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homoqueerjewhobbit · 2 years
I fantasize a lot about ways that I want the 45th president to die but like... Imagine if his jet crashed bc geese got sucked into the plane engine. I would be a founding member the Cult of the Divine Goose Martyrs.
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venalier · 2 years
[ ❌ ] is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? what is it? why do they have so much trouble with it?
        ♡   //    HEADCANON PROMPTS.  /  @alfvangr
i think the real question here is — is there anything that caeldori struggles with internally that she would overcome easily? hahahaha
i touched on this briefly in a recent thread reply so we’ll go with it: caeldori’s complex relationship with being high-achieving, a ‘ paragon of excellence ’, so to speak
the struggle: where caeldori herself is concerned, she doesn’t see being high-achieving ( or, depending on who you ask, annoyingly gifted ) as a bad thing. it’s something she actually takes a lot of pride in. her struggle lies in how she’s perceived by others because of it. caeldori’s apparent natural aptitude in many things is the core of a lot of her supports in canon, where others either envy or admire ( or both ) her for being so seemingly talented in everything she tries. irl, she’s one of those people who would be valedictorian and also a good artist and also competing in piano recitals and also very involved on the student council and the first to raise her hand in class; and if you’ve ever known someone like this, you probably know how easy it is for people to see them as either way out of their league or naturally unlikeable, so they tend to assume distance.
why she struggles to overcome it: because as much as caeldori dislikes the assumptions people make about her due to her achievements and the distance it puts between herself and her peers, she’s also very used to it. so used to it, that when she’s in a situation where she isn’t constantly being judged and under the scrutiny of others who measure her against her reputation, she doesn’t feel right.
she’s used to having an audience, visible or invisible, to her accolades; she’s used to admiration and jealousy and being assumed to be a natural; and because of that i think she experiences both alienation and validation from those things; she hates and she likes them at the same time, equally.
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afonsoqueijo · 1 year
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Inspeção de segurança na construção do novo prédio que concluíra construção em 2023 👷🏻🚧🏗👷🏻🏠🔨 #engenharia #o #arquitetura #engenhariacivil #constru #construcaocivil #obra #obras #construcao #projeto #engenheiro #reforma #projetos #engineering #a #brasil #design #arquiteto #engenhariaeletrica #architecture #engenheirocivil #engcivil #casa #tecnologia #construction #d #es #ocivil #designdeinteriores #engenhariamecanica (em IFMG Piumhi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmOkz75O-y3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
I just got this idea and I trust your writing the most, I was wondering if you could write ,unless you already wrote this, where the reader steals König or ghost masks or anyone else and their reaction (nsfw or sfw is fine), thank you have a great day :))
König & Ghost's Reaction to their S/O Stealing their Mask
Warnings: Implications of Smut, Dominant Ghost, Dominant König, Territorial Military Men <3, Minor Spoilers of Ghost's Past, Mention of a Size Kink, Profanity, No Pronouns used for Reader except 'You.
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Since he's absolutely massive, the ends of his sniper veil literally reach the bottom of your ribcage.
So when König sees you wear it for the first time, he's absolutely F L O O R E D
We don't call him Size Kink König for no reason.
Goes absolutely feral when he sees you draped in his veil.
Can barely keep his hands off you.
"Maus," he husks, fingers twitching as he reaches for you slowly, cautiously, offering you the chance to go with him willingly.
"You don't know what you're doing to me."
Even without the veil, his eyes are dark, a blackness settling over them that, somewhere in your mind, your intuition, has you seeing red.
Regardless of how innocent your intent when acquiring the mask, none of that matters now.
All that does is the growing bulge in König's pants, the shortness of his breath, and his shadow settling over you as he advances on your path.
"You'll be needing that mask more than I will after I'm done with you."
And when you dare to ask "Why ?" now entrapped – eclipsed – by his frame, he just smiles, thin and sharp. Cruel.
He takes you in his arms, pulling you to him, your face almost crushed into his chest.
He laughs. A low rumble – the promise of a natural disaster.
His nose is to yours covered by the veil, a condescending gesture of his prowess and your submission. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.
"Because everyone will get a free show to the fallout of an evening you’ve roped yourself into."
As if to prove his point, his hands are at your wrists before you even notice the pressure he's applying there, binding you, pulling you ever closer to him. And in that second, you know you're not leaving your little stunt – the night – unscathed.
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Hoo boy.
Okay, it's no secret to anyone who knows Ghost – really knows him – that he's suffered a lot of hardship throughout his life, hencewhy he is the way he is.
Which others may construe as cold, heartless – even soulless.
But that's only because Simon has lost so much.
So when he comes home to find you in one of his masks, smiling up at him (he can tell by the way your eyes crinkle), he's immediately whipped.
And I mean W H I P P E D.
To see the one person he can truly call his own wearing his gear is something he didn't know he needed until now.
Sure, he's seen you in his shirts, but this felt different. More intimate.
Your face was where his usually was, his spectral imprint practically morphed with the contours of your face.
Though it needn't be mentioned, he has a hard time... containing himself.
"Fuuuck me, Darlin'," he rasps, on you like a sickness as he sits on top of you, pinning you to the sofa by your waist.
"Y'look better in that than I do."
And you smile. Something intentional hidden within.
"Hmm... I doubt that." You can feel Simon's body heat rocketing beneath his clothes.
"You know I can't resist you when you wear it."
And that's all it takes to send him over the edge.
You hear his breath shake as he rolls into you ever so slightly, still restraining his whole weight to keep you intact. Something began to prod your abdomen.
"Oh, you're in for it now," he tells you. There is not a single hint of fallacy to his claim or his expression – one of barely stoic restraint.
"You won't be able to do much of anything by the time I'm through with you."
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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quixothicc · 11 months
just desserts
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hobie brown x reader, miguel o’hara x reader (implied)
summary: leave it to the big guy to be so damn obvious. if only it wasn't this fun for hobie to mess with him.
or: hobie exploits miguel’s one weakness for some shits and giggles (but also to stick it to The Man).
cw: fluff but hobie makes some innuendos. jealous!miguel, miguel who can't admit his feelings, hobie who knows this and knows he has more game and takes full advantage of this
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You’re talking to Hobie when his attention is captured by something behind you. His gaze shifts as he raises a brow challengingly, mouth pulled into a cocky slant. It’s quick, quick enough that most people wouldn’t catch it, but you’re not most people. Not with your reflexes.
“—And I was—Hobie? Something wrong?”
You’ve got his attention again. “Yeah, luv? Sorry ‘bout that, got somethin’ in my eye.” He wraps an arm around your shoulder, and gives you a lazy grin. "Distracted me fro' your beauty for a minute."
You roll your eyes as you continue to tell your tale, Hobie listening to you with the kind of careless intensity that only he could pull off. While his flirtatious comments could be construed as something more, he says them with such a dry wit that it's hardly anything more than friendly. As the the two of you meander down the line of the cafeteria, grabbing whatever food spikes your interest, his arm remains a steady presence around you. Again, you don’t think much of it—Hobie's a touchy guy with his closest friends.
“Ya’ ever wonder 'ow these futuristic blokes come up wit’ some o’ these pop flavors?" he asks you, holding a can of soda in his hand as he languid reads off the label. "‘Sparkling orange cream cider with a 'int of lime...'" He pulls a face. "Sounds mad.”
You laugh. “It’s actually kinda good. Peter recommended it to me last time.”
He looks at you, surprised. “Huh." And then, with a hint of suspicion, he asks, "...Which Peter? Ya' can't trust all ov' their taste buds...”
With his arm around you, Hobie steers the two of you around the cafeteria, and you end up accidentally bumping into the person next to you in line. The two of you continue to chat--that is, until you hear someone clear their throat meaningfully. You glance behind you, unaware of the challenging glean in Hobie's cool gaze.
"Oh, hi, Miguel! I don't think I've ever seen you out here before."
He raises a brow. In his hand is a box of the empanadas he loves so much.
"I do... eat, you know."
Miguel's usual dry and blunt manner of speaking has hardly deterred you before.
"Yeah, but I don't think you really leave that dinky, dark room of yours," you say thoughtfully, to which Hobie snorts next to you. His body shakes with the effort to contain his amusement. Your eyes widen. "I—I didn't mean it like that!"
"I know what you mean," Miguel cuts you off. He jabs the empanada before him with tongs, puncturing its shell. His irritation is palpable. Maybe he's having a bad day? "I..." He sighs heavily, surveying the two of you, his gaze lingering on your shoulder. "Just felt like a change of scenery."
"Or at least I did," he mutters, but you don't quite catch it.
"'Ey, 'ey. Look wha' we got 'ere." Hobie, the ever keen observer, steers you around Miguel, to direct your attention to today's dessert on the menu. Your eyes widen at the various flavors of cupcakes before you. You fucking love cupcakes.
"Lemme guess," Hobie says. "You're a chocolate kinda gal?" He snags a cupcake for each of you. Just as he hands it to you though, you're distracted by the sound of tongs clattering.
You glance to your right, only for Hobie to end up smearing some of the cupcake's icing across your cheek. You blink in surprise.
"Oops." An amused smirk stretches Hobie's face. “Made a mess o' yourself, looks like it."
"You're the one who did it!"
Hobie puts his palms up, stating solemnly, "All's wort' it in pursuit of something sweet."
You glower at him, rubbing your cheek. "Did I get it?"
He shakes his head. "Nope." You rub again. "A lit'le to the left. Nope… Is a bit like finding a needle in a 'aystack for you, innit? Lemme help.”
Hobie’s thumb comes up to your cheek, swiping the suspect away. You scrunch your nose up, to which he makes a satisfied noise in his throat.
"Almos' regret doin' that. Ya' pull off the 'cream on ya' face' look."
You roll your eyes at the obvious innuendo, smacking his chest. “Hobie. Not in public!”
He shrugs unapologetically.
The sound of cardboard crumpling meets your ears. The both of you turn around.
“Ay, chingados,” Miguel curses at his crushed box, meat and veggie filling from his empanadas splayed across the ground. He kicks the box away, before slamming his hand onto the counter. Hunched over, a hand tensely massaging his brow as he mutters, “Maldito sea. Estoy harto de ver esta mierda amorosa."
You raise a brow. You think you hear Hobie mutter something to the effect of, "Stickin' it to the big guy one step a' a time," and you're certainly not sure what that means. Miguel stops only when he notices you and everyone in the cafeteria watching him. He straightens up, and clears his throat before summoning his AI.
“Lyla, just have someone bring food to my room,” he grumbles.
"Roger that," she says.
And then Miguel is stalking away before either of you know it.
You watch his retreating back curiously. "I wonder what that was about..." you think aloud.
“No idea,” Hobie drawls. Of course, it's a lie, or as Hobie likes to think of it, a covert truth. He salutes in Miguel's direction.
Leave it to the big guy to be so damn obvious. If only it wasn't this fun to mess with him. And... Hobie glances down at you. If only you realized how much power you held over him.
Both of them, really.
estoy harto de ver esta mierda amorosa = i'm sick of seeing all this lovey-dovey shit
the other phrases are just a bunch of cursing lmao
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Hey 🙂
Really enjoying your writings.
May I request the slashers - the usual suspects (Jason/Michael/Sinclairs/Thomas) and anyone else if you want, mistaking their fem s.o for being romantic with someone else (like the situation with this other person looks totally sketch and could be construed for something not so innocent but its absolutely innocent - s.o would never cheat).
How would the slashers initially react and how would they feel and go about the situation.
Warnings: Implied sexual harassment
Slashers and mistaking their s/o for being romantic with someone else
Jason Voorhees
He sees you holding a male camper’s hand as you walk away from the camp, and finds his heart breaking. Is he not enough? And if he isn’t, why would *that one* be?
Jason follows the two of you quietly, trying to see where this is going. He does not want to believe that you would truly cheat on him. But you give that camper sultry looks, and every time you do, Jason’s heart breaks a little more.
Finally, you arrive at a small clearing, far away from the camp.
“Now come on, honey, let daddy have some sugar”, the guy says, making grabby hands in the general direction of your chest.
“Oh I’ll let you have *something*, alright”, you say with a grin and, in one fluid motion, pull the small knife from your pocket and bury the blade in his throat.
“Shhh, no screaming, we don’t want to alert the others now, do we?”, you coo in a faux-comforting tone while his yellow camp shirt slowly turns red.
Jason comes out from between the trees and looks at you, bewildered.
You give him an apologetic smile. “There you are, love. Did you see all of that? Sorry. But this one was so gross that I just had to kill him myself.”
Now Jason just feels silly for ever doubting you.
Vincent Sinclair
He finally leaves his workshop for the day and wants to spend the rest of it with you, only to find you on the couch, with Lester leaning on you. It definitely looks like you’re cuddling.
Vincent feels like someone pulled the rug from under him. If you were to ever leave him, he would expect it to maybe be for Bo, but for Lester?
You and Lester both look up, and now Vincent notices that his youngest brother looks, quite frankly, miserable.
“Lester isn’t feeling well”, you tell Vincent in a soft voice. “Bo just left to the next town over, to get some meds, and asked me to take care of him until then.”
Lester coughs heavily. “Sorry, Bro. Didn’t mean to hog your girl.”
With his jealously forgotten, his protective older sibling instincts kick in, and he quickly sits down on Lester’s other side, putting his hand on his forehead. The youngest Sinclair is definitely running a decently high fever.
“If you let him lean on you for a bit, I can get up and make him some tea”, you say, and Vincent immediately agrees.
Freddy Krueger
He does not like you cozying up to other people, and being stuck in your subconscious, unable to do anything unless you fall asleep, sure isn’t helping.
Why are you watching horror movies with this loser? Why are you laughing so much? There you are, even casually mentioning Freddy by name, that should be enough of an indicator that you are unavailable, so why is this idiot still here?!
Once you fall asleep, Freddy confronts you about it. “I’ve killed significant others for less petty reasons before, bitch.”
“Okay? Sorry that I was trying to help you, I guess.”
“Help me?”
“Uhm, yeah? Did you not hear me tell him about you? Take a wild guess who the guy is gonna be thinking about when he goes to sleep tonight, and how those thoughts are gonna make him feel.”
Freddy presses his lips together. “...Fine, I guess. But next time, find a way to tell people about me without whoring yourself out to them, got it?”
Brahms Heelshire
You are getting just a tad to friendly with the new grocery delivery guy, and Brahms does not like that. It gives him flashbacks to Greta. So he tries to keep your attention away from the guy as well as he can. He unplugs the phone every time he calls, he demands your full attention during the times the man would be there and just generally tries to keep your eyes where they should be.
Finally, you have enough.
“Brahms, what is going on?!”
He keeps his eyes fixed on the ground. “Do you love him?”
“The delivery man. Do you love him?”
“Wha- Oh. Is this what this is about?” You sit down on Brahms’ bed and gesture for him to do the same.
“That man is my cousin”, you finally tell him. “Kinda distant though. I found out when I did one of those genetics tests you can order from the internet for fun.”
“So… You’re not gonna leave with him?”
“Hell no. I told him I got a great thing going here. But he’s also the only blood related family I have any real access to here, so I’m trying to maintain a good relationship with him.”
“Oh… okay, I think I understand.”
Bubba Sawyer
Subtle flirting is kind of part of business, especially when dealing with customers as a woman. You explained as much to Bubba when Drayton had the idea of you earning your keep by helping out with peddling his chili to people. But that doesn’t mean he has to like it. In the rare cases where he gets to watch from afar as you charm the customers into getting seconds, he finds himself irritatedly fiddling with his chainsaw.
One night, you come home, pull the hair net from your head and heavily sit down next to Bubba.
“What a day”, you grumble. “I swear, some of these people think they can treat me however they like just because they pay some chump change for Drayton’s chili.”
Now that catches Bubba’s attention. He looks at you, confused.
“What, you didn’t think that I *like* getting hit on by randos every day, did you?”, you say. “I want to tell them that I am married, but Drayton doesn’t want me to. Says they’re paying for the view and that feeling like they’re encroaching on another guy’s territory is going to scare them away.”
Now Bubba coos empathetically and begins rubbing small circles on your back, to help you relax. Now that he knows that you don’t like it, he feels a lot better about it.
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Hello ! I have a request for you so I hope you can do it ! 🩷 (no rush obviously, take your time ☺️💓)
I wanted to request for Verosika mayday and (she's my favorite gal) with a cute idol reader (they're in a relationship)
example for idol reader: (basically They're cute as hell)
Can be any gender you want
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Verosika Mayday With A Cute Idol S/O
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Now, I'll start this off with the obvious: before you start dating, she sees you as competition. I mean, how dare you come onto her turf and steal her fans?!
However, it doesn't take long for her to meet you with intent of threatening you away, only for her to begin swooning over you soon after.
You're just?? So sweet??? Like??
She's enamored with you, but she thinks it's suspicious. Soon after, though, she learns that it's not an act, that you really ARE that sweet and that cute.
It isn't long until you two start dating, and she makes it VERY clear to her posse that you're off-limits because you're HER sweet little S/O.
She'll also actually refrain from fucking people, either on earth or in hell, as long as she has you. She adores you beyond belief, viewing you as just too sweet to do that to.
Now, she's got that pop star money. So anytime she sees anything that even SLIGHTLY reminds her of you, congratulations, you've got twelve.
You two would bond over music, definitely. No matter what kind of music you sing (I assume pop based on the term 'idol'), and she'll even suggest karaoke dates for the both of you.
Plus, she'll integrate herself into your professional life, too, with collabs! Interchanging, switching vocals, with one of you singing your part of the main chorus and the other doing the backing vocals, and vice versa.
Another thing: she'll have you help with writing songs and everything! It's nice dating another musician, because you both know how to support each other endlessly.
If you're a succubus and you're interested in seducing humans together, perfect, she'll do that with you! But if not, that's okay, she only needs you.
Because you're so sweet and cute, though, it'd be a long time before she opened up about her psst relationship with Blitzø and how he broke her heart.
That said, she'll write a diss track about him with lines along the lines of "fuck you, got my new boo". She's petty, even if you aren't, and unless you say you're uncomfortable, she isn't gonna stop putting you in her pettiness anytime soon.
She'll help you with outfit coordination and ask for the same in turn, figuring that if you're both coordinated, it's a sly way to show everyone that you're hers.
PDA is a must, but it'll be lower than if you weren't an idol, because she doesn't want to risk you being made upset if it's in the tabloids. Anything that can be construed as 'friendly', she'll do in public. The kissing and stuff is saved for later. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That said, if anyone ever flirts with you in public, she has no shame in making out with you or grabbing your ass right there in public, just to show that person that you're hers and only hers.
And likewise, if anyone ever flirts with her, she'll grab your hand and offer a cruel smirk while she turns them down.
"Yeeeeeah, no. I already have a fucking amazing S/O, who's most definitely better in bed than a lame fuckstain like you ever would be."
She'll try harder to get through rehab entirely for you. She wants to see that sweet, adorable smile on your face when she tells you that she's done with the Beelzejuice...
Basically, contrary to what you'd think, your sweetness an innocence inspires her to be better.
There's always a small part of her that wants to corrupt you more than anything else.
"Aww, S/O, you look almost good enough to eat~."
"Are you saying I'm sweet? :D"
She would never do that of course, but the thought is kind of just... there. But she loves you too much to ever try to do that to you.
All in all, Verosika is a good girlfriend to you, and both your professional and personal lives are filled with love and laughter together.
And she'll be damned if she lets anyone keep you apart...
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soraviie · 11 months
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━ type: jungkook x gn! reader   ━ navigation
━ about: a healthy splash of angst; reader is slightly older than Jungkook (also in denial) and he is a whole forest because there's just so much pine
━ requested by @manavi-meera (?) tumblr deleted your ask when I tried to write in it, all I saw was the gif :/
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"Just think about it."
"It's Jungkook!"
"Yeah, it's Jungkook. So think about it."
It's around when your foot is halfway across the threshold that Yoongi speaks again — just as somber as he'd begun the conversation. If, of course, one's ex-boyfriend turned best friend hurtling a bunch of mistruths and delusions at a completely oblivious and confused party of the other could be construed as a "conversation".
"Oh and ______________?"
You turn around, feeling some form of clammy fear sink its grimy talons around your gut the longer this stifled, awkward bout of silence drags on.
"Just...be kind. No matter what you do."
And because for some unknown reason a sudden knot appears at the base of your throat, you can't speak — without rhyme or reason it seems nigh impossible to utter a single word so you nod. Nod and leave Yoongi to sit in his studio alone and with that disconcerting glimmer in his eye. 
Jungkook liking you — one has to laugh! 
“Old man has to be checked for dementia,” you grouse to yourself, the only thing hearing your discontent being the darkness of the emptied hallway. 
The thought! The absolute gall! 
Jungkook liking you…
It’s — it's ridiculous!
But because of one nosey little fucker, the idea has been planted in your head now and like an invasive species of flora, it refuses to leave your gardens alone. 
You try to imagine, you give it an honest, good effort but even now, after all these years what you see before your eyes when thinking of Jungkook are those big, wet eyes. It doesn’t matter how many tattoos and piercings he adorns himself with, how many bikes he drives through the night in the name of the thrill, none of it matters — to you he’s just a gangly kid, always turning his face away so you don’t see the nearly constant state of panic reflected in his features. 
What Yoongi has been smoking you have no idea, frankly you certainly don’t want to try it if it causes this sort of brain damage. 
Jungkook yearning for you. 
Yearning. Just hearing that word bounce back in your skull makes you scoff. Yearning was for torrid love affairs and sentimental romance books; no one in real life yearned. Who could possibly have the time?
Grab your jacket —> go home —> forget this ever happened —> maybe share a demure chuckle or two with Yoongi five years laters, because obviously he’d be embarrassed about being this wrong about something but the plan is fucked. 
It’s fucked because big, brown eyes are staring right back at you, as you round the corner into the wardrobe and more importantly they’re holding your jacket. Well, his hands, not the eyes. Eyes couldn’t hold things. 
“Welcome back,” Jungkook outstretches the jacket towards you, his voice rumbling low in the chest. It’s usually a pleasant hum but because of Yoongi you cannot help but wonder whether it’s a pleased hum as well. “Why didn’t you tell me you're stopping by?”
Had it been just yesterday you would have punched his arm, rolled your eyes and annoyed the ever loving shit out of him, saying he’s not your boyfriend — you don’t owe him to know when and where you’re coming and going but it’s today and suddenly merely touching him feels excruciatingly awkward. 
“Must have slipped my mind,” you mutter, struggling to put the jacket on. A faint wrinkle of discontent worms its way in the space between his eyebrows. Frustration rises and he outstretches himself to help you — out of instinct, out of annoyance? — you're not quite sure, before it never crossed your mind to ponder about it. However, now that you do your legs take an automated step back and Jungkook's hands after a second of lingering contemplatively into the air, half reached out towards you drop back to his thighs — unassuming and still.
"Something wrong?" he asks, inclining his head to the side and why....
...why is it sort of cute?
Cute in a very Jungkook way but not in a usual Jungkook way because usually he was like a little brother you never wanted and...
...and you're spiralling.
"Yeah?" you blink down on him and the frown on his face deepens.
"You're a bit," jerkily, he waves his fingers around. "Out of it."
"You're like a brother to me, right?"
You didn't mean for it to come out as a question but it is now and it's terrifying. It's terrifying because Yoongi was right. Jungkook's not laughing or scoffing or even acting annoyed or offended by this familiarity. Rather there's this ashen film covering his face and the longer his gaze flits anxiously from one spot to another — anywhere but your own persona — the more you understand.
He'd thrust his heart into your awkward hands and now you're simply horrified to even hold it with more pressure — what if it breaks, what if you hurt it in anyway? It feels more like an injured bird than a heart — any wrong move and you would do something that would weigh down on you for the rest of the remaining days.
It's your turn to call out his name and echoing the same confused, absent-minded state you're in, he hums at the mention of his name, eyes hazy and teeth gnawing on his lip.
"I mean I always thought we're...friends, you know?"
"You're still—"
"I'm not little anymore."
For a second he gains a new sort of resolution - the hazy veil in his eyes is traded for something more steel like and his spine straightens just for a second befoer he collapses into himself, muttering with no small amount of bitterness:
"I'm not a kid, ___________, and you're not that much older than me."
"I know it's just," there is an ill-willing sense of a migraine coming on - you could feel it into the tepid albeit painful tension sitting at the base of your neck. "I guess it's just hard to shake off first impressions, Koo."
He gives an ugly sort of snort — a bit bitter, a bit self-depreciating — and you swear there is a "don't I know it" under his breath, grumbled in a tone that implies it's something of an inside joke with himself.
You wonder what it means.
"I'll walk you home," he suddenly utters, jumping up from the seat. Was he always such a beefcake? Your stare lingers just a touch too long and now that the proverbial scales had been ripped off your eyes you fully grasp how he preens underneath this crumb of attention.
It brings back the awkward feel in your hands — like holding something too small and too precious while walking across a tightrope.
"I didn't ask—"
"Tough shit," he throws over his shoulder, already walking away, pretending to be all cool.
"When did you get so commanding?" you grouse, rushing to keep up with him. It's a bit easier to breathe for now, here in the desolate hallway of HYBE's lower wardrobess, things have for now returned to normal and you revel in that fact though in the back of your mind you know things are soon to change. Conversations will be had and secrets will be spiilled, be it for better or worse. You know it and Jungkook knows it but for now you both pretend it's the same it used to be and bicker to your heart's delight.
"Spank me then."
"Fucking perv."
"Who do you think I learned it from?"
"From Namjoon's truly godless porn sites."
"I'm a good boy, I would never."
"Wipe that sly grin off your face and maybe I'll believe you."
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send in a picture of the boys and I’ll write a scenario
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doubledyke · 4 months
How do you believe Eddy actually is without his Bro mask? I mean, I don't believe he would be radically different or anything- he probably still has his hotheadness, stubborness and egocentrism- but he would also be a bit more chill, more openly caring and more helpful and friendly towards his buddies and another people?
Still quite flawed and bratty, but also much more of a nice guy at the same time, summing up.
brother you just opened a whole ass can of worms on this here page
eddy angst and eventual fawning below
even after bps i imagine eddy's guard is gonna be allllllll the way up for a long time. nonetheless, he's ecstatic to be welcomed into the in-crowd. finally, an excuse to wear all those clothes he keeps in that closet o' dreams. his shoulders loosen up a bit over time, he's cool, he's getting invites to all the shindigs. he's chasing this conditional acceptance so much that he might even drift away from the eds for a while- ed and edd not exactly being the partying types.
but he's still waiting for the other shoe to drop. right on his neck. waiting for the moment he says or does the wrong thing. or the moment his searing rage burns through this newfound passivity. he's just doing what everyone else does, what everyone wants him to do. asking someone how they're doing even if you don't really care, laughing when someone tells what could be construed as a joke. and standing up real straight, since double dee's always talking about "posturing" for some reason.
keeping up that front is exhausting though.. some nights he'd rather stay home, but if he did that he might never get invited anywhere ever again. and another of kevin's easyriders anecdotes, jonny's weed-fueled conspiracy theories, rolf's political proselytizing, and nazz's aggressive dancing sure as shit beats spending time with his own thoughts.
yup. this is the life.
the ticking time bomb explodes when someone accidentally bumps into him at one of these parties, and the uncomfortable laughter this elicits from his peers plunges him further into a sea of red, his ire hopping from one head to the next as he drunkenly gives them all what for. he lays into his peers in a way he's only ever seen edd do, then storms off into the inconveniently well-lit night, never to be seen or heard from again... until the next day at school, where to his horror, everyone is still being cool towards him? they're asking him if he's okay?? he should be fine, once he's picked his jaw up off the floor.
but they were supposed to hate him, give him a shiner to go along with the bruises he left on their collective ego. somethin' don't smell right, and it's not just the mix of mike's hard and last night's supper embedded between his shoelaces.
the only solution is to isolate, of course. out of sight out of mind. he starts showing up for school less and less, and when he's there it's not like he's paying attention. what's the point? as far as he can tell, his options were laid out before he was off his mom's tit: join dad at the dealership, or end up in a seaside trailer, running two-bit scams to supplement the part-time income he'd get as a ride operator. you don't need no stinkin' degree to push a button.
graduation comes and he doesn't go cuz you wouldn't catch him dead in one of those stupid ass hats and matching tablecloths. plus "getting older" is depressing. really depressing. as such, he becomes depressed. i wrote in painfully dumb detail what i think that might look like in the fic i was working on, so i'll spare you a rehashing of that.
anyway, his depressive episode subsides a bit and for the first time in his life he's looking inward. what does he want to do? who does he want to be? better yet WHO IS HE??? that's the thing with eddy, he has no idea who he is, and is terrified to find out. it was easy enough to mirror his brother when he mistook fear for respect. but no one is scared of him, and no one respects him, especially now that they see what a loser his brother is. so what does he have to lose by being himself? whatever that means.
at the forefront is that big lavender question mark that's been looming over his head since he was in diapers; the only "mental illness" his dad acknowledges as real.
he has another mini crisis when he is forced to accept that he's gay. followed by a torrent of relieved tears. relief mixed with horror, as it all makes an embarrassing amount of sense now. admitting that everyone was right SUCKS, but he'll look past that for the time being, and enjoy the fleeting lightness in his chest. it feels eerily similar to the day everyone found out the truth about his brother- minus the agony of cracked ribs.
his brother... oh shit, his FATHER. wipe those tears away mary. you better not be caught puffy eyed and red faced in this house son, 'less you been brawlin'.
anyway if i continue i'd be spoiling that fic i mentioned cuz i do plan on continuing it in some form or fashion eventually. the point of that fic is to pretty much go over what i think happens to eddy to get him to the point that he FIRST realizes and accepts he needs to heal at all, and then can begin the long, non-linear process of restoring what was taken from him by the hands of people who were supposed to love and protect him. that's the only way he'll be able to learn who he is and gradually let that take place of the caricature that was forced upon him.
accepting that he's gay is gonna seem like a breeze once he starts digging in to the real ugly shit. but it absolutely has an affect on his personality both as a kid before he realizes it and going forward as an out and proud adult. if you think he's flamboyant in the show...
but yes, his true personality is still, as you said, cantankerous, boisterous, egomaniacal, etc. perhaps becomes a bit more sophisticated with age lmao. take the way he acts in season one and a dash of season three in there for the best example of what i imagine he might be like on an average day in his adult life.
he'll always deal with anger management issues and depression, he's gonna have days, weeks, months where he's season 5 levels of unhinged. but like we all do, he learns to cope in ways besides bashing his skull into the nearest wall and/or tree. but don't get me started on that.
just as a side note, and not because you implied this or anything, but people who struggle with anger aren't bad people, and anger isn't inherently bad. he has every right to feel the rage he feels imo. i feel like removing those less "desirable" traits from him entirely really detracts from his fantastically complex character.
as far as how he treats the people closest to him go read @gettingfrilly's analysis of eddy and empathy for a much more informed, concise and well worded take than i can provide. my opinion is that it's a struggle for eddy to show kindness and consideration but he will get there in time with the right support. his fear of intimacy and vulnerability is something i hope to touch on in the fic too, so i'll save my ramblings on that topic for a later time.
overall, most of eddy's personality i wouldn't want to change, but it will mature and take on different forms as he gets older. his brashness, his humor (dude is so goddamn funny), his low tolerance for what he considers bullshit, his stupid charm, his ridiculous vanity. they all make him who he is and i wouldn't change them for the world!!
he's not going to get along with everyone and there will be people who simply don't like him, but once his barbs have been sanded down a bit, i think eddy would be really well liked by the people around him whose personalities and interests jell with his. his snark and gallows humor would be easily integrated into the many kitchens and bars he works in, and he'd have no trouble making friends. he's charismatic as all hell, and surprisingly cultured. i feel like people don't give him enough credit for how smart he is, but i see it. his confidence and resilience ensure that he WILL be successful in the things he sets out to do, it's just a matter of time and a little luck.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
I love your Riddlers switching each other's bodies, but what about Riddlers switching bodies with their AFAB s/o 🤔
Body Swap w/Reader
Riddler Headcanons ok i'm gonna make this gender neutral because i got another one specifying that, but all the general actions will be the same 👀 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: touching, i guess don't read if cnc/noncon is a huge trigger, because some of this could be construed as that! since it's your body... but not your body... kinda
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zero year
if you thought his perverted behaviour was borderline invasive before
you're about to witness it happen first-hand
which is... worse than him just checking you out? because now you have to watch him checking you out
like you've been given a front row seat to his sleazy little show
and you know, you just know, that as soon as he's no longer within your sight
that he's exploring everything, getting a very good look
a very good... feel... of you, and how you should be handled
maybe if he knows what he's doing, you'll let him get a shot of it once he's back in his own body
since you spur his incessant advances the rest of the time
he'll definitely be getting his fill of this, maybe with a photoshoot later, something to remember this by
oh this is absolutely wonderful, delightful, gee golly gosh!
it would have been wonderful to get a good rummage around your mind and see how it works
but exploring your body and knowing it so intimately is good too
from a purely scientific... research-based... perspective of course
no other reason, but if it's ok for him to say, you do look wonderful
or he looks wonderful... or your body looks wonderful
ok let him start again, he's getting flustered
maybe start with a question! something familiar to him
so, what kind of underwear is it that you have on because it's very comfortable... or is that...
guess he could just go and look... oh dear... he's sorry, so sorry
perfect, you don't have as many aching bits or cuts and bruises as he does
it's like a blank canvas to start working on, not that he's going to be focused intentionally on hurting you
but it's the risks of being the handiest, smartest body in gotham
although, it's very distracting how... soft you are
much softer than he is... and warmer too... smoother, nicer
ok this was a terrible idea because now he's completely distracted
he almost feels bad for all the times he called you stupid and yelled at you for not listening or making mistakes
it must be almost impossible to do anything or focus on anything
especially when you look and... feel like this... OK switch back he is uncomfortable with the feelings he is experiencing thanks
but he will remember that you feel delightful... just for reference
you know what, he's just as annoyed about this as he thought he would be
you have absolutely no right to call him old and weak anymore, even if you're just joking
his joints feel a lot better than these ones
and he's far more comfortable in his own skin... literally
you better be taking it easy in there!
don't eat or drink anything stupid, don't do anything stupid, don't make him look stupid
he realises that might be a difficult task for you, given your... you
but the least you could do is make a concerted effort now
or he'll be extra cruel with any resulting punishments
and he has control over you now, far more than he did before, so keep that in mind
haha, your body is so much worse than his, give it back!
this is such an unfair swap, he gets landed with this hunk of junk
and you get to surround yourself in his wonderful, tight little figure
you're welcome to touch him if you want
no *smacks your hand away* not like... him-you, you-him
look, just give him your hand and he'll show you where to put it
what do you mean you don't want to touch his body!?
you've been given a golden opportunity here
at least get out there and show him off, make use of your one opportunity to be this cute
and he'll stay here, hidden from humanity until he's back to being adorable again, urgh
ok get ready because he really knows how to please himself
so you are in for an absolute treat here
just sit back, relax, and let him take care of you... him... both of you
also, he hates to sound egomaniacal
but he looks even better from this perspective than he thought he might
with your body, he's not getting up to anything mischievous
unless you ask him to, or give him permission
but he's very keen to explore you from a deeply intimate angle
it'll be a learning experience, like he's studying for an exam
and he'll pass with flying colours once you guys are swapped back
ok so the misery he was carrying is definitely in his brain
or maybe even buried deep within his soul
because it's still there, as unfortunate as that is, even though he knew it would be
but it feels... easier to deal with, like when he puts on his mask and coat
there's a weight lifted off his shoulders, or maybe your posture is just better
you're not hunched over a desk day and night
studying numbers and following leads and planning crimes
at least not to the extent that he is
also, and please tell him if this is too inappropriate, and he's blushing already
but your butt is very comfortable to sit on
the potential for mischief, or sheer artistry, is overwhelming
nobody would suspect him of being up to anything untoward
because you, unlike him and miss tuesday
have no criminal record whatsoever
it's the perfect disguise, not even being himself!
he should have thought of this sooner, putting his big brain in another body
to be able to sneak around in broad daylight with no one suspecting a thing
how rude to ask him about the implications of what happens if he gets caught
yes, yes, it's understandable you would be worried about being sent to prison
he'll never get caught though... not this time... hopefully...
young justice
it's just kinda nice to not be him for a little while, y'know
so you'll have to be extra nice about being in his body
might be a nice ego boost to know that you enjoy him...
he's pretty pleased to be in your skin though
people are nicer to him!
and you're cute enough that he can get away with being annoying
that's a new experience for him, and he likes it
it might be difficult to get him to switch back actually
you're carrying him much better than he did anyway!
and no one is threatening to beat him up for telling the same riddle until someone gets it correct now
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orangerosebush · 1 year
People online refer to Judith Butler's theory of gender performativity frequently. Understandably so! But to understand the idea, it's valuable to not just rely on random people's (often well-articulated and helpful) presentation of their individual understanding of the theory.
All too often, the role of heterosexuality in gender performativity is ignored -- which is a pity. Understanding the link between "correctly" performing one's gender and heterosexuality is key in contextualizing how and why it was difficult historically to, for example, access any form of medical transition unless one played the role of a heterosexual during intake interviews with clinics. Ray Blanchard, the father of many transmisogynistic discourses today, specifically divided trans women into two categories: heterosexual trans women (whom he "pitied" and deemed "worthy" of a tenuous, conditional validation) and bisexual/lesbian trans women (whom he deemed as being incapable of "truly" being trans).
And this did not just play out in medical contexts, as I know I have somewhere on my blog Lou Sullivan's correspondence with another queer trans man regarding the ways in which their shared experience of queer attraction called their transness into question socially -- even amongst other heterosexual trans men, who saw their political brothers' attraction to men as somehow incompatible with masculinity.
I think that this article also highlights that the process of being 'taught' the kind of ways we should perform our gender occurs both in public and in the privacy of the family. This process is neither passive nor harmless, regardless of whether one is cis or trans. Butler highlights extensively that this process is key to assimilating each generation into patriarchal modes of relating to one another and patriarchy, sensu lato -- an example being how (many) little girls are punished throughout childhood within a family unit for not adhering to the specific roles they "must" play within the family; roles that, in fact, are not at all specific to any family, but rather are roles that are particular to the prejudices within the society they were born into.
To be clear, I do not take Butler's writing on gender performativity as a dogma with how this accounts for the historical complexities of politicizing and policing the body. Many academics, activists, and everyday people have built upon and transcended the ideas articulated in Butler's work here. However, I think it is always helpful to know the legacy we inherit from the thinkers who came before us!
"Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory" (1988)
“Philosophers rarely think about acting in the theatrical sense […]
When Beauvoir claims that 'woman' is a historical idea and not a natural fact, she clearly underscores the distinction between sex, as biological [...], and gender, as [...] cultural interpretation or signification [...]. [T]o be a woman is to have become a woman, to compel the body to conform to a historical idea of 'woman,' to induce the body to become a cultural sign, to materialize oneself in obedience to a historically delimited possibility, and to do this as a sustained and repeated corporeal project.
The contention that sex, gender, and heterosexuality are historical products which have become conjoined and reified as natural over time has received a good deal of critical attention[.]
Surely, there are nuanced and individual ways of doing one's gender, but that one does it, and that one does it in accord with certain sanctions and proscriptions, is clearly not a fully individual matter. Here again, I don't mean to minimize the effect of certain gender norms which originate within the family and are enforced through certain familial modes of punishment and reward and which, as a consequence, might be construed as highly individual, for even there family relations recapitulate, individualize, and specify pre-existing cultural relations; they are rarely, if ever, radically original. The act that one does, the act that one performs, is, in a sense, an act that has been going on before one arrived on the scene. Hence, gender is an act which has been rehearsed, much as a script survives the particular actors who make use of it, but which requires individual actors in order to be actualized and reproduced as reality once again”
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afonsoqueijo · 1 year
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Inspeção de regulamentação no IFMG com profissionais da área 🚧🧱🏗️👷‍♂️ #engenharia #o #arquitetura #engenhariacivil #constru #construcaocivil #obra #obras #construcao #projeto #engenheiro #reforma #projetos #engineering #a #brasil #design #arquiteto #engenhariaeletrica #architecture #engenheirocivil #engcivil #casa #tecnologia #construction #d #es #ocivil #designdeinteriores #engenhariamecanica (em IFMG Piumhi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmMEIGAubmh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
Ghost w/ an Innocent S/O
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Warnings: Reader isn't streetsmart, but they are booksmart, no pronouns used for Reader except 'you', mentions/implications of sex, fluff, Ghost wanting only to keep Reader safe 🥺, vague spoilers/implications of Ghost's past
You're the complete opposite of Ghost's brutal, cold personality.
And because of that, he worries.
He worries that someone would take advantage of your good nature, your eagerness to see the good in everyone and (potentially) misplace your trust.
And that's just when Ghost's home; imagine how he is when he's away.
Escorts anywhere and everywhere.
If you're smaller than him, absolutely no compromise.
Unless you know self-defense.
If you're as large as/larger than him, he'll be a bit more lenient, trusting that you'll be somewhat able to physically protect yourself.
Loves talking to you because your views and opinions are such a breath of fresh air to him.
No brutality, no intense hatred, no desire to see anyone suffer; just you and your wish that "Everyone would just get along."
Ghost knows it's not as simple as that. And you do, too.
You may be naive or innocent, but you're not stupid.
You're actually pretty booksmart.
You make up for things Ghost lacks, and he for you.
You provide the logical answers to something, he provides the practical.
He also adores how wholesome you are.
If you hold this man's hand when you're out and about, or even in private, he'll melt.
He won't show it, of course. But your delicate touches just do something to him.
Make life worth living.
Now, when it comes to sex, you're either quite bashful or absolutely oblivious, regardless of whether you and Ghost have done it before.
He usually has to initiate because there's no way you'll construe his hints the way he wants you to.
"Fancy an early night?"
A concerned look will cross your face.
"Oh, are you ill? Are you tired? You get your pajamas on and I'll bring you some water-"
You're so endearing, and were it not for the fact that Ghost is beyond horny right now, he'd laugh.
You're always willing whenever he initiates, though.
If you end up initiating first one day out of the blue after finally understanding how to give and take a hint, Ghost will likely be in your position.
Won't understand what's happening, believing that whatever vaguely erotic joke or request you'd just made was completely accidental.
Will only grasp the situation when he sees the mischievous look you're giving him.
You're not walking for a couple days after that.
This man lives for your kisses and cuddles, btw.
He loves engulfing you in his frame, protecting you from anything and everything.
He does love when you try and cover him, though.
Like a blanket trying to clothe a whale.
Doesn't care much for 'preserving your innocence' as he believes that you should be allowed to grow and learn as much as you want.
Will advise what you should stay away from, though, and only because he doesn't want you to be traumatised rather than enlightened.
Doesn't worry too much about the others making crude jokes around you since he knows you'll likely not care for them.
But if they make one to you or about you.
They will receive a near-deafening grinding-down, either in front of everyone or in private, depending on how lenient Ghost is feeling.
If you're ever upset about something, Ghost will try and fix it.
Without fail.
He loves how compassionate you are towards people and animals.
Complete 180 from the blood-drenched world he's inhabited for the better part of his life.
Coming back to you feels like reprieve. Like all the trauma and bloodshed can't reach him when he's with you.
Lowkey loves how you decorate your home, even if it's not his personal favourite aesthetic.
It feels like you. Smells like you.
If you're an introvert, Ghost would happily just lay with you all day and never leave the house.
His favourite activity, regardless.
If you're extroverted, however, he'll go wherever you go, unless you explicitly state you want him to stay at home. But only if you're good at self-defense.
Even then, he'll be nervous until you return.
Only asks that you keep him updated about where you are so he can come and find you if needs be.
Hates the idea of becoming a helicopter boyfriend; lets you have your freedom.
Just wants to protect you from everything he wasn't protected from, both as a child and now.
But that's why he does what he does; why he works as a soldier.
And he'd do it all again if it meant keeping you safe.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
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revoevokukil · 7 months
Sapkowski the Pagan: The Grail & The Goddess
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Andrzej Sapkowski and Stanisław Bereś. 2005. Historia i fantastyka
One of the more fascinating features of Sapkowski's writing is the intertextuality of his works; their relation not only to preceding legends and fantasy, but also to his own works. There are several topics and ideas that repeat, in various shapes, throughout. As I am going through the Hussite Trilogy right now, I am taking notes.
Among his works I herein count The Witcher, The Hussite Trilogy & The World of King Arthur. Maladie. The latter must constitute the closest we have gotten so far to authorial research notes on ideas of interest.
The ley lines (so far):
Humanim, i.e. decency
(Erotic) Love's salving & dooming qualities Amantes amentes. Those who love are out of their minds. Take heart. Have pity.
Woman, the Grail of being
Fairy tales brought to life (but there's a snag)
Prophecies/Grand narratives
Folk stories & beliefs
The Cult of the Goddess, the Great Mother, The One who is Three
The perishing of the old (but not quite disappearing) & the brutal onset of the new. Change and upheaval.
Common sense vs idealism vs pragmatism
Anti-taxes, anti-clergy
The Grail & The Goddess
"For the Goddess has many names. And still more faces."
First, Andrzej Sapkowski construing Ciri as The Holy Grail is documented. It's not merely conjecture based on the text(s), although the text overwhelmingly declares it.
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Cutali, Daniele. 2015. Interview with Andrzej Sapkowski
But so what?
The Witcher is an extremely allusive and meta-literary work. It deconstructs mythical matter and fantasy canon in the same breath as establishing itself in the eternal mythical present of legends. It completes itself as a self-aware analogue, because everything has already happened, and everything has already been written about. And Ciri - Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon - sits at the centre of its method and madness; not only the axis of plot events, but also the spindle of its meta text. It's apparent already in her name. O Elaine, O Rhiannon. All Christian legends have a pagan origin. This Polish newborn has Arthurian origins. And Arthurian itself…?
In The World of King Arthur, Andrzej Sapkowski gives his account of the Arthuriana's transformation through centuries of re-writes. It is self-evident for him that for anyone to understand anything at all about Arthur, they need to orient in the history of the British Isles and in Celtic mythology.[1] Arthur was, in all probability, a Celt. And so was the Grail, if not even more ancient. 'The Grail - like almost every element of the Arthurian legend - has its origins in Celtic mythology. This is absolutely certain and has been confirmed many times,' he writes in Świat króla Artura. So what did Arthur believe? What views and values lay at the heart of the world in which he originated? Why is this relevant for a more meaningful reading of The Witcher?
Because the world of the Celts, as so many pre-Christian cosmologies, was a living world - an animistic, self-eating and self-renewing entity, cyclical, circular, without beginning or end, embracing life out of death - and Ciri is a living Grail. Ideas repeat in Andrzej Sapkowski's writing.
Ciri, a living Grail. A girl. A young woman. A Goddess. She who is Triple. A source of rebirth and hope, of death too. Strange magic is enclosed in her veins, as in Ceriddwen's Cauldron, that is of the essence of life. Cauldrons abound in Celtic mythos (be you Dagda, hero Cuchulainn, Brân or Pwyll, you got your hands on a cauldron eventually). But Ciri does not need to be rendered an artefact in order to hold power, because… she is a woman. That alone is enough.
Sapkowski's appreciation for compelling female characters should be well-known.
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Sapkowski, A. 1995. The World of King Arthur. Maladie
'Celtic mythology,' Sapkowski notes in Świat, 'is mainly about the love life of the gods.' Gods fighting, scheming, and transcending themselves for goddesses. It's called the oldest story in the world; girl meets boy. But that's not quite the beginning of it: in the beginning, we're all born to a mother.
The Grail's functions and characteristics are notably maternal and feminine, and the mystery and nature of the Grail's power is love.
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Sapkowski, A. 1995. The World of King Arthur. Maladie
Great, White, Triple
Who? And what features?
The ability to provide food is the property of the Grail most often referred to. Nourishment. Revitalization. Mother is the only parent who may truly feed her child with her body. Or give birth. The Chalice symbolically representing the "Womb of the Mother" is a very old idea. Old and basic. The most basic. Bernard of Clairvaux even calls upon Mary, saying: "Offer your son, sacred Virgin, and present the blessed fruit of your womb to God. Offer the blessed host, pleasing to God, for the reconciliation of us all" (qtd. in Bynum, 268). But we'll talk about the role of Christianity and symbolism another time. For first, we are pagans.
"Drawing from various sources, I assumed that – although I am not a blind follower of this theory – the feminine element dominates in nature. If there is any cult not related to politics, it is the cult of the Great Mother, the Goddess. The belief in the male God, Yahweh, worshiped by Jews, had a political character – Yahweh was invented because he had to be invented to maintain certain social structures. For primitive people, the mysterious, divine element was exclusively femininity, the ability to give life. However, I emphasize that I am not defending these theories from a religious studies standpoint; they simply resonate with me." - Andrzej Sapkowski and Stanisław Bereś. 2005. Historia i fantastyka
This idea that resonates with Andrzej Sapkowski so strongly as to appear in virtually everything he has written was re-kindled as an ideology by the neo-Celtic, neo-pagan Wicca movement (Gardner, Murray, Starhawk, et al). Foundational text: The White Goddess by Robert Graves. The idea precedes the Celts though, and, at heart, revolves around nature and man being inseparable.
Ceridwen is one of the forms of the Celtic Goddess, and her cauldron is the womb-cauldron of rebirth and inspiration. In early Celtic myth, the cauldron of the Goddess restored slain warriors to life. It was stolen away to the Underworld, and the heroes who warred for its return were the originals of King Arthur and his Knights, who quested for its later incarnation, the Holy Grail. The Celtic afterworld is called the Land of Youth, and the secret that opens its door is found in the cauldron: The secret of immortality lies in seeing death as an integral part of the cycle of life. Nothing is ever lost from the universe: Rebirth can be seen in life itself, where every ending brings a new beginning. Most Witches do believe in some form of reincarnation. This is not so much a doctrine as a gut feeling growing out of a world view that sees all events as continuing processes. Death is seen as a point on an ever-turning wheel, not as a final end. We are continually renewed and reborn whenever we drink fully and fearlessly from “the cup of wine of life.” - Starhawk. 1979. The Spiral Dance
Nature's heartbeat resounds in reincarnation through reproduction. The gentle fury of love.
“Listen to the words of the Goddess, whose arms and thighs are wrapped around the Universe!” called the shaman. “Who, at the Beginning, divided the Waters from the Heavens and danced on them! From whose dance the wind was born, and from the wind the breath of life!” “I am the beauty of the green earth,” said the Domina, and her voice was like the wind from the mountains. “I am the white moon among a thousand stars, I am the secret of the waters. Come to me, for I am the spirit of nature. All things arise from me and all must return to me, before my visage, beloved by the gods and mortals.” “Eiaaa!” “I am Lilith, I am the first of the first, I am Astarte, Cybele, Hecate, I am Rigatona, Epona, Rhiannon, the Night Mare, the lover of the gale. Black are my wings, my feet are swifter than the wind, my hands sweeter than the morning dew. The lion knows not when I tread, the beast of the field and forest cannot comprehend my ways. For verily do I tell you: I am the Secret, I am Understanding and Knowledge.” "Worship me deep in your hearts and in the joy of the rite, make sacrifices of the act of love and bliss, because such sacrifices are dear to me. For I am the unsullied virgin and I am the lover of gods and demons, burning with desire. And verily do I say: as I was with you from the beginning, so you shall find me at the end." Sapkowski, A. 2002. The Tower of Fools
It is for this reason the Irish recorded so many songs of aitheds - motifs of female abduction. It is for this reason one of the earliest legends of the search of the Grail is the tale of the hero Culhwch's quest for the hand of Olwen, who, wherever she stepped, made four white clovers bloom under her feet.[2] It is why Ciri, the living Grail in whom the function of the Goddess has been doubled, finds herself in a double-bind; as the keeper of power and immortality she is more frequently seen as means to an end rather than an end in herself. Not unusual for any failed relationship where the parties confuse love for something else. And while we are confusing notions of erotic and spiritual love, the Question of the Grail which must be asked of the Fisher King, undoubtedly, still comes down to a question about love.
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Sapkowski, A. 1995. The World of King Arthur. Maladie
Celtic mythology is about the love life of the gods. The longing for a union; that completes. That turns the wheel and closes the cycle. That revitalizes, heals, nourishes, allows for flourishing. That immortalizes; if not oneself, then at least a moment. And what is life but fleeting moments, grains of sand passing through an hourglass?
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Sapkowski, A. Something Ends, Something Begins
It can get confusing. The Goddess has many names and many faces, and three aspects.
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Sapkowski, A. 1995. The World of King Arthur. Maladie
As to the inherent eroticism of the Grail, well…
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Sapkowski, A. 1995. The World of King Arthur. Maladie
He wanted to tell her everything, but the words stuck in his tight throat. She saw it. She knew. How could she not? For only in Reynevan’s eyes, stupefied by happiness, was she a maiden, a trembling virgin who was embracing him, eyes closed and biting her lower lip in painful ecstasy. For any wise man—had there been one nearby—the matter was clear: she was no shy and inexperienced young lass, but rather a goddess proudly receiving the homage due to her. And goddesses know and see everything. And do not expect homage in the form of words. She pulled him onto her and the eternal rite began. - Sapkowski, A. 2002. The Tower of Fools
Sapkowski's interest for the fates of men in the power of the Goddess is only surpassed by his hope for the triumph of common sense and humanism. And the mystery of the Grail - what unleashes its power? - is of both sexual and platonic variety. Humanity is important. Heart. As in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival. As per Campbell: 'The big moment in the medieval myth is the awakening of the heart to compassion, the transformation of passion into compassion. That is the whole problem of the Grail stories, compassion for the wounded king.' [4]
Thanks to Ciri, the story of Geralt of Rivia - a grail knight who set out with his hanza in search of a dream - is ennobled and raised on par with King Arthur. It is Yennefer and Geralt's love and compassion and sacrifice for Ciri, which ultimately heals them. An echo of love for his daughter melts the ice shard in the heart of an Emperor. The mystery and nature of the Grail's power resides in love.
"Love has many names,” said Hans Mein Igel suddenly, “and it will determine your fate, young herbalist. Love. It will save your life when you won’t even know that it is love. For the Goddess has many names. And still more faces.” - Sapkowski, A. 2002. The Tower of Fools
By the end of The Witcher, Ciri's journey as the Goddess has barely begun. And what has begun has begun traumatically. Her journey to know herself, to find, forgive, understand, and accept (or reject) the Grail within, has not yet dawned. She remains in a liminal space between the Maiden and the Woman after having, already and much too early, worn the guise of Death, the Crone. The author doesn't tell; he lets the reader wonder. For before Ciri is everything. But Grail, the Goddess, requires something, and also empowers with what she requires.
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Sapkowski, A. 2002. The Tower of Fools
Love leads spring into the Waste Land of the human heart.
Love, compassion, willingness to suffer with and for another, readiness to transcend one's own pain, selfishness, and rage. For three things last forever: faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love.[3]
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[1]: Sapkowski mainly used Mythology by Thomas Bulfinch, Celtic Myth and Legend, Poetry and Romance by Charles Squire and Mabinogion. [2]: In order to marry Olwen, Culhwch must take her from her father, but Ysbaddaden will first set him on an endless quest; a list of long and laborious tasks. In the name of a woman. [3]: Or, as The Tower of the Swallow renders it: 'Are, then, Chaos, art and learning according to you, the Powers capable of changing the world? A curse, a blessing and progress? And aren't they by any chance Faith? Love? Sacrifice?' [4]: Campbell, J. 1991. The Power of Myth
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