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big fan of milfs and their little lap dog men
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tinylilvalery · 2 years
God I just LOVE the dynamic between Mark and Cobel. It makes my skin crawl. What the fuck is wrong with this woman. I can’t tell whether she’s trying to groom him into playing house with her forever and ever or push him and Ms Casey together like a kid making their Barbie dolls kiss or like. Both. Simultaneously. I want more. I want to study her under a god damn microscope. Jesus Christ.
She actually terrifies me. She's so cunning but is also so fucking deranged. She became obsessed with an employee to the extent that she secretly moved in next door to him and pulls up a chair to watch him through her fuckn windows to literally study him. She uses Mark's severance to inject herself into his life as two different personas: the cold, stern, low speaking, and sometimes cruel boss, AND the sweet and caring neighbour that keeps doing stuff so that Mark will have to interact with her. The way that she cares for him deeply but will also intimidate and torment him. The way she came over to his house and said that her dead husband said he'd build a house for them in the afterlife and include a room out the back if she ever found a husband so she could bring said husband w her into the afterlife,,,,, the way she said this and then paused and gave Mark a drawn out stare w a kind smile, an implication. The way she passionately and warmly endorsed outie Mark leaving Lumin, but then tells Helly that she's going to keep Mark in particular and make him suffer??? Her speech a flat drawl, but then she'll explode, going from 0-100, shouting, uncontained anger and upset, will literally throw things and dismantle the inside of her fucking house and cry on the floor.
But yes also the deal W Mark and Ms Casey???? That scene where she's put them together for the last time, watching on fondly, hoping that they'll recognise each other, and being visibly upset when they don't?? And yet Cobel is directly responsible for Ms Casey being fired??? And then sends her down to testing??? Seemingly upset that the brain chips were faultless???? Like WHAT?
Cobel does SO MUCH stuff that directly contradicts her actions. She acts in opposites. I can't put my finger down on her character. I can't find her motivations. And I can't fucking understand why she does what she does. Skin crawling is a correct way to describe her. She feels like the monster of a horror movie, but there's still moments of humanity to her and her interactions w Mark.
Unhinged. I love her. I'm obsessed. I need more content of her to be able to study her better.
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tinylilvalery · 2 years
not people tryna call Cobel a mother figure to Mark.... Patricia Arquette is fukn 5 years older than Adam Scott. 5 fucking years.
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tinylilvalery · 2 years
Soo, when Mark tells Harmony that he's thinking of quitting and she gets this look in her eyes and then hugs him and tearily tells him to do it and get away from them, I PERSONALLY think that it's cos she's deranged and maybe even a little deluded. If we're going off the theory that she's eyeing Mark up to be a replacement husband, she could read too much into Mark saying he's going to quit the same day that she was fired and think that maybe he somehow knew and his innie transcended and influenced his outie to leave. It's also like, yes of course she wants him to leave if she feels attached to him and some form of ownership over him, because she doesn't want the company to have him while she can't.
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tinylilvalery · 2 years
Cobel so obsessed with Mark that she's literally in his walls
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tinylilvalery · 2 years
I'm just putting it out there that I'm calling Cobel/Mark Cobout. Just for other people that wanna add to the tag. If you don't like the ship just move on thanks.
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tinylilvalery · 2 years
thinking about Cobel sitting at her window all night waiting to see Mark in his house, and then when she sees he's distressed, she says "Are you alright?" while eating her cookies and milk
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