#chiimira lore
chiimiraa · 7 hours
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Lore under the cut! (And a longer excerpt at that too-)
Hey hey, listen to these words if you have an ear to bargain with me. 
The choice is yours, would you like to gossip about the omens? Or rather more… Sing upon the rhythms of mystery? 
If it's both you desire, I can lend you a melody of words attached by the strings. 
Listen… Have you heard about the metaphorical eye? They say if you look into it long enough, you can witness a soul enclosed within a house. 
Most entities have their sets of eyes. I have my vision too. But... my eyes aren't vibrant like a clock, nor are they unique like gemstones.
In the end, it's just me. And that's all you'll ever find, correct? They're simple, blank, and geometric. 
Though, I do wonder. Do my eyes deceive you? Do they remind you of someone else you've seen before?
I mean, I don't blame you. Some mistake me for another, we even have similar shapes and gestures. 
But, that's enough about me. What about you, watcher? You know, I don't think I can even begin to comprehend what your eyes look like. It fluctuates, a constant metamorphosis happening before 
me. If I get too curious and stare for too long, it may be the equivalent of braving the sun's rays with no way to escape. Going blind is not on my to-do list, and I plan on keeping it that way if I hope to continue pursuing my field of work! 
…Aha. Despite all these risks, I still want to hear the mysteries behind your eyes. Even if this isn't real, even for just a moment. I bet your eyes look beautiful, whatever they turn out to be. 
Huh… Just who am I talking to anyway? 
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chiimiraa · 7 days
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Lore under the cut!
"The Crane Closure is a secluded yet peaceful secret route that I discovered a couple of months before the disappearance case incident. Even now, it's still one of my favorite places to encounter when I'm in need of a helpful shortcut. The cranes around seem to enjoy the area too! Such endearing little things."
"…Although, I do wonder how they found it before me. Usually I'm welcomed by a surreal landscape with little to no inhabitants."
EXTRA! For those who read, here's the link to Quartus' character playlist!
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chiimiraa · 21 days
Lore under the cut! (Slight Flash Warning near the end!)
"With every passing day, I both get closer yet farther away from something... Or rather, someone? This hunger, this yearning, why must I feel this way? And what's keeping me from discovering what I need to know? Not even my colleagues nor supervisors know what's going on with me."
"But, I hear it, sometimes... At least I'm aware that something's there. The echo beckons me, it sounds so familiar."
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chiimiraa · 26 days
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Lore under the cut!
"Sometimes, I still wonder about my past. It's hard to say where the truth lies, but, I've been having dreams of it too. I think that's why I began documenting what I can preserve lately in one of my many journals, for moments such as these are like delicate fireflies that can disperse by a single touch..."
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"Yes, firefiles... I hope I can see them again."
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chiimiraa · 19 days
attention, you got mail! 💌
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To those whom it may concern, I now have an AO3 account! I'll be mainly writing fics regarding DBBQ content and compiling all of Quartus' current lore docs there!
That'll provide more context to the implications of Quartus' & S' dialogue!
Here's the link to it!
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chiimiraa · 1 month
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Lore under the cut!
"As a messenger myself, peeling away at the layers is a risky thing to do, especially while on the job. I don't have permission to tamper with the parcels contents, and why should I? It's a one way ticket to get splendidly fired after all, haha!"
"Jokes aside, I could only hope that the customers I visit understands the other way around. We're strangers, we're supposed to be strangers. Yet, no matter what I say, some always get too curious and try to pry into my emotions... I don't know why they wish to "observe", but it's not working! I'm a resilient mas– I mean p-person! Right?"
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chiimiraa · 27 days
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Lore under the cut!
"For as long as I had sentience, this idle piece of me always followed. While I've seen others with these similar 'ahoges' like mine, they never seem to question it. Perhaps they simply don't notice? Ever since that... certain case, I've been feeling its presence lately. Maybe more than I should."
"It cracks, it breaks, it separates, like the horns of a devil... If I could pay more mind, then... This might be able to warn me from falling too deep into this madness."
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chiimiraa · 2 months
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Lore under the cut!
"The only reminder of you is the cup that lays in my hands."
"I don't want to forget you, I want to remember, I have to! And if it's true that I only remain after all, let me at least connect the pieces of the puzzle to your heart."
"It will be difficult, but someday I will find out who took you away from me."
"...Please, give me a sign of your soul."
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chiimiraa · 2 months
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Lore under the cut!
"It's quite a struggle to sleep at times, especially when the branches watch my every move. So to soothe my heartbeat, a cup of tea should suffice."
"There's a certain brand I always use for this, one that an old friend of mine suggested to me. It's different from the rest, a scent you can recognize from a block away; something like..."
(homegirl falls asleep before she could even say what it is lmao XDD)
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chiimiraa · 11 days
mind crusin! 🎶
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Reference + Context under the cut!
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Yes yesss this is an Anri reference! I like her songs and this particular one (Mind Crusin) is the first song on her character playlist!
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chiimiraa · 1 month
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Lore under the cut!
"There was a dream I had last night, and oh, how wonderful that dream was. For a moment, it felt like I was in love again! Looking forward to the morning when I wake up, speaking to a warm, comforting voice... Although."
"Who did that voice belong to? It sounds familiar... Is it someone I used to know? Wait, is it- ■■■■■■■?"
"...Ow, my head! Maybe recalling them is not the best time right now. I can't get a headache before starting work..."
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chiimiraa · 24 days
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"Okayy, time for a little breather there. For the past couple of 'posts', all of these tidbits of knowledge have been stuffed down your cranium. And believe me, I'm trying to figure things out as much as you are. So, how about a break? It's not like I could do much to help you right now either."
"Just little ol me floating around the void... It's kinda boring being a ghost though, especially when she's not here-"
"I mean, what?"
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chiimiraa · 13 days
giv me a kith (mournful) 😗
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is it still lesbian visibility week- I mean like, it's Friday right?
If soooo then, HERE YA GO HFDFHFG
this is one of the many moments they shared before shit hit the fan during the disappearance case ;v;
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chiimiraa · 1 month
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Lore under the c... Wait, who are you?
"Ah yes, this is not your everyday occurrence. But don't worry, I won't be here for long. Speaking of time, I'll put this bluntly. My little marigold managed to remember me somehow, which is how my soul was manifested. I don't know what triggered this temporary clear from the haze, though I'm grateful for it."
"As for you, yes you. The one looking at me right now. What do you see? Did you cause this t■ ■■■■■■¿
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chiimiraa · 4 months
So what exactly is going on with the Watchful Eye?
Okay okay here's a quick summary
The Watchful Eye is an "anti-virus" company that secretly intends on taking over the Suburbs (where Hachiimi lives) and reviving the defeated malware below the city. Little by little, they expand their control over areas via spies, sending machine swarms to occupy said area, etc etc.
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These two are spies for instance! The one on the left is Zilpher, while on the right is Dima!
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Then there's the machines that are sent out in swarms to protect, guard, or maintain big network hubs closely nearby.
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chiimiraa · 9 months
Lights! Camera! ..spraycans?
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(yes I finished this uncolored sketch from eariler I got too much free time-)
As shown in Hachiimi’s ref, she has a pair of spraycans that's used to malfunction the many imposing machines that the Watchful Eye drills into the Suburbs. The special substances within them do have other functions than airspraying graffiti paint though! Sometimes its like the consistency of silly string or spider threads, but with enough layers it can quickly solidify to create stable shapes and small structures!
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