Today's Haiku with Picture 182
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moist in the moat
Chidomegusa is a plant of the Araliaceae family and is said to be effective in stopping bleeding.
Scientific name: Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 months
Ikkaku has a bigger vocabulary than me. ToT Why did I spend all that time in school!! I could just done 6 years at the academy and then... several decades... in the ghost army instead
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[Bleach 087]
A "styptic"?! Granted, I have no medical training, but I've never used that word before. But I figure Ikkaku has a lot of practical experience with blood and has probably also spent a lot of time at the 4th over the decades.
What's funny is that I did not initially read Ikkaku's lines as needing the word "styptic", so it felt a lot less erudite:
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His line here is 血止めをしねえなら / 拭く意味はねえよ, which I'd translated as, "If you can't stop the bleeding, there's no point in wiping it away."
血 means "blood" and 止め means "stop" and the rest of that first line is the act of not doing something. It's a versatile construction you can use to do/use/have/make a noun or turn a noun into a verb, so I was like sure, let's [not] do a "bleeding stop."
But it turns out that if you look up 血止め, you do get "styptic," which is a word the English language has. If you Google it, you mostly get chidome bands, which are used to restrict blood flow to your lower legs, like compression socks. But you also get chidomegusa (blood-stop grass), which is probably what Ikkaku is using. The more you know! 🌈
Anyway, "Wiping it away is a poor remedy. Better to apply a styptic" sounds so posh. "A poor remedy"? "Better to apply"? A STYPTIC? I mean, as posh as you can sound when talking about bleeding everywhere. I kind of love the idea that maybe he's paraphrasing someone at the 4th--someone who'd use the word "styptic" on the daily. Either someone who's attended him, or maybe even someone he sought out to supply him with his styptic. Like, I feel like Iemura would say some shit like that.
MAYBE IKKAKU AND IEMURA MET EACH OTHER AT THE THIRD-SEAT HOLIDAY MIXER. Iemura tried to get Ikkaku to join the Shinigami Men's Society, so the org would have some real street cred, but Ikkaku said he "didn't have time" (had to go do mani pedis with his boyfriend, Yumichika). Ikkaku still got a scrip for styptic out of the interaction, though.
(Option 2 is that Ikkaku learned about styptic from Zaraki, who learned about it from Unohana. You know, back in the day. Zaraki being all about the styptic and sharing this knowledge around to the whole division would track with his meticulousness about his hair products, honestly!)
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