#congratulations! in an attempt to shit on trans women you’ve brought back and enforced the very beauty standards you claim
bwarkz · 1 year
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terfs in the replies are writing off this horrific incident and even trying to defend this kind of outburst because “this wouldn’t have happened if trans women never tried to use women’s bathrooms!”
that’s not the point. the point is this is far from the first time this has happened, and it won’t be the last. the point is this kind of reaction isn’t just hurting trans women, but it’s making cis women who don’t fit your idea of traditional white western femininity feel unsafe.
you can’t write this off as ‘collateral damage’ when you’re hurting the very people you claim you’re trying to protect. i thought you cared about cis women? that’s why you’re doing all this right? to protect them? but how many times has this reaction actually kept someone safe from a predator pretending to be a woman? now compare that to the amount of times your rhetoric has hurt innocent and vulnerable women.
so who’s actually being hurt here? is it you, because someone who might be a trans woman wanted to pee? or is it other women, who just wanted to use a public restroom in peace but couldn’t because you harassed them? those women are now scared and insecure that they look too masculine to be treated with human decency. is it really worth it?
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