#clairxie positivity day 2022
pygmalimoon · 2 years
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Clairxie Positivity Day [Part Two] 01/11
8. Late Night · Human Feel
八、亥時 · 凡人聖物
「What is gentle than the breeze and more indestructible than steel?」
「Human heart.」
Artist: taoxier Concept: moonthrus
It's been a long time, but finally it's November! Post someting to bring back and preview the Magic Kids event XDD It’s just the start, there will be more after I finish the personal stuff, looking forward to the end of this month (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ ((also winter vacation is sorely needed…
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Hiii~ I am happy to tell that after some discussion and preparation, our sorcerers squad will be hosting Clairxie Positivity Day on 29th July 2022. 🪄🔮
You can post works with any content related to Clairxie Shipping on that day (stories/drawings/edits/etc.). The event will be held both on Tumblr and Instagram. Don’t forget to add the #clairxiepositivityday2022 tag and @drown-in-cerulean-fume when posting the work, the bot will help reblog your post for events participation.
We have collected some prompts for you, but these are just suggestions. We encourage you can do all the prompts you want.
And it will be perfectly fine if postpone the release of work. The event time is flexible^^
We are looking forward, and thank you for your participation!🌠🎉
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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❷Today · Selenophile
貳、今日 · 迷戀月亮的人/水想花
「The waves are calm and you are floating on them.
The wind blows the petals that fall to the river and gently kisses the cheeks.」
Elements of the moon and star🌙⭐️
「There is nothing eternal, thank you for leading me to escape from time, old age and death.」
Artist: taoxier
Concept: moonthrus
*Clare's costume references to Morgana from the Merlin TV series
*The flower in the image is Iris
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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Drowning Signal · 溺水信號
「You know I'll jump into that deep blue, without hesitation.」
Artist: Xuan
Concept: Moonthrus
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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❸ Tomorrow · When the darkness comes
「Underneath the echoes,
buried in the shadows,
there you were.
Drawn into your mystery,
I was just beginning,
to see your ghost.」
—‘When the darkness comes’ by Colbie Caillat
Artist: Hokuuuuuuuuto
Concept: Moonthrus
The series is ended for a while now, and I have imagined countless times that they would meet again in a new timeline.
「It's a sunny morning, walking down the street before the heaviness of the night engulfed in shadows subsides, she inadvertently brushes past someone with an odd familiarity that forces her to look back. He was standing in the direction of the light and met her gaze.」
The universe is too wide to see the end, so there are infinite possibilities. The stories between them are inexhaustible.
It’s the last piece of the events, hope you enjoy. And thank you for your participation, attention and support all these time, see you next time! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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❶ Before · Half Light
壹、從前 · 半盞燈火
「Your optimism is like a bad habit.
What is it that holds you tight?
Just like now, I know you’re crying.
Over there, from your chest.
So take off your disguised joy,
It’s always okay to cry.」
Artist: Jiayee
Concept: moonthrus
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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Clairxie Positivity Day [Part Two] 01/11
11. Late Noon · We dance at the end of the century
十一、申時· 我們在世紀末跳舞
「Take my hand, I’ll teach you dance. I’ll spin you around, won’t let you fall down.」
- ‘All about us’ by He Is We
Artist: BeiJiu
Concept: moonthrus
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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Clairxie Positivity Day [Part One] 29/07
1. Early hours · Midnight Angel
一、子时 · 午夜天使降临
I hope you meet someone who stands in the dark and confusion that shields you from all the anxiety and noise, and then you heard his voice:
Don't be afraid Claire,
Slow down.
Your edges will be smoothed out and peace will come.
Artist: 翾 (Xuan) Concept: 游移月 (Moonthrus)
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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Clairxie Positivity Day [Part One] 23/09
7. Late Dawn· Fairy Tale 「Part 3」 (Ancient Chinese Dynasty AU)
七、卯时 · 玉交枝 「凤鸾吟」
※鲜血表现 注意🩸⚠️
「A thousand times or more in quest of none. Who, I have concluded, cannot be found; For, everywhere, no trace of him can be seen. When, all of a sudden, I turn around. That’s him, where lanterns are few and far between.」
“Don't pretend like you can’t see, there are obviously so many red strings between us. Don't be deliberately detached, the sense of distance will not be a hindrance to us.”
Fate and connection is a complex and tangled thing, it doesn’t need to be deliberately carved. From the moment you and I exist in the world, it has already been buried in the ambush. We come from different pasts and have seen different landscapes along the way, but this will not stop me from running towards you. At the moment we meet and our horizons cross, you will know that some people are born knowing each other. Time, space are never an obstacle.
Now after you see this, close your eyes and take a breath, then feel my temperature. Countless invisible red strings entwine us so tightly that even if one is cut, it won’t be a matter at all.
Artist: 甲乙想吸狗
Concept: 游移月 (Moonthrus)
It's me again! ((I'm a liar loll
Because of the positive feedback I received from some friends who mentioned their passion for Ancient Chinese AU, I decided to release my last illustration (for now the last one)that prepared for this series in advance. There will be more different new content in November, thank you for your support and attention all the time, enjoy (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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Clairxie Positivity Day [Part One] 29/07
6. Early evening · Fairy Tale 「Part 2」(Ancient Chinese Dynasty AU)
六、酉时 · 长相思 「凤鸾吟」
「My soul can't fly o'er sky so vast nor earth so wide. In dreams I can't go through mountain pass to her side. We are so far apart, the yearning breaks my heart.」
But what if we were braver?
At least for now, I want you to stay.
Even if it's just for a little while.
Artist: 甲乙想吸狗
Concept: 游移月 (Moonthrus)
Hiii well I lied XD, this is the piece that represents the real end of my part one for the event. Still preparing something for continue the celebration, the second half will be released in the coming few months~ Enjoy and stay tuned^^
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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Clairxie Positivity Day [Part Two] 01/11
12. Noon · After Class
十二、午時 · 放課後
「There is a lot I want to tell you ⋯」
Copyright belongs to @drown-in-cerulean-fume
It could be the cozy routine that Claire's mentor picks her up after her drama club rehearsal. I think this one is more of a family vibe.
Her wrist brace comes from Aunt Morgana, and the new clothes are inspired by their medieval costumes in Wizards.
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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Clairxie Positivity Day [Part Two] 01/11
10. Early Noon · Oops
十、巳時· 約會意外
🐈‍⬛😝➡️😲😳💘💞 ♡Some sweet stuff♡
Artist: Jiayee Concept: moonthrus
端平一下 因為我想看笨蛋情侶///🤣🧸🎸
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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Clairxie Positivity Day [Part Two] 01/11
9. Early Dawn · What We Talk About When We Talk About Redemption?
九、丑時 · 當我們談論救贖的時候我們在談論什麼?
Watch her sink.
The Guide.
A Crowd.
Lean on me.
Artist: BeiJiu
Concept: moonthrus
The original topic was from ‘What We Talk About When We Talk About Love’ is a collection of short stories by writer Raymond Carver.
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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“I've been pushed into overtime, it all turned on me on a dime. Kind heart with a filthy mind, somebody tell me this is real life. Know the earth is moving too slow, so shut up and close your eyes. Tell me things that only you know, do I fit in your design?”
-your design by grace mitchell
Clairxie Positivity Day [Part One] 29/07
4. Sunset · Studying Together
四、戌时 · 惟有时光
Also the new illustration for A Hundred Lifetimes: a Clairxie AU by@/AmazingWriterMan. Chapter 8 is now out on Wattpad ^^
Free birds fly away from each other, and lonely people look for each other.
This time, will you and I be each other's salvation?
Think it through and don't let go.
Don’t missed it!!🌟🎆
Find more about the story on tumblr.
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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Clairxie Positivity Day [Special celebration] 10/09/22
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 🌕����
Artist: 杯汣
Concept: 游移月 (Moonthrus)
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pygmalimoon · 2 years
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Clairxie Positivity Day [Part One] 29/07
3. Early morning · Fairy Tale (Ancient Chinese Dynasty AU)
三、辰时 · 凤鸾吟 (古代王朝 AU)
凰 (Huang), 凤 ( Feng ), and 鸾 ( Luan ) are sacred birds from ancient Chinese mythology. At that time, there were many 凰 ( Huang ) and 凤 (Feng ), and they always became couples. 鸾 ( Luan ) envies them; it has the most beautiful voice and expects to attract his partner with his voice, but unfortunately, there is no second 鸾 ( Luan ) in the world, so he is always alone.
The 凤 ( Feng ) pursues the 凰 ( Huang ), but not all ardent love is reciprocated. When a lonely 凤 ( Feng ) falls due to heartbreak, the 鸾 ( Luan ) finds her and sings the most beautiful song for her to comfort and wake her up, and this time, finally, they were both not alone anymore.
Douxie is an astrologer who has served the royal family since childhood and lives alone in a remote shrine, presiding over the rituals and blessings of the palace. And Claire is a county princess of the royal family who came from the emperor's fiefdom and has been fostered in the court as a hostage since childhood. During this long time, she began to reveal her family's talent for witchcraft (she came from a family of warlocks) and was placed as Douxie's apprentice to learn and control her magic.
But times were turbulent, and the defeated palace needed marriage to maintain a peaceful situation. The princess who was to be married unfortunately passed away, so Claire was chosen as the princess to replace her in the marriage. The long time together, the two, as mentor and apprentice and also best friends, have developed feelings for each other, but who have not yet said their feelings, they are forced to separate.
In ancient China, red symbolized love and marriage, while white represented coldness and mourning.
"She is wearing a red but is not flying towards you."
(All references and headcanons come from ancient Chinese history and mythology, so please keep a diverse and tolerant view of this story, thanks ^^)
Artist: 甲乙想吸狗
Concept: 游移月 (Moonthrus)
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