#comes in clutch when ur in a little english town with a crime problem
guttersniper · 1 year
@curiosityshop​ as bunty said: everybody wanted to get in the newspaper story about it.
alice’s restaurant massacree.  
“ load of shit. “ gnawing off the remnants of a hangnail makes it plenty plain what mutt thinks of that. 
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natural causes, they said. that stopped the flocks of opportunists, but he knows better. natural causes, his ass. lots of ways to do that. lots of ways he knows how to do that. he’ll keep that to himself. 
“ ‘ve got a friend down at the morgue. “ attendant. curly-headed. hardly a man grown, but likes to act like he’s old enough to boss mutt around. (nobody is.) young and stupid. chews tobacco and always keeps a spit cup with him. “ owes me a favor. “ he’ll keep the hows of that to himself, too. “ we’ll go see what’s up. “ 
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