#coincidentally my iron immune system has held up for about the same amount of time (not counting colds or stomach bugs) so i mean XD
the1trueanon Β· 7 months
hey guys, i'm gonna still try to post art and do streams, but other than that i'm gonna be offline for a little while
not super long, maybe a week? i'm just a little mentally and physically burnt out (forever haunted by insomnia O-O), and might be a little sick. nothing too big, just a possible ear infection, but i honest to god haven't even realized my ears have been hurting XD i started getting waves of slight dizziness and tunnel hearing today and it sort of brought it to my attention that "hey anon, this might be more than just be allergies πŸ‘€" (this is, in fact, a regular occurrence with me and my ear infections. i hardly register that they hurt and its more other symptoms that make me catch them. i may be a bit personally stupid lol πŸ˜…) anyway, i think my body's been trying to fight that off without me noticing, so between that and insomnia and the physical labor that is holding my job, i have worn myself out a lot physically, and its starting to reflect mentally (especially with everything going on, locally and around the world which i do have posts i have read and am going to share once i get back). so ill be taking a bit of time to rest and beat back the horrible mental creatures in my brain before i can pop back up here and hopefully start giving 100% again. or at least, like, 75%.
thanks for being patient with me πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– you guys are super cool. keep an eye out for art and stream posts, cause i still wanna try to do those if i can, and if you wanna help me out while i'm resting, just sharing my art around is enough πŸ’–
you guys all rock πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
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