#cloverian clothes
vilandel · 3 months
Rosette Vitrail ☘️
(Black Clover OC Profile ☘️)
Rosette is one of my most important OCs I created for Black Clover and also one of my favorites. I'm really happy to share her with all of you 💕
Basic Information
Name: Rosette Vitrail
Age: currently 18
Birthday: 13th November
Sign: Scorpio
Love Interest: Solid Silva
Birthplace: Clover Kingdom's Capital, city villa of house Vitrail
Current Location: Clover Kingdom, Silva Palace
Affinity: Glass Magic
Likes: Detective Novels, Chocolate, the sound of rain against glass, any kind of art with glass, Gossip
Dislikes: Any kinds of diets (one of her biggest nightmares), Unfairness, Contradiction, Arrogance of nobles (especially from her own house), too colorful clothes
Grimoire Design: Black with colorful patterns that look like the rose stained glass windows of a cathedral. The clover is in the middle of it.
Hair Color: White blonde
Eye Color: very pale grey
Height: 158 cm
Due to her appearance, Rosette had a reputation of being unhealthy within Cloverian nobility (which isn't true, she is actually healthy as an ox): Very thin, not very big, extremely pale in skin, hair and eyes, not to mention fragile looking. So, she is mostly invisible in a way.
Rosette mostly wears dresses in any shades of grey (grey is her favorite color), sometimes just grey, sometimes added with some color (most of the time pink, purple, blue, turquoise and green, sometimes also red, yellow, orange and others when she feels bold). Most of her dresses have either an empire waist or a normal one. When she wears grey with another color, there is a ribbon of the same color around her waist.
Her hair is very straight and she usually let it fall free, often hold back by a ribbon (mostly a grey one). Rosette keeps her hair long, currently it falls right above the middle of the back.
Her fingers are long and elegant, but she still has the habit to nag her nails when she's thinking (and she thinks a lot).
Rosette is so pale that sometimes, people have the impression that sunlight can shine through her.
Rosette is a very calm girl and also very observant (due to her childhood). Having spent a lot of times within noble circles of Clover, she became a secret force about gossip and to notice the smallest details. She has very much a detective mind (might be a bit the Hercule Poirot or the Jane Marple of the Clover Kingdom). While she has a romantic side, Rosette is pretty much pragmatic when it comes to herself.
Rosette is very aware about her reputation of not having a very good health and while it had hurt her when she was a child, growing up she decided to make it a mask and a strength instead. She embraced her invisibility, using it to listen to gossips. Over time, she started to have a lot of fun to be invisible and to push people without being noticed, but other times, before she came to live with the Silvas, she felt rather lonely and wish for someone to actually SEE her.
Unlike most nobles, Rosette doesn't look down on people from lower circles than her. At first, she really didn't have an opinion, but through her observations, she came to see commoners, peasants and even misfits as people and started to silently rebel against unfairness. She also doesn't consider training unfitting for a noble and trained her magic in secret for long. But she only started to train self-defense after she came to live with Silvas and interacting more with the Black Bulls.
Rosette is also pretty cheeky and insolent at times, not afraid to go into secret or forbidden archives if she wants to check upon something. Sometimes, when she is angry at a noble, she also likes to make some innocent prank (her invisible mask comes pretty in handy in those situations). After moving into the Silva Palace, when she isn't at noble circles, she is more opened and Vanessa teached her how to tease.
Rosette is also very stubborn when it comes to diets, convinced that they never work at all. Charmy loves her for that.
Despite everything, Rosette still has some affection for her family, but isn't blind that they won't change and accepted a long time ago that she can only love them from afar.
Rosette is from high nobility and from one of the most influential noble houses in Clover. House Vitrail mostly has members with glass magic. She is the second daughter of the head of house Vitrail, Verre Vitrail and his wife, lady Cristal. She has an older sister, Athénaïs. Rosette often lived in the shadow of her sister. In fact, Athénaïs is a true beauty, long golden locks and royal blue eyes, a porcelain skin, her frame is considered to be perfection. Athénaïs is also a typical noble, vain and arrogant and full of herself. But also intelligent and for a while, she was considered to be the perfect noble lady to marry into royalty... Especially Nozel Silva. Rosette still likes her sister, but is not blind to her flaws and consider that it's not to bad if they don't see each other often. Athénaïs, despite all her flaws, still has affection for her younger sister, but it is mostly a selfish affection, because caring for her poor unhealthy little sister is good for her own reputation (there is still genuine affection, though). Her parents have some affection for Rosette, but like normal noble parents, it's mostly vain and often, they don't even realize she's here.
Due to her so-called poor health, Rosette was very lonely as a child. When she wasn't going out on places for typical noble ladies - like circles, tea parties, promenades, soirées or balls - she either spent most of her time in her room or when she was able to sneak out alone, into the library or into some places not "fitting" for a noble girl. She read a lot during those times, learned some foreign languages by herself and also trained her magic. Fun fact, due to a coincidence, she managed to create colored glass. Curious about her discovery, she went (sneak) into libraries and archives to search about any clues about glass magic with stained glass. Sadly, she didn't found much, as stained glass isn't really a thing yet, even for glass magic users. So, she had to work on this without any clue.
Also due to her poor health, her mother swore on giving Rosette very special diet meals, even though she was already so thin. And this is the origin of Rosettes hatred towards diets. One time, she secretly eat A LOT of fattening food during one week... and still waits for those pounds to appear. In the end, Rosette came to the conclusion that she was maybe naturally thin.
Solid Silva:
Rosette and Solid had an arranged marriage. But how it came to that is a little novel. On Solids side, he was for some reason convinced that romantic love was stupid and he claimed that he wanted an arranged marriage, no objection accepted.
On Rosettes side, it was a bit more complicated. First, she came alone to the conclusion that to do something permanent against unfairness within the Clover Kingdom, you have to be a royal. For herself, this would mean that she had to marry into royalty. Like mentioned before, Rosette was very pragmatic when it comes to herself and even though she knew that arranged marriage aren't bond with happiness, she thought that with the right royal family, she might at least have some freedom. She choose the Silvas, for different reasons but also because she felt that there was something with them (not to mention in my headcanons, the current Silva Siblings are also the last Silvas) and Rosette is of course also curious.
Second, Rosette wanted to move away from her family and she wanted to have a real home. Yes, arranged marriages didn't imply getting a home, but Rosette thought that once married and away from house Vitrail, she might work to make her own home.
In a very subtle way, she casually told her father that marrying his second daughter into royalty wouldn't be so bad and her father even believed that he got this idea all by himself. Rosette had to go through some kind of hearing or interview in front of the three royal House Heads, so that they could determine if she was fit to be a royal. She did very well, as house Vitrail got a proposal for her to marry Solid the very next day. Rosette was also bold enough to suggest that she could already move into the Silva Palace, to learn properly to be a royal. This had been once an betrothal tradition that hadn't been applied for decades, but to Rosettes luck, hadn't been abolished either.
It took some time, but the Silvas as well as Vanessa, Asta and even Zora came to like her. Rosette started quickly to feel at home at the Silva Palace. As time passed, she was invited to spend time with the Black Bulls and came to appreciate them. They liked her too, especially Charmy. In fact, after seeing how thin Rosette was, Charmy became pretty worried and gave herself the mission to fattening "this poor bony milk glass" with the most delicious food. Which didn't work, as Rosette is naturally thin. But Rosette didn't complained. After so many years with tasteless and too healthy diet meals, Charmys food and any fat dishes in general were paradise for her.
As for Solid, he and Rosette didn't wait to talk about their betrothal and making things clear that this was an arranged marriage. She suggested to him that they should become partners and trust each other, since they were going to spend the rest of their lives together. Solid accepted, surprised and deep down also grateful that for the first time, someone was ready to trust him and call him a partner. Under Rosettes patience, kind scolding and trust, while he was still a jerk, Solid matured and his redeeming traits started to be more visible. As for Rosette, being with Solid was refreshing to her, as for the first time, she didn't felt alone and he was actually SEEING her.
By getting along, they became close friends and slowly, very slowly, they started to fall in love. Once he realized it, Solid had a total panic attack. He actually run into Nozels office, screaming in fear: "Big brother, it's terrible! I fell in love with my fiancee!" As for Rosette, her biggest surprise was mostly, "Wait, I'm actually able to love without feeling regret and resignation?"
By the time they got married, Solid and Rosette already confessed to each other (a funny situation for her, awkward for him, sweet for both), so despite being arranged, it was a love wedding in the end.
Rosette and Solid aren't the most romantic couple. Rosette is still very pragmatic and Solid, well, is very unsure about being loving and romantic, not to mention still a jerk. But they got along very well and are still a team very often. A team with Rosette as the brain and Solid as the one taking action. Rosette also teases Solid a lot and is the only one unaffected by his jerk attitude. She kinda find this side of him a bit hot.
Rosettes name comes from the rose windows in cathedrals. It means also "little rose" in French.
Vitrail is the French word for stained-glassed window.
I started to imagine Rosette while I was reading the novels of Agatha Christie. This is why I kinda imagine her as the Hercule Poirot or Jane Marple of the Clover Kingdom.
Starts to talk in different languages at the same time when she's upset.
Yami gave her the nickname Ghost Girl, because she is so pale.
Isn't the best cook, but at least can make any kinds of cocoa, chocolate cream or mousse and even grilled cheese sandwiches by herself.
Is a very good dancer. Solid isn't, so when they have to dance, it is Rosette who leads.
Teaches Asta a lot of things about nobility, as she's convinced it will help him once he becomes the Wizard King.
Supports both Nozel and Asta for becoming Wizard King. She supports her new family.
Bonds with Zora about pranks, even though Rosette is nicer.
Bonds with Nebra about gossip.
Once she started to live with the Silvas, Rosette also started to train self-defense. She also has an incredible sense of balance, but only got to train it after she moved away from her family.
Is very irritated that Ki-reading didn't prevented Yami and Asta to be dense.
Helps sometimes Nozel with affairs of house Silva. Over time, he even trusted Rosette directly with some affairs. Since she isn't a Magic Knight, she has a lot of times.
Rosette is one of Charmys favorite people outside of the Black Bulls.
Vanessa started to teach her about needlework. They got along very well.
Became one of Noelles best friends.
Rosette learned about the Silva's past over time and she admired them that despite the mistakes and the past pain, they were able to heal, to make amends and to become a family again. Also helped Solid and Noelle to mend their bonds.
Rosette and Solid got two children together. A son named Eis and a daughter named Nanthilde.
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Can you do a fic where all the captains are at a ball that's for a peace thing with the Heart Kingdom.Charlotte is getting talked up by a heart kingdom noble and Yami gets annoyed and decides to sweep in and make it known their together.
Sry if it's too detailed😭😫
Hiya! No worries, it's not too detailed <3
This ended up being less about a love confession, and more about Yami sticking by Charlotte. But the love is there, so I hope you like it ^^
Pairing: Yami x Charlotte; YamiChar Fanfic type: Oneshot Genre: General/fluff Length: ~0.8k Warnings: a nobleman trying to shame Char; badmouthing
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Charlotte hated these events. Having to partake in balls and other parties that were for show, in the name of forming better relations. But not because the idea behind it would have been bad in itself, instead rather it was about how it was made into a shallow event. Those who wanted to upkeep, and form, better relations, most often weren’t the ones who needed these events, so it ended up being just a collection of people who didn’t want to be there, all playing nice to each other.
However, this ball was different, even if only slightly. Because this ball was for the sake of Clover and Heart growing closer, and it wouldn’t be a simple matter of meeting up with these people on the street or at your neighbour’s house. In order to meet these people, there needed to be a special occasion for it.
She still hated this. But it was a necessary evil. Which is why she made rounds, juts walked about, trying to appear more sociable, until she bumped into someone.
“Hm?” He quirked an eyebrow at her, clearly displeased with her bumping into him.
“It is rather crowded,” she stated, while looking at the man she didn’t know, but was most likely, judging from his outfit, from the Heart Kingdom.
“I would still hope that Cloverian nobility wouldn’t stumble so carelessly,” he stated, peering to her; looking down on her.
“Excuse me, I am Captain Roselei. I might be nobility, but I am also a captain, and I have earn-“
“Earned it?” He cut her off. “Is that why you walk around, looking stiff like your tail is between your legs? Like you’re scared of the people here?”
“Have you no respect for women?!” Her voice came out higher than she would have liked, even if just a hair of it.
“Oh, I have plenty of respect for women,” he argued. “Our queen is good. She is gentle, but she is a good queen. She is open and honest. Our soldiers, are strong, compassionate and open, the women too. But I don’t see many women among the knights in here, and those who are, are like you. Hold their head high, but their eyes look like they’d be ready to lash out at anyone who comes too close. You try to appear strong, but are nothing but a wilted-“
“Done talkin’ there, chum?” The low, heavy voice that seemed to roll through the air, asked. The voice that could belong only to Yami.
“Here to save the damsel in distress?” There was a hint of mockery in the man’s tone, but it was more proud and pleased than anything else.
“It ain’t got nothing to do with her being a lady. It’s about sticking by my spouse,” he stated.
“So, nobility here mingles with commoners?” Another question that was pleased, but laced with a venomous tone.
“Look. You can say what you want about me, make fun of my accent and clothes. Don’t care much about that. But I do know something about having to earn your spot, and that should be clear event to you, considering how we’re both at this party. And her and I are here as Captains.”
There was a brief pause, during which the man thought. But concluded that the statement was reasonable enough. Because Yami wouldn’t have been at the event, had he not earned it somehow, and earning it by birth didn’t seem the likeliest of options. Plus, Yami had been introduced as Captain Sukehiro.
“You don’t see a lot of women among the knight ranks, sure, but that should be more than a reason to say that Charlotte here has earned her place as a Captain. And maybe she doesn’t like being in parties with a bunch of stuck-up nobles. I sure as hell don’t. Or maybe she just ate something bad and that’s why she looks like that. Did you think about that?”
Charlotte could feel heat rising to her cheeks as she frowned, wanting to hide her face in her hands.
“No… I can honestly say that… I …did not… think that,” the man stated, while trying to ask himself if he was really hearing this question at a ball.
“Mhm, next time think about it,” Yami shrugged, while turning around to leave and glancing at Char to follow him away from the man.
And she did, mostly because she didn’t know how else to continue to conversation, nor did she particularly want to stay standing there alone after a conversation like that.
“He’s not worth your time,” Yami continued to her with a hushed tone as they walked off. “Sometimes you gotta pick your battles, and he’s not worth it.” Her lips parted to argue against, as if by default, but… as the seconds ticked away between them, her mouth fell shut. Because he was right. Sometimes battles needed to be chosen. And that wasn’t worth her time and effort. She knew who she was, and her friends, and boyfriend, knew it too
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marune2 · 8 months
The true come up ichika x ida and josele finde out Chapter 3
Cloab whit @loosesodamarble and her oc josele candy
A couple days passed without much happening. Except for an incident of catching Sterling and Johan climbing something they really *shouldn't* have been climbing. And scolding the devils after they lost Dawn and Dusk in the realm of shadows. And Nacht coming back from an argument with the Bulls looking like he took an explosion to the face.
Okay, actually a lot had occurred recently.
But nothing regarding Ida and Ichika happened.
Josele thought that she could finally let go of her suspicions. She almost did.
And then she walked into the changing room that led into the women's bath at the base. Ichika was there, with her hair soaked from washing and in the process of putting on her clothes. Or rather, Ichika was in the process of putting on *Ida's* clothes.
The fashion was Cloverian rather than Hino, so it couldn't have been from Ichika's wardrobe. The shirt was too large and thus one sleeve ended up hanging off Ichika's shoulder. And the pant legs were rolled up several times to fit Ichika's shorter stature. And Josele knew it was Ida's clothes that were being borrowed because the shirt Ichika was putting on was the shirt Josele had bought for her sister-in-law last week.
"Hey Ichika..." Josele choked out while staring at Ichika. She didn't even have the sense to try hiding her shocked gaze. "You know... if you want to borrow clothes, I'm pretty sure Noelle's closure in stature to you..."
Ichika's head turned to Josele and her eyes narrowed. "Noelle's clothes don't suit my tastes. And besides, I'm only borrowing Ida's clothes since I ran out of clean clothes." She let out a huff and briskly left the room.
"Uh... huh..." Josele bit the inside of her cheek.
What Ichika had said, regarding her reason for borrowing clothes at least, was a lie.
Josele blinked a couple of times.
If there was something deeper going on between Ichika and Ida, Josele needed to confirm it soon. Or risk going bonkers from the lack of certainty.
Ida look’s at ichika whit a question face “it’s just my ore is Josie looking more at ur direction?”
Ichika seufs “yes she is but she don’t catch on us I believe you should use you shadow if you come too my room ore gets my in your room
“Yes sounds good if we speak of the devil I believe she come”
Josele come in the open room as she see ichika and Ida sitting on the couch Ida drawing and ichika have her green tee as fare nothing suspicious “hello Ida and ichika “
“Hello josele-san”
“Sup Josie is something wrong?”
“Ah no I whas just looking after Sterling and Johan again”say she smiling
Ida raise a eye brow it’s a half lie what is she hiding?”good Johan and Sterling are gone too Asta if you search for them”
“Ah thank you “then go josele of
Ichika looking after josele “so what now?”
“We meet in my room the night my dear I will make it ready after all it’s ur half year event and Asta did bring us the stuff”
“Sounds good my dear moonlight “
At night
Josele did want too looking if Ida and ichika are in the living room but they are not there what is surprising
Well do they sleep? But Ida and sleeping? She sleeping in the morning after breakfast some hours normally
Josele gose then too the girls corridors after all she should sleep but the hear she Ida’s voice in her room it’s sound like she mourning? And the a snickers from ichika? Have Ida her red Weck? Again and eat a dear again??? Just let’s look if they are ok wo know if ida need More red flesh then can she hunt again like good old times just looking if they ok how wrong will it’s go?
Josele rapped her knuckles on Ida's door.
"GYAAH!" Ida let out a hollar, as if she'd be hit by something.
Listening more closely, Josele also made out the sound of Ichika groaning, definitely in irritation.
"Ida? It's Josele! Are you alright in there?"
"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be okay?" Ida snapped back.
Josele frowned. Ida was snippy with everyone. Not even the years of affection between the sisters-in-law kept Josele from Ida's harsh tone every now and again. Yet there was something sharper to Ida's tone in the present.
"You were making some... um... sounds? For lack of better words..."
"Uh-huh. And?"
"Is it that time of the month? I could hunt something fresh for you if you need it."
"Ah, no need to worry about me!" Ida said while letting out a laugh. "Ichika is just... showing me Hino style massages! And I gotta say, they really beat the masseuses here!"
Josele leaned away from the door with one eyebrow raised.
*A massage? Ichika knows how to give massages? Not only that, but I should've heard her explaining her technique rather than laughing... I should've, right?* "O...kay..." Josele took a step back. "I'll... leave you to it. And maybe I'll ask Ida for pointers later."
As Josele walked away, she had a sinking feeling in her chest.
There probably was some touching going on behind the door. Just not a massage.
Back in Ida's bedroom, Ichika batted at Ida's shoulder and hissed, "A massage?! If Josele-san asks me later, I'm not going to have an answer for her!"
"I'm sorry! I panicked!"
Ichika seufs “good but we need too plan what I’m saying now……bevor she ask my…”
“Is good at least I know a little over massage man I fuc€t up”
The next day
It’s whas nothing very big Ida is sleeping on the couch in the living room and Vanessa is drinking there too and ichika clean her sword and the other bulls are on a mission so josele drinking her Tee
Then Gose josele to ichika “ida sleep peaceful this is rare you work is a Wunder what a form of massage are you using this Ida sleeping this long”
Ichika looks josele strait in the eyes” yes she is it’s a secret technic I use I use to massage the vital points in her body”
Josele raise a eye brow it’s sounds plausible too her but why is she nervous?” Sounds good it’s surprising Ida don’t let somebody on her so close normally as whit you it’s still surprising my”
Ichika looks at josele “ oh I know what you mean in the beginning did Ida-San and I beat us in fight’s but now there we talk more I understand her and she my”say she whit a smile
Josele smile at her but it’s sound really close “sounds good I believe this you tow are really close”
In the moment snore Vanessa in her drunken sleeping???
Ichika say fast bevor josele could ask questions “yes it’s seems so but she did proved herself too my and I to her so no Wunder
Josele “yes I understand….you tow like each other really mush I’m happy abaut this”smile
Ichika get’s Panik do she know?!?!
In this moment wake ida up and she have no clue what going on” oh…..hey ummm is everything ok Ore what the hell I looking at?
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toomanythought · 3 years
A critique of the magic knight captain's outfits because that's the kind of mood I'm in.
1. Charlotte
I've decided that she has the best outfit of anyone here.
She's got several colors going on, but most of them are neutral so It's ok
Blue and silver with gold accents isn't really a color scheme you can go wrong with
Could use a little more armor, but overall a rather practical look
Could stand to loose the helmet but overall not bad
10/10 something I would wear
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2. Dorothy
I'm loving the energy of the pink in this one.
Honestly very pretty aesthetic
Not a lot going on, pretty much only pink w/ some black and white accents (There are two different shades of pink but that's ok because they're in separate pieces and nothing else is going on)
The green on her hat really helps make the pink less overwhelming, a great choice
Minus points because those shorts look a little bit like underwear and her boots should probably be black.
9/10 wouldn't wear it but I'd recommend a friend
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3. The Vermilions:
It's pretty much the exact same outfit but Mereoleona wears it so much better.
The red and orange is kind of a bad combo, and I thought it was basic knowledge that redheads should avoid wearing red
The blue does work to cut this a bit though, so it's not as overwhelming as it could be
Kinda iffy on the pink sash. It really should match the cape by outfit laws, but I think that would put too much red in the entire thing
Fuegoleon you're pretty but that outfit really isn't doing it for you. Minus points for the lack of titty window. In the future show more skin. 6/10
Like I said, it's basically the same outfit, but Mereoleona wears it with a very different energy and manages to make it look good. I get pirate queen vibes. 8.5/10
Overall 7/10; I might wear elements of it.
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4. Rill
The clothing needs a different style/cut but the colors are decent.
His cape doesn't class with his hair, and he's got the light colors well balanced with the dark
He looks like he's outgrown his pants though
Like seriously
They're a bit too short to be wearing without boots
And at least wear some socks to cover it up
Gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and say he hit a growth spirt and Walter hasn't had time to let out the hems
Shoes make me think of Tinker belle
6/10 I like the colors but he really needs different pants, and maybe shoes
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5. Yami
Surprisingly not the worst but I am not without criticism.
He's got an aesthetic going that allows him to get away with a bit
As an outfit it's ok, but there's a distinct lack of professionalism going on
Sir are you really going to wear nothing but a tank top 24/7?
Also the over pant thingies make it look like he's wet himself
I like the creativity with the squad robe. No one else wears it like that
His outfit was better when he was with the Grey Deer
Can' figure out what's up with those boots
5/10. I'd never recommend wearing it but it's got a practicality to it.
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6. Nozel
My dude you're rich enough to afford a stylist.
We're not even talking about the hair at this point, there are so many things that need straightened out
The ocean/teal blue he's got going on does not work with the periwinkle.
Also what's up with the pant leg cut outs. I really fail to understand the practicality of them
Why are there sandals
We are fighting people
Please wear close toed shoes
Also feathers and fur? Get it together my dude
While we're at it the feathers are kinda ugly in arrangement
3/10 I feel like someone failed to successfully merge two different outfits together.
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7. Kaiser
I don't have a lot to say. It's pretty bland.
Very shapeless and fluffy
I'm honestly getting hot just looking at it
Aside from the buttons + gloves and squad robe, there's not much going on
I don't have many critiques of the squad robe. It's purple and yellow. Nothing too horrible.
5/10. Very generic and boring. Don't like at all but it's hard to come up with concrete bad things
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8. Jack
Sir do you understand the purpose of clothes
It looks like an armored outfit so you get practicality points
What is up with all the leather straps
They literally serve no purpose
Please put on a proper shirt that covers your midriff
The pants/shoes combo is kinda sketchy
He needs to have either the black or the green running all the way up
2/10. It's just... ugly
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9. William
Sir I know your life sucks but please learn how to dress yourself. Your squad wears the uniform too and you aren't doing them any favors.
Feathers and fluff. Are you a bird dude? Is that your magic? No. It's trees. I know you like birds but you don't need to look like one
Please don't get me started on the colors
For posterity's sake I will now list every color contained within this outfit:
Dark Red
Tan? Light gold?
Dark blue
Lighter blue (but only in one place and it's not touching the dark blue)
Purple. Because this outfit needed some more pizzazz.
Get some pink and green and you'll be representing all the squads with ease
The style and cut is actually pretty good but the colors are beyond horrid
He tells Julius that the mask is tacky and then continues to wear it
And also match the rest of his clothing to it
He should have kept the mask as a statement piece and kept the outfit as one or two colors.
Honestly a very in character outfit because it demonstrates his inability to choose a side
3/10 I guess. I like some things about it but there's just too much going on. Bad overall outfit. Needs help desperately. Ask Mimosa. I have a feeling she realized it was bad.
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toomanythought · 3 years
What are your thoughts on what the Black Bulls wear?
There are more than ten of them so I'm just gonna pick ten and put the others in different categories.
Nacht Faust
K so mister Faust doesn't have a profile image that I could easily find because he likes to be difficult, so we'll be using this.
Ngl I kinda like it
Def weird though
The row of belts is strange but they do serve to break the outfit up and prevent him from looking like a pole so there's that
Somehow still manages to give off whore vibes despite not showing an inch of skin
The collar could probably be better; the only thing covering your chin should be some kind of scarf or head covering, not your collar
Pretty unmemorable as a whole, but I guess he is a spy so that works out
8/10 could be better but I'd wear it.
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Finral Rolacouse
His other hairstyle is really so much better. When I was first getting into this I didn't think he looked too bad, but since I've gotten used to the new cut, this looks really bad.
Outfit wise, he's got pretty descent color coordination
It's also rather practical for general movement and operation
By far not the best look he could have, but he doesn't immediately come off as clueless
Pretty plain, 7/10 just because I know in my gut that he could do better
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Henry Legolant
This guy shows up everywhere in his pajamas and I applaud him for that.
Not much to say, he doesn't even have slippers though and that seems dangerous
His hair really is the star of the show here, so it's probably good that the outfit itself is rather plain.
The outfit does highlight how long and string-beany he is, and considering how tall he actually is, he might not want that
7/10 it works for him, I'd suggest adding some kind of belt though for maximal potential
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Gordon Agrippa
He just looks like he's wearing a military uniform
Honestly that aesthetic is on point though
Very goth, fairly certain I went to school with girls who did their makeup to look just like him
Loving the red highlights, they give the outfit character without being overwhelming
His belt matches his shoes, something many people frequently get wrong
Sidenote on that: My eighth grade homeroom teacher once complained to us about how his wife wouldn't let him wear black shoes with a brown belt and we were all like. um. Yeah.
Anyways 10/10 I want to own it.
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Honestly very cute
I like the colors, definitely giving Charlotte vibes with the color scheme, although the outfit itself is very different
Not sure I personally vibe with the puffy pants
The shoes are a little sketchy, but they! Match! the! belt!
Excellent job Grey, you are in fact a functional adult who can also put together a matching outfit that doesn't clash with your hair
6/10 It def loses points with me for the pants, between the puffiness and where they end, I just can't do it.
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Gauche Adlai
Kinda ugly tbh
It's probably just the drabness of the colors that I'm not vibing with
But the lines down his pants and his shoes are also strange
The knee pads are a diservice
I like the pouches, they're very efficient
Also the elbow pads are pretty cool
5/10 I really hate the pants but it looks like an outfit built for practicality.
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Charmy Pappitson
I actually have worn this outfit, although not in public
Pretty generic
It's a sweatshirt and leggings, where can you go wrong
The grimoire case could be a better color
I'd match it to the shoes personally
Alternatively you match the shoes to the cover and give her a matching hair clip
9/10 built for comfort, fairly mobile, not hideous
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Magna Swing
It looks like it could be a slutty outfit but the way he wears it is distinctly not slutty.
Could use a better hairstyle
I'm always so concerned about the glasses, he breaks them too often
That shirt is clearly designed to show the midriff and yet he does not show the midriff. Mixed feeling about this.
The colors are good
Belt matches pants, pants fit, there's even a cool chain
I'm a sucker for fingerless gloves, that's all I'm saying
9/10 I'd wear it with some modifications
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Luck Voltia
He looks like a child
That is not a shirt. That is a bib.
It's like some kind of shapeless night gown? Really not vibing
The pants clash with the bib
The boots are a bit too tall and the pants are too short to wear together
Luck my child why are you wearing your grimoire on your chest. How does that make it accesible
A belt, specifically one that matched the pants, would go a long ways towards saving this outfit
2/10 could be worse but it just screams young child
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Zora Ideale
Where to start.
It's just a bit hideous
His piercings/mask/hair/eyes are all fine and look good
But What, pray tell, is going on with the rest of this
It's like Jack all over again
I'm just confused by what's going on
Just now remembering that his dad technically designed this so I can't be too harsh because it's sentimental but.
Zora. You are allowed a little creative freedom
Hoping the fur can be worn around his midriff so he doesn't freeze to death
That's how he's gonna die in the Spade kingdom arc. Mark my words
The shape? The metal bits? The texture changes? The lack of proper shirt (I'm sure Asta was inspired by him)? None of it good
0/10 just needs Help
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It's bad.
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toomanythought · 3 years
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Does it look good? No
Is it better than what he's currently wearing? Probably
Did I spend multiple hours using all five of the tools I know how to use in photopea? I'd rather not disclose.
Also now that I'm looking at it on my phone instead of my laptop I really hate the yellow around his collar but I'm tired so it's staying.
Edit: Fixed the collar
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toomanythought · 3 years
One (1) person asked for more, so have outfit critique: The Other Vermillions Edition
I didn't do as many this time but I'm still putting it under a cut so people don't have to scroll past it.
Also I'm open to requests if anyone wants me to make fun of something.
First up, we have Leo
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It's literally the same outfit as his siblings except combined.
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He took Mereoleona's pant/shoe style and Fuegoleon's jacket.
Honestly adorable and all, but Leo, you're a teenager now. You really should have grown out of this need to emulate your siblings.
That being said, I'm unsure about the removal of the gold accenting on the shoes
(Side note: I think it's absolutely hilarious that the royals have so much money, yet all their children wear the exact same clothes)
Honestly not much to say other than he needs to get his own style
A moment of silence for his post time skip hair though. That must be mourned.
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My boy. Why would they do this to you. You didn't deserve it.
Honestly the short hair draws more attention to the braid, which is low-key just bad. I've never liked it, and it's very easy to pull in a fight.
In-universe explanation for the bad haircut is that he set his head on fire while training.
Post-time skip squad robe is 20 million times better though, so I guess there's a give-and-take situation
Kirsch Vermillion
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Look I don't like it at all but I'm struggling to come up with actual criticism
The outfit actually works
I hate this so much
It's not good but he clearly knows what he's doing when he dresses himself
You know those things that say red heads should wear pink instead of red? Kirsch certainly does
The dark green shoes up in multiple places in the outfit and doesn't clash with the pink, thereby avoiding a fashion error
The gold is strategically interspersed so as not to be overwhelming while still unifying the outfit
The sandals match the waist thing (Corset? I'm not sure)
His main garment is long and flowy but he has hard lines in it that make him look less like a cloud
It also highlights how tall he is and serves to make him appear taller
K wait I think I just identified a nitpick and that's his anklets, because they break the line of his leg
But I think he would actually look worse without them due to reasons that would take too long to explain here so.
Anyways screw this I hate him so much (affectionate)
Mimosa Vermillion
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Clearly grew up with Kirsch and Knows shit about fashion but she doesn't want to
Cutting off her pants so high up low-key makes her look a bit like a cream puff
Her boots are skin tight though and very high up so it actually just serves to create contrast
Like William, her cape is also cut in a semi-circle, a subtle nod to the fact that she intends to replace him as captain
The squad cloak doesn't match her outfit but it doesn't clash horribly either
Props to her for not opting for the uniform
I'd describe the aesthetic as soft-sexy vibes, which isn't very battle practical, but I guess she's a healer so it's fine
Literally what is with the royals making their kids dress the same
Is it an identifier? Can we not recognize our children? Is making our children wear a crest not enough for us? Must they also wear the same clothing?
Anyways I've recently concluded that Mimosa is the end-game villain because that just Makes Sense
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HEY! HEY HEY! I have a request! :))) so I have this idea that Yami has a younger brother and the little brother come to the Clover in hopes of finding him. I think Yami washes up where the village(?) underwater was but instead the little brother washing up there he is near hage
So! I probably should have stated this as a x
F!reader type thing kinda enemies to lover because y/n doesn’t like the clover kingdom or the magic knights but has a sweet spot for kids so she’s determined to help little brother out…*ahem* I dunno if I put enough info here for you to go off of and I HOPE that this meets the requirements for a request 😛🙏 maybe she’s a spy from the spade and she had a change of heart bc Yami is… Yami!
I’m going to leave this in your hands now 😛🙏🙏
Hello hello~
Hmm, a spy eh 😏 there's so many possibilities for pining and hesitation and the tension! An excellent idea 👌
I made this as a kind of a prelude to a romance, but I do hope you like it!
Pairing: Yami Sukhiro x f!reader
Genre: fluff/slice of life
Fic type: Oneshot
Length: ~1.3k
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You looked at the young man you had just fished out of the ocean, cooking some fish on a camp fire. Well. Technically you hadn’t fished him out of the ocean, just found him on the shore, but since he was lying face down in the sand, you might just as well have fished him out.
Though you were supposed to be spying on Cloverians, you couldn’t just help but feel sorry for the young man, boy. Boy compared to you.
And he hadn’t exactly struck you as a Cloverian. Maybe it was the clothes he wore, or just his general being, but what had sealed the deal for you, of him not being from Clover, was his accent. Or language, actually. His speech was understandable, but clumsy and… simple. Simple sentences that conveyed his thoughts to an extent, but nothing elaborate. But. It sufficed.
You looked at him, looking intently at the fish that he was cooking, being mindful of not burning the sleeves of the clothes you had lent him. Just baggy pants and a shirt. He was lucky that you had a change set of clothing, one that fit him. Because otherwise he would have been stuck trying to stay warm in soaked through clothes, and that was one hell of a situation to be in.
You crossed your arms and looked up to the evening sky with a faint sigh. The boy had introduced himself as Kage, and told you that he had set sails to find his brother. Which struck you as brave, idiotic, deranged and admirable, give the circumstances. Because, sure, there was logic in allowing the tides to carry him away from his homeland the same as the brother, and hopefully taking him to the same location as his brother years before him. But. There was a lot of ‘hope’, ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ associated with it.
It was hardly a plan. But you had to admit that the kid had some guts. And he would continue looking for his brother, which brought you around to the request he had made a short while ago, one, because of which, you were now furiously thinking.
You were here as a spy. Kage did not know that and you sure as hell weren’t going to tell him. You did not like being in Clover. You weren’t going to tell him that either. But. You were going to go around the country anyhow, with the maps and vague ideas of places you had been given, so… you might just as well let him tag along. You were both on unfamiliar grounds, but he had the added difficulties of not really knowing the language and not being properly equipped.
“Sure… I’ll help you out,” you told him with heavy syllables, making a decision right there and then, that if it started to look like you’d do him more harm than good, then you’d part your way from him. Because… the last thing Kage needed was being associated with a spy.
So, you started travelling around, him trying to find information about his brother, which was like trying to find a needle in a haystack, and you just… trying to gather information. And as you did so, you learned about a squad of knights that was led by an… eccentric man. One that peculiar, rare type of magic, which seemed to spark light in Kage’s eyes, and he insisted that you’d search this squad out. Which you didn’t quite oppose, since… if this was an ‘eccentric’ bunch of knights in the kingdom, maybe there’d be worthwhile information in there. It could very well have been that this squad would be the trump cards Clover would utilize, and that information would be highly valuable, if that was the case.
And though it took a while, to locate the base dep in the woods, in a place that one wouldn’t really expect a Magic Knight Base to be, you finally found it.
You were greeted by two young men, one with fire magic and the other with lightning.
They didn’t seem too suspicious, more… eager, or curious, asking if you were lost. How strange, you thought. Maybe Cloverians are as dumb as they say…
Kage, however, eagerly explained to them his situation. And after some chatter, the two said something about their captain, and ran off, telling you and Kage to follow. Like a couple of school kids. How naïve…
So, you were there, lingering in the side lines when a man, built like a fridge, emerged from inside the base. And there was… something, in the way he looked at Kage, and Kage looked at him. After which they began speaking in that strange language of theirs.
There was a hug. One that only brothers could share.
Kage cried.
The older brother looked like he wanted to cry, but had forgotten what tears tasted like.
Looks like my job is taken care of… this one, at least…
As much as you hated Cloverians, you felt it for them. And, well, technically, Kage and his brother weren’t from Clover. The brother had been living in Clover for a good while, but technically he wasn’t from Clover. He had just wound up here. And… you couldn’t really blame him about it.
“Oi,” the brother called out, making you turn back around and face him.
He’s… pretty handsome…You shook your head. Where did that come from?
“You helped Kage out, so… the least I can do is offer you dinner,” he offered. It was a clumsy offer, but… not a bad one. And besides, it had been a long day, so, you might just as well accept it.
Plus it felt… bad to just leave Kage like that. You had been travelling for a while now, and you had grown fond of him. He was like a little brother to you, so you could handle one dinner or afternoon, with a bunch of Cloverians. And… Yami, as you came to know him, seemed like a decent enough of a person. As did the … kids in his squad.
You had expected a knight squad to be formed of older people. Though, then again, training started very early on in Spade as well, so it wasn’t that different. But what seemed different, was the abundance of food they had. At least compared to Spade. Perhaps you should have gotten used to it by now, having travelled for so long, but… it had been just you and Kage. And now that you were at a table with… mostly Coverians, watching how they lived their lives… Watching how Yami handled, or tried to handle, the bunch of hooligans… a bunch of… kids… at the dinner table… eating their bellies full.
Despite the stories you had been told of Clover, about what it’d be like, about how they’d be… This was nothing like that. This was… like a family. That was the best word to describe it.
None of these kids were bad, just like Kage wasn’t bad. And Yami, he… wasn’t bad. He might have wound up here the same as Kage, but that didn’t make him evil. Besides he seemed sincere. The way he interacted with everyone; the way he talked to you; the way he… smiled…
Perhaps it was just the fatigue, or food coma talking but… this didn’t seem that bad of a place to be. Not especially with the warm blanket being placed onto your shoulders as you had settled onto the sofa, and your consciousness begun to drift off.
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toomanythought · 2 years
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108 notes • Posted 2021-04-12 20:32:21 GMT
My mom has this theory that part of Gauche's obsession with Marie has to do with her magic subtly affecting him.
An element of her magic is clearly the ability to control people, and given their circumstances it would have made sense for it to react to protect her. Making Gauche obsessed with her happiness and well-being is a pretty good guarantee of safety for her.
The other side to that theory is that the longer he spends away from her, the more the effect fades, which might be part of why he's not allowed to see her frequently, given that the effects of her magic are known.
Anyways, I just thought it was kinda interesting, so have it.
117 notes • Posted 2021-05-18 01:59:16 GMT
Finral is a pacifist and Langris is the most violent person in any given room and I think that's a beautiful sibling relationship.
125 notes • Posted 2021-04-12 21:05:44 GMT
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128 notes • Posted 2021-05-02 22:09:21 GMT
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Has this been done yet?
201 notes • Posted 2021-05-14 01:01:33 GMT
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