#cod MacMillian
writer-of-various · 2 years
Nikolai: Fine! Judge all you want but...
Nikolai, points at Amanda: Married a lesbian.
Nikolai, points at MacMillian: Left a man at the altar.
Nikolai, points at Price: Fell in love with a gay ice dancer.
Nikolai, points at Soap: Threw a girl’s wooden leg in a fire.
Nikolai, points at Yuri: Lives in a box!
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the-wild-card-hand · 7 months
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//Updates, I'm gonna work on drafts and starters tomorrow for certain threads. If I've not responded odds are I lost the thread and if you wanna do another lemme know and I'll get it made. I'm also gonna put a read more here for the current CoD brain rot cause MWIII and MWZ has a bit of a grip on me right now.
Advanced Warfare is looking to be added into the new timeline and I think its a potential soft reboot for that story much like how Black Ops Cold War was for the Black Ops series meaning we could have some familiar beat-points but certain 'canon events' could be changed, could stay the same, we all know how that ended for Soap and I have my opinions on the story but its not the worst CoD campaign that was put out there. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either there still was some good takeaways and subtle shit.
Anyways, from my current knowledge I know that Treyarch is on deck next potentially for their newer Black Ops iteration which is rumored to be the Gulf War, which lasted between 1990 to 1991. I think Makarov's backstory is going to help seg-way into the Black Ops story.
Born before the fall of the Soviet Union, Makarov's father, as described in Vlad's MP bio, was a high-ranking politician. So when the Soviet Union fell in 1991 his father took his own life. Around this time too, we know that Imran Zakhaev was also getting a foothold in the Soviet Union as well, with Kravchenko sort of being his in, so there might be some kind of connection there where the two try to work together to help save and strengthen the Soviet Union leading to the inevitable hunt for Imran Zakhaev who is brought into the Perseus network, we bring in Russell Adler and some of his guys to help hunt for them along with a couple of additional guys, a young John Price and Captain MacMillian leading them to Pripyat to kill Zakhaev just before the fall of the Soviet Union to stop him from an arms trade of recovered Nova Six, of course Zakhaev lives but is wounded and essentially stokes up the fuel and the fire with his son Viktor.
Considering Vlad would still be a teenager around this time, he wouldn't be involved in that particular event since he joins the Russian Army in 1998 right when he turns 18 and he volunteers for General Barkov's unit a year before Barkov performs an unsanctioned attack and occupation of Urzikstan and is there up until the ULF took back their home. Makarov goes back to his superiors to plead to reclaim Urzikstan and is stripped of his honors and rank.
In comes Viktor Zakhaev looking to take Barkov's throne and who is also looking for a little bit of revenge and justice? Makarov. With a little coercion they also get Al-Asad and place him as the new leader of AQ. It plays into the titles of one of the CoD 4 missions 'The Sins of the Father' if they go that route. Might fly over the heads of most but could be a subtle little nod.
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whimsywispsblog · 3 years
What's your all-time favorite COD moment, whether it's from MW or BO?? 👀
Oooooh I just love the moment that helicopter almost crashes on Macmillian in "All Ghillied Up" from COD MW2 and he just catches one of those blades before it could strike him- badass!
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