in the Mistari lands. We respect and admire his highness’s courage and tenacity, to journey into the heart of our lands where he so sorely outnumbered--“
I did my best to keep my face completely neutral. This was supposed to be a reassurance of friendly intentions. It sounded more like my mother was advising an ambush.
”--and so we ask that you all remain in your homes if you feel unsafe, to avoid any complications--“
This... this was not what I wanted at all. My citizens weren’t under house arrest. Yes, it would be simpler to just keep everyone out of the way, but I was hardly going to turn the Keep into a militarized zone. That was the opposite of the goal. I wanted the people of the Keep as accustomed to the serpiente as the folks of the fields seemed to be. ”--and assure you that there will be guards around the serpiente encampment at all times--“
This was ludicrous. We weren’t taking the visiting serpiente prisoner. Where was she getting all this?
”--and any who wish to hear the discourse will be welcome to sit in in the Court’s eaves--“
The Court? Did she really think I was going to have talks with Zane in the middle of the Court, as if we were on trial? I’d already told the generals we would be using the war room. Damn her, she was doing it again! How could I have agreed to let her speak for me?
Because I hadn’t had a choice.
Because she was still technically queen.
The ceremony for the Tuuli Thea was traditionally held on the night of the full moon, when the courtyard was bathed in light. It was the only space large enough to hold all who wished to witness, from the highest ranking raven to the lowliest sparrow farmer. The new queen would accept oaths of fealty from her Royal Flight, her generals, and any subjects who wished to pledge themselves to the Tuuli Thea. Most often, only the youngest folks did so, adding their faith and vows to the generations’ before. Each oath was a stone added to the magics that protected our fortress. It was a celebration of those of us that remained, a small but determined link added to the chain of our proud people.
I had put it off, because in the face of Xavier’s death, I could not spend the night looking into the faces of so many young people, as fresh and full of life as my brother had been. As Zane’s brother had been. Truly, Gregory’s pained face still haunted the dark space behind my eyes when I closed them in search of strength. It was a small mercy that the last sight I had of Xavier was strong, and determined.
No, I had been unable to bear the thought of looking into the eyes of so many youths that mirrored my last thoughts of my brother, knowing that in them all I would see was the pain of a dying cobra.
So now I sat, as my mother hedged her bets and refused to commit, and knew I only had myself to blame.
”--and so we invite you all to help us welcome the serpiente to the Keep, and move forward towards peace and prosperity. And with that in mind, I now invite my daughter, Danica Shadae, future Tuuli Thea, to deliver her announcement.”
I felt myself stare as if struck by a hammer, as my mother turned to beckon me forward. Zane’s arrival had been my announcement; she’d already delivered and mangled that. What more did she expect me to say.
“Give them something to look forward to,” she whispered as she kissed my cheeks in acknowledgement. “To take their minds off their fear.”
I blinked. It was a good idea, but she’d given me no time to prepare. I could see that to her, things were apparently going exactly as we’d discussed. I felt like a sleepwalker, trapped in a nightmare about having to recite a ceremonial ballad with no preparation. If I had suddenly aged backward and lost all my clothes, I would not have been less startled than I was now. At least then I would know it was truly a nightmare. This, unfortunately, was all too real.
I squared my shoulders, drew a deep breath, and plastered by practiced smile to my face.
“Good evening, friends and flock. It warms my heart to see all of you gathered here so quickly. I’m sure you’re all very anxious for news of how things went with the Mistari.” Nope, almost certainly not. Surely in my time spent running around in the woods with Zane Cobriana, various news and rumors had already spread. They were looking for something new. This was a disaster.
“As my mother stated,” I fumbled, “the serpiente will be arriving in the morning. Talks at the Misatri were cut short because Zane’s sister announced that she was expecting--“
Give them something to look forward to.’ Gods. These folks couldn’t care less about another Cobriana. I realized now my mother had all but cornered me into announcing my alastair. Rage flared, sudden and irrational. She was right, it was a good move, but this wasn’t what we’d talked about. I did not appreciate her maneuvering me into making the decisions she wanted.
“And has asked that I sing in the birth.”
Not true, not true, so not true. The Shardae magics did not take kindly to my lie, but as I didn’t know it was untrue, I was technically in the clear. Still, I felt my confidence waver as I continued to build this fabrication. I couldn’t have done so as queen, standing on the stones that had accept my vows to serve my people loyally and faithfully. But as only Danica, young and untried and flying in the face of tradition...
“It is my dearest hope and honor that I will be able to bless this child with words of peace that it will actually live to see. That it will live and grow beside my own child, and they will know each other to be dear family.”
I felt a pulse as my words rang out, that eerie, double-ghost echo, that sensation that these words had been said before.
“Tomorrow, we welcome Kiesha’s kin into our home. I hope you all will join me in welcoming them into our hearts.”
The Ties That Bind Tag list: @thehellinsideyourhead @therecouldbecolorsandlove @adventuresofacreesty @writing-with-melon @rainydaydarling @faithfire
Raev’s Gen Tag List (should I tag you guys in this? It IS a thing I wrote. I’m gonna say yes unless you guys are like “no of course not we’re sick of hearing about your stupid fic for a twenty year old book XD)
No one has complained yet so yall gonna keep getting tagged :P
List is currently: @lordkingsmith @writinglyra @drbibliophile @mperialscribe @adie-dee @lexiklecksi @theramwrites @writinginslowmotion @raenawrites @apollon-arium @anika-writes @faithfire @thehellinsideyourhead @adventuresofacreesty
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cornellgissing · 3 years
I like to watch the sun come up as well.
Gen. The power plant is slated for removal, nike air max thea atomic pink but not until 2035 under a timetable the city council approved.raised my children in the plume, not realizing. I have already described his scene with Nellie. “I like to watch the sun come up as well.” It was like watching a maiden rising naked from her bath. Grey eyes, brown eyes; Melisandre could see the color change with each pulse of the ruby. If there is anything which distinguishes man from other creatures, it is that he is par excellence an oppressive animal. I doubt a machine in that millisecond would make the same choice.. “Reek.” He grabbed her arm and shook her. Because of this, he said, the company isn't sure how much gold is still on the property, but it expects positive outcomes from sampling to be done in the near future.. To the applause of players and fans, Dilshan walked off with a bow fitting for the entertainer that he was, the owner of 10,290 ODI runs, the 11th highest tally in history.. Burned, Victarion thought, like a man who has been roasted in the flames until his flesh chars and crisps and falls smoking from his bones. His scales were black, his eyes and horns and spinal plates blood red. His gargantuan master had fallen off into folie samsung j6 2018 pt tot telegonil drunken sleep during the third game, his goblet slipping from his yellowed fingers to spill its contents on the carpet, but perhaps he would be pleased when he awakened.. ‘I’m coming back directly, Anna Andreyevna,’ he said. She played"42 Dominos" and Pinochle. They never grow out of it, she decided. They look like hip waders on a petite woman. He used the center as part of his MBA course in Marketing Management, giving his students a chance to act as consultants and to practice new techniques on real world problems now common practice in MBA education. On the breast, and having both small toes cut off. You can imagine how anxious he must have been for his wife to die. X Men: Apocalypse Marvel's mutants are back for their ninth big screen outing (counting the series' various standalone films). And it did not have the full basement that serves both as a prep kitchen and a bakery, which provides all the breads, as well as the pies and other delights that stock the dessert display case up front.. But I was utterly astounded at Natasha’s ruthless plain speaking and her frankly contemptuous tone. (Lincecum hit Kemp hanorace panda barbati earlier in the game, but Kershaw hit Torres before that.). Said Answers in Genesis made the decision to split its marketing budget for the ministry between a regional campaign for the museum and this billboard campaign, rather than a national campaign.. The same cause operates with regard to the preaching of the gospel. Or Holly, might be you’d like her better. In separating husband and wife, or parent and child, the trader or owner violates no law of the state—neither statute nor common law. When it comes to , cold water has little to recommend it. With GOP efforts in Congress on hold to overhaul the Obama health law, Republican leaders threatened to force wayward GOP Senators to go on the record and publicly record their vote in opposition to plans to repeal chunks of the Obama health law, but such a health care showdown on the Senate floor was put off until at least early next week. Home Weather 7 Day cazadora vaquera tommy hilfiger Forecast First Alert Radar 3 Degree Guarantee Health Detail Weather Alerts More. If you do want to wear a cross pendant be sure to dress a little flashy and unique. duci alkalmi ruha In the final three minutes, Air Force had seven shots disco duro externo pita on net and scored two goals in a span of 1:26. He wants to know how we got in so he can get out. If it came to that, Hotah would be ready. They can get back in the pocket. The center midfielder was fourth in goals with 24 and fifth overall with 52 points. “She flew away upon her dragon, beyond the Dothraki sea.”. Or without her. "He's a quarterback that's getting comfortable with his role and all the tangibles and skills he has, he's built really well casquette ny kaki mère from the ground up. The pyramids of Uhlez and Yherizan have become the lairs of monsters, their masters homeless beggars. The prince took the utmost advantage of this quality in her.. Swear me your sword, and once I win it back I’ll drown you in gold.”. Include equipment and apparel for Asian dominated sports like pingpong and badminton, niche areas where Li Ning is an established leader. “It is proper I should state the whole matter, as I understand it, before this audience. The interior is primarily modular, sure, but there no fan control, no acoustic padding, no funky LED lighting, nothing like that; this is a streamlined enclosure that seems to be heavily geared toward liquid cooling. Beneath her hood her eyes shone big and white in the light of the nightfire. Outside in the square, the nightfire was still burning, but the priest was gone and the crowd was long dispersed. With a 3.55 ratio limited slip axle, towing capacity on this truck is 8,600 pounds. Rauner's photographs and Davis' texts play off each other, and although Davis had most of the research done by the time Rauner came on board, this project would not have worked without the photographs. Following the services Sunday at the funeral home, there will be a Celebration of Life gathering for family and friends at the Camden Center, 2701 1st St. A porter trotted at their heels, pushing a wheelbarrow heaped high with provisions: salt and flour, fresh-churned butter, slabs of bacon wrapped in linen, sacks of oranges, apples, and pears. nike sb prod x Weak points and strong points, how to best employ their small company of archers, whether the elephants should be used to break the Yunkish lines or held in reserve, who should have the honor of leading the first advance, whether their horse cavalry was best deployed on the flanks or in the vanguard.. The Shavepate, scowling. It’s all these stupid mustang női cipő árgép prejudices! It’s simple madness! Why, if he were to take a good look at her, and were to spend only air jordan aj4 half an hour with her, he would sanction everything at once.”. He would never have thought of such a thing himself. Turn back is at the North Rim. BCBG Max Azria Group began with a single idea to create a beautiful dress. Halfway down the steps, he lost his footing. Have a swift, safe voyage, and take care of her and Aemon and the child.” The cold trickles on his face reminded Jon of the day he’d bid farewell to Robb at Winterfell, never knowing that it was for the last time. Had been his brother. 6 in the batting order against the A s.. Such a feeling the law regards as hateful, and visits, in its practical exhibition, with condign punishment, because opposed to the very existence of law and society. Whether "Nightly News" can fend off Muir in Williams absence remains to be seen.In recent days, Williams ability to anchor the newscast was thrown into increasing degrees of doubt. SHOTS: AA 12; FR 29.. 'It's mortifying!' Senior female BBC star tells of her.
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ericfruits · 4 years
Many Hong Kongers are considering emigration
IN SEPTEMBER 2018 Matthew Torne, a British filmmaker, released the third in his trilogy of documentaries about Hong Kong. “Last Exit To Kai Tak” is a bittersweet chronicle of five Hong Kongers who, after the disappointment of the pro-democracy “umbrella” protests of 2014, grapple with what is left for them in the city, as its liberties are chipped away by an increasingly bellicose Chinese government. The burning question, as one character puts it, is this: “revolution or emigration?”
For many people, that question has now been answered. At 11pm on June 30th, one hour before the 23rd anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to Chinese rule, the Communist Party imposed a national-security law designed to squash Hong Kong into submission. The city’s reputation as a haven of free speech within China disappeared overnight, along with the “one country, two systems” framework set up in 1997. In 2014 Communist Party leaders waited for the protesters to lose steam. But by 2020 they had run out of patience.
Several people were arrested for violating the new law on July 1st, but most have been dissuaded from taking to the streets. Then, on July 29th, four students aged 16 to 21 were detained for “inciting secession” on social media. They included Tony Chung, former leader of Studentlocalism, a protest group that had called for Hong Kong’s independence from China. On July 30th Hong Kong’s government said it had disqualified 12 pro-democracy figures from standing in elections in September for the Legislative Council (Legco), Hong Kong’s (until now) semi-democratic parliament. As the euphoria of the protests has dissipated and the new reality has sunk in, the focus for many Hong Kongers has shifted—just as it did a generation before, as the handover loomed—to emigration.
It is not just the crackdown that is pushing people to leave. Hong Kong was already one of the world’s most expensive places to live. It ranked above New York, Tokyo and London in the latest cost of living survey carried out by the Economist Intelligence Unit, a sister company of The Economist. Then came the covid-19 pandemic. The economy shrank by 9% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2020. On July 29th Carrie Lam, the territory’s chief executive, warned the city was “on the verge of a large-scale community outbreak”. (Rumours spread that Legco elections might be postponed as a result.) A poll by the Chinese University of Hong Kong conducted in May, after China announced its intention to impose the law, found that half of 15- to 24-year-olds were considering leaving. “In Hong Kong people learn to survive, not live,” says Thea, a 23-year-old who plans to emigrate. “Even for a middle-class person like me, having my own flat is like an impossible mission.”
Would-be émigrés have many destinations to choose from. Canada is home to more Hong Kong-born people than any other OECD country. More than 275,000 of them emigrated there between 1989 and 1997. A residence permit can be secured by an investment of just C$150,000 ($112,000), a sum easily covered by the sale of a pad in Hong Kong, where the average house price is $1.2m, according to CBRE, a property firm. Australia is offering five-year visa extensions to Hong Kongers already in the country, “with a pathway to permanent residency”. An investment visa is pricier, at around A$1.5m ($1.1m).
Other avenues are also now available. Taiwan has opened an office to help Hong Kongers resettle. Between January and May, there were 3,352 Hong Kong applicants for permanent residence in Taiwan, double the figure in the same period for 2019. Cultural similarity and affordability make Taiwan a popular choice, says Roy Lam, an immigration consultant. A recent poll found that Taiwan was the most popular destination for 50% of Hong Kongers considering emigration.
The biggest difference is that Britain is now offering sanctuary. In 1990 the colonial master offered just 50,000 families British citizenship, and was accused of betrayal for fobbing off the rest (or at least those born before the handover) with a British National (Overseas) passport. This gave Hong Kongers a symbolic connection to Britain, visa-free visits for six months, and some consular protection outside Chinese territory, but not much else. Now, it is offering all 2.9m people who have BNO status the opportunity, with their dependents, to live and work in Britain, with “a path to full British citizenship”. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said Britain refuses to “duck our historic responsibilities”. China threatened to take “corresponding measures” (which presumably does not mean letting in 2.9m Brits).
Meanwhile, business is booming for emigration consultancies. Mr Lam relocated 250 families in the first half of 2020, nearly as many as in the whole of 2019. Harvey Law Group, a law firm, had to double the size of its team to meet demand. Andrew Lo’s firm, Anlex, normally receives ten inquiries a day. Since May, it has had 200 a day. He has had to deter bankers from reinventing themselves as butchers for Canada’s rural-immigration programme.
Hong Kong does not track emigration statistics. But there are proxy measures. Applications for certificates of no criminal conviction, a document required for visa applications (as well as adoptions and overseas study), leapt 40% between 2018 and 2019, to more than 33,000. The figure had hovered around 21,600 since 2012.
In 1989 Mr Lo helped people secure escape routes after the June 4th massacre in Beijing sent shudders through Hong Kong. “Today, people are more panicked,” he says. Then, people wanted an insurance plan; now they want to “move immediately”. More than a quarter of the Hong Kongers who moved to Canada between 1991 and 1995 later returned to Hong Kong, heartened by China’s initial light touch. Indeed, most of the 300,000 Canadians in the former colony are Hong Kong-born. “I treasure my Canadian citizenship, and not just as a potential way out of Hong Kong,” says Joyce Lau, who was raised in Canada. Like most foreign-passport holders, she has no plans to leave just yet. Today’s would-be émigrés may be different. “I feel like I need to mentally prepare myself that I might not be able to return to Hong Kong,” says 23-year-old Nicole, who was deeply involved with the protests, and wants to leave.
Some high-profile student leaders have already gone. On July 2nd Nathan Law flew to London, fearing for his safety. For others it is much less clear-cut, not least because those who most want to leave—the young protesters—are the most idealistic about the fight and the least able, financially, to up sticks. “Leaving Hong Kong at this time of desperation just feels wrong,” says Nicole. “I feel like a deserter.”
So, just as in the 1990s, by necessity or choice, there is a third category for Hong Kongers: staying put and making the best of it. The city has always risen from the ashes, say optimists, and perhaps it can again. Many are waiting to see just how bad it gets. Curtis Law, a 28-year-old journalist, is renewing his BNO passport, just in case. “Perhaps it will be useful in the future,” he says. But “without a lot of savings”, moving to Britain is still “a last resort”. ■
This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline "One country, two passports"
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dragoni · 7 years
CEO’s in Trump’s Councils Must Take a Moral Stand and Resign
Trump’s statements today have shown:
Trump has further emboldened the same White Supremacists he denounced just yesterday. 
Donald J Trump is an enabler of racism and therefore a RACIST
The 45th president is a White Supremacist and Nazi sympathizer. #DomesticTerrorists
Trump can not be trusted. His actions and words have no credibility unless you’re a member of a White Hate Group.
Trump is not the president of America but to the 38% who are his supporters.
As CEO’s of public companies, your reputations are based on trust and credibility. They are your currency and non negotiable. Trust can never be regained. Without trust, your companies can not succeed.
So on this day, Aug. 15, 2017, you must demonstrate where you and your companies allegiance lies. Resign and stand with Patriotic Americans and the Constitution. The natural consequence of staying with Trump is pretty clear. The world will see you as being complicit with Trump and his racists. Americans will boycott your company. Not good business!
Who's still in Trump’s Manufacturing Council
Andrew Liveris, Dow Chemical Company
Bill Brown, Harris Corporation
Michael Dell, Dell Technologies
John Ferriola, Nucor Corporation
Jeff Fettig, Whirlpool Corporation
Alex Gorsky, Johnson & Johnson
Greg Hayes, United Technologies
Marilyn Hewson, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Jim Kamsickas, Dana Inc.
Rich Kyle, The Timken Company
Thea Lee, AFL-CIO
Denise Morrison, Campbell Soup Company
Dennis Muilenberg, Boeing
Michael Polk, Newell Brands
Mark Sutton, International Paper
Inge Thulin, 3M
Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO
Wendell Weeks, Corning
Jeff Immelt, GE
Who’s still in Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum
Paul Atkins, Patomak Global Partners
Mary Barra, General Motors
Toby Cosgrove, Cleveland Clinic
Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase
Larry Fink, BlackRock
Rich Lesser, Boston Consulting Group
Doug McMillon, Wal-Mart
Jim McNerney, formerly Boeing
Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo
Adebayo "Bayo" Ogunlesi, Global Infrastructure Partners
Ginni Rometty, IBM
Stephen A. Schwarzman, Blackstone
Kevin Warsh, former board member at the Federal Reserve, Hoover Institute
Mark Weinberger, Ernst & Young
Jack Welch, formerly General Electric
Daniel Yergin, IHS Markit
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Most attempts by Russian, Chinese and Iranian hackers on US presidential campaigns halted, says Microsoft
Boston: The same Russian military intelligence outfit that hacked the Democrats in 2016 has renewed vigorous US election-related targeting, trying to breach computers at more than 200 organisations including political campaigns and their consultants, Microsoft said Thursday.
The intrusion attempts reflect a stepped up effort to infiltrate the US political establishment, the company said. "What we’ve seen is consistent with previous attack patterns that not only target candidates and campaign staffers but also those who they consult on key issues,” Tom Burt, a Microsoft vice president, said in a blog post. UK and European political groups were also probed, he added.
Most of the hacking attempts by Russian, Chinese and Iranian agents were halted by Microsoft security software and the targets notified, he said. The company would not comment on who may have been successfully hacked or the impact.
Although US intelligence officials said last month that the Russians favor President Donald Trump and the Chinese prefer his Democratic challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, Microsoft noted Thursday that Chinese state-backed hackers have targeted “high profile individuals associated with the election,” including people associated with the Biden campaign.
China's hackers largely gather intelligence for economic and political advantage, while Russia tends to weaponise stolen data to destabilise other governments.
Microsoft did not assess which foreign adversary poses the greater threat to the integrity of the November presidential election. The consensus among cybersecurity experts is that Russian interference is the gravest. Senior Trump administration officials have disputed that, although without offering any evidence.
“This is the actor from 2016, potentially conducting business as usual,” said John Hultquist, director of intelligence analysis at the cybersecurity firm FireEye. “We believe that Russian military intelligence continues to pose the greatest threat to the democratic process.”
The Microsoft post shows that Russian military intelligence continues to pursue election-related targets undeterred by US indictments, sanctions and other countermeasures, Hultquist said. It interfered in the 2016 campaign seeking to benefit the Trump campaign by hacking the Democratic National Committee and emails of John Podesta, the campaign manager of Hillary Clinton, and dumping embarrassing material online, congressional and FBI investigators have found.
The same GRU military intelligence unit, known as Fancy Bear, that Microsoft identifies as being behind the current election-related activity also broke into voter registration databases in at least three states in 2016, though there is no evidence it tried to interfere with voting.
Microsoft, which has visibility into these efforts because its software is both ubiquitous and highly rated for security, did not address whether US officials who manage elections or operate voting systems have been targeted by state-backed hackers this year. US intelligence officials say they have so far not seen no evidence of infiltrations.
Thomas Rid, a Johns Hopkins geopolitics expert, said he was disappointed by Microsoft’s refusal to differentiate threat level by state actor. “They’re lumping in actors that operate in a very different fashion, probably to make this sound more bipartisan," he said. "I just don’t understand why.”
Microsoft said in the past year it has observed attempts by Fancy Bear to break into the accounts of people directly and indirectly affiliated with the US election, including consultants serving Republican and Democratic campaigns and national and state party organisations — more than 200 groups in all.
Also targeted was the center-right European People’s Party, the largest grouping in the European Parliament. A party spokesperson said the hacking attempts were unsuccessful. The German Marshall Fund of the United States, a think tank, was another target. A spokesperson said there was no evidence of intrusion.
Microsoft did not say whether Russian hackers had attempted to break into the Biden campaign but did say that Chinese hackers from the state-backed group known as Hurricane Panda “appears to have indirectly and unsuccessfully" targeted the Biden campaign through non-campaign email accounts belonging to people affiliated with it.
The Biden campaign did not confirm the attempt, although it said in a statement that it was aware of the Microsoft report.
Iranian state-backed hackers have unsuccessfully tried to log into accounts of Trump campaign and administration officials between May and June of this year, the blog said. “We are a large target, so it is not surprising to see malicious activity directed at the campaign or our staff," Trump campaign deputy press secretary Thea McDonald said. She declined further comment.
Tim Murtaugh, the campaign's communications director, said, “President Trump will beat Joe Biden fair and square and we don’t need or want any foreign interference.”
In June, Google disclosed that Hurricane Panda had targeted Trump campaign staffers while Iranian hackers tried to breach accounts of Biden campaign workers. Such phishing attempts typically involve forged emails with links designed to harvest passwords or infect devices with malware.
Although both Attorney General William Barr and National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien have said China represents the greatest threat to US. elections, Microsoft's only mention of a Trump administration official targeted by Chinese hackers is “at least one prominent individual formerly associated" with the administration.
Graham Brookie, director of digital forensic research at The Atlantic Council, disputes Barr and O’Brien’s claim that China poses the greater threat to this year’s election. His lab is at the forefront of unearthing and publicising Russian disinformation campaigns.
Brookie confirmed that his employer was among targets of Hurricane Panda but said there was no evidence the hacking attempts, which he said were unsuccessful, had anything to do with the 2020 election.
“We have every indication that this was an instance of cyber-espionage, information gathering, as opposed to electoral interference,” he said.
By contrast, Brookie said, “it’s pretty evident that the Russian attempts (Microsoft disclosed) were focused on electoral processes and groups working on that.”
Microsoft noted a shift toward greater automation in Fancy Bear methods for trying to steal people’s log-in credentials, which previously largely relied on phishing. In recent months, the group has employed so-called brute-force attacks that barrage an account login with short rapid bursts of potential passwords. It has also used a different method that makes only intermittent login attempts to avoid detection.
Fancy Bear has also stepped up its use of the Tor anonymising service to hide its hacking, Microsoft said.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2RfvBPh
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omcik-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on OmCik
New Post has been published on http://omcik.com/president-trumps-very-bad-week-with-business-a-timeline/
President Trump's very bad week with business: A timeline
The businessman president had a really bad week with the business world.
CEOs bolted. His advisory councils collapsed. Some of his customers said they won’t give him their business anymore.
Trump’s Treasury secretary got called out by his fellow Yale Class of ’85 graduates. His friend Carl Icahn, one of Trump’s earliest supporters from Wall Street, said he will no longer serve as a special adviser on regulatory issues.
Even a member of the Palm Beach chamber of commerce, which counts Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club as a member, called on charities to consult their mission statements before deciding to do business with Trump.
Oh, and the stock market, which has performed well since Trump was elected, did lousy. Investors are afraid.
Of course, the pushback Trump got from business came because of his response to the violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend.
It was that kind of week. It’s understandable if you lost track. Here’s how it all went down.
Monday, August 14
–8 a.m. ET: Merck CEO Ken Frazier, one of very few black Fortune 500 CEOs, takes the first step. He steps down from President Trump’s manufacturing council, saying “America’s leaders must honor our fundamental values by clearly rejecting expressions of hatred, bigotry and group supremacy.”
Ken Frazier, chairman and chief executive officer of Merck & Co.
–8:54 a.m.: Trump tweets that Frazier will now “have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!”
–1 p.m.: The president delivers a speech in which he calls the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists “repugnant.”
–8:14 p.m.: Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank resigns from the manufacturing council.
–10:32 p.m.: Intel CEO Brian Krzanich follows suit.
Tuesday, August 15
–11:37 a.m.: Scott Paul, president of Alliance for American Manufacturing, resigns from the Trump council.
–On Tuesday afternoon, Trump gives a news conference inside Trump Tower. He reiterates his earlier position that he believes “there is blame on both sides” for last weekend’s violence in Charlottesville.
–5:45 p.m.: Richard Trumka, president of the labor group AFL-CIO, and Thea Lee, economist at the AFL-CIO, resign from the manufacturing council.
Wednesday, August 16
–12:15 p.m.: 3M CEO Inge Thulin resigns from the council.
–12:45 p.m.: Campbell CEO Denise Morrison resigns.
–Late Wednesday morning, Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman, the head of Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum, reportedly held a conference call with the members, who came to a collective decision to dissolve and started drafting a public statement.
–1:14 p.m.: Trump tweets, announcing he was dissolving both the manufacturing council and economic advisory council: “Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both. Thank you all!”
–1:20 p.m.: United Technologies CEO Greg Hayes puts out a statement, explaining his exit from the manufacturing council.
–1:30 p.m.: Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson & Johnson, releases a statement about why he resigned.
–2 p.m.: General Electric’s Jeff Immelt issues a statement on his decision to leave the council.
–4:30 p.m.: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg writes a post condemning hate groups but doesn’t mention Trump by name.
–Late Wednesday night, Apple CEO Tim Cook sends a letter to employees, rejecting Trump’s remarks on Charlottesville.
Thursday, August 17
–1:15 p.m.: Cleveland Clinic, a hospital system, backs out of plans to host a fundraiser at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. It doesn’t give a reason for the decision.
Cleveland Clinic President and CEO Dr. Toby Cosgrove
–4 p.m.: American Cancer Society becomes the second organization to cancel plans for an event at Mar-a-Lago. The charity says using Trump property presented a “challenge” to its “values.”
–7:30 p.m.: Another organization, American Friends of Magen David Adom, pulls a fundraising event from Mar-a-Lago.
–Throughout the day, three top magazines — Time, The Economist and the New Yorker — post snapshots of their latest magazine covers. Each lampooned Trump’s response to Charlottesville.
–Late Thursday, a scathing letter criticizing Trump written by 21st Century Fox CEO James Murdoch, is made public. He is the son of Trump confidante Rupert Murdoch.
James Murdoch, CEO of 21st Century Fox
— Late Thursday, a leader of the Palm Beach Chamber of Commerce, of which President Trump’s Florida resort Mar-a-Lago is a member, says all charities should do a moral gut check before doing business at the club.
Friday, August 18
–12:30 p.m.: The American Red Cross cancels plans to hold its annual fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago.
–1 p.m.: The Salvation Army says it won’t host its holiday gala at Mar-a-Lago.
–1:30 p.m.: Susan G. Komen, a breast cancer organization, pulls an event from Mar-a-Lago.
–2 p.m.: The head of Leaders in Furthering Education, another philanthropic group, urges the foundation’s board to move its fundraiser from Mar-a-Lago.
–3:40 p.m.: Two authors of a letter to Steve Mnuchin, signed by more than 340 members of the ’85 Yale graduating class, appear on CNN to discuss their argument that Trump’s Treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin, should resign.
— 4 p.m.: Billionaire Carl Icahn, a longtime friend of Trump, posts a letter announcing he would no longer serve as a special adviser to the president. He said he wanted to avoid becoming a partisan distraction.
Billionaire activist investor Carl Icahn
— CNNMoney’s Olivia Chang, Jill Disis, Julia Horowitz and Shen Lu contributed to this report.
CNNMoney (New York) First published August 19, 2017: 4:25 PM ET
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pastadoughie · 15 hours
helo creachers, another form imsory
pleaseeethis one is soimportyant n i tried 2 not make u be mean 2 the kities asmuch
pweass u just look at kitties n u say howmuch u liek them https://forms.gle/bunVNiR14QFuBrgQA
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pastadoughie · 2 months
helo crechrs
immmm doion soem concepting 4 stream stuff
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thoughttss on this vtubor design?? mostlkey the same yes but im changin the outfit a lill, kinda jus me but, catboy
you dont get a poll, comment like god intented
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pastadoughie · 4 months
helo creehcors
so i hav liek, rlly bad autism n social anxiety and liek, uhhh, it makes it rlly hard 2 interact witf people evn tho i wanna, liek u can say hi to me and ill start freaking, and some ppl recomended i make liek, notecards or smthn? to explain like PLEASE I WANNA TALOK TO PEOPLE im jujst soso scared and have bad autism and social anxiety, so i can like, comunicate that without, fumbling and sputteriong and freaking the fuck out stopping me,,,
becaus as i am most people will liek, say hi to me once, see im incredibley and visably uncomfortyable with them saying anything 2 me and then assum i just wanna be left alone,,, witch uhm, makes it even harder for me to talk to people sjygcvshjgvcsjhgv
i, just dont know how to word, the notecardse,,, i wanna say it in a way, i woulde type it onlien,,, becauysz thats the best way i can comunicaet the tone that is,,, in my braine,,, but also i wanna bea,,, normal,, ish, because i will be handing these to actual real lief people (tho for right nowe,, im really only planning to be trying to speak 2 people within queer youth groups, so thats the audiencse hear)
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pastadoughie · 2 months
we r trying to figur out how much stuff we need 2 order for the pride designs we have designs for ace, aro, bi, pan, gay, lesbian, trans, & enby. we are planning to charge 8-ish USD for the keychains (3 charms, strung together, each charm having a width of roughly 3CM, acrilic, double sided ,kitty clasp)
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and 7 USD for the sticker sheets ( roughly 14CM x 17CM or a lil less then 6IN x 7IN, so pretty large, 5-8 stickers per sheet + some little stickers that are just text like "trabns gendgr :3" )
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our shipping varies a lil bit its around 3 USD ( + 2.50 USD if you want tracking) note also that this isnt all of the designs for the stickers and keychains, youll see all of them once we actually manufacture everything
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pastadoughie · 2 months
helo creechers
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pastadoughie · 3 months
name for him?
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pastadoughie · 2 months
helo creechers
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(the kitty is nawt oinlyh sticker the venus simbolk n cloudse woul also b stickor + thea lebsian text)
also thisis really nawt useflul if u dont coment a price (also specify what currencey u mean)
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pastadoughie · 3 months
helo creechers
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pastadoughie · 6 months
helo crechers
i do not know antfying about warior catse i only know them from maps and amvs :3
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