missjanjie · 5 months
Jiji + Oh. Oh.
“I recognize that face,” Nicky observed with a smirk.
“Face? What face?” Jackie sputtered, doing little to seem even remotely innocuous. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”
She just laughed at her friend’s poor attempt at denial. “Please. I know an ‘oh’ face when I see one.”
“Ew, Nicky.”
The blonde rolled her eyes. “Not like that. You just realized I was right and you do have a crush on Gigi,” she surmised triumphantly.
In turn, Jackie groaned in defeat. “And what difference does it make? What model works in a high end agency and goes ‘oh yeah, I wanna bang the office secretary’?”
“More than you may think.”
The two turned around to see Gigi leaning against the door frame with a smirk. “Nicky, darling, could you give us a moment?”
And with that, Nicky left, her mission accomplished.
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For the prompt ask maybe 43+ A + Z (friends to lovers) and Jankie <3
43 “I just wish you’d look at me that way.” + A. High School AU + Z. Specify: friends to lovers + Jankie
(I love a good Jankie 🥰 -Sinner)
Jackie knew that she and Jan were unlikely friends. Jan was pretty and one of the most popular girls in school. Her, Rosé, Denali and Nicky Doll were high school royalty, and the fact that they all liked Jackie enough to let her sit with them was absolutely mind blowing to her.
It was actually Nicky who introduced them. Despite her supermodel good looks and sexy French accent, Nicky was actually a huge nerd and would hang out with her and Rock and play video games and watch nerdy shows.
Nicky had invited them to come to lunch with her and her girls, and Rock had quickly declined, saying she had to help Erika with something, abandoning Jackie to go have lunch with the popular girls, who to Jackie’s relieved surprise, were all extremely nice and actually pretty goofy.
That one day became everyday, and Jackie was quite shocked to find herself considered one of the popular girls. And as the popular girls, all five of them were up for Spring Formal Queen. Jackie was flustered that she’d even been nominated at all.
She was shopping for dresses with Jan and Nicky. Denali and Rosé were going with each other of course, so they were shopping together and were going to surprise the other girls. Nicky was taking Jaida and they already had outfits so it was just her and Jan. She figured she could take Rock... but she hadn’t asked anyone yet.
“Jan, who are you going to ask to formal?” Jackie asked.
She bit her lip. “I don’t know... I was kinda hoping someone would ask me...”
Jackie looked at her. “They haven’t yet? They’re missing out. You’d make the best date!” She smiled encouragingly at her friend.
Nicky looked incredulously at her. ‘What?’ she mouthed.
Nicky just shook her head. She grabbed two coordinating dresses off the rack, handing one to Jan and one to Jackie. “Here. Put these on. Go!” She hustled them into changing rooms.
The dress Nicky gave her was sexy, way sexier than Jackie would have picked for herself. It was backless, and tight to her booty but high necked enough to not make Jackie feel too exposed. The length was very flattering too.
Jackie emerged at the same time as Jan and Jackie sucked in a breath... holy shit Jan was so beautiful... she looked like an angel, just gorgeous and hot and so so out of Jackie’s league. Nicky had given them coordinating outfits but Jan far outshined her. Jackie didn’t mind. She knew Jan would. Jan was absolutely stunning.
Nicky had wandered off and Jackie blushed, realizing just how much she’d been staring at her friend.
“You look great, Jan,” she said quietly, looking away.
“So do you Jackie. I just wish you’d look at me that way more...”
Jackie looked back at her. “Wh-what?”
“Jackie... I want you to take me to formal.”
Jackie’s jaw dropped. “Me??”
Jan bit her lip. “Unless you don’t want to?”
Jackie took her friend’s hands. “It’s not like that at all. I’d love to take you to formal. I just thought you were so out of my league...”
Jan laughed. “Oh my god! Jackie!”
She wrapped Jackie’s arms around her so they were standing in a prom pose, looking at the mirror. “Look at you, look at us. We fit together so perfectly.” Jan looked expectantly at her.
Shit, what was Jan expecting?
Nicky’s voice sounded behind them. “Ask her to formal already so we can buy these dresses!”
They laughed.
Jackie kept hold of Jan’s hands. “Jan, will you go to formal with me?”
Jan smiled radiantly. “I’d love to Jackie.”
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missjanjie · 5 months
how about this for a prompt: write a letter from one character to another in the ship of your choice (maybe jackie and someone?)
alexa play as if we never said goodbye (this is set in that universe and i took some liberties bcs i missed the summer camp au)
“How do you spell ‘enamored’?” Jackie asked without looking up from her notebook.
Crystal furrowed her brows. “How do you define it?” She tried to lean over to glimpse at what her cabin-mate was writing, but was promptly blocked.
“Nevermind. I don’t want Jan to think I’m showing off anyway… or that I was showing off when she reads this in the future,” she mumbled, scribbling out some lines before ripping out the page and crumpling it up in frustration.
She tilted her head. “If she’s not gonna see this until we open the time capsule, why are you so worried about what it says? We’re gonna be like, basically grown-ups.”
Jackie flopped back on the bed with a dramatic sigh. ��You don’t get it, this has to sum up everything I feel while making sense. Don’t you want the last thing you say to Gigi to be meaningful?”
“We already slept in the same bed, we’re basically pre-married.”
“Engaged,” she corrected.
“Engaged in what?”
She laughed, finally taking a moment to calm down. “I just want this to be perfect, I can’t just stuff a bunch of failed love letters into the time capsule. This is supposed to be romantic.”
Crystal furrowed her brows. “What about what happened at the Halloween party?”
Jackie blushed, pulling the hoodie of her sweatshirt over her head. “That’s different. I think.”
She shrugged. “Better mention it in the letter, though.”
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missjanjie · 11 months
Jankiedoll at an animal shelter, whatever will they adopt (if any)
idk if this was meant as a hc or mini drabble but im going w the latter so sorry if im wrong lol
“You know she’s going to want all of them, right?” Jackie warned as they walked into the shelter. “Like, this is going to be a whole thing.”
“She can make it into as much of a thing as she wants. The apartment still has a one pet policy and I am not about to lose our security deposit,” Nicky retorted. Despite the sternness in her tone, she couldn’t help but smile fondly as she watched Jan patter around the shelter, cooing at all of the dogs.
Jan toddled back to her girlfriends after a couple minutes. “Why aren’t you guys looking around? Aren’t these babies so cute?”
Jackie chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to her temple. “We will, but you’re the one that’s been begging for a dog, so at the end of the day it’ll be the one that you want.” After a moment, she made sure to add, “emphasis on one.”
She huffed and waved her off. “Yeah, yeah you gave me the whole spiel already.” And with that, she was off, going from one dog to the next and cooing at each of them.
“We’re going to be here until closing,” Nicky muttered.
Luckily for her and Jackie, it’d only taken Jan about fifteen minutes before she’d decided on a dog. “Listen, I know we said just the one but she’s clearly friends with–”
“No,” they answered in unison.
Despite her pouting and huffing, Jan acquiesced and focused on the one dog that drew her in the most. She sat and played with her while Jackie filled out the paperwork, as happy as can be.
“I suppose it’s worth it,” Nicky mused, “seeing her like that.”
Jackie chuckled as she finished up the forms. “We’ll see if you still feel that way when it’s your turn to clean up after it on walks.”
Nicky rolled her eyes. “I finally got on board with this, don’t make me change my mind.”
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missjanjie · 1 year
"is that my shirt?" with whatever ship you want
Tumblr media
Jan hummed to herself as she filled up her plate at the hotel breakfast bar. It was her third day there, but she was still impressed and delighted by all the French pastries to choose from. She was there in France for her friend Nicky's wedding. At first she was hesitant to be a bridesmaid, taking on the work of planning as well as rearranging her schedule for a destination wedding seemed daunting, but she decided the special day was worth the trouble.
Her saving grace throughout the planning was Nicky’s maid of honor, Jackie. While they had met when living in California, Nicky had been living in New York for almost three years, and Jackie had made the cross-country move only a few months before Jaida proposed. Nicky had insisted it was serendipitous, that clearly Jan and Jackie were meant to be in her bridal party.
What ended up happening was Jackie taking the lead with Jan as her sidekick, a dynamic that worked well for them over the past six months. So much so, that when Nicky asked if they would be willing to share a hotel room, they agreed without hesitation.
All of that led to now, with Jan trying to open the door to her room with one hand while holding two plates of food in the other, beaming proudly once she’d gotten in without dropping anything. “I brought breakfast,” she chirped, setting one of the plates on Jackie’s bed before sitting cross-legged on her own.
Jackie started to eat, then tilted her head and furrowed her brows. “Is that my shirt?” 
Jan paused between bites and looked down. “Huh. I thought it felt a little snug, just figured I was bloated.” While their figures weren’t drastically different, she did have a more curvy silhouette and larger breasts, leaving her amused at her own mistake of not noticing it. 
She just laughed and shook her head. “You look better in my clothes than I do,” she remarked, because despite it being a couple sizes too small on Jan, it hugged her figure in a way that made it impossible for her not to stare at. 
That made her blush as she became aware of Jackie’s gaze laser-focused on her. “Thanks, though I think anything looks good on you,” she told her as she finished eating and tossed the paper plate into the garbage bin. “God, I can’t believe tomorrow’s the big day. It feels kind of weird, not spending my free time with you planning this thing.” 
Jackie chuckled softly. “You know we’re still allowed to hang out once we get back home, right? We don’t need a reason to.”
“See, this is why you’re the smart one,” Jan laughed. “I can’t believe we live in the same neighborhood and never ran into each other.”
“I don’t go out much,” she shrugged, “planning the wedding has been the most human interaction outside of work I’ve had in a while.” She threw her plate out as well, then sat at the edge of her bed. She had kept to herself a lot since she moved to New York – Nicky was the only person she knew and making friends had never come easily to her. “You’ve brought me out of my shell, I appreciate it.”
Jan moved to sit next to her. “I’m glad, ‘cause you’re really fun to be around, I like spending time with you. I’d have missed you too much if you went back to California,” she admitted, resting her head on Jackie’s shoulder. 
Jackie smiled and wrapped an arm around her. “Well, you won’t be getting rid of me that easily.”
She picked her head up and grinned. Then, after a split-second’s hesitation, she leaned in and pecked her lips. “Promise?” 
She blinked in surprise, her face flushing red. But in a move that surprised herself, she copied Jan’s actions and kissed her in response. “Promise.”
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missjanjie · 1 year
🎵+ coxdoll (did i do it right this time?)
lmao yeah you got it <3
Honey - Halsey
She was sweet like honey And all I can taste is the blood in my mouth And the bitterness in goodbye Drippin' like honey Down the back of my throat and on the front of my mind And well, she's impatient and I'm complacent With just a little taste of wastin' time
“You know what I’m gonna tell you, right?” Jan prompted as she walked Jackie home from Nicky’s apartment – Nicky never outright said it, but Jackie knew it was best for her to be gone before she woke up, and she wasn’t one to question it. 
“That this relationship is toxic and the amazing sex doesn’t justify the heartache I put myself through?” Jackie retorted with a tired annoyance tinging her voice. She wasn’t frustrated with Jan – though she wasn’t fond of the ‘I told you so’ talks during her walk of shame, but she was frustrated with herself. She had always considered herself too smart to let herself fall into this situation, and she usually didn’t go for girls like Nicky. 
Nicky was a wild, uninhibited party girl. She was dancing on a table on the night Jackie met her. But instead of deterring Jackie, it drew her in, it was intoxicating. Then the hookups became more regular and the line between fuck-buddies and girlfriends became more and more blurry.
“You need to understand, I don’t do relationships,” Nicky had warned her once they had started hooking up regularly. “I like you, you’re fun. Just remember where things stand.”
And Jackie did her best to adhere to that. It was easy in the heated, passionate moments. She could lose herself in how good Nicky felt, how sweet she tasted. It was the aftermath that stung bitterly, the cold ‘goodbye’s on the mornings she wasn’t out before her lover awoke. 
“It’s not going to stop you though, is it?” Jan asked, jolting Jackie off of her train of thought.
“Probably not,” she conceded, glancing at her phone and seeing a text from Nicky. “See? Look, she invited me out to dinner tonight.” 
“You think she’s gonna take you on an actual date?”
Jackie shrugged. “She seems like she means it.” And that was enough for her, she was mean, but she was hers… sort of.
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missjanjie · 1 year
“Do I look like a medical professional?” Any ship
“Well, kind of,” Jan answered, “it’s the glasses.”
Jackie sighed, unsure of what else she could’ve expected from her. “Touché. Anyway, no, I don’t know why you’ve suddenly had sleeping problems.”
“Do you have any suggestions to help?” She asked, “because I’ve been relying on weed and that’s an expensive habit.”
She covered her mouth to hide a snort of laughter. “I take it things like tea or melatonin don’t cut it?” When Jan shook her head ‘no’, she followed up with, “masturbation doesn’t help either?”
Jan’s eyes went wide with enthusiasm. “That can help me sleep? Oh my god, that makes so much sense, I can’t believe I never thought of it,” she giggled.
Jackie couldn’t help but smile fondly at the jovial reaction. “Yeah, sex would work even better, but I didn’t want to assume–”
“Are you offering?”
The blunt question stopped her dead in her tracks. Sure, the two neighbors have been friendly and even flirty with each other, but she’d never expected her to be so direct. “I-I… um… I mean, if you…”
“If I’m interested? Yeah, obviously.”
Jackie chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck. “Not as obvious as you’d think.”
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missjanjie · 1 year
🎶 Jackie/Nicky if you could
ok so this is more of how i interpreted the song before learning the context... its gayer and more fun 
Touch Me - Spring Awakening
Touch me, just try it Now, there that's it God, that's heaven I’ll love your light I’ll love you right Well wander down where the sins cry Touch me, just like that Now lower down, where the sins lie Love me just for a bit Well wander down, where the winds sigh
Jackie knew Nicky was the only person she could turn to when it came to things like sex. Jackie was raised sheltered, confined, taught not to focus on anything but her studies, let alone impure thoughts. And those thoughts being about girls? She was certain it would give her parents a heart attack. 
But Nicky was different, she was everything Jackie could only dream of being. She was free-spirited, sexually liberated. She never shied away on the subject, and never cared much for modesty. The last part was likely what sparked the conversation they were having – Nicky’s penchant for walking around their dorm in as little clothing as possible made Jackie’s lustful thoughts nearly impossible to ignore. 
“So do you just… know what to do? How to touch someone you’ve never been with before?” 
Nicky chuckled softly and shook her head. “I am not psychic, Jackie. It is… intuition, when you are with someone, you learn what they like as you go. And it helps to have your own frame of–” she stopped mid-sentence when a realization dawned on her. “Have you ever touched yourself before?” 
Jackie shook her head. “I was too nervous to, like, I thought that the second I tried, my parents would burst through the door.” There was a beat of silence and she felt her face heating up. “Could you teach me?” 
“Of course,” she smiled, leaning over to gently caress her cheek. “Do you want me to touch you?” 
Nicky obliged, easing Jackie onto her back and getting on top of her. She was gentle and diligent, covering her skin in kisses, slowly removing each article of clothing and lavishing the newly exposed skin with attention. She listened intently for what got sharper moans, needier whines. Then her hand moved between Jackie’s thighs, using two fingers to rub small circles onto her clit.
“O-Oh my god…” Jackie moaned, feeling sparks shoot through her body unlike anything before. “Just like that, fuck, please.” 
So she continued, deciding to ease Jackie into this by not taking it beyond rubbing her clit. But even with that alone, she had brought her roommate to an orgasm a bit sooner than expected, and couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. “How do you feel?”
“Heavenly,” she sighed contently, relaxing into the bed. “Thank you,” she quickly added. “I, um, would be more than open to getting more lessons from you in the future.”
Nicky chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I can do that.”
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missjanjie · 1 year
Pls i beg for more summer camp au for your prompts
ok i didn’t know which Era™ bcs there’s like three so i went classique ✨
anyway here’s the origin of Arson. iykyk
“So,” Gigi prompted once Crystal returned to the cabin, “how much trouble did you get in?”
Crystal pouted as she flopped onto her bed. “Three days no free play. Brooke Lynn said I’m lucky no one got hurt, or I could’ve gotten kicked out. But, like, how was I supposed to know you can’t set cursed toys on fire. They literally taught us how to do it!”
“They taught us how to make a campfire,” Jackie chimed in, sitting up in her bunk, “to make s’mores, not arson.”
The point went right over Crystal’s head as she cheerily exclaimed, “arson! That’s gonna be his name!” She looked up at her and added, “you’re his godmother now.”
“Nuh uh, I am not going to be made into an accomplice,” she shook her head and laid back down, pointedly holding her book up to block her face.
“Did they let you keep it?” Jaida asked.
Crystal nodded as she rifled through her bag. “It’s still my property, possessed or not,” she explained, finally holding up the partially charred furby. “Maybe drowning would work, less dangerous.”
“Crystal, no,” Jackie warned.
“Crystal, yes,” Jaida countered. “Guess Gigi’s the deciding vote.”
“That’s not fair, everyone knows Gigi can’t say ‘no’ to her!”
Gigi pouted. “Hey!” After a beat of silence with Crystal looking at her expectantly, she quietly got up and mumbled, “she’s gonna do it anyway, someone’s gotta make sure she doesn’t get hurt.”
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missjanjie · 2 years
jackie cox and jan, number 48
48. A kiss... out of habit
“You bitches are trending,” Nicky remarked without looking up from his phone. “Was this a stunt? Were you guys planning it?”
Jan and Jackie looked at each other in confusion, then at Nicky, asking in unison, “planning what?” 
He arched his brow curiously. “The kiss? After Jan won her award?” He turned his phone screen to the two of them, showing how social media was flooded with clips, gifs, and screenshots of a kiss between the two of them. The night before, Jan, Jackie, and a few other queens attended a livestreamed award show for LGBTQ+ media that Jan was nominated for. When he was announced as the winner for his category, the camera was focused on him, so when he kissed Jackie, who was sitting right next to him, everyone saw before it could pan away. 
“Honestly, I didn’t even realize I did that,” Jan confessed, “I guess it’s kind of habitual.” 
“You and Jackie have a habit of kissing?” 
Jackie took the phone from him to better see what people were saying. “Well, that’s pretty irrefutable,” he observed, then handed the phone back to him while admitting, “we’ve made a habit of a bit more than that.” 
“An affair?” Nicky’s eyes went saucer-wide, “how scandalous!” 
“I don’t know if you can call it an ‘affair’ if neither of us are cheating – both of our relationships are open,” Jan explained, only to quietly add, “they just didn’t know the specifics of who we were being open with.” 
“Not that we’re hiding it,” Jackie quickly – almost defensively – pointed out. “But this wasn’t how we wanted them to find out, let alone have the fans start to speculate. I know I egg it on all the time, but I don’t think anyone would’ve suspected anything until now.” 
Nicky nodded as he listened, his lips pursed together. “So what are you going to do now that everyone knows about this part of your ‘habit’?” 
“We’re not gonna make a public announcement about us fucking if that’s what you mean,” Jan retorted with a dry laugh. “We’ll handle our personal business in private as far as our boyfriends are concerned, but this isn’t a habit we plan on breaking.”
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missjanjie · 2 years
jankie and “i don’t think i can do this anymore”
“Come on,” Jackie pouted, “just one more episode?”
Jan rolled her eyes fondly. “One more episode is gonna turn into ‘we might as well watch the rest of the season’ which will turn into ‘but that was a cliffhanger, we can’t end now’. You know I’m right, Jackie.”
She huffed. “I thought you’d be into it by now,” she mumbled.
“To be fair,” she pointed out, “I did say hell would freeze over before I became a Trekkie. I’m happy to support you from the side… you know, while I’m watching Real Housewives.”
Jackie put her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, you did sit through almost three whole seasons, I appreciate the effort.”
“Only for you, baby,” Jan cooed and kissed her cheek.
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missjanjie · 1 year
69 with Goodecox please 👀
i havent seen it called that since 2020, kinda made me nostalgic lol
69. “Aren’t you a little old to be playing hard to get?”
“Come on,” Gigi huffed, perching herself on the information desk in the college library, “are you gonna keep this up for the rest of the semester?”
Jackie looked up from her computer, making sure to focus on the student’s face and not how sitting on the desk made her mini skirt hike up even further. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Gigi,” she flatly replied. 
That earned an exaggerated eye roll in response. “Aren’t you a little old to be playing hard to get?”
“I beg your pardon?” 
Gigi huffed and pouted, not unlike a spoiled child. “As if you aren’t aware that I’ve been coming onto you for like, a week now. It’s not like you’re a teacher, you’re not gonna get in trouble for fucking a student or whatever.”
Jackie pushed her glasses up to her forehead as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “I’m not a teacher,” she confirmed, “but I am employed by the university. I don’t think pursuing any sort of relationship with you is appropriate. Besides, I’ve only been working here for a few years, it’s not like I have a lot of leverage.” 
“Are you always this boring?”
“Do you normally insult the people you’re trying to sleep with?” she asked with a quirked brow. 
She shrugged. “I’ve never had to work this hard,” she replied, adding, “though admittedly, it’s kind of a turn on.” 
Jackie responded positively for the first time, with a soft laugh. “You know you’re not the first student to hit on me, right?” she asked. Before Gigi could answer, she followed it up with, “but you are the only one I would ever consider it with.” 
Gigi cracked a smile, but tried not to make it obvious. “So, what, you’re just making me jump through hoops to save face?” 
“You said it yourself, you never had to work for it before. Maybe I’m just giving you some life experience,” she smirked. “But I do need to give you credit. How about over the weekend we grab coffee or something? Then maybe I’ll give you a different kind of life experience,” she offered with a wink. 
“Finally,” she chuckled. “Saturday, meet me here at noon. We’ll do lunch and see where things go.”
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missjanjie · 2 years
jankie + nye kiss for the prompts 💞
With the crowd counting down and cheering when it struck midnight, Jan and Jackie lost themselves in the energy of the room, in the buzz of the alcohol, and they kissed. It was a chaste kiss, a close lipped peck and a hug as they rang in the new year, something totally innocent to anyone that saw.
Then why was it all Jan could think about? He tightly gripped his cocktail when they were backstage, unable to shake what he could only describe as a sudden craving, an urge. “I need you to kiss me again,” he said suddenly.
Jackie looked at him oddly, though his cheeks had reddened at the request and he sputtered out a “what?”
“Please,” he turned to face him, “it’s like… an itch I can’t scratch, I need to get it out of my system.”
Perplexed but amused, Jackie heeded Jan’s plea, cupping his face and placing a deep kiss to his lips, nothing like the one on stage.
Jan gripped onto Jackie for dear life, his mind lost in the passion of the kiss, the feeling of Jackie’s tongue tangling with his own, his body aching with even more need.
“Did that scratch your itch?” Jackie asked with a smirk once they came up for air, though he could tell from Jan’s lust-blown eyes and still-puckered lips that the answer was no.
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missjanjie · 2 years
ALL THOSE PROMPTS ARE SO GOOD! Could I have Gigi/Jackie and holding hands, please? (I was highkey considering asking for continuation of that icetia one, but went with my guilty pleasure ship)
ty!! yeah i kinda left a cliffhanger on that one lol
“I have no idea how you navigate around the city without getting lost or hit by an aggressive taxi,” Gigi remarked as Jackie continued to lead her through the city to her favorite lunch spot.
Jackie shrugged, “you get used to it,” she offered, taking Gigi’s hand when they crossed the street, then giving it a reassuring squeeze as they kept walking.
She stayed close to her girlfriend’s side as they walked, as an LA transplant, even the smallest things felt like an adjustment, like walking everywhere instead of driving or being driven. They would still take an Uber if it was late at night or hard to get to by foot or subway, but most of the time, she was just trying to keep up. “No wonder you have such strong legs,” she remarked offhandedly.
“We gotta work on your endurance,” Jackie teased, then stopped. “Come on, I’ll give you a piggyback ride for a few blocks,” she offered, letting Gigi climb onto her back and hooking her arms under her legs.
“My knight in shining armor,” Gigi playfully swooned, keeping her arms and legs locked around her for the next few blocks, until they went back to walking hand in hand.
Jackie chuckled, “you certainly are a princess,” she teased, nudging her playfully as they finally got to the restaurant.
“Maybe so, but most princesses wouldn’t move across the country to be with someone,” she said simply as they were seated at a booth.
And she had to admit that Gigi had a point – she wasn’t much for words, but her actions spoke loudly, “and I’m very happy you did.”
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missjanjie · 2 years
The jankie nye kiss was so cute 🥺 if you’re still accepting prompts maybe one of them where jackie refers to jan as her work wife in front of the other s12 queens?
“Of course y’all are in the same dressing room,” Jaida teased, “living ten blocks from each other just ain’t enough, huh?”
Jan rolled his eyes, “you say that like we had a say in who’s with us – they just happened to reunite the QJ’s for the tour.”
Jaida shrugged and sat in front of the mirror, “don’t mind me though, just over here third wheeling.”
As they were all getting ready, the queens went in and out of each other’s dressing rooms, chatting and catching up, happy to finally be on a cast tour. “Though this is just like any other gig for Jan and Jackie,” Nicky was saying, laughing at his own comment.
“She’s my work wife,” Jackie defended, an arm wrapping around Jan’s waist, “I can’t help that we have excellent stage chemistry.”
Gigi arched her brow, “you sure it’s just on stage?”
Jan’s face flushed red, and Jackie’s hand resting on the side of his bare torso didn’t help, “yeah, well, look who’s talking.”
She shrugged, “hey, I own my shit, if you wanna delay the inevitable, that’s your business.”
Jan managed to change the subject after that, trying not to linger on the idea that Gigi was right – that they were building up to something inevitable, something beyond their better judgement or control.
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missjanjie · 3 years
Jankie with 153 + 163? Thank you, prompts queen! 👑💜
153. “I’m flirting with you.” / 163. “I’m sick of being useless.” / 42. “Either ask her out or I will do it for you!”
Jan whined dramatically, draping herself across Rosé’s bed. She glanced over when she didn’t get a response from her roommate, then groaned more pointedly.
Rosé sighed, turning around in her desk chair as she gave in. “Okay, I’ll bite. What’s wrong?”
“Having a crush is exhausting,” she lamented. “I’m sick of being useless.”
“I’m also sick of you being useless,” she replied without missing a beat. “If you think having a crush is exhausting, imagine dealing with you while you have a crush. That’s exhausting,” she told her. “You can’t keep this shit to yourself forever.”
Jan pouted. “But she’s my friend. I’d rather have her as a friend than not have her at all,” she explained, though at this point, even she knew that was a lame cop-out.
Rosé pinched the bridge of her nose. “Either ask her out or I will do it for you!” she huffed, finally deciding to lay down an ultimatum for the sake of her sanity. And to help her best friend, of course.
Luckily, Jan put her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay. I’ll figure something out.”
‘Figuring something out’ for Jan evidently meant trying to flirt with Jackie with more and more obviousness and hope that she would take a hint. But after a few days, she concluded that she was either being too subtle or Jackie was being willfully ignorant.
“So yeah,” Jackie was saying, “I’m officially the only single adult in my close family. Which feels as great as you’d expect,” she summed up with a dry laugh.
Jan clicked her tongue and shook her head. “There’s no reason you should be single. You’re hot and smart and funny and hot and kind…” she listed, voice trailing off.
“You said hot twice.”
“Yeah,” she nodded, “I’m flirting with you.”
Jackie blinked in surprise. “Oh,” she took a sip of her coffee as she processed that, then realized Jan was looking at her incredulously. “What?”
After a beat, Jan couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh my god, you really had no idea,” she exhaled deeply to collect herself. “I’ve been flirting with you because I like you, okay? I thought that’d be a lot harder to admit, but I guess I was starting to get impatient with you not picking up on it.”
“Well, I’m sorry,” Jackie chuckled. “Let me take you out to dinner to make up for it?”
“I’ll allow it,” Jan winked. Sure, she never technically asked Jackie out, but she figured Rosé would grant her this loophole.
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