utterxdesires · 2 years
continued from here ; @clearlywrcng​
He seemed to be in a really good mood which made Ekaterina’s shoulders loosen up a little. She got closer to his bed and put the basket down onto the desk and chuckled at his comment. “Yeah, that would be me. I thought fresh fruits and baked sweets will help with the recovery. Plus they always make me feel good, so…”she said with a shrug. “Boring? Sounds about right, can’t imagine hospitals being a lot of fun.”Ekaterina commented as she looked him over just to see how he was doing. “I don’t know if they told you my name, I’m Ekaterina. And I’ve been coming over to see how you were, and to apologize… for, you know, smashing into you with my car. I really thought I have killed you and I’ve just felt so guilty…”she admitted with a soft sigh. “But I’m happy to see you’re in good spirits and recovering. Do you know when they’ll let you go home?”
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allcve · 2 years
@clearlywrcng​ liked for a starter from Cleo Cleo had dated many people in her lifetime, but she hadn’t found the ‘one’. That is if the one even existed. She grew up in a war zone where her parents always played chess emotionally.Always a battle for the upper hand. She didn’t know what a solid and healthy relationship was. Was it the stuff of fairytales? She was beginning to grow fonder of the male, but she still had her guard up.  “What are you doing?” The female spoke, raising a brow at the male who seemingly made himself at home. HER home. She wasn’t someone who let people stay, always trying to keep people at bay.
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cottoncandysoul · 5 years
@clearlywrcng liked for a starter!
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       “hey! cab thief!” she’s never had a problem catching her own cab, but every morning, for the last two weeks, this particular gentleman (she uses the term loosely) has had a knack for stealing her cab right out from underneath her. while her mother would never be the type to believe in fate and serendipity and all that mumbo jumbo, kalani has always been a bit more open minded. it’s too convenient and he’s not entirely unfortunate looking. she doesn’t expect to run into him at the bakery down the street, however, so when she sees the familiar face, she can’t help herself. “weren’t you ever taught it’s not respectful to steal a cab from a lady?” kalani queries with a raised brow and a knowing grin on her lips. she’s hardly dressed to the nines - yoga pants, sweatshirt baring one shoulder and the sports bra beneath indicative of how she’d just spent the better part of her morning. “i think you owe me dinner for the inconvenience,” she adds, head cocked to the side as she eyes him carefully. there’s a very good chance he hadn’t a single clue who she even was. or that he’d been stealing her cabs from her for the past two weeks. maybe she was reading too much into the situation. maybe she’s hopeful, that after this horrid dry spell she’s had, her luck might possibly be changing. 
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shatteres · 2 years
「 🌸 」  𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 , annalise doherty for @clearlywrcng​ . from this plot . 
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    annalise  looks  up  when  the  door  opens  ,  frowning  a  little  when  they  step  into  the  room  .  “  you  really        you  really  didn’t  have  to  come  here  .  i’m  alright  ,  it’s  really  not  that  bad  .  ”
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nenarps · 5 years
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with a drink in one hand, luna had an easy time sauntering around as the ideal hostess. the conversations were short, cordial; more than anything congratulating the couple and asking questions about the ‘big day’. she weaved in and out of conversations without missing a step. hat was until she saw him finding his way into the party. late, as per usual, but the sight of him sparking some immoral excitement within her. excusing her from her current conversation, she sauntered over to daniel, giving him what seemed to be a chaste hug and chaste kiss on his cheek. “michael’s been looking for you, you should probably head over to find him. needs his best man, you know” luna cooed in a teasing voice. // @clearlywrcng
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