#chlonath week 2k17
aarspi · 7 years
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Chlonath Week Day 5: Holding Hands/First Kiss
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youcancallmecirce · 7 years
ChloNath Week, Day 6: I hate that I love you.
“Hello, beautiful.”  Nathanael smiled as Chloe flounced into the shared living area of his dorm, slung her bag onto the couch, and sat with a huff.  He tossed his books to the scarred coffee table, and pulled her booted feet into his lap.  “What’s got your wings in a twist today?”
She glared at him.  “Stop it.”
His smile faded as he looked at her, bewildered, and his hands paused at the zipper on her boot.  “Stop what?  I haven’t had a chance to do anything to piss you off yet.”  He pulled the boot from her foot and set it on the floor. “Have I?”
She rolled her eyes, and gestured towards him, as he eased her other boot from her foot and began to gently massage the arch.  “That!  Stop being so…so lovable!”
He blinked, and his hands stilled.  “I’m lovable?”
Chloe glared at him again, and sank back against the armrest with her arms crossed over her chest.  “You know you are,” she grumbled.
He grinned, and switched to her other foot.  “Well, I do, but only in the general sense.  I didn’t know that you think I’m lovable.”
“Yeah, well, don’t let it go to your head, Red.”
“Do you know what, Bee?”  She looked at him, her brow raised, and he leaned towards her as if he were about to impart a secret.  “I think you’re lovable, too.”
“Ugh!”  She pulled her feet from him and stood.   “See?  That’s what I’m talking about.  You can’t keep doing that.  How can I keep you at arm’s length when you do that?”
He rose as well, and moved to stand directly in front of her, wondering if he should push her.  She glared at his chest, but he put a bent finger beneath her chin, and tipped her face up to meet his eyes.  “Why do you want to keep me at arm’s length, Chloe?”  He asked, his voice low and his pulse racing.
She moistened her lips, but said nothing.
He gulped, knowing that once said, these things could not be unsaid.  “What if I said that I want us to be closer?”
Her lips parted on a soft gasp.  “I’d—I’d tell you to dream on.”
He stepped closer, and rested his other hand on her hip.  “What if I told you that I do dream about you?  About us?”
“Then I’d—I’d—” She cut herself off, and licked her lips again.  “You do?  Really?”
“Yeah, I do.”  He pulled her closer still, until their bodies were separated by nothing but their clothing.  He studied her eyes, weighing the tenderness there against the words he wanted to say.  He took a deep breath, and forged ahead.  “I think I love you, Chloe.”
Her eyes widened, and then she squeezed them shut and dropped her forehead against his chest.  “I love you too, Red.  And I hate it.”
He felt her whispered words like blows, feeling both joy and despair slip through him.  He leaned his cheek on her head, and began rubbing her back.  “Why?”
“Because love makes you vulnerable.  I hate to be vulnerable.  I hate that I love you—”
“—because it gives you the power to hurt me.”
He closed his eyes, hurting for her.  What had her life been, to have taught her to view love as a weakness?  He stepped back, his hands on her shoulders, and peered into her face.  “We have the power to hurt each other.”
She blanched.  “No!  I don’t want it.”
“I love you, Chloe.”  He shrugged, letting his hands fall.  “I—I don’t expect anything from you.  I’d like to see where this goes, to see what we could be, but if all you ever want from me is to be friends, I can—I can do that.  I won’t push you.”
“Damnit, Nathanael.  Damn you for making me want things!”  She glared at him, holding her body rigid as she warred with herself.  He saw it, the moment that she gave in to herself, and she saw his eyes widen in understanding.  She surged forward and he met her, their arms going around one another and their lips crashing together with the intensity of a kiss too long denied.  
“Merde,” she breathed, sometime later.  “Why did we wait so long to do that?”
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angellecookiewingz · 7 years
Chloé: I give paris a reason to live.
Nathanaël: Really? So how come I die a little everyday?
Chloé: ...
Chloé: I have nothing to say to you Mr. Kurtzburg.
Nathanaël: Ditto, babe.
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fueledbysprite · 5 years
chlonath au from chlonath week 2k17, now including a brand new oneshot!
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aarspi · 7 years
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Chlonath Week Day 7: AU - Role Swap!
Exactly what it means, Chloe and Nathanael swap places, she’s the shy artist and he’s the rich brat who redeems himself. But Oh not, it doesn’t end there. Everyone swaps roles. Adrien is Ladybug, Marinette is Chat Noir, Marinette was Nathanael’s childhood friend, Nino and Alya swap pretty much! I could go on. 
I’m sorry these drawings aren’t the best, something came up so I was rushing, I want to flush out their designs in a later date, but meanwhile, enjoy the final day of Nathchlo week! Thank you all for enjoying this collab between @krzed and I! 
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aarspi · 7 years
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So, yeah. You know the last day of Chlonath Week? Day 7: AU, where me and @krzed collabed and I did shitty drawings (to me they were) and krzed’s story deserved better. Well, here you go. 
Chlonath Week Day 7 revisited: Au - Role Swap!
Much better :3
Oh and remember to check out the krzed’s drabble for Day 7, which hopefully he’ll post along with this again *hint hint* as well as the comic series I work on! @daemonsvenatus
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youcancallmecirce · 7 years
ChloNath Week, Day 7: Alternate Universe(s)
“Have you ever thought about what your life might be like in an alternate universe?”
Chloe pushed herself up onto an elbow so stare blankly at Nathanael.
“What?  It’s fascinating.  The possibilities are endless.”
“Your post-coital train of thought is ever entertaining,” she said dryly.  Then she lowered her head back to his shoulder, squirming until she was once more tucked comfortably against his side.  His thumb resumed making lazy circles on her hip, and she sighed happily.   “I can only assume that you’ve been thinking about alternate universes.”
“Mmm.  I could be the spoiled child of the Mayor, and you could be the awkward artist,” he teased.
She slapped his chest, but without force.  “Bite your tongue, Tomato.”
“I like the idea of us being super heroes.  There has to be one like that!  You could be…Queen Bee, and fly around saving Paris in a magical super suit.”
“Yeah, along with my ladybug, cat and fox partners.” She snorted at the absurdity of it.   “You’re ridiculous.  Would you be a hero, too?”
“Of course!  I’d be a…a peacock hero.”
“A peacock?  Yeah, right.”  She scoffed.  “You’re not vain or flamboyant, and you lack flair.”
“Maybe.  But I am sinfully handsome, and the costume would match my eyes.”
“I take it back, you are vain,” she deadpanned.
He chuckled.  “Maybe there’s one where our genders are flipped.  I’d be Nathalie, and you’d be…uh, Cole.”
Chloe giggled in spite of herself.  “Or one where we’re both girls?”
“That could be interesting.”
“Only if we were both bi or lesbian.”
He laughed.  “I can’t imagine a world in which I wouldn’t love you, regardless.”
“Oh, shut up, you dork, and kiss me.”
He rolled over her with a wolfish grin.  “As you wish, Queen Bee.”
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angellecookiewingz · 7 years
Chlonath Week Day 2: Honey/ Tomato- "Little Stars”
It's late but it's here! I hope you enjoy it!
Chloé was bored. She was always bored these days. Ever since she got her miraculous, she had been trying to change (for the better, of course.) But old habits die hard and she found that at times things would just... slip.
Nathanaël had been a victim to one of these unintentional assaults on one fateful day. He was just collecting his to go home for the day. He hadn't noticed Chloé staring at him whilst in deep thought.
'His hair is so red. Who even keeps their hair that red? Is it natural? It like a giant freaking tomato...'
"Wow, thanks for the compliment, Chloé. And yes, my hair is naturally this red."
'Did I just say that out loud? I can't believe I just said that out loud!'
"Year, I can't believe it either."
'I really need to stop doing that!"
"Yeah, you should."
"Don't tell me what to do. You have no right speaking to the Mayor's daughter that way."
She couldn't believe she just pulled the 'daddy' card again. She was starting to see why it used to annoy everyone else. Hell, even she felt annoyed with it. It was silent for a bit. She did not like that. It just started, but she was enjoying the little banter between herself and the artist and she wasn't ready for it to end quite yet. She was about to try and apologize but Nathanaël started speaking first.
"What does this have to do with rights? I was just agreeing with what you were saying. Moreover Chloé, I know you're the Mayor's daughter, everyone knows it. But you need to remember that in the end you're just the Mayor's daughter, you're not the Mayor."
He was so close. How did that happen? And how did she miss that he was taller than her now? And his eyes, she knew he had gorgeous eyes, but seeing them up close? Damn they were amazing. Was he having an effect on her? Yes. Should she let him know? Never. She needed to leave before he got the idea though.
"Point taken. But I have someplace to be and I don't want to be late. We'll continue this tomorrow, Red."
With that, Chloé strutted out of the classroom and made her way into the vehicle waiting outside for her. On her way out, she couldn't help but wonder who he was and what had he done to Nathanaël. He was still Nathanaël, she could see that. But he was no longer the same Nathanaël she could boss around anymore, she liked that.
She spent the next few months taking any chance she got to talk to Nathanaël, although they were usually arguing, not that she minded. It's just for fun. It was just for the pure enjoyment she got from their arguments. That was what she kept telling herself ever. Until one day it dawned on her that maybe that wasn't all it was.
Chloé was collecting her things to go home for the day. She was looking for one of her textbooks but couldn't seem to find it anywhere. She was so busy looking for the book that she hadn't noticed Nathanaël had entered the classroom.
"Hey Chlo, looking for something?"
"Not now Nathan... I can't find my textbook!"
"You mean this textbook?"
"Honestly, I have no time right now. If it has my name on it, then it's my book. Give it to me and move on. If it doesn't have my name on it th n throw it in the trash." She turned around, folding her arms. "It's pretty simple logic, shouldn't be hard, even for you, Red."
"First of all, stop calling me that, second of all, since you feel the need to make smartass comments, I'll just have to keep this chemistry textbook."
He was having way too much fun with this, much to Chloé's dismay. "Give my book, I swear-"
"You have to use your magic words, Chloé."
She rolled her eyes, "Oh trust me, Red, you really don't want to hear my magic words."
He pretended to think about it for a moment before saying 'Touché' as he handed over her book.
it was quiet as Chloé finished putting away the last of her things. It was quiet until Nathanaël broke the silence.
"Sabrina didn't copy those notes for me, did She?"
"What are you talking about?"
"That time I was sick. You gave me notes tha Sabrina copied, except she didn't and it was you, wasn't it?"
He couldn't have figured it out, could he? So she could just play dumb and maybe he would drop it, right?
"I know that you wrote the notes, Chloé."
So much for her plan. She turned to face him as she placed her bag on her shoulder. "How did you know it was me?"
"It was your book. It had 'Property of Chloé Bourgeois' written on it, and all the "I's" were dotted with little stars. The writing matched the one used for the notes, and all the "I's" were dotted with little stars."
'Damn those little stars!' "Okay, fine. You caught me, but you can't tell anyone, or I'll end you!"
He smiled. "Chloé, you and I both know you don't scare me anymore."
She raised a brow at him. "Really?"
"Really, and in fact, I think it's pretty sweet. You have your moments when you're kinda mean, but you can be really sweet, like honey."
Suddenly, she felt the need quickly leave the classroom. She chose the wrong day to go easy on the makeup. He couldn't see what was happening could he? She started walking towards the door, but stopped when she had her hand on the handle. "You're welcome by the way, for the notes. The day I gave them to you, you said thank you, and I never said it, so, you're welcome. Bye Red!"
She left the classroom so quickly that the words didn't really get a good chance to leave her mouth.
"You can be pretty sweet, like honey."
If it was possible, she started blushing even more.
It was in that moment Chloé had finally realized exactly why she kept on arguing with Nathanaël, why she enjoyed talking with him at all.
"Oh Chloé! Why did you have to go fall for the giant freaking tomato?"
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angellecookiewingz · 7 years
Chlonath Week 2017 Day 1: Bickering/Flirting  “Just Maybe”
Look who's late to the party... :’)
This wasn't going to be uploaded until my last exam ended, but I found some time and uploaded it today. Hope you'll like it!
She's a horrible human being, and as far as he was concerned, they shared nothing but bad memories together. Nothing good ever came from her presence, so why did this happen? How did it happen?
What could've possibly caused this? They barely spent anytime together, and any time spent together was mostly spent fighting.
"You're in my way. Move, Red."
"Chloé, the hall is huge. You can walk on the other side."
"You're still in my way, Red."
"Stop calling me that."
He ended up moving after a second. There was no reason to waste time having pointless fights with Chloé.
Maybe all the time spent with her wasn't that bad.They had their moments.
It had been a long weekend and Nathanaël was thankful to be bad at school. Not that he enjoyed it, but it was better to be at school than at home with a fever. Hell, what's the point of being away from school if he still couldn't draw? He'd rather argue with Chloé.
He thought too soon. She started walking towards him with a determined look on her face.
"Hey Red, it's not like I care or anything, cause I don't, but you weren't here yesterday or on Friday. So I had Sabrina copy these notes for you. But like I said, it's not like I even care or something, I really don't."
Nathanaël couldn't help but smile a bit at how flustered the blonde had looked while she handed him the notes. This was a new look for Chloé and he was enjoying it, perhaps a little too much. "Thank you, Chloé."
"Don't expect this to happen often. I only did this cause you're cute- I meant because you don't have an acute understanding of what we did in class since you weren't here and all. That's why I brought the notes for you, so you can have an acute understanding of what we did in class."
He thanked his lucky stars he was still slightly flushed from being sick all weekend. Well, maybe he was still sick. He wasn't really feeling that well this morning. He couldn't have heard that right, could he?
"Anyways, I have to go somewhere, but don't make me- I meant... Whatever, just be here. It's no fun to argue with Maricrap anymore."
She could be kind of sweet, in her own way, when she wasn't being shallow and insensitive. She was actually kind of nice, kind of. She's not really as bad as she makes herself look.
"Look Chloé, I already told you; the hallway is wide enough for hundreds of people. It's empty now, there's definitely space enough for the both of us."
"What's the problem? Maybe I just like your space, Red."
Nathanaël thanked his hair that day. It was his shield so Chloé couldn't see exactly what his face was, red. "Stop calling me that."
She was a little-or a lot sassy. She says the first thing that comes to mind. She has zero filter and zero chill. She had more pride than a peacock and an ego twice the size of the sun. And she may not act like it, but maybe she had a heart of gold.
"Nathanaël? Nathanaël! Are you okay? What happened?" Concern laced her voice as she ran towards him.
"It's nothing Chloé, I'm fine."
"Fine? Are you kidding me? Then why are you holding your hand like that? Let me see that?" He held out his hand for her to see. Chloé Bourgeois was not one to take 'no' in any fashion or form for an answer. "Right, you're fine. Fine my ass! That's a lot of blood for someone who's "fine." What happened?" She used her hand kerchief to temporarily bandage the wound.
"It's nothing Ladybug can't fix, really. The akuma had my sketchbook. I had some important sketches in there. I had to try to get it back..."
"Ugh! Stupid Red! I told you not to do that again, didn't I?"
"You never told me anything Chlo."
"Yes I did! I told you not make me worry."
Maybe she wouldn't have been his first choice, and maybe a little hard around the edges. Maybe they were complete opposites, maybe they were always at it with each other and maybe he thought she was kind of cute. But maybe he had a thing for her.
Just maybe, Nathanaël Kurtzburg had a crush on Chloé Bourgeois.
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youcancallmecirce · 7 years
ChloNath Week Day 5: First Kiss/Holding Hands
Nathanael saw movement out of the corner of his eye, and saw Chloe rubbing the palm of her hand over her jeans.  He returned his attention to their professor with a mental shrug.
A few minutes later, he saw the same jerky movement in his peripheral vision and looked again; this time, she scratched the side of her neck, her elbow brushing his sleeve.  Frowning, he looked back to their teacher.
The third time, he was quick enough to catch the abortive move towards his hand, and he finally understood.  She was trying to hold his hand!  He felt his heart thump, and heat rise in his cheeks. It was one thing for her to seek him out, at the school or the gallery; friends do that sort of thing all the time. It was one thing for her to buy his sculpture; goodness knows, her father happily indulged her whims often enough. But for her to want physical contact, even something as simple as holding hands, was something else.
He leaned over to put his mouth by her ear.  “Are you trying to hold my hand, Bee?”
She flushed.  “Of course not!  I’m just…fidgety today,” she whispered back.  “And I told you not to call me that.”
“You like Bee just as much as I like Red.”
She darted a glance at him.  “You like it when I call you Red?”
He smiled warmly.  “I do.  And you just confirmed that you like Bee.”
She looked away with a sniff.   “Then I’ll have to quit calling you that.”
Nathanael studied her profile for a moment, and with his heart hammering in his chest, slowly reached out his hand to touch hers.  She looked to their hands with a quietly in-drawn breath, but didn’t pull away.  He slid his fingertips up the back of her hand, between her knuckles, and threaded them between hers to curl them against her palm.  Her eyes flicked to his, her mouth open in a small O.
Still holding her eyes, he bent his elbow and lifted their joined hands, gently tilting their wrists back to expose her palm, and pressed a kiss to the center.  She gasped again, and he felt his lips tip upward in an uncertain smile.
She didn’t return his smile.  Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips, she blinked, and then she looked back toward the front of the auditorium.
Nathanael frowned, returned her hand to its place, and released her.  Had he misread her?
But then she grabbed his hand, palm to palm, and twined their fingers together.
His heart thumped again, but he spent the rest of the class with his hand in hers, and a smile on his face.
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angellecookiewingz · 7 years
Because I'm running extremely late on my contributions for Chlonath week... here's a sneak peek of my entry for Day 2
(I'm on mobile so sorry for any typos) School was long and usually felt like torture, but today somehow felt a lot worse. Chloé couldn't figure out what was wrong until she found herself looking behind her ever so often, or looking at the doors to see if he would show up. She just about lost all hope unil she heard someone rushing to get to class. She was hoping that maybe it would be him, but alas, it was the wrong artist that came in. Marinette, late as per usual.
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