#cmoputer games
hmosa · 2 years
تحميل لعبة بيس 2010 للكمبيوتر من ميديا فاير بحجم صغير، استمتع مع PES 2010 لأقوي فرق الدوريات الأوروبية والعالمية مع وجود التعليق العربي.
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valleanenowe-dreams · 7 years
Last night’s dream was so fucking dense but I’m really gonan try to dissect it before it starts fading
Driving at night
I was on a website called iScreamer (?) where you just watched this rapid fire cut of different people screaming in fear in reaction to a screamer but after long enough out of nowhere it played a screamer and recorded your reaction and added it to the website, it turned out you were watching all the people who fell for it before
[False awakening] I wake up in bed from how scary the screamer dream was and someone next to me says something then I fall back asleep
I drank nearly the whole bottle of Robitussion and felt pretty good but not what a whole bottle of Robitussion would warrant. Then I was walking on the roadside near my house
Abby offhandedly mentioned on Skype that she was attending MSSU and I said like living at the dorms? She said yes and I said what the fuck I’m like a minute walk away from there then I went over to say hi and found myself in a cafeteria and I got in line then I was in line and typing something into my phone when she revealed herself as the person in front of me and was like HI ALEX and started frantically saying all this stuff and repeatedly calling me she while the guy behind me was going haha what the heck to that and I was making this intense facial expression trying to communicate “STOP DOING THAT”
Then we got to the end of the lunch line and I looked at the food I’d gotten and each one was labeled with the name of a Swans song and I started looking at my plate and back literally looking at individual little bean things and going “Ok that one is Screen Shot, that one is She Loves Us...” but I was missing some so I was like dang have I even heard this whole album. But I couldn’t go back in line to get the missing beans and the worker there was Michael Gira and he was screaming at us at the top of his lungs
Walking really far from my house but I had a second home it was this apartment out in a complex in the middle of nowhere but they’d sold it so it was barren and empty and I felt so sad knowing I no longer had this second building I could go to if it was closer. Then I went around the back of the complex hoping to find an empty apartment I could go into for some reason and I just found a populated one that I entered and ti turned into a Hotline Miami 2 level
Then I was in my bedroom but it was in this huge beautiful 2-story house instead and it turned out these two guys lived there all the time instead of just some family members during the day and there was this 3-track Swans album called “Disbirth” in the closet or as the closet and the only track titles I remember justi ncluded the word “Perspective” and “Disbirth” but I remember the gist of all 3 and the cover was some fleshy thing standing up surorunded by green
The big house was my 2nd home now the main home was just a less lavish house that was 2 story and old like it
I am in the main house and I look out and see a plane flying weirdly then my brother is sittign next to me on a cmoputer and he has a video about the plane pulled up already then we have no roof and I look up and oh my god it’s abotu to crash then it just plummets down like a rock and crashes and explodes and a huge piece flies scarily far straight toward us but doesn’t actually land close to us
A sunlit field, maybe near a school, maybe implied danger. Very nostalgic / Old / Strange
“In the field”: I perceive a two-panel comic. Both panels depict a stone coffin with the lid slid off, from two different angles. The first panel just says “Coming to terms with the fact that 2009 was the last notch”
The cafeteria from before as a Hotline Miami 2 level
I’m with my dad’s real-life boss (J) and her real-life husband (M). They make a post on Facebook about me then I’m with them at a convenience store and they seem to be super nervous about my presence, at least M is. I’m paying for my stuff I got and what to get out and rejoin them in their car in a hurry cause I don’t want to keep them waiting but I get in this involved conversation with the cashier
Suddenly I am completely incapable of opening my eyes for more than like .4 seconds at a time and I talk to the cashier about this. Eventually he brings something up and I say how did you know about that and he says something like “Okay I am not even gonna pretend that I haven’t been like, obsessively following your Tumblr” and I laugh a lot and he and this other guy they’re both “normal” keep yelling stuff at me like about getting me a date or something
Then I’m with them on this circular spiral stairwell and this guy from my school named B is there
Me and someone else are playing through this video game level you run forward through kinda like Crash Bandicoot and it’s like this long detailed video game level it’s like the “Hot level” I thinkI eventually get killed by this big boss in a little room off to the side
I enter this secret ENORMOUS chamber with jsut a scaffolding at the side to be on and at the center is like this enormous 3d sculpture of some pony porn picture
Later on I end up in this room again through a hidden crawlspace except it’s like this beige version made of pencil that’s like a physical space  that’s also “concept art” of where I was before
I’m in a dark kitchen with black/white tiled floor like in an office communicating with this pitch black cube, it reflects so little light that it’s hard to even visually identify as a cube. It’s implied to be a blog that creates image in response to prompts. it’s part of the CIA
I talk to it abotu getting whoever made the pony porn room in trouble and it keeps spitting out these black images, they’re like these unique images Iview in this mental web browser and I keep jacking the brightness up but it just shows the image for like a split second and then when I do it again it’s a different image it shows now, for a split second
Disturbing part of the dream. Near the 2-story alternative house a lady who is a cop is climbing down some rocks toward a river. She is about to finally discover a terrible secret operation. But this is some sort of movie where a lot of people die in these insanely, excessively realistic and fucked up ways and like... I see her decapitated and her head falls down and it’s so realistic but then she’s not decapitated and she just falls down and is suddenly “between”/”inside of” a bunch of rocks and being crushed by them and screams for help and then on top of the hill... Sonic the Hedgehog appears, her old friend
Shadow the Hedgehog is on this exploding station with someone like the Maria thing in whatever game except Maria is this weird looking animal and he takes this baby clone and there’s some narration like “Nobody what happens I will have thsi thing that looks like you” or something
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