#coachworks near me
ppcoachworks · 2 years
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alreadydeadtoyou · 2 years
Your Name Here
It’s nearly 3PM and I’ve decided to make the turkey that’s been stored in my vehicle the past 10+ days.  Today it’s raining and the previous few days were ‘warm’ enough to thaw the bird. Do I feel like such an undertaking--no, but I don’t waste food.  I had to spend $50 in order to get this Jennie-Oh @ .49 cents per pound, lol.
While I wasn’t feeling particularly motivated after addressing Tom Wopat in a previous post, I now have time (while the neck and giblets simmer in their journey to become dressing) to reference my hillbilly spreadsheet and name names.
If I’ve offended any Vegan California Unclaimed Property letter recipients, let me know and I’ll cross you off the list.  For the record, this endeavor began May 30.
David & Christine Gondek--$1767.42
Colonial Coachworks--$709.33
James Sigler--$167,657.02  (an attorney whose letter was returned, but what about that Money In Limbo)
Hindu Temple Malibu--$308  (expected more from such a place, not even a marigold petal nor email that I’ve been blessed)
Guy Campochiaro--$2341.86 (email returned, along with physical letter)
C&L Silver Brazing--$1000 (really thought a Working Person would say ‘thanks’)
Iron Eyes Cody--$4785.56 (I sent a message via Facebook to his son, Robert Tree Cody.  I also ended up veering down the Iron Eyes Cody path, since I often reference that single tear from the pollution commercial.  Much like the Indian cheapskate @ the Hindu temple “We owe you nothing, now go pick fleas off an upper caste member of our group if you wish to be helpful”, I’m disappointed by the Sound of Silence. Five grand is five grand--at first I thought he was busy on the PowWow circuit and such...)
Sophie Arquette--$12,117.57 (Sent letter to son, Mark, in Evergreen, CO   Yes, I put time and effort into this)
Jane Kardashian, MD--$4820 (No fucking need to be this rude, unless the Medical A/R Clerk at this clinic kept the money for herself!  At one time I did medical billing and/or medical A/R, this was like a fun PUZZLE for me as I arrived at this near 5 grand the hard way--all SMALL health insurance checks that somehow never made their way to the doctor.  It happens.  In this case, some non-Kardashian schmuck resolved it.  Jane doesn’t care, must prefer the CA$H aspect of Juvederm. Couldn’t even send a LOTION sample, frozen-faced Armenian.
Susanne Gibian--$1258.23
Karen Frank Johnson--$891.93
Ellen Tower Spalding--$29,165.02 (minimum, this may have involved stocks/dividends, my notes neglect to state)
DePalma Farms--$190
Todd Anderson--$200 and contents of a safe deposit box (I was kind of excited as to what was in the box)
0 notes
adrianm1 · 3 years
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'Death at the Old Asylum'. Out 21 October in ebook. Opening chapter:
Late Summer 1964 – Picardie, France.
Fouad Hamal eased the Mercedes 220 to a stop at the top of a gentle rise and turned off the engine. It had been giving off a harsh, metallic click-clack ever since leaving Marseille. The sound was at one with its silver-grey coachwork, now much faded and bruised by time and wear and the stained and battered hand-written TAXI sign in the front window.
As a taxi driver himself, Hamal knew cars, and there were signs that this one had been given a cheap rebuild after being written off in an accident. The doors didn’t close properly, the chassis creaked incessantly and only the quality of German engineering beneath the bonnet had kept it going this far. In any case there was nothing he could do about it; it wasn’t his car and the sooner he could get shot of it along with the three passengers sleeping in the back the better.
He eyed the soft, rolling landscape of Picardie, northern France, with a growing sense of unease. Unlike the streets of his home in Marseille, the near-featureless fields and slopes here, revealed in the in the growing light of early dawn, were unwelcoming and scarily open. The air was chilly to his sun-baked skin, and he wanted nothing more than to be back to the warm and familiar and his wife, Simone. He’d even begun to fantasise about the pleasures of a pleasant breakfast for two; maybe fried eggs, yoghurt and rghaif pancakes, all washed down with mint tea… although right now a large black coffee, strong enough to float a dead dog and with a side order of a jambon beurre would do fine. Dealing with the promised hell and eternal damnation could come later.
‘What is it? Why have you stopped?’ The old man, seated centre back between his two sons, was awake again. When not asleep he’d grumbled incessantly for most of the long overnight drive, about the suspension, the roads, the discomfort and everything else that seemed to displease him. Clearly sleep had done nothing to sweeten his sour disposition.
Hamal seriously wanted to tell him to shut the hell up, but he’d seen the weapons carried by the two younger men. All three were, like himself, Moroccan, and newcomers to France. They were unshaven and wore crumpled suits and shirts showing signs of the long, cramped journey. Worse, the two younger men were either cops or military, he wasn’t sure which. Two sides of the same dangerous coin.
‘Answer me, dammit!’ The old man again, voice gravelled by fatigue and more than a hint of spite.
‘Just checking the map, sir,’ Hamal replied softly, eyes flicking from the road in front to the rear-view mirror. He was exhausted after the long drive, with only one decent halt at a truck stop, where he’d been able to make a brief telephone call, and two comfort breaks on quiet stretches of road to interrupt the monotony. Not that there had been rest or comfort; even when the two younger men were out of the car the air had been punctuated by hissing arguments between them about the need for progress, while the old man, when awake, had been staring at him throughout the journey as if trying to bore a hole in the back of his head.
And therein lay a disturbing element for Hamal: he’d recognised the old man the moment he’d seen him, bringing back memories of Morocco before he’d fled to France. He’d tried to brush them off but the thoughts were too embedded to dispel easily. Perhaps the old man remembered him, too. If so it made matters worse. It was like travelling with a scorpion in his back pocket.
Hamal started the engine and made moves as if to drive on, shifting in his seat and adjusting the mirror. He was playing for time, his mouth dry and sour. Surely the men in the back must be able to hear the pounding of his heart and the blood racing through his veins? He had no idea what was about to happen but he hoped it would bring a sense of relief and allow him to go home. Whatever their reason for travelling in this furtive and joyless manner, he had a growing feeling of dread hovering around him like a storm cloud.
‘Let us go on, then!’ The old man sank back with a sigh and rubbed his lined face with a sound like sandpaper on wood.
The younger man on the old man's left back-handed Hamal hard on the shoulder. ‘You heard him, imbecile. What are you waiting for?’
Hamal didn't respond. His eyes were on a vehicle coming up behind them. It had appeared out of a side road a few kilometres back. A brief flash of its headlights was the signal he’d been told to look out for during his call at the truck stop, and it had followed him at a distance. Now it was approaching at speed, kicking up a dust swirl in its wake and pulling up behind.
Available on Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play and Kobo.
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perksofwifi · 5 years
Every Car Has a Story: A Lesson From the Japanese Automotive Invitational – The LohDown
At the start of the 2019 Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance, I found myself at the front of the pack of this year’s participants, a highly curated collection of some of the rarest (and most valuable) motorcars in the world—including a 1932 Mercedes-Benz SSKL, a girthy and raw metal reproduction of one of the company’s famed “Silver Arrow” race cars, nicknamed “Gurke,” German for cucumber. As the handler unfastened the clasps on the engine cover, my view of the polished and gleaming 7.0-liter straight-six engine was quickly obscured by the forward crush of the crowd that had gathered, phones in hand, camera and Instagram apps at the ready.
As I watched the scene play out on the mobile screens in front of me, I thought ahead to the 2119 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. Surely by then we will have devices much smarter than our current smartphones, but will the vehicles of today and tomorrow engender the same emotions and reactions? Will we look upon the cars of today with the same curiosity? And hope to catch a glimpse of—well, what exactly? What lies beneath a plastic engine cover or under the composite hood of a frunk?
Four days later, a Bentley 8-Litre with Gurney Nutting Sports Touring coachwork crossed the ramp as the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance Best of Show winner. It was one of 100 examples of 8-Litre Bentleys built, one of only two with a short wheelbase and Gurney Nutting bodywork, and the last one remaining.
With 220 horsepower and a claimed near-silent 100-mph top speed, this 8-Litre Bentley represented the peak of opulence and optimism of a bygone era, as it debuted in the throes of the Great Depression. It’s clearly a beautiful and special winner, though I admit, I had to research its background extensively to fully understand and appreciate its significance.
The Tour d’Elegance on Thursday and Concours d’Elegance on Sunday represent the alpha and omega of the Pebble Beach Concours. In between, there was this scrappy upstart, the second annual Japanese Automotive Invitational (JAI), put together by MotorTrend in partnership with our friends at Infiniti. The theme this year: “30 Years of Japanese Luxury,” an homage to the birth of both Infiniti and Lexus back in 1989 (and tip of the cap to Acura, which came to market in 1986).
An assortment of Japanese classic, modern, future concept, and collectible cars were neatly arranged around an angular indoor-outdoor show space with an infinite road theme. What I liked most were the excited responses I heard from the JAI visitors, those who wandered around on the wood chips or took a docent tour with the MotorTrend and Automobile editors on hand.
With a collection of vehicles of such recent vintages, the reactions and stories tend to be more personal. Many of the vehicles on display represent the rise of the Japanese auto industry in America, from the ’60s through the ’90s, and thus evoke strong nostalgia.
Some things I heard on the field and in my head: I took my driver’s license test in that old Toyota over there. That Acura? Had it pinned on my bedroom wall growing up. Mom made it through college and grad school in that Mazda. I remember making out in the squishy leather seats of Dad’s Infiniti, just like that one. You get the idea.
It’s fun to think that, at some point in time, all vehicles on the lawn at the Pebble Beach Concours, cars like Gurke and that 8-Litre Bentley, were all so personally relatable. Is that accurate? Probably not, but every car has a story, and I like to think everybody has a car story. Please enjoy our stories this issue.
More from Ed Loh:
Watch Top Gear Episodes NOW on MotorTrend!
FINALLY: After 70 Years, We Reveal Our Love of Corvette
Are the Best BMWs Now Super-Sized SUVs?
Ride-Hailing vs. Cabs
Drift This!, Head 2 Head, and NEW Shows Are Heading Your Way
The post Every Car Has a Story: A Lesson From the Japanese Automotive Invitational – The LohDown appeared first on MotorTrend.
https://www.motortrend.com/news/japanese-automotive-invitational-every-car-story-lohdown/ visto antes em https://www.motortrend.com
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adriansmithcarslove · 5 years
Every Car Has a Story: A Lesson From the Japanese Automotive Invitational – The LohDown
At the start of the 2019 Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance, I found myself at the front of the pack of this year’s participants, a highly curated collection of some of the rarest (and most valuable) motorcars in the world—including a 1932 Mercedes-Benz SSKL, a girthy and raw metal reproduction of one of the company’s famed “Silver Arrow” race cars, nicknamed “Gurke,” German for cucumber. As the handler unfastened the clasps on the engine cover, my view of the polished and gleaming 7.0-liter straight-six engine was quickly obscured by the forward crush of the crowd that had gathered, phones in hand, camera and Instagram apps at the ready.
As I watched the scene play out on the mobile screens in front of me, I thought ahead to the 2119 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. Surely by then we will have devices much smarter than our current smartphones, but will the vehicles of today and tomorrow engender the same emotions and reactions? Will we look upon the cars of today with the same curiosity? And hope to catch a glimpse of—well, what exactly? What lies beneath a plastic engine cover or under the composite hood of a frunk?
Four days later, a Bentley 8-Litre with Gurney Nutting Sports Touring coachwork crossed the ramp as the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance Best of Show winner. It was one of 100 examples of 8-Litre Bentleys built, one of only two with a short wheelbase and Gurney Nutting bodywork, and the last one remaining.
With 220 horsepower and a claimed near-silent 100-mph top speed, this 8-Litre Bentley represented the peak of opulence and optimism of a bygone era, as it debuted in the throes of the Great Depression. It’s clearly a beautiful and special winner, though I admit, I had to research its background extensively to fully understand and appreciate its significance.
The Tour d’Elegance on Thursday and Concours d’Elegance on Sunday represent the alpha and omega of the Pebble Beach Concours. In between, there was this scrappy upstart, the second annual Japanese Automotive Invitational (JAI), put together by MotorTrend in partnership with our friends at Infiniti. The theme this year: “30 Years of Japanese Luxury,” an homage to the birth of both Infiniti and Lexus back in 1989 (and tip of the cap to Acura, which came to market in 1986).
An assortment of Japanese classic, modern, future concept, and collectible cars were neatly arranged around an angular indoor-outdoor show space with an infinite road theme. What I liked most were the excited responses I heard from the JAI visitors, those who wandered around on the wood chips or took a docent tour with the MotorTrend and Automobile editors on hand.
With a collection of vehicles of such recent vintages, the reactions and stories tend to be more personal. Many of the vehicles on display represent the rise of the Japanese auto industry in America, from the ’60s through the ’90s, and thus evoke strong nostalgia.
Some things I heard on the field and in my head: I took my driver’s license test in that old Toyota over there. That Acura? Had it pinned on my bedroom wall growing up. Mom made it through college and grad school in that Mazda. I remember making out in the squishy leather seats of Dad’s Infiniti, just like that one. You get the idea.
It’s fun to think that, at some point in time, all vehicles on the lawn at the Pebble Beach Concours, cars like Gurke and that 8-Litre Bentley, were all so personally relatable. Is that accurate? Probably not, but every car has a story, and I like to think everybody has a car story. Please enjoy our stories this issue.
More from Ed Loh:
Watch Top Gear Episodes NOW on MotorTrend!
FINALLY: After 70 Years, We Reveal Our Love of Corvette
Are the Best BMWs Now Super-Sized SUVs?
Ride-Hailing vs. Cabs
Drift This!, Head 2 Head, and NEW Shows Are Heading Your Way
The post Every Car Has a Story: A Lesson From the Japanese Automotive Invitational – The LohDown appeared first on MotorTrend.
via RSSMix.com Mix ID 8134279 https://ift.tt/2OgUaeq
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http://www.mobilemechanicomaha.com/heavy-duty-mechanic-papillion-ne.html http://www.mobilemechanicomaha.com/heavy-duty-mechanic-gretna-ne.html
  24 Hour Emergency Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair & Heavy Equipment Mechanic Papillion NE |FX Mobile Mechanic
Need a heavy-duty equipment mechanic or emergency repair near Papillion NE? Mobile heavy equipment mechanics maintain construction and surface mining equipment, such as bulldozers, cranes, graders, and excavators. Most work for government, equipment rental shops, and large construction and mining companies.We do on-site repairs on heavy machinery, diesels, semis, RVs and save you downtime and a towing fee! Call FX Mobile Mechanic Services Papillion IA today or send us a message online!
We do emergency heavy equipment, truck, diesel and RV, Mobile Home repairs on site.
Mobile Repair for Heavy Equipment like:
Bull Dozers • Crushing Plants • Dump Trucks • Tandem Dump Trucks • Backhoes • Trackhoes • Fork Lifts • Road Graders • Earth Moving equipment • Excavators • Skid Steers • Tractors • Loaders • Wheel loaders • cranes • bucket trucks • oil rigs and more
For brands like: Case • Caterpillar • Grove • Htachi • Kobelco • Komatsu • John Deer • New Holland • Link-Belt • Manitowoc • NorthWest • Terex • and more.
We also repair Semi / Diesel Trucks like:
Mack • Peterbilt • Freightliner •Volvo • Cat • International • Cummins • Kenworth to name a few.
And Mobile Auto Repair on all makes and models of RVs
Travel Trailers • Fifth Wheels • Class A • Class B • Class C • Toy Haulers • Pop Up Campers • and Truck Campers
From Manufacturers like: Forest River, Keystone, Jayco, Coachmen, Heartland, Fleetwood, Winnebago, Dutchmen, Thor Motor Coach, Crossroads, Palomino, Gulf Stream, KZ, Prime Time, Starcraft, Skyline, Holiday Rambler, Itasca, Tiffin Motorhomes, Newmar, Open Range, Coleman, Monaco, Airstream, Lance, Cruiser Rv Corp, R-Vision, Eclipse Recreational Vehicles, Roadtrek, Northwood Mfg, Damon, Evergreen, Sunnybrook, Carriage, Shasta, Pacific Coachworks, National, Haulmark, Grand Design, Viking, Nu Wa, and many more.
In addition to regular mechanical issues, we have now also partnered with ReHose, a distributor for Parker Hose to take care of all your pneumatic and hydraulic hose issues on location, throughout Las Vegas.
Save money and learn about your vehicle at the same time! Call FX Mobile Mechanic Services Papillion NE. We bring the shop to you. Fully equipped trucks for on site repair of cars, trucks, RV, and heavy equipment, saving you a towing bill. You also get a FREE service call and diagnosis with the minimum repair.
We can perform most repairs right on-site, and you can watch and ask questions if you want. A mechanic is on duty 7 days a week, ready to fix your vehicle in any emergency whether it is at home, work, or school.
Specializing in:
·         Car Repair
·         Trucks
·         SUVs
·         RVs
·         Heavy Machinery
·         Commercial
·         Fleet
·         Emergency
·         Regular Maintenance
and much more!
Our trucks and technicians are equipped to service all makes and models of cars, trucks, RVs and trailers.
Call today for immediate emergency roadside assistance in an emergency or to schedule maintenance service at your convenience.
 Cars and trucks we repair or regularly maintain include Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, GMC, Honda, Hyundai, Isuzu, Jeep, KIA, Lincoln, Mercedes, Mercury, Nissan, Oldsmobile, Plymouth, Pontiac, Toyota, Volkswagen.
RV service on all makes and models of travel trailers, 5th wheels, Class A, Class B, Class C, diesel pushers.
YES! We repair generators — Onan specialist.
Trailer repairs on dual- and single-axle trailers. Service on wheel bearings, axles, lights.
Are you in need of Heavy Equipment & Vehicle Repairs near Papillion NE Papillion? Call us. If it is engine problems, diesel or gas, we have you covered. Hydraulics? No problem. On-site repairs are no big deal. Every hour your equipment isn’t running, you’re losing money. We can set up a maintenance program customized to your needs. When it comes to customer service and making sure the job gets done right, call us.
•             Heavy Equipment Mechanic Papillion NE
•             Heavy Equipment Field Mechanic Services Papillion NE
•             Farm Equipment Mechanics And Service TechniciansPapillion NE
•             Heavy Vehicle And Mobile Equipment Service Technicians
•             Industrial Machinery MechanicsPapillion NE
•             Mobile MechanicPapillion NE
•             Caterpillar Heavy Equipment Mechanic near me
•             Diesel Mechanic near me
Diagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul mobile mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic equipment, such as cranes, bulldozers, graders, and conveyors, used in construction, logging, and surface mining.
Skills and Abilities
Technicians must read and interpret service manuals, so reading ability and communication skills are both important skills to have. The technology used in heavy equipment is becoming more sophisticated, and technicians should feel comfortable with computers and electronics because hand-held diagnostic computers are often used to make engine adjustments and diagnose problems. Primary skills include: inspect, diagnose and repair mechanical problems in machinery or equipment ; perform routine maintenance on equipment and determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed; repair machines or systems using the needed tools; conduct tests to locate mechanical system malfunction ; assemble, dismantle, or reassemble
equipment or machinery; use and maintain welding machines or equipment; weld together metal parts, components, or structures; understand technical operating, service or repair manuals; follow safety standards.
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Papillion NE loves showing clients in the Papillion NE NE area that not all heavy equipment repair services are created equal. With such an extensive background in the field, customers trust us for providing superb services that stand out.
Customers come to us for everything from minor repairs to major component overhauls that involves tearing out an entire engine and components, inspecting them, and repairing them to the manufacturer recommended levels. Our experts are the ones to turn to for superb services at affordable rates.
We only use the highest grade, industry recommended parts, tools, accessories, equipment, and products in all of our repair jobs.
Regular maintenance keeps a variety of mining equipment, construction equipment, and other specialized equipment in premium operating condition. Many shops avoid these repair jobs because they demand specialized training, industry insight, and certification. We welcome them with open arms!
Whether the issue is minor or major our heavy equipment repair experts can do it all. Companies love how we keep their fleets in premium operating condition!
Heavy equipment poses an increased risk of injury when not mechanically functional. When it is malfunctioning, all types of hazards can occur.
Stay safe in the Papillion NE NE area by trusting the heavy equipment repair professionals at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Papillion NE. Contact us now!
·         Bobcat Equipment Service And Repair
·         Case Mechanic
·         Caterpillar Equipment Service And Repair
·         Detroit Diesel Mechanic Near Me
·         Detroit Diesel Repair And Service
·         Diesel Mobile Mechanic
·         Doosan Mobile Repair And Service
·         Freightliner Truck Diesel Mechanic
·         Heavy Construction Equipment Service
·         Heavy Equipment Mechanic
·         John Deere Mobile Mechanic
·         Kenworth Truck Repair And Service
·         Komat'su Equipment Service And Repair
·         Kubota Tractor Repair
·         Mack Equipment Service And Repair
·         Mobile Detroit Engine RepairService
·         Volvo Truck Repair And Service
When it comes to using heavy machinery, it’s important to keep and maintain your equipment so as to ensure that you are getting the best use out of it. Without proper maintenance something could go terribly wrong while you are operating the equipment and create serious or deadly injury to you as a result of it being worn out. This is our concern here at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Papillion NE and for this reason, we would like to offer our assistance in providing quality line boring services in Papillion NE NE.
What we offer with our line boring services is a technician who is experienced at administering full service equipment and machinery repair. Line bore repairs from 1.5” to 24" are handled with ease and professionalism on construction equipment and large mining equipment. We carry the latest in state of the art line boring equipment and promise nothing short of superior service. You’ll see how steady, yet fast we work and we do so because time is money.
Take a look at the equipment and machinery that you frequently use and look to see if they have worn out bores on them. If you have had them for years and are frequently using them, then chances are that they are worn out. That’s where we at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Papillion NE can step in.
Get in touch with us now for your line boring service needs!
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Papillion NE realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Papillion NE NE area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.  We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.  All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed. Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible! Find out why FX Mobile Mechanic Services Papillion NE has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Papillion NE NE area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Papillion NE realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Papillion NE NE Papillion IA area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.
We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.
All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed.
Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible!
Find out why FX Mobile Mechanic Services Papillion NE has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Papillion NE NE area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
·         Grove Mobile Cranes
·         Manitowoc Cranes
·         Terex Cranes and Boom Trucks
·         Manitex Boom Trucks
·         National Boom trucks
·         Caterpillar Fork Lifts
·         JLG Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         Gehl Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         New Holland Fork lifts
·         Toyota Industrial Fork Lifts
·         Genie Fork Lifts and Man Lifts
·         Elliott Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Kobelco Cranes
·         Link-Belt Cranes
·         Miller Welders
·         Allmand Light Towers
·         Wacker Light Towers
·         Altec Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Liebherr Cranes
·         USTC Boom Trucks
·         Auto Crane Truck Cranes
·         IMT Service Truck Cranes
·         Summit Service Truck Cranes
·         Maintainer Service Truck Crane
·         Venturo Service Truck Cranes
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Mobile Heavy Equipment Mechanic Heavy Equipment Repair Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA
More information is at: http://www.mobileautorepairomaha.com/mobile-heavy-equipment-mechanic-omaha-council-bluffs.html
Need a heavy-duty equipment mechanic or emergency repair near Omaha Council Bluffs? Mobile heavy equipment mechanics maintain construction and surface mining equipment, such as bulldozers, cranes, graders, and excavators. Most work for government, equipment rental shops, and large construction and mining companies. We do on-site repairs on heavy machinery, diesels, semis, RVs and save you downtime and a towing fee! Call Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair Omaha Council Bluffs today or send us a message online!
We do emergency heavy equipment, truck, diesel and RV, Mobile Home repairs on site.
Mobile Repair for Heavy Equipment like:
Bull Dozers • Crushing Plants • Dump Trucks • Tandem Dump Trucks • Backhoes • Trackhoes • Fork Lifts • Road Graders • Earth Moving equipment • Excavators • Skid Steers • Tractors • Loaders • Wheel loaders • cranes • bucket trucks • oil rigs and more
For brands like: Case • Caterpillar • Grove • Htachi • Kobelco • Komatsu • John Deer • New Holland • Link-Belt • Manitowoc • NorthWest • Terex • and more.
We also repair Semi / Diesel Trucks like:
Mack • Peterbilt • Freightliner •Volvo • Cat • International • Cummins • Kenworth to name a few.
And Mobile Auto Repair on all makes and models of RVs
Travel Trailers • Fifth Wheels • Class A • Class B • Class C • Toy Haulers • Pop Up Campers • and Truck Campers
From Manufacturers like: Forest River, Keystone, Jayco, Coachmen, Heartland, Fleetwood, Winnebago, Dutchmen, Thor Motor Coach, Crossroads, Palomino, Gulf Stream, KZ, Prime Time, Starcraft, Skyline, Holiday Rambler, Itasca, Tiffin Motorhomes, Newmar, Open Range, Coleman, Monaco, Airstream, Lance, Cruiser Rv Corp, R-Vision, Eclipse Recreational Vehicles, Roadtrek, Northwood Mfg, Damon, Evergreen, Sunnybrook, Carriage, Shasta, Pacific Coachworks, National, Haulmark, Grand Design, Viking, Nu Wa, and many more.
In addition to regular mechanical issues, we have now also partnered with ReHose, a distributor for Parker Hose to take care of all your pneumatic and hydraulic hose issues on location, throughout Omaha Council Bluffs.
Save money and learn about your vehicle at the same time! Call Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair Omaha Council Bluffs. We bring the shop to you. Fully equipped trucks for on site repair of cars, trucks, RV, and heavy equipment, saving you a towing bill. You also get a FREE service call and diagnosis with the minimum repair.
We can perform most repairs right on-site, and you can watch and ask questions if you want. A mechanic is on duty 7 days a week, ready to fix your vehicle in any emergency whether it is at home, work, or school.
Specializing in:
·         Car Repair
·         Trucks
·         SUVs
·         RVs
·         Heavy Machinery
·         Commercial
·         Fleet
·         Emergency
·         Regular Maintenance
and much more!
Our trucks and technicians are equipped to service all makes and models of cars, trucks, RVs and trailers.
Call today for immediate emergency roadside assistance in an emergency or to schedule maintenance service at your convenience.
 Cars and trucks we repair or regularly maintain include Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, GMC, Honda, Hyundai, Isuzu, Jeep, KIA, Lincoln, Mercedes, Mercury, Nissan, Oldsmobile, Plymouth, Pontiac, Toyota, Volkswagen.
RV service on all makes and models of travel trailers, 5th wheels, Class A, Class B, Class C, diesel pushers.
YES! We repair generators — Onan specialist.
Trailer repairs on dual- and single-axle trailers. Service on wheel bearings, axles, lights.
Are you in need of Heavy Equipment & Vehicle Repairs near Omaha Council Bluffs? Call us. If it is engine problems, diesel or gas, we have you covered. Hydraulics? No problem. On-site repairs are no big deal. Every hour your equipment isn’t running, you’re losing money. We can set up a maintenance program customized to your needs. When it comes to customer service and making sure the job gets done right, call us.
•             Heavy Equipment Mechanic Omaha Council Bluffs
•             Heavy Equipment Field Mechanic Services Omaha Council Bluffs
•             Farm Equipment Mechanics And Service Technicians Omaha Council Bluffs
•             Heavy Vehicle And Mobile Equipment Service Technicians
•             Industrial Machinery Mechanics Omaha Council Bluffs
•             Mobile Mechanic Omaha Council Bluffs
•             Caterpillar Heavy Equipment Mechanic near me
•             Diesel Mechanic near me
Diagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul mobile mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic equipment, such as cranes, bulldozers, graders, and conveyors, used in construction, logging, and surface mining.
Skills and Abilities
Technicians must read and interpret service manuals, so reading ability and communication skills are both important skills to have. The technology used in heavy equipment is becoming more sophisticated, and technicians should feel comfortable with computers and electronics because hand-held diagnostic computers are often used to make engine adjustments and diagnose problems. Primary skills include: inspect, diagnose and repair mechanical problems in machinery or equipment ; perform routine maintenance on equipment and determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed; repair machines or systems using the needed tools; conduct tests to locate mechanical system malfunction ; assemble, dismantle, or reassemble
equipment or machinery; use and maintain welding machines or equipment; weld together metal parts, components, or structures; understand technical operating, service or repair manuals; follow safety standards.
Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair Omaha Council Bluffs loves showing clients in the Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA area that not all heavy equipment repair services are created equal. With such an extensive background in the field, customers trust us for providing superb services that stand out.
Customers come to us for everything from minor repairs to major component overhauls that involves tearing out an entire engine and components, inspecting them, and repairing them to the manufacturer recommended levels. Our experts are the ones to turn to for superb services at affordable rates.
We only use the highest grade, industry recommended parts, tools, accessories, equipment, and products in all of our repair jobs.
Regular maintenance keeps a variety of mining equipment, construction equipment, and other specialized equipment in premium operating condition. Many shops avoid these repair jobs because they demand specialized training, industry insight, and certification. We welcome them with open arms!
Whether the issue is minor or major our heavy equipment repair experts can do it all. Companies love how we keep their fleets in premium operating condition!
Heavy equipment poses an increased risk of injury when not mechanically functional. When it is malfunctioning, all types of hazards can occur.
Stay safe in the Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA area by trusting the heavy equipment repair professionals at Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair Omaha Council Bluffs. Contact us now!
·         Bobcat Equipment Service And Repair
·         Case Mechanic
·         Caterpillar Equipment Service And Repair
·         Detroit Diesel Mechanic Near Me
·         Detroit Diesel Repair And Service
·         Diesel Mobile Mechanic
·         Doosan Mobile Repair And Service
·         Freightliner Truck Diesel Mechanic
·         Heavy Construction Equipment Service
·         Heavy Equipment Mechanic
·         John Deere Mobile Mechanic
·         Kenworth Truck Repair And Service
·         Komat'su Equipment Service And Repair
·         Kubota Tractor Repair
·         Mack Equipment Service And Repair
·         Mobile Detroit Engine Repair Service
·         Volvo Truck Repair And Service
When it comes to using heavy machinery, it’s important to keep and maintain your equipment so as to ensure that you are getting the best use out of it. Without proper maintenance something could go terribly wrong while you are operating the equipment and create serious or deadly injury to you as a result of it being worn out. This is our concern here at Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair Omaha Council Bluffs and for this reason, we would like to offer our assistance in providing quality line boring services in Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA.
What we offer with our line boring services is a technician who is experienced at administering full service equipment and machinery repair. Line bore repairs from 1.5” to 24" are handled with ease and professionalism on construction equipment and large mining equipment. We carry the latest in state of the art line boring equipment and promise nothing short of superior service. You’ll see how steady, yet fast we work and we do so because time is money.
Take a look at the equipment and machinery that you frequently use and look to see if they have worn out bores on them. If you have had them for years and are frequently using them, then chances are that they are worn out. That’s where we at Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair Omaha Council Bluffs can step in.
Get in touch with us now for your line boring service needs!
Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair Omaha Council Bluffs realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.  We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.  All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed. Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible! Find out why Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair Omaha Council Bluffs has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair Omaha Council Bluffs realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.
We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.
All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed.
Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible!
Find out why Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair Omaha Council Bluffs has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
·         Grove Mobile Cranes
·         Manitowoc Cranes
·         Terex Cranes and Boom Trucks
·         Manitex Boom Trucks
·         National Boom trucks
·         Caterpillar Fork Lifts
·         JLG Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         Gehl Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         New Holland Fork lifts
·         Toyota Industrial Fork Lifts
·         Genie Fork Lifts and Man Lifts
·         Elliott Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Kobelco Cranes
·         Link-Belt Cranes
·         Miller Welders
·         Allmand Light Towers
·         Wacker Light Towers
·         Altec Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Liebherr Cranes
·         USTC Boom Trucks
·         Auto Crane Truck Cranes
·         IMT Service Truck Cranes
·         Summit Service Truck Cranes
·         Maintainer Service Truck Crane
·         Venturo Service Truck Cranes
0 notes
24 Hour Emergency Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair & Heavy Equipment Mechanic Glenwood IA | FX Mobile Mechanic
More Information is at: http://www.mobilemechanicomaha.com/heavy-duty-mechanic-glenwood-ia.html
Youtube - https://youtu.be/QCuU_H4bWt4
Need a heavy-duty equipment mechanic or emergency repair near Glenwood IA? Mobile heavy equipment mechanics maintain construction and surface mining equipment, such as bulldozers, cranes, graders, and excavators. Most work for government, equipment rental shops, and large construction and mining companies.We do on-site repairs on heavy machinery, diesels, semis, RVs and save you downtime and a towing fee! Call FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha today or send us a message online!
We do emergency heavy equipment, truck, diesel and RV, Mobile Home repairs on site.
Mobile Repair for Heavy Equipment like:
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For brands like: Case • Caterpillar • Grove • Htachi • Kobelco • Komatsu • John Deer • New Holland • Link-Belt • Manitowoc • NorthWest • Terex • and more.
We also repair Semi / Diesel Trucks like:
Mack • Peterbilt • Freightliner •Volvo • Cat • International • Cummins • Kenworth to name a few.
And Mobile Auto Repair on all makes and models of RVs
Travel Trailers • Fifth Wheels • Class A • Class B • Class C • Toy Haulers • Pop Up Campers • and Truck Campers
From Manufacturers like: Forest River, Keystone, Jayco, Coachmen, Heartland, Fleetwood, Winnebago, Dutchmen, Thor Motor Coach, Crossroads, Palomino, Gulf Stream, KZ, Prime Time, Starcraft, Skyline, Holiday Rambler, Itasca, Tiffin Motorhomes, Newmar, Open Range, Coleman, Monaco, Airstream, Lance, Cruiser Rv Corp, R-Vision, Eclipse Recreational Vehicles, Roadtrek, Northwood Mfg, Damon, Evergreen, Sunnybrook, Carriage, Shasta, Pacific Coachworks, National, Haulmark, Grand Design, Viking, Nu Wa, and many more.
In addition to regular mechanical issues, we have now also partnered with ReHose, a distributor for Parker Hose to take care of all your pneumatic and hydraulic hose issues on location, throughout Las Vegas.
Save money and learn about your vehicle at the same time! Call FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha. We bring the shop to you. Fully equipped trucks for on site repair of cars, trucks, RV, and heavy equipment, saving you a towing bill. You also get a FREE service call and diagnosis with the minimum repair.
We can perform most repairs right on-site, and you can watch and ask questions if you want. A mechanic is on duty 7 days a week, ready to fix your vehicle in any emergency whether it is at home, work, or school.
Specializing in:
·         Car Repair
·         Trucks
·         SUVs
·         RVs
·         Heavy Machinery
·         Commercial
·         Fleet
·         Emergency
·         Regular Maintenance
and much more!
Our trucks and technicians are equipped to service all makes and models of cars, trucks, RVs and trailers.
Call today for immediate emergency roadside assistance in an emergency or to schedule maintenance service at your convenience.
 Cars and trucks we repair or regularly maintain include Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, GMC, Honda, Hyundai, Isuzu, Jeep, KIA, Lincoln, Mercedes, Mercury, Nissan, Oldsmobile, Plymouth, Pontiac, Toyota, Volkswagen.
RV service on all makes and models of travel trailers, 5th wheels, Class A, Class B, Class C, diesel pushers.
YES! We repair generators — Onan specialist.
Trailer repairs on dual- and single-axle trailers. Service on wheel bearings, axles, lights.
Are you in need of Heavy Equipment & Vehicle Repairs near Glenwood IA Glenwood? Call us. If it is engine problems, diesel or gas, we have you covered. Hydraulics? No problem. On-site repairs are no big deal. Every hour your equipment isn’t running, you’re losing money. We can set up a maintenance program customized to your needs. When it comes to customer service and making sure the job gets done right, call us.
•             Heavy Equipment Mechanic Glenwood IA
•             Heavy Equipment Field Mechanic Services Glenwood IA
•             Farm Equipment Mechanics And Service TechniciansGlenwood IA
•             Heavy Vehicle And Mobile Equipment Service Technicians
•             Industrial Machinery MechanicsGlenwood IA
•             Mobile MechanicGlenwood IA
•             Caterpillar Heavy Equipment Mechanic near me
•             Diesel Mechanic near me
Diagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul mobile mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic equipment, such as cranes, bulldozers, graders, and conveyors, used in construction, logging, and surface mining.
Skills and Abilities
Technicians must read and interpret service manuals, so reading ability and communication skills are both important skills to have. The technology used in heavy equipment is becoming more sophisticated, and technicians should feel comfortable with computers and electronics because hand-held diagnostic computers are often used to make engine adjustments and diagnose problems. Primary skills include: inspect, diagnose and repair mechanical problems in machinery or equipment ; perform routine maintenance on equipment and determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed; repair machines or systems using the needed tools; conduct tests to locate mechanical system malfunction ; assemble, dismantle, or reassemble
equipment or machinery; use and maintain welding machines or equipment; weld together metal parts, components, or structures; understand technical operating, service or repair manuals; follow safety standards.
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha loves showing clients in the Glenwood IA NE area that not all heavy equipment repair services are created equal. With such an extensive background in the field, customers trust us for providing superb services that stand out.
Customers come to us for everything from minor repairs to major component overhauls that involves tearing out an entire engine and components, inspecting them, and repairing them to the manufacturer recommended levels. Our experts are the ones to turn to for superb services at affordable rates.
We only use the highest grade, industry recommended parts, tools, accessories, equipment, and products in all of our repair jobs.
Regular maintenance keeps a variety of mining equipment, construction equipment, and other specialized equipment in premium operating condition. Many shops avoid these repair jobs because they demand specialized training, industry insight, and certification. We welcome them with open arms!
Whether the issue is minor or major our heavy equipment repair experts can do it all. Companies love how we keep their fleets in premium operating condition!
Heavy equipment poses an increased risk of injury when not mechanically functional. When it is malfunctioning, all types of hazards can occur.
Stay safe in the Glenwood IA NE area by trusting the heavy equipment repair professionals at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha. Contact us now!
·         Bobcat Equipment Service And Repair
·         Case Mechanic
·         Caterpillar Equipment Service And Repair
·         Detroit Diesel Mechanic Near Me
·         Detroit Diesel Repair And Service
·         Diesel Mobile Mechanic
·         Doosan Mobile Repair And Service
·         Freightliner Truck Diesel Mechanic
·         Heavy Construction Equipment Service
·         Heavy Equipment Mechanic
·         John Deere Mobile Mechanic
·         Kenworth Truck Repair And Service
·         Komat'su Equipment Service And Repair
·         Kubota Tractor Repair
·         Mack Equipment Service And Repair
·         Mobile Detroit Engine RepairService
·         Volvo Truck Repair And Service
When it comes to using heavy machinery, it’s important to keep and maintain your equipment so as to ensure that you are getting the best use out of it. Without proper maintenance something could go terribly wrong while you are operating the equipment and create serious or deadly injury to you as a result of it being worn out. This is our concern here at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha and for this reason, we would like to offer our assistance in providing quality line boring services in Glenwood IA NE.
What we offer with our line boring services is a technician who is experienced at administering full service equipment and machinery repair. Line bore repairs from 1.5” to 24" are handled with ease and professionalism on construction equipment and large mining equipment. We carry the latest in state of the art line boring equipment and promise nothing short of superior service. You’ll see how steady, yet fast we work and we do so because time is money.
Take a look at the equipment and machinery that you frequently use and look to see if they have worn out bores on them. If you have had them for years and are frequently using them, then chances are that they are worn out. That’s where we at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha can step in.
Get in touch with us now for your line boring service needs!
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Glenwood IA NE area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.  We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.  All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed. Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible! Find out why FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Glenwood IA NE area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Glenwood IA NE Glenwood IA area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.
We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.
All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed.
Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible!
Find out why FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Glenwood IA NE area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
·         Grove Mobile Cranes
·         Manitowoc Cranes
·         Terex Cranes and Boom Trucks
·         Manitex Boom Trucks
·         National Boom trucks
·         Caterpillar Fork Lifts
·         JLG Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         Gehl Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         New Holland Fork lifts
·         Toyota Industrial Fork Lifts
·         Genie Fork Lifts and Man Lifts
·         Elliott Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Kobelco Cranes
·         Link-Belt Cranes
·         Miller Welders
·         Allmand Light Towers
·         Wacker Light Towers
·         Altec Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Liebherr Cranes
·         USTC Boom Trucks
·         Auto Crane Truck Cranes
·         IMT Service Truck Cranes
·         Summit Service Truck Cranes
·         Maintainer Service Truck Crane
·         Venturo Service Truck Cranes
FX Mobile Mechanics Services Omaha
Best Mobile Mechanic Omaha NE Glenwood IA!
CALL Mobile Mechanic 1: (402) 401-7561, http://www.mobileautorepairomaha.com/
CALL Mobile Mechanic 2: (402) 401-7563, http://www.mobilemechanicomaha.com/
CALL Mobile Mechanic 3: (402) 513-4411, http://www.mobilemechanicnearomahane.com/
CALL Towing Service: (402) 401-7564, http://www.towingserviceomaha.com/
CALL Roadside Assistance: (402) 590-8094, http://www.roadsideassistanceomaha.com/
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Open 7/24
·         RV REPAIR
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Omaha Nebraska - Glenwood Iowa Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Omaha and Sarpy County, including the communities of Omaha, Glenwood, Glenwood, Carter Lake, Glenwood, Glenwood, Fremont, Glenwood, La Vista, Millard, Glenwood, Glenwood, Springfield, Glenwood, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, Glenwood IA | Glenwood IA | Boys Town Ne | Cedar Bluffs Ne | Cedar Creek Ne | Ceresco Ne | Colon Ne| Glenwood IA |Elmwood Ne | Glenwood IA |Fremont Nebraska |Greenwood Nebraska |Glenwood IA | Herman Nebraska | Ithaca Ne |Kennard Ne |La Vista Nebraska |Louisville Ne |Manley Ne |Mead Ne | Memphis Ne | Missouri Valley Ne | Murdock Ne | Murray Ne | Nehawka Ne |Nickerson Ne | Omaha Ne | Glenwood IA | Glenwood IA | South Bend Ne | Springfield Nebraska | St Columbus Ne | Univ Of Ne Med Center Ne | Valley Ne | Wahoo Nebraska | Washington Ne Waterloo Ne | Waverly Ne | Weeping Water Ne |Yutan Nebraska and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood,  Glenwood, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178.
0 notes
eddiejpoplar · 6 years
On Enzo’s Trail: Luca Dal Monte’s New Ferrari Biography is a Must-Read
Luca Dal Monte is thoroughly Italian. Born and raised in Cremona, home of Stradivari, in the Lombardy region of northern Italy by the left bank of the River Po. Lives today in Milan. Ran press operations for Ferrari and Maserati, two of the most essential, essentially Italian marques. He’s also written several books, including a novel called La Scuderia and, most recently, Ferrari Rex, a weighty yet wonderfully colorful biography of Enzo Ferrari. There’s a fair chance it will become an Italian miniseries.
Yet, intriguingly, 55-year-old Dal Monte credits America—where Ferrari Rex is only just now available in English and retitled as Enzo Ferrari: Power, Politics, and the Making of an Automotive Empire—for his success.
“After 30 years, there was really nothing I could add to my job profile. … Writing had become my second profession. You reach a point when you’re 50 and say, ‘I’d rather do it today than wait any longer.’”
On a U.S. press tour, Dal Monte has come to meet us at Dominick European Car Repair, a mecca for all things old-car Italian, in White Plains, New York. We’re meant to drive off in a rare and valuable 1966 Ferrari 275 GTB belonging to a generous customer, an early-production long-nose model with several unique details and a value in excess of $3 million. I offer Dal Monte the first drive, but eyeing the steady drizzle of a cold Westchester morning along with some spirited displays of local driving skill outside the garage, he declines: “Not today.”
I, however, don’t have to be asked twice to drive the first 275 GTB I’ve ever sat in. Still, determined to remain on task, I ask Dal Monte, “What is it about you and America?”
“I’ve always been fascinated with you guys,” he says. “I belong to the Race to the Moon generation. I remember watching the Apollo launches and splashdowns on TV, dreaming of one day going to the U.S.
“I also belong to the post-JFK generation. My mom and dad remember to this day where they were when they heard the news of JFK’s assassination. I know all Americans [of a certain age] do, but in Italy it’s more rare. Perhaps as a consequence of this, I developed an interest, which became love and then passion, for U.S. politics and history.”
Dal Monte admits to a teenage predilection for U.S. sitcoms like “Happy Days.” “And then, I mean, you go back to ‘The Brady Bunch’ in the early ’70s, that was [American] high school at its best!” he says. He proudly says that this, along with understanding parents and an unlikely exchange program between Cremona and Owensboro, Kentucky, brought him to America for his senior year of high school. He liked it so much he decided to stay for college at the University of Kentucky, studying political science and American history while writing for the Kentucky Kernel, the school’s newspaper. His children attend American universities, and American politics remains his favorite subject. As evidence, he has an extensive collection of American political memorabilia, including more than 600 buttons, posters, and convention flyers dating as far back as 1896.
After his U.S. schooling, though, it was back to Italy for compulsory military duty. Dal Monte cast around for journalism jobs upon completing his service and applied to Peugeot on a lark. He wound up landing a plum assignment in the French automaker’s Italian press office. With no experience, he chalked up this early career success to the employer appeal of his English language skill and firsthand knowledge of America. Ditto Toyota, which hired him a few years later to head the press effort for its newly established Italian operation, and then Ferrari, which sent Dal Monte back to the U.S. in New Jersey to run its North American press office. He then helped relaunch Maserati in the States before returning to Italy to oversee the company’s worldwide press operations.
In Dal Monte’s view, the American connection led to jobs that capped his career. They also put him in a position to gain enhanced access to relevant Ferrari and Alfa Romeo documents, making a burgeoning historian’s job easier. The Enzo Ferrari tome joins a growing list of works that includes overviews of Ferrari cars and racing, a 100-year history of Maserati, and La Scuderia, a spy and love story set against a 1930s racing backdrop. As for the Ferrari biography, the Italian press has hailed it as the most scholarly and deeply researched biography of Il Commendatore yet, of the admittedly few that have been written.
While living in Ferrari’s Modena heartland during his tenure at Maserati, Dal Monte was surrounded by older folk who had worked with Enzo. He often met them after work following initial interviews, and they filled in details and remembered things they had not in earlier conversations. His position with Maserati gave him access to a wide range of primary materials, too. “One of the greatest assets in my research was the Alfa Romeo archive in Arese, near Milan,” he says. There Dal Monte found Enzo Ferrari’s personnel file from when he managed Alfa’s race team. It documented Ferrari’s importance to the great Italian racing power in the inter-war period as well as elements of his financial acuity. “Much like a Broadway producer, he used other people’s money to finance his endeavors,” Dal Monte points out. His was a kind of scholarly curiosity and deep-dive research not always associated with the public relations profession.
“There are two kinds of PR people: those who come from marketing and those who come from journalism,” Dal Monte says. He sees himself in the latter camp; though his own experience in traditional journalism was slight, his formative years in college forever shaped his perspective. Facts, analysis, and color, not marketing fluff, became his focus. Perhaps inevitably, in 2015, he left PR for good.
“After 30 years in a worldwide position, there was really nothing I could add to my job profile, I guess,” he reflects. “And in the meantime, writing had become my second profession. You reach a point when you’re 50 and say, ‘I’d rather do it today than wait any longer.’”
Past employment with Ferrari notwithstanding, Dal Monte’s eight years of research into one of Italy’s most famous figures has not resulted in a hagiography. It contradicts Ferrari’s own 1962 autobiography, for instance, by including the story of how, long before he ran Alfa’s winning race team or set up a successful car company, the young Ferrari was failing at running his own first business, a coachworks. In fact, the man didn’t build his first Ferrari car until he was 49, after World War II, which ought to lend hope and inspiration to late bloomers everywhere. Dal Monte’s opus also runs down Ferrari’s serial infidelity to his wife, though he sees its roots in her lifelong depression and anxiety, which made her pull away from him. “He needed someone,” the writer says.
Of course, all of Italy forgave and continues to forgive Ferrari for his transgressions. “If you grew up in Italy in the ’70s, Enzo Ferrari was a towering figure,” Dal Monte explains. “There was the Pope, and then there was Enzo. I am not kidding; by the mid-’70s, Enzo had reached a demigod dimension. He was the Grand Old Man not just of motor racing but of the country. You could even hear him call into some of the early TV automotive/motor racing shows and speak—to the point of shouting—with the talk show host in order to defend his cars and his drivers. More the cars than the drivers, actually. He was everywhere.
“When I did the research for my book, I was able to scientifically confirm what I remembered from those days: There was hardly a day in which national newspapers did not have a story on Enzo. It was inevitable, when discussing his cars, races, or drivers: You must mention or quote him.”
Dal Monte remembers as a teenager in the late ’70s taking an hourlong train ride to Modena early one morning with his brother, just to catch a glimpse of Ferrari having his morning shave at a barbershop. Ferrari stared out at them staring in at him and smiled.
“I had wanted to write a book on him for a long, long time,” Dal Monte says. “But I didn’t want it to be a book like all the others. I wanted to tell more. More of the man, and of the men and women around him. When I was hired at Ferrari, I gained access not just to archives but to people. And it was at that point I realized that if I really put my mind at it, it could be possible.
Luca Dal Monte tours New York’s Westchester County in a 275 GTB long nose, a fitting symbol for the life of his subject, the man who lent his name to what has become one of the world’s most valuable luxury brands. A very early-production long nose, this 1967 transition model shares features with earlier short nose and later long nose production, but it has some unique aspects, too.
“Of course, I love cars, especially sports cars. But my fascination with Enzo went and still goes far beyond that. It was his lifelong struggle to succeed, to become someone, to beat the odds, to go down in history that intrigued me. In so many ways, Enzo was like [Ronald] Reagan: a man with no particular specific qualities that made it big. There’s a beautiful book on Reagan whose subtitle reads, ‘How an ordinary man became an extraordinary leader.’ In my opinion, that applies to Enzo Ferrari as well: ‘How an ordinary man became an automotive giant.’”
The post On Enzo’s Trail: Luca Dal Monte’s New Ferrari Biography is a Must-Read appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger 6 https://ift.tt/2JVq52X via IFTTT
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jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
On Enzo’s Trail: Luca Dal Monte’s New Ferrari Biography is a Must-Read
Luca Dal Monte is thoroughly Italian. Born and raised in Cremona, home of Stradivari, in the Lombardy region of northern Italy by the left bank of the River Po. Lives today in Milan. Ran press operations for Ferrari and Maserati, two of the most essential, essentially Italian marques. He’s also written several books, including a novel called La Scuderia and, most recently, Ferrari Rex, a weighty yet wonderfully colorful biography of Enzo Ferrari. There’s a fair chance it will become an Italian miniseries.
Yet, intriguingly, 55-year-old Dal Monte credits America—where Ferrari Rex is only just now available in English and retitled as Enzo Ferrari: Power, Politics, and the Making of an Automotive Empire—for his success.
“After 30 years, there was really nothing I could add to my job profile. … Writing had become my second profession. You reach a point when you’re 50 and say, ‘I’d rather do it today than wait any longer.’”
On a U.S. press tour, Dal Monte has come to meet us at Dominick European Car Repair, a mecca for all things old-car Italian, in White Plains, New York. We’re meant to drive off in a rare and valuable 1966 Ferrari 275 GTB belonging to a generous customer, an early-production long-nose model with several unique details and a value in excess of $3 million. I offer Dal Monte the first drive, but eyeing the steady drizzle of a cold Westchester morning along with some spirited displays of local driving skill outside the garage, he declines: “Not today.”
I, however, don’t have to be asked twice to drive the first 275 GTB I’ve ever sat in. Still, determined to remain on task, I ask Dal Monte, “What is it about you and America?”
“I’ve always been fascinated with you guys,” he says. “I belong to the Race to the Moon generation. I remember watching the Apollo launches and splashdowns on TV, dreaming of one day going to the U.S.
“I also belong to the post-JFK generation. My mom and dad remember to this day where they were when they heard the news of JFK’s assassination. I know all Americans [of a certain age] do, but in Italy it’s more rare. Perhaps as a consequence of this, I developed an interest, which became love and then passion, for U.S. politics and history.”
Dal Monte admits to a teenage predilection for U.S. sitcoms like “Happy Days.” “And then, I mean, you go back to ‘The Brady Bunch’ in the early ’70s, that was [American] high school at its best!” he says. He proudly says that this, along with understanding parents and an unlikely exchange program between Cremona and Owensboro, Kentucky, brought him to America for his senior year of high school. He liked it so much he decided to stay for college at the University of Kentucky, studying political science and American history while writing for the Kentucky Kernel, the school’s newspaper. His children attend American universities, and American politics remains his favorite subject. As evidence, he has an extensive collection of American political memorabilia, including more than 600 buttons, posters, and convention flyers dating as far back as 1896.
After his U.S. schooling, though, it was back to Italy for compulsory military duty. Dal Monte cast around for journalism jobs upon completing his service and applied to Peugeot on a lark. He wound up landing a plum assignment in the French automaker’s Italian press office. With no experience, he chalked up this early career success to the employer appeal of his English language skill and firsthand knowledge of America. Ditto Toyota, which hired him a few years later to head the press effort for its newly established Italian operation, and then Ferrari, which sent Dal Monte back to the U.S. in New Jersey to run its North American press office. He then helped relaunch Maserati in the States before returning to Italy to oversee the company’s worldwide press operations.
In Dal Monte’s view, the American connection led to jobs that capped his career. They also put him in a position to gain enhanced access to relevant Ferrari and Alfa Romeo documents, making a burgeoning historian’s job easier. The Enzo Ferrari tome joins a growing list of works that includes overviews of Ferrari cars and racing, a 100-year history of Maserati, and La Scuderia, a spy and love story set against a 1930s racing backdrop. As for the Ferrari biography, the Italian press has hailed it as the most scholarly and deeply researched biography of Il Commendatore yet, of the admittedly few that have been written.
While living in Ferrari’s Modena heartland during his tenure at Maserati, Dal Monte was surrounded by older folk who had worked with Enzo. He often met them after work following initial interviews, and they filled in details and remembered things they had not in earlier conversations. His position with Maserati gave him access to a wide range of primary materials, too. “One of the greatest assets in my research was the Alfa Romeo archive in Arese, near Milan,” he says. There Dal Monte found Enzo Ferrari’s personnel file from when he managed Alfa’s race team. It documented Ferrari’s importance to the great Italian racing power in the inter-war period as well as elements of his financial acuity. “Much like a Broadway producer, he used other people’s money to finance his endeavors,” Dal Monte points out. His was a kind of scholarly curiosity and deep-dive research not always associated with the public relations profession.
“There are two kinds of PR people: those who come from marketing and those who come from journalism,” Dal Monte says. He sees himself in the latter camp; though his own experience in traditional journalism was slight, his formative years in college forever shaped his perspective. Facts, analysis, and color, not marketing fluff, became his focus. Perhaps inevitably, in 2015, he left PR for good.
“After 30 years in a worldwide position, there was really nothing I could add to my job profile, I guess,” he reflects. “And in the meantime, writing had become my second profession. You reach a point when you’re 50 and say, ‘I’d rather do it today than wait any longer.’”
Past employment with Ferrari notwithstanding, Dal Monte’s eight years of research into one of Italy’s most famous figures has not resulted in a hagiography. It contradicts Ferrari’s own 1962 autobiography, for instance, by including the story of how, long before he ran Alfa’s winning race team or set up a successful car company, the young Ferrari was failing at running his own first business, a coachworks. In fact, the man didn’t build his first Ferrari car until he was 49, after World War II, which ought to lend hope and inspiration to late bloomers everywhere. Dal Monte’s opus also runs down Ferrari’s serial infidelity to his wife, though he sees its roots in her lifelong depression and anxiety, which made her pull away from him. “He needed someone,” the writer says.
Of course, all of Italy forgave and continues to forgive Ferrari for his transgressions. “If you grew up in Italy in the ’70s, Enzo Ferrari was a towering figure,” Dal Monte explains. “There was the Pope, and then there was Enzo. I am not kidding; by the mid-’70s, Enzo had reached a demigod dimension. He was the Grand Old Man not just of motor racing but of the country. You could even hear him call into some of the early TV automotive/motor racing shows and speak—to the point of shouting—with the talk show host in order to defend his cars and his drivers. More the cars than the drivers, actually. He was everywhere.
“When I did the research for my book, I was able to scientifically confirm what I remembered from those days: There was hardly a day in which national newspapers did not have a story on Enzo. It was inevitable, when discussing his cars, races, or drivers: You must mention or quote him.”
Dal Monte remembers as a teenager in the late ’70s taking an hourlong train ride to Modena early one morning with his brother, just to catch a glimpse of Ferrari having his morning shave at a barbershop. Ferrari stared out at them staring in at him and smiled.
“I had wanted to write a book on him for a long, long time,” Dal Monte says. “But I didn’t want it to be a book like all the others. I wanted to tell more. More of the man, and of the men and women around him. When I was hired at Ferrari, I gained access not just to archives but to people. And it was at that point I realized that if I really put my mind at it, it could be possible.
Luca Dal Monte tours New York’s Westchester County in a 275 GTB long nose, a fitting symbol for the life of his subject, the man who lent his name to what has become one of the world’s most valuable luxury brands. A very early-production long nose, this 1967 transition model shares features with earlier short nose and later long nose production, but it has some unique aspects, too.
“Of course, I love cars, especially sports cars. But my fascination with Enzo went and still goes far beyond that. It was his lifelong struggle to succeed, to become someone, to beat the odds, to go down in history that intrigued me. In so many ways, Enzo was like [Ronald] Reagan: a man with no particular specific qualities that made it big. There’s a beautiful book on Reagan whose subtitle reads, ‘How an ordinary man became an extraordinary leader.’ In my opinion, that applies to Enzo Ferrari as well: ‘How an ordinary man became an automotive giant.’”
The post On Enzo’s Trail: Luca Dal Monte’s New Ferrari Biography is a Must-Read appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
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limousinefinder · 7 years
Inspectors Ready To Enforce CA Stretch Limo Retrofit Law
PALM DESERT, Calif. — Operator Gary Cardiff may have been the first limousine fleet owner in California to be officially told his stretch limousines must comply with the state’s long-awaited limo retrofit law, effective Jan. 1, 2018.
On July 18, his company, Cardiff Limousine & Transportation, the largest chauffeured fleet in the Coachella Valley, received a visit from California Highway Patrol inspectors for a first-ever terminal inspection on his three stretch limousines. Cardiff is used to such inspections for his majority bus fleet, but this visit serves as an alert to traditional stretch limousine operators statewide. The CHP reminded Cardiff of the law, and it resulted in one of his three stretches being required for a retrofit.
“I don’t live off limousines, but you still have a lot left in California,” said Cardiff, who contacted LCT about the inspection. “I’ve got a new one with a roof hatch, a fifth door, and an engineered window escape.” In addition, Cardiff plans to sell one of his stretches and retrofit the third. While his company gets most of its business from bus clients and groups, he keeps a few stretches for weddings, funerals, and quinceaneras.
The retrofit law, known as SB109 and now officially California Vehicle code 378, affects stretch limousines carrying 10 or fewer passengers.
If a stretch limousine has a fifth door, it needs either two pop-out window emergency exits OR a rooftop escape hatch.
If a stretch limousine does not have a fifth door, then it needs two pop-out window emergency exits AND a rooftop escape hatch.
The CHP’s modified limo inspection sheet requires that pop-out windows, also referred to as push-out, must be installed by an independent engineering firm or the manufacturer, and must be certified according to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS). The sheet also lists specific minimum window dimensions.
The official language on what vehicles qualify:
378. (a) Limousine means any sedan or sport utility vehicle, of either standard or extended length, with a seating capacity of not more than 10 passengers including the driver, used in the transportation of passengers for hire on a prearranged basis within this state. (b) Modified limousine means any vehicle that has been modified, altered, or extended in a manner that increases the overall wheelbase of the vehicle, exceeding the original equipment manufacturer s published wheelbase dimension for the base model and year of the vehicle, in any amount sufficient to accommodate additional passengers with a seating capacity of not more than 10 passengers including the driver, and is used in the transportation of passengers for hire. For purposes of this subdivision, wheelbase means the longitudinal distance between the vertical centerlines of the front and rear wheels.
Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB109 on Oct. 11, 2013 to take effect on Jan. 1, 2015. Since then, the Greater California Livery Association succeeded several times in getting the enforcement date delayed until Jan. 1, 2018, arguing operators and coachbuilders needed time to figure out how to do the retrofits. GCLA President David Kinney ruled out the possibility of anymore extensions to the enforcement deadline. “The last time I testified, they told me not to ask for an extension.”
The retrofit law came in response to a horrific stretch limousine fire on May 4, 2013 on the San Mateo Bridge near San Francisco, in which five women celebrating a bachelorette party died when they could not escape the 1999 Lincoln Town Car 120-in. stretch. Four other women got out and survived.
A state investigation determined the fire was caused by an obscure series of catastrophic factors that so far have not been identified as causes in any other stretch limousine fires or accidents. The limousine also was carrying one passenger beyond its legal safety limit (in the limo compartment), and the chauffeur failed to immediately pull over when hearing the first warning of smoke from a passenger.
Kinney told LCT this week he so far was not aware of any other operators receiving visits, but the CHP has trained inspectors on the details and procedures of the law.
He estimates 80-85% of California operators have never received a terminal inspection from the CHP. With this law going into effect, it will be a first for inspectors and operators, especially those with smaller fleets that have traditional stretch sedan limousines. “Now all those people will have CHP officers knock on their doors.”
That could lead to some misinterpretations or misunderstandings until enforcers get used to the law. The code also contains some vague language on some of the details, he said.
For example, during the CHP visit to Cardiff on July 18, the inspectors claimed a Cadillac XTS sedan stretched only six inches for added legroom qualified for a retrofit under the law. Cardiff and Kinney had to clear up the confusion with the CHP, and in an email dated July 28, a CHP administrator wrote to Kinney that Cardiff’s “limousine with a six-inch stretch is NOT a modified limousine by definition.”
Kinney reiterated, “It is the GCLA’s understanding vehicles that are stretched or modified but DO NOT increase passenger capacity do not meet the definition of a ‘modified limousine,’ and therefore are not subject to the new modified limousine safety or inspection requirements.”
He advises operators to ensure they have all of their legal and regulatory paperwork in order, including insurance, workers’ comp, drug-pull program records, and any fleet-related maintenance and inspection records.
An added concern is what coachbuilders are available to do the retrofits. Estimates vary, but a retrofit involving windows and roof hatches can range from $5,000 to $10,000 depending on the scope of the work.  
“We’re not sure who’s doing retrofits. It gets into a whole liability issue. Who will do it?” Kinney asked. [LCT has reached out to Quality Coachworks in Ontario and Tiffany Coachworks in Corona to see if the coachbuilders are available for retrofits, and will update with any new information. American Limousine Sales of Lynwood responded Wednesday it may be able to retrofit windows or a roof hatch but not a fifth door].
The traditional Lincoln Town Car stretch limousine was last built for the 2011 model years, with the MKT cross-over vehicle model succeeding it as the official Lincoln limousine. For operators with older stretches, it may be worthwhile to sell them and buy new ones in compliance.
Ryan Silva, owner of Epic Limousine in San Diego and a GCLA board director, said he has ordered a stretch limousine to be custom built that complies with the new California law. He advises operators to make sure any limousine they plan to purchase will meet the new standards before putting any money down.
“I sold my stretches and am having one built. It’s a challenge, but I’m having one built based on what an inspector said would work. It can be very vague.”
Silva also pointed out older sedan stretches now straddle the $20,000 range in the used vehicle market, so an operator may be better off buying a new stretch than sinking $5,000 to $10,000 into a stretch worth only two or three times that amount.
Overall, the new law could help relieve the constant problem of illegal operations, Kinney said. “I think it is good for the industry and will make it safer. If 85% of industry has no enforcement, then some operators can skirt the rules leading to unfair competition and not taking care of public. This could help the industry become more compliant with rules and regulations, the riding public will be safer, and it could reduce accidents and injuries in our industry. That could filter all the way down.”
California operators with any questions or concerns about the limo retrofit law can call the GCLA Help Line at (213) 440-4634 or [email protected].
California operators   David Kinney   Greater California Livery Association   limousine fires   passenger safety   regulatory enforcement   Safety   state regulations   stretch limousine   
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Need a heavy-duty equipment mechanic or emergency repair near Ralston NE? Mobile heavy equipment mechanics maintain construction and surface mining equipment, such as bulldozers, cranes, graders, and excavators. Most work for government, equipment rental shops, and large construction and mining companies.We do on-site repairs on heavy machinery, diesels, semis, RVs and save you downtime and a towing fee! Call FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha today or send us a message online!
We do emergency heavy equipment, truck, diesel and RV, Mobile Home repairs on site.
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YES! We repair generators — Onan specialist.
Trailer repairs on dual- and single-axle trailers. Service on wheel bearings, axles, lights.
Are you in need of Heavy Equipment & Vehicle Repairs near Ralston NE Ralston? Call us. If it is engine problems, diesel or gas, we have you covered. Hydraulics? No problem. On-site repairs are no big deal. Every hour your equipment isn’t running, you’re losing money. We can set up a maintenance program customized to your needs. When it comes to customer service and making sure the job gets done right, call us.
•             Heavy Equipment Mechanic Ralston NE
•             Heavy Equipment Field Mechanic Services Ralston NE
•             Farm Equipment Mechanics And Service TechniciansRalston NE
•             Heavy Vehicle And Mobile Equipment Service Technicians
•             Industrial Machinery MechanicsRalston NE
•             Mobile MechanicRalston NE
•             Caterpillar Heavy Equipment Mechanic near me
•             Diesel Mechanic near me
Diagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul mobile mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic equipment, such as cranes, bulldozers, graders, and conveyors, used in construction, logging, and surface mining.
Skills and Abilities
Technicians must read and interpret service manuals, so reading ability and communication skills are both important skills to have. The technology used in heavy equipment is becoming more sophisticated, and technicians should feel comfortable with computers and electronics because hand-held diagnostic computers are often used to make engine adjustments and diagnose problems. Primary skills include: inspect, diagnose and repair mechanical problems in machinery or equipment ; perform routine maintenance on equipment and determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed; repair machines or systems using the needed tools; conduct tests to locate mechanical system malfunction ; assemble, dismantle, or reassemble
equipment or machinery; use and maintain welding machines or equipment; weld together metal parts, components, or structures; understand technical operating, service or repair manuals; follow safety standards.
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha loves showing clients in the Ralston NE NE area that not all heavy equipment repair services are created equal. With such an extensive background in the field, customers trust us for providing superb services that stand out.
Customers come to us for everything from minor repairs to major component overhauls that involves tearing out an entire engine and components, inspecting them, and repairing them to the manufacturer recommended levels. Our experts are the ones to turn to for superb services at affordable rates.
We only use the highest grade, industry recommended parts, tools, accessories, equipment, and products in all of our repair jobs.
Regular maintenance keeps a variety of mining equipment, construction equipment, and other specialized equipment in premium operating condition. Many shops avoid these repair jobs because they demand specialized training, industry insight, and certification. We welcome them with open arms!
Whether the issue is minor or major our heavy equipment repair experts can do it all. Companies love how we keep their fleets in premium operating condition!
Heavy equipment poses an increased risk of injury when not mechanically functional. When it is malfunctioning, all types of hazards can occur.
Stay safe in the Ralston NE NE area by trusting the heavy equipment repair professionals at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha. Contact us now!
·         Bobcat Equipment Service And Repair
·         Case Mechanic
·         Caterpillar Equipment Service And Repair
·         Detroit Diesel Mechanic Near Me
·         Detroit Diesel Repair And Service
·         Diesel Mobile Mechanic
·         Doosan Mobile Repair And Service
·         Freightliner Truck Diesel Mechanic
·         Heavy Construction Equipment Service
·         Heavy Equipment Mechanic
·         John Deere Mobile Mechanic
·         Kenworth Truck Repair And Service
·         Komat'su Equipment Service And Repair
·         Kubota Tractor Repair
·         Mack Equipment Service And Repair
·         Mobile Detroit Engine RepairService
·         Volvo Truck Repair And Service
When it comes to using heavy machinery, it’s important to keep and maintain your equipment so as to ensure that you are getting the best use out of it. Without proper maintenance something could go terribly wrong while you are operating the equipment and create serious or deadly injury to you as a result of it being worn out. This is our concern here at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha and for this reason, we would like to offer our assistance in providing quality line boring services in Ralston NE NE.
What we offer with our line boring services is a technician who is experienced at administering full service equipment and machinery repair. Line bore repairs from 1.5” to 24" are handled with ease and professionalism on construction equipment and large mining equipment. We carry the latest in state of the art line boring equipment and promise nothing short of superior service. You’ll see how steady, yet fast we work and we do so because time is money.
Take a look at the equipment and machinery that you frequently use and look to see if they have worn out bores on them. If you have had them for years and are frequently using them, then chances are that they are worn out. That’s where we at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha can step in.
Get in touch with us now for your line boring service needs!
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Ralston NE NE area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.  We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.  All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed. Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible! Find out why FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Ralston NE NE area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Ralston NE NE Ralston NE area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.
We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.
All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed.
Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible!
Find out why FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Ralston NE NE area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
·         Grove Mobile Cranes
·         Manitowoc Cranes
·         Terex Cranes and Boom Trucks
·         Manitex Boom Trucks
·         National Boom trucks
·         Caterpillar Fork Lifts
·         JLG Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         Gehl Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         New Holland Fork lifts
·         Toyota Industrial Fork Lifts
·         Genie Fork Lifts and Man Lifts
·         Elliott Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Kobelco Cranes
·         Link-Belt Cranes
·         Miller Welders
·         Allmand Light Towers
·         Wacker Light Towers
·         Altec Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Liebherr Cranes
·         USTC Boom Trucks
·         Auto Crane Truck Cranes
·         IMT Service Truck Cranes
·         Summit Service Truck Cranes
·         Maintainer Service Truck Crane
·         Venturo Service Truck Cranes
FX Mobile Mechanics Services Omaha
Best Mobile Mechanic Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA!
CALL Mobile Mechanic 1: (402) 401-7561, http://www.mobileautorepairomaha.com/
CALL Mobile Mechanic 2: (402) 401-7563, http://www.mobilemechanicomaha.com/
CALL Mobile Mechanic 3: (402) 513-4411, http://www.mobilemechanicnearomahane.com/
CALL Towing Service: (402) 401-7564, http://www.towingserviceomaha.com/
CALL Roadside Assistance: (402) 590-8094, http://www.roadsideassistanceomaha.com/
Mobile Mechanic Auto Truck Repair Towing Roadside Assistance Services
Open 7/24
·         RV REPAIR
·         TIRE REPAIR
·         JUMPSTART
·         TOWING
Omaha Nebraska - Council Bluffs Iowa Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Omaha and Sarpy County, including the communities of Omaha, Ralston, Ralston, Carter Lake, Ralston, Ralston, Fremont, Ralston, La Vista, Millard, Ralston, Ralston, Springfield, Ralston, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, Ralston Ne | Ralston Ne | Boys Town Ne | Cedar Bluffs Ne | Cedar Creek Ne | Ceresco Ne | Colon Ne| Ralston Ne |Elmwood Ne | Ralston Ne |Fremont Nebraska |Greenwood Nebraska |Ralston Ne | Herman Nebraska | Ithaca Ne |Kennard Ne |La Vista Nebraska |Louisville Ne |Manley Ne |Mead Ne | Memphis Ne | Missouri Valley Ne | Murdock Ne | Murray Ne | Nehawka Ne |Nickerson Ne | Omaha Ne | Ralston Ne | Ralston Ne | South Bend Ne | Springfield Nebraska | St Columbus Ne | Univ Of Ne Med Center Ne | Valley Ne | Wahoo Nebraska | Washington Ne Waterloo Ne | Waverly Ne | Weeping Water Ne |Yutan Nebraska and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood,  Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178.
0 notes
24 Hour Emergency Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair & Heavy Equipment Mechanic Gretna NE | FX Mobile Mechanic
More Information is at: http://www.mobilemechanicomaha.com/heavy-duty-mechanic-gretna-ne.html
Youtube - https://youtu.be/pRuGDamarBc
Need a heavy-duty equipment mechanic or emergency repair near Gretna NE? Mobile heavy equipment mechanics maintain construction and surface mining equipment, such as bulldozers, cranes, graders, and excavators. Most work for government, equipment rental shops, and large construction and mining companies.We do on-site repairs on heavy machinery, diesels, semis, RVs and save you downtime and a towing fee! Call FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha today or send us a message online!
We do emergency heavy equipment, truck, diesel and RV, Mobile Home repairs on site.
Mobile Repair for Heavy Equipment like:
Bull Dozers • Crushing Plants • Dump Trucks • Tandem Dump Trucks • Backhoes • Trackhoes • Fork Lifts • Road Graders • Earth Moving equipment • Excavators • Skid Steers • Tractors • Loaders • Wheel loaders • cranes • bucket trucks • oil rigs and more
For brands like: Case • Caterpillar • Grove • Htachi • Kobelco • Komatsu • John Deer • New Holland • Link-Belt • Manitowoc • NorthWest • Terex • and more.
We also repair Semi / Diesel Trucks like:
Mack • Peterbilt • Freightliner •Volvo • Cat • International • Cummins • Kenworth to name a few.
And Mobile Auto Repair on all makes and models of RVs
Travel Trailers • Fifth Wheels • Class A • Class B • Class C • Toy Haulers • Pop Up Campers • and Truck Campers
From Manufacturers like: Forest River, Keystone, Jayco, Coachmen, Heartland, Fleetwood, Winnebago, Dutchmen, Thor Motor Coach, Crossroads, Palomino, Gulf Stream, KZ, Prime Time, Starcraft, Skyline, Holiday Rambler, Itasca, Tiffin Motorhomes, Newmar, Open Range, Coleman, Monaco, Airstream, Lance, Cruiser Rv Corp, R-Vision, Eclipse Recreational Vehicles, Roadtrek, Northwood Mfg, Damon, Evergreen, Sunnybrook, Carriage, Shasta, Pacific Coachworks, National, Haulmark, Grand Design, Viking, Nu Wa, and many more.
In addition to regular mechanical issues, we have now also partnered with ReHose, a distributor for Parker Hose to take care of all your pneumatic and hydraulic hose issues on location, throughout Las Vegas.
Save money and learn about your vehicle at the same time! Call FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha. We bring the shop to you. Fully equipped trucks for on site repair of cars, trucks, RV, and heavy equipment, saving you a towing bill. You also get a FREE service call and diagnosis with the minimum repair.
We can perform most repairs right on-site, and you can watch and ask questions if you want. A mechanic is on duty 7 days a week, ready to fix your vehicle in any emergency whether it is at home, work, or school.
Specializing in:
·         Car Repair
·         Trucks
·         SUVs
·         RVs
·         Heavy Machinery
·         Commercial
·         Fleet
·         Emergency
·         Regular Maintenance
and much more!
Our trucks and technicians are equipped to service all makes and models of cars, trucks, RVs and trailers.
Call today for immediate emergency roadside assistance in an emergency or to schedule maintenance service at your convenience.
 Cars and trucks we repair or regularly maintain include Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, GMC, Honda, Hyundai, Isuzu, Jeep, KIA, Lincoln, Mercedes, Mercury, Nissan, Oldsmobile, Plymouth, Pontiac, Toyota, Volkswagen.
RV service on all makes and models of travel trailers, 5th wheels, Class A, Class B, Class C, diesel pushers.
YES! We repair generators — Onan specialist.
Trailer repairs on dual- and single-axle trailers. Service on wheel bearings, axles, lights.
Are you in need of Heavy Equipment & Vehicle Repairs near Gretna NE Gretna? Call us. If it is engine problems, diesel or gas, we have you covered. Hydraulics? No problem. On-site repairs are no big deal. Every hour your equipment isn’t running, you’re losing money. We can set up a maintenance program customized to your needs. When it comes to customer service and making sure the job gets done right, call us.
•             Heavy Equipment Mechanic Gretna NE
•             Heavy Equipment Field Mechanic Services Gretna NE
•             Farm Equipment Mechanics And Service TechniciansGretna NE
•             Heavy Vehicle And Mobile Equipment Service Technicians
•             Industrial Machinery MechanicsGretna NE
•             Mobile MechanicGretna NE
•             Caterpillar Heavy Equipment Mechanic near me
•             Diesel Mechanic near me
Diagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul mobile mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic equipment, such as cranes, bulldozers, graders, and conveyors, used in construction, logging, and surface mining.
Skills and Abilities
Technicians must read and interpret service manuals, so reading ability and communication skills are both important skills to have. The technology used in heavy equipment is becoming more sophisticated, and technicians should feel comfortable with computers and electronics because hand-held diagnostic computers are often used to make engine adjustments and diagnose problems. Primary skills include: inspect, diagnose and repair mechanical problems in machinery or equipment ; perform routine maintenance on equipment and determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed; repair machines or systems using the needed tools; conduct tests to locate mechanical system malfunction ; assemble, dismantle, or reassemble
equipment or machinery; use and maintain welding machines or equipment; weld together metal parts, components, or structures; understand technical operating, service or repair manuals; follow safety standards.
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha loves showing clients in the Gretna NE NE area that not all heavy equipment repair services are created equal. With such an extensive background in the field, customers trust us for providing superb services that stand out.
Customers come to us for everything from minor repairs to major component overhauls that involves tearing out an entire engine and components, inspecting them, and repairing them to the manufacturer recommended levels. Our experts are the ones to turn to for superb services at affordable rates.
We only use the highest grade, industry recommended parts, tools, accessories, equipment, and products in all of our repair jobs.
Regular maintenance keeps a variety of mining equipment, construction equipment, and other specialized equipment in premium operating condition. Many shops avoid these repair jobs because they demand specialized training, industry insight, and certification. We welcome them with open arms!
Whether the issue is minor or major our heavy equipment repair experts can do it all. Companies love how we keep their fleets in premium operating condition!
Heavy equipment poses an increased risk of injury when not mechanically functional. When it is malfunctioning, all types of hazards can occur.
Stay safe in the Gretna NE NE area by trusting the heavy equipment repair professionals at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha. Contact us now!
·         Bobcat Equipment Service And Repair
·         Case Mechanic
·         Caterpillar Equipment Service And Repair
·         Detroit Diesel Mechanic Near Me
·         Detroit Diesel Repair And Service
·         Diesel Mobile Mechanic
·         Doosan Mobile Repair And Service
·         Freightliner Truck Diesel Mechanic
·         Heavy Construction Equipment Service
·         Heavy Equipment Mechanic
·         John Deere Mobile Mechanic
·         Kenworth Truck Repair And Service
·         Komat'su Equipment Service And Repair
·         Kubota Tractor Repair
·         Mack Equipment Service And Repair
·         Mobile Detroit Engine RepairService
·         Volvo Truck Repair And Service
When it comes to using heavy machinery, it’s important to keep and maintain your equipment so as to ensure that you are getting the best use out of it. Without proper maintenance something could go terribly wrong while you are operating the equipment and create serious or deadly injury to you as a result of it being worn out. This is our concern here at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha and for this reason, we would like to offer our assistance in providing quality line boring services in Gretna NE NE.
What we offer with our line boring services is a technician who is experienced at administering full service equipment and machinery repair. Line bore repairs from 1.5” to 24" are handled with ease and professionalism on construction equipment and large mining equipment. We carry the latest in state of the art line boring equipment and promise nothing short of superior service. You’ll see how steady, yet fast we work and we do so because time is money.
Take a look at the equipment and machinery that you frequently use and look to see if they have worn out bores on them. If you have had them for years and are frequently using them, then chances are that they are worn out. That’s where we at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha can step in.
Get in touch with us now for your line boring service needs!
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Gretna NE NE area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.  We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.  All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed. Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible! Find out why FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Gretna NE NE area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Gretna NE NE Gretna NE area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.
We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.
All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed.
Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible!
Find out why FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Gretna NE NE area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
·         Grove Mobile Cranes
·         Manitowoc Cranes
·         Terex Cranes and Boom Trucks
·         Manitex Boom Trucks
·         National Boom trucks
·         Caterpillar Fork Lifts
·         JLG Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         Gehl Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         New Holland Fork lifts
·         Toyota Industrial Fork Lifts
·         Genie Fork Lifts and Man Lifts
·         Elliott Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Kobelco Cranes
·         Link-Belt Cranes
·         Miller Welders
·         Allmand Light Towers
·         Wacker Light Towers
·         Altec Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Liebherr Cranes
·         USTC Boom Trucks
·         Auto Crane Truck Cranes
·         IMT Service Truck Cranes
·         Summit Service Truck Cranes
·         Maintainer Service Truck Crane
·         Venturo Service Truck Cranes
FX Mobile Mechanics Services Omaha
Best Mobile Mechanic Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA!
CALL Mobile Mechanic 1: (402) 401-7561, http://www.mobileautorepairomaha.com/
CALL Mobile Mechanic 2: (402) 401-7563, http://www.mobilemechanicomaha.com/
CALL Mobile Mechanic 3: (402) 513-4411, http://www.mobilemechanicnearomahane.com/
CALL Towing Service: (402) 401-7564, http://www.towingserviceomaha.com/
CALL Roadside Assistance: (402) 590-8094, http://www.roadsideassistanceomaha.com/
Mobile Mechanic Auto Truck Repair Towing Roadside Assistance Services
Open 7/24
·         RV REPAIR
·         TIRE REPAIR
·         JUMPSTART
·         TOWING
Omaha Nebraska - Council Bluffs Iowa Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Omaha and Sarpy County, including the communities of Omaha, Gretna, Gretna, Carter Lake, Gretna, Gretna, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Gretna, Ralston, Springfield, Gretna, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, Gretna Ne | Gretna Ne | Boys Town Ne | Cedar Bluffs Ne | Cedar Creek Ne | Ceresco Ne | Colon Ne| Gretna Ne |Elmwood Ne | Gretna Ne |Fremont Nebraska |Greenwood Nebraska |Gretna Ne | Herman Nebraska | Ithaca Ne |Kennard Ne |La Vista Nebraska |Louisville Ne |Manley Ne |Mead Ne | Memphis Ne | Missouri Valley Ne | Murdock Ne | Murray Ne | Nehawka Ne |Nickerson Ne | Omaha Ne | Gretna Ne | Gretna Ne | South Bend Ne | Springfield Nebraska | St Columbus Ne | Univ Of Ne Med Center Ne | Valley Ne | Wahoo Nebraska | Washington Ne Waterloo Ne | Waverly Ne | Weeping Water Ne |Yutan Nebraska and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood,  Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178.
0 notes
24 Hour Emergency Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair & Heavy Equipment Mechanic Plattsmouth NE | FX Mobile Mechanic
More Information is at: http://www.mobilemechanicomaha.com/heavy-duty-mechanic-plattsmouth-ne.html
Youtube - https://youtu.be/OE7S8PrT9_4
Need a heavy-duty equipment mechanic or emergency repair near Plattsmouth NE? Mobile heavy equipment mechanics maintain construction and surface mining equipment, such as bulldozers, cranes, graders, and excavators. Most work for government, equipment rental shops, and large construction and mining companies.We do on-site repairs on heavy machinery, diesels, semis, RVs and save you downtime and a towing fee! Call FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha today or send us a message online!
We do emergency heavy equipment, truck, diesel and RV, Mobile Home repairs on site.
Mobile Repair for Heavy Equipment like:
Bull Dozers • Crushing Plants • Dump Trucks • Tandem Dump Trucks • Backhoes • Trackhoes • Fork Lifts • Road Graders • Earth Moving equipment • Excavators • Skid Steers • Tractors • Loaders • Wheel loaders • cranes • bucket trucks • oil rigs and more
For brands like: Case • Caterpillar • Grove • Htachi • Kobelco • Komatsu • John Deer • New Holland • Link-Belt • Manitowoc • NorthWest • Terex • and more.
We also repair Semi / Diesel Trucks like:
Mack • Peterbilt • Freightliner •Volvo • Cat • International • Cummins • Kenworth to name a few.
And Mobile Auto Repair on all makes and models of RVs
Travel Trailers • Fifth Wheels • Class A • Class B • Class C • Toy Haulers • Pop Up Campers • and Truck Campers
From Manufacturers like: Forest River, Keystone, Jayco, Coachmen, Heartland, Fleetwood, Winnebago, Dutchmen, Thor Motor Coach, Crossroads, Palomino, Gulf Stream, KZ, Prime Time, Starcraft, Skyline, Holiday Rambler, Itasca, Tiffin Motorhomes, Newmar, Open Range, Coleman, Monaco, Airstream, Lance, Cruiser Rv Corp, R-Vision, Eclipse Recreational Vehicles, Roadtrek, Northwood Mfg, Damon, Evergreen, Sunnybrook, Carriage, Shasta, Pacific Coachworks, National, Haulmark, Grand Design, Viking, Nu Wa, and many more.
In addition to regular mechanical issues, we have now also partnered with ReHose, a distributor for Parker Hose to take care of all your pneumatic and hydraulic hose issues on location, throughout Las Vegas.
Save money and learn about your vehicle at the same time! Call FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha. We bring the shop to you. Fully equipped trucks for on site repair of cars, trucks, RV, and heavy equipment, saving you a towing bill. You also get a FREE service call and diagnosis with the minimum repair.
We can perform most repairs right on-site, and you can watch and ask questions if you want. A mechanic is on duty 7 days a week, ready to fix your vehicle in any emergency whether it is at home, work, or school.
Specializing in:
·         Car Repair
·         Trucks
·         SUVs
·         RVs
·         Heavy Machinery
·         Commercial
·         Fleet
·         Emergency
·         Regular Maintenance
and much more!
Our trucks and technicians are equipped to service all makes and models of cars, trucks, RVs and trailers.
Call today for immediate emergency roadside assistance in an emergency or to schedule maintenance service at your convenience.
 Cars and trucks we repair or regularly maintain include Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, GMC, Honda, Hyundai, Isuzu, Jeep, KIA, Lincoln, Mercedes, Mercury, Nissan, Oldsmobile, Plymouth, Pontiac, Toyota, Volkswagen.
RV service on all makes and models of travel trailers, 5th wheels, Class A, Class B, Class C, diesel pushers.
YES! We repair generators — Onan specialist.
Trailer repairs on dual- and single-axle trailers. Service on wheel bearings, axles, lights.
Are you in need of Heavy Equipment & Vehicle Repairs near Plattsmouth NE Plattsmouth? Call us. If it is engine problems, diesel or gas, we have you covered. Hydraulics? No problem. On-site repairs are no big deal. Every hour your equipment isn’t running, you’re losing money. We can set up a maintenance program customized to your needs. When it comes to customer service and making sure the job gets done right, call us.
•             Heavy Equipment Mechanic Plattsmouth NE
•             Heavy Equipment Field Mechanic Services Plattsmouth NE
•             Farm Equipment Mechanics And Service TechniciansPlattsmouth NE
•             Heavy Vehicle And Mobile Equipment Service Technicians
•             Industrial Machinery MechanicsPlattsmouth NE
•             Mobile MechanicPlattsmouth NE
•             Caterpillar Heavy Equipment Mechanic near me
•             Diesel Mechanic near me
Diagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul mobile mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic equipment, such as cranes, bulldozers, graders, and conveyors, used in construction, logging, and surface mining.
Skills and Abilities
Technicians must read and interpret service manuals, so reading ability and communication skills are both important skills to have. The technology used in heavy equipment is becoming more sophisticated, and technicians should feel comfortable with computers and electronics because hand-held diagnostic computers are often used to make engine adjustments and diagnose problems. Primary skills include: inspect, diagnose and repair mechanical problems in machinery or equipment ; perform routine maintenance on equipment and determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed; repair machines or systems using the needed tools; conduct tests to locate mechanical system malfunction ; assemble, dismantle, or reassemble
equipment or machinery; use and maintain welding machines or equipment; weld together metal parts, components, or structures; understand technical operating, service or repair manuals; follow safety standards.
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha loves showing clients in the Plattsmouth NE NE area that not all heavy equipment repair services are created equal. With such an extensive background in the field, customers trust us for providing superb services that stand out.
Customers come to us for everything from minor repairs to major component overhauls that involves tearing out an entire engine and components, inspecting them, and repairing them to the manufacturer recommended levels. Our experts are the ones to turn to for superb services at affordable rates.
We only use the highest grade, industry recommended parts, tools, accessories, equipment, and products in all of our repair jobs.
Regular maintenance keeps a variety of mining equipment, construction equipment, and other specialized equipment in premium operating condition. Many shops avoid these repair jobs because they demand specialized training, industry insight, and certification. We welcome them with open arms!
Whether the issue is minor or major our heavy equipment repair experts can do it all. Companies love how we keep their fleets in premium operating condition!
Heavy equipment poses an increased risk of injury when not mechanically functional. When it is malfunctioning, all types of hazards can occur.
Stay safe in the Plattsmouth NE NE area by trusting the heavy equipment repair professionals at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha. Contact us now!
·         Bobcat Equipment Service And Repair
·         Case Mechanic
·         Caterpillar Equipment Service And Repair
·         Detroit Diesel Mechanic Near Me
·         Detroit Diesel Repair And Service
·         Diesel Mobile Mechanic
·         Doosan Mobile Repair And Service
·         Freightliner Truck Diesel Mechanic
·         Heavy Construction Equipment Service
·         Heavy Equipment Mechanic
·         John Deere Mobile Mechanic
·         Kenworth Truck Repair And Service
·         Komat'su Equipment Service And Repair
·         Kubota Tractor Repair
·         Mack Equipment Service And Repair
·         Mobile Detroit Engine RepairService
·         Volvo Truck Repair And Service
When it comes to using heavy machinery, it’s important to keep and maintain your equipment so as to ensure that you are getting the best use out of it. Without proper maintenance something could go terribly wrong while you are operating the equipment and create serious or deadly injury to you as a result of it being worn out. This is our concern here at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha and for this reason, we would like to offer our assistance in providing quality line boring services in Plattsmouth NE NE.
What we offer with our line boring services is a technician who is experienced at administering full service equipment and machinery repair. Line bore repairs from 1.5” to 24" are handled with ease and professionalism on construction equipment and large mining equipment. We carry the latest in state of the art line boring equipment and promise nothing short of superior service. You’ll see how steady, yet fast we work and we do so because time is money.
Take a look at the equipment and machinery that you frequently use and look to see if they have worn out bores on them. If you have had them for years and are frequently using them, then chances are that they are worn out. That’s where we at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha can step in.
Get in touch with us now for your line boring service needs!
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Plattsmouth NE NE area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.  We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.  All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed. Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible! Find out why FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Plattsmouth NE NE area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Plattsmouth NE NE Plattsmouth NE area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.
We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.
All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed.
Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible!
Find out why FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Plattsmouth NE NE area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
·         Grove Mobile Cranes
·         Manitowoc Cranes
·         Terex Cranes and Boom Trucks
·         Manitex Boom Trucks
·         National Boom trucks
·         Caterpillar Fork Lifts
·         JLG Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         Gehl Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         New Holland Fork lifts
·         Toyota Industrial Fork Lifts
·         Genie Fork Lifts and Man Lifts
·         Elliott Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Kobelco Cranes
·         Link-Belt Cranes
·         Miller Welders
·         Allmand Light Towers
·         Wacker Light Towers
·         Altec Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Liebherr Cranes
·         USTC Boom Trucks
·         Auto Crane Truck Cranes
·         IMT Service Truck Cranes
·         Summit Service Truck Cranes
·         Maintainer Service Truck Crane
·         Venturo Service Truck Cranes
FX Mobile Mechanics Services Omaha
Best Mobile Mechanic Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA!
CALL Mobile Mechanic 1: (402) 401-7561, http://www.mobileautorepairomaha.com/
CALL Mobile Mechanic 2: (402) 401-7563, http://www.mobilemechanicomaha.com/
CALL Mobile Mechanic 3: (402) 513-4411, http://www.mobilemechanicnearomahane.com/
CALL Towing Service: (402) 401-7564, http://www.towingserviceomaha.com/
CALL Roadside Assistance: (402) 590-8094, http://www.roadsideassistanceomaha.com/
Mobile Mechanic Auto Truck Repair Towing Roadside Assistance Services
Open 7/24
·         RV REPAIR
·         TIRE REPAIR
·         JUMPSTART
·         TOWING
Omaha Nebraska - Council Bluffs Iowa Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Omaha and Sarpy County, including the communities of Omaha, Plattsmouth, Plattsmouth, Carter Lake, Plattsmouth, Plattsmouth, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Plattsmouth, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, Plattsmouth Ne | Plattsmouth Ne | Boys Town Ne | Cedar Bluffs Ne | Cedar Creek Ne | Ceresco Ne | Colon Ne| Plattsmouth Ne |Elmwood Ne | Plattsmouth Ne |Fremont Nebraska |Greenwood Nebraska |Gretna Ne | Herman Nebraska | Ithaca Ne |Kennard Ne |La Vista Nebraska |Louisville Ne |Manley Ne |Mead Ne | Memphis Ne | Missouri Valley Ne | Murdock Ne | Murray Ne | Nehawka Ne |Nickerson Ne | Omaha Ne | Plattsmouth Ne | Plattsmouth Ne | South Bend Ne | Springfield Nebraska | St Columbus Ne | Univ Of Ne Med Center Ne | Valley Ne | Wahoo Nebraska | Washington Ne Waterloo Ne | Waverly Ne | Weeping Water Ne |Yutan Nebraska and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood,  Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178.
0 notes
24 Hour Emergency Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair & Heavy Equipment Mechanic Papillion NE | FX Mobile Mechanic
More Information is at: http://www.mobilemechanicomaha.com/heavy-duty-mechanic-papillion-ne.html
Youtube - https://youtu.be/ecnWrL-_g5g
Need a heavy-duty equipment mechanic or emergency repair near Papillion NE? Mobile heavy equipment mechanics maintain construction and surface mining equipment, such as bulldozers, cranes, graders, and excavators. Most work for government, equipment rental shops, and large construction and mining companies.We do on-site repairs on heavy machinery, diesels, semis, RVs and save you downtime and a towing fee! Call FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha today or send us a message online!
We do emergency heavy equipment, truck, diesel and RV, Mobile Home repairs on site.
Mobile Repair for Heavy Equipment like:
Bull Dozers • Crushing Plants • Dump Trucks • Tandem Dump Trucks • Backhoes • Trackhoes • Fork Lifts • Road Graders • Earth Moving equipment • Excavators • Skid Steers • Tractors • Loaders • Wheel loaders • cranes • bucket trucks • oil rigs and more
For brands like: Case • Caterpillar • Grove • Htachi • Kobelco • Komatsu • John Deer • New Holland • Link-Belt • Manitowoc • NorthWest • Terex • and more.
We also repair Semi / Diesel Trucks like:
Mack • Peterbilt • Freightliner •Volvo • Cat • International • Cummins • Kenworth to name a few.
And Mobile Auto Repair on all makes and models of RVs
Travel Trailers • Fifth Wheels • Class A • Class B • Class C • Toy Haulers • Pop Up Campers • and Truck Campers
From Manufacturers like: Forest River, Keystone, Jayco, Coachmen, Heartland, Fleetwood, Winnebago, Dutchmen, Thor Motor Coach, Crossroads, Palomino, Gulf Stream, KZ, Prime Time, Starcraft, Skyline, Holiday Rambler, Itasca, Tiffin Motorhomes, Newmar, Open Range, Coleman, Monaco, Airstream, Lance, Cruiser Rv Corp, R-Vision, Eclipse Recreational Vehicles, Roadtrek, Northwood Mfg, Damon, Evergreen, Sunnybrook, Carriage, Shasta, Pacific Coachworks, National, Haulmark, Grand Design, Viking, Nu Wa, and many more.
In addition to regular mechanical issues, we have now also partnered with ReHose, a distributor for Parker Hose to take care of all your pneumatic and hydraulic hose issues on location, throughout Las Vegas.
Save money and learn about your vehicle at the same time! Call FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha. We bring the shop to you. Fully equipped trucks for on site repair of cars, trucks, RV, and heavy equipment, saving you a towing bill. You also get a FREE service call and diagnosis with the minimum repair.
We can perform most repairs right on-site, and you can watch and ask questions if you want. A mechanic is on duty 7 days a week, ready to fix your vehicle in any emergency whether it is at home, work, or school.
Specializing in:
·         Car Repair
·         Trucks
·         SUVs
·         RVs
·         Heavy Machinery
·         Commercial
·         Fleet
·         Emergency
·         Regular Maintenance
and much more!
Our trucks and technicians are equipped to service all makes and models of cars, trucks, RVs and trailers.
Call today for immediate emergency roadside assistance in an emergency or to schedule maintenance service at your convenience.
 Cars and trucks we repair or regularly maintain include Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, GMC, Honda, Hyundai, Isuzu, Jeep, KIA, Lincoln, Mercedes, Mercury, Nissan, Oldsmobile, Plymouth, Pontiac, Toyota, Volkswagen.
RV service on all makes and models of travel trailers, 5th wheels, Class A, Class B, Class C, diesel pushers.
YES! We repair generators — Onan specialist.
Trailer repairs on dual- and single-axle trailers. Service on wheel bearings, axles, lights.
Are you in need of Heavy Equipment & Vehicle Repairs near Papillion NE Papillion? Call us. If it is engine problems, diesel or gas, we have you covered. Hydraulics? No problem. On-site repairs are no big deal. Every hour your equipment isn’t running, you’re losing money. We can set up a maintenance program customized to your needs. When it comes to customer service and making sure the job gets done right, call us.
•             Heavy Equipment Mechanic Papillion NE
•             Heavy Equipment Field Mechanic Services Papillion NE
•             Farm Equipment Mechanics And Service TechniciansPapillion NE
•             Heavy Vehicle And Mobile Equipment Service Technicians
•             Industrial Machinery MechanicsPapillion NE
•             Mobile MechanicPapillion NE
•             Caterpillar Heavy Equipment Mechanic near me
•             Diesel Mechanic near me
Diagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul mobile mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic equipment, such as cranes, bulldozers, graders, and conveyors, used in construction, logging, and surface mining.
Skills and Abilities
Technicians must read and interpret service manuals, so reading ability and communication skills are both important skills to have. The technology used in heavy equipment is becoming more sophisticated, and technicians should feel comfortable with computers and electronics because hand-held diagnostic computers are often used to make engine adjustments and diagnose problems. Primary skills include: inspect, diagnose and repair mechanical problems in machinery or equipment ; perform routine maintenance on equipment and determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed; repair machines or systems using the needed tools; conduct tests to locate mechanical system malfunction ; assemble, dismantle, or reassemble
equipment or machinery; use and maintain welding machines or equipment; weld together metal parts, components, or structures; understand technical operating, service or repair manuals; follow safety standards.
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha loves showing clients in the Papillion NE NE area that not all heavy equipment repair services are created equal. With such an extensive background in the field, customers trust us for providing superb services that stand out.
Customers come to us for everything from minor repairs to major component overhauls that involves tearing out an entire engine and components, inspecting them, and repairing them to the manufacturer recommended levels. Our experts are the ones to turn to for superb services at affordable rates.
We only use the highest grade, industry recommended parts, tools, accessories, equipment, and products in all of our repair jobs.
Regular maintenance keeps a variety of mining equipment, construction equipment, and other specialized equipment in premium operating condition. Many shops avoid these repair jobs because they demand specialized training, industry insight, and certification. We welcome them with open arms!
Whether the issue is minor or major our heavy equipment repair experts can do it all. Companies love how we keep their fleets in premium operating condition!
Heavy equipment poses an increased risk of injury when not mechanically functional. When it is malfunctioning, all types of hazards can occur.
Stay safe in the Papillion NE NE area by trusting the heavy equipment repair professionals at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha. Contact us now!
·         Bobcat Equipment Service And Repair
·         Case Mechanic
·         Caterpillar Equipment Service And Repair
·         Detroit Diesel Mechanic Near Me
·         Detroit Diesel Repair And Service
·         Diesel Mobile Mechanic
·         Doosan Mobile Repair And Service
·         Freightliner Truck Diesel Mechanic
·         Heavy Construction Equipment Service
·         Heavy Equipment Mechanic
·         John Deere Mobile Mechanic
·         Kenworth Truck Repair And Service
·         Komat'su Equipment Service And Repair
·         Kubota Tractor Repair
·         Mack Equipment Service And Repair
·         Mobile Detroit Engine RepairService
·         Volvo Truck Repair And Service
When it comes to using heavy machinery, it’s important to keep and maintain your equipment so as to ensure that you are getting the best use out of it. Without proper maintenance something could go terribly wrong while you are operating the equipment and create serious or deadly injury to you as a result of it being worn out. This is our concern here at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha and for this reason, we would like to offer our assistance in providing quality line boring services in Papillion NE NE.
What we offer with our line boring services is a technician who is experienced at administering full service equipment and machinery repair. Line bore repairs from 1.5” to 24" are handled with ease and professionalism on construction equipment and large mining equipment. We carry the latest in state of the art line boring equipment and promise nothing short of superior service. You’ll see how steady, yet fast we work and we do so because time is money.
Take a look at the equipment and machinery that you frequently use and look to see if they have worn out bores on them. If you have had them for years and are frequently using them, then chances are that they are worn out. That’s where we at FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha can step in.
Get in touch with us now for your line boring service needs!
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Papillion NE NE area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.  We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.  All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed. Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible! Find out why FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Papillion NE NE area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha realizes that welding is a specialized skill that many repair shops in the Papillion NE NE Papillion NE area avoid. We are different. We employ a team of highly trained welding experts who have a knack and passion for welding.
We perform a number of welding services to fit as many customer budgets, needs, goals, and objectives as possible. Turn to our experts for superior major welding repairs that can restore equipment and machinery to pre-damaged condition.
All of our welding jobs involve a free consultation with our trained technicians. The consultation gives our experts a chance to obtain valuable information that plays a crucial role in determining which service is needed.
Welding and fabrication is a risky business that requires specialized certifications equipment, tools, and protective clothing. Our technicians are certified and educated welding and fabrication experts who have extensive industry experience. No job is impossible!
Find out why FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha has developed a positive and powerful reputation in the Papillion NE NE area for providing superior welding services by giving us a call.
·         Grove Mobile Cranes
·         Manitowoc Cranes
·         Terex Cranes and Boom Trucks
·         Manitex Boom Trucks
·         National Boom trucks
·         Caterpillar Fork Lifts
·         JLG Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         Gehl Fork Lifts and Manlifts
·         New Holland Fork lifts
·         Toyota Industrial Fork Lifts
·         Genie Fork Lifts and Man Lifts
·         Elliott Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Kobelco Cranes
·         Link-Belt Cranes
·         Miller Welders
·         Allmand Light Towers
·         Wacker Light Towers
·         Altec Man Lifts and Cranes
·         Liebherr Cranes
·         USTC Boom Trucks
·         Auto Crane Truck Cranes
·         IMT Service Truck Cranes
·         Summit Service Truck Cranes
·         Maintainer Service Truck Crane
·         Venturo Service Truck Cranes
FX Mobile Mechanics Services Omaha
Best Mobile Mechanic Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA!
CALL Mobile Mechanic 1: (402) 401-7561, http://www.mobileautorepairomaha.com/
CALL Mobile Mechanic 2: (402) 401-7563, http://www.mobilemechanicomaha.com/
CALL Mobile Mechanic 3: (402) 513-4411, http://www.mobilemechanicnearomahane.com/
CALL Towing Service: (402) 401-7564, http://www.towingserviceomaha.com/
CALL Roadside Assistance: (402) 590-8094, http://www.roadsideassistanceomaha.com/
Mobile Mechanic Auto Truck Repair Towing Roadside Assistance Services
Open 7/24
·         RV REPAIR
·         TIRE REPAIR
·         JUMPSTART
·         TOWING
Omaha Nebraska - Council Bluffs Iowa Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Omaha and Sarpy County, including the communities of Omaha, Papillion, Papillion, Carter Lake, Papillion, Papillion, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, Papillion Ne | Papillion Ne | Boys Town Ne | Cedar Bluffs Ne | Cedar Creek Ne | Ceresco Ne | Colon Ne| Papillion Ne |Elmwood Ne | Papillion Ne |Fremont Nebraska |Greenwood Nebraska |Gretna Ne | Herman Nebraska | Ithaca Ne |Kennard Ne |La Vista Nebraska |Louisville Ne |Manley Ne |Mead Ne | Memphis Ne | Missouri Valley Ne | Murdock Ne | Murray Ne | Nehawka Ne |Nickerson Ne | Omaha Ne | Papillion Ne | Plattsmouth Ne | South Bend Ne | Springfield Nebraska | St Columbus Ne | Univ Of Ne Med Center Ne | Valley Ne | Wahoo Nebraska | Washington Ne Waterloo Ne | Waverly Ne | Weeping Water Ne |Yutan Nebraska and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood, Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178.
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