emperorsscorpion · 5 years
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New oc design
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the-beautiful-world · 5 years
*goes in the hetalia tag*
*sees something about itac*st*
I changed my mind bye see you never
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emperorsscorpion · 6 years
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I drew Elaine in an exquisite corset two days ago.
I cleaned some parts of the sketch up today.
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emperorsscorpion · 5 years
I'm going to introduce a new OC tonight~
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the-beautiful-world · 5 years
I’m looking for new mutuals~
I may not be into Hetalia like I was before but I know the fandom can’t be that quiet lol
Rb and I’ll check you out ✨
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the-beautiful-world · 5 years
Okay so honestly I’ve decided to come back to this blog because I’ve missed it so much tbh
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the-beautiful-world · 5 years
I’ll be participating in the tumblr log off protest happening in a couple of minutes!!
I’ll be back Tuesday!
Until then, you can talk to me on twitter! The handle is: aphfuransu~
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emperorsscorpion · 5 years
Prince has the cutest Joker alt... I’m in love ❤️
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emperorsscorpion · 5 years
Known Facts about Mrs. Lestrange, the Strangest of Photographers:
- Her camera can see pictures of the future in relation to what a person is going to do. The picture must portray their face clearly. A picture of the event in question will be seen, along with a date-- there is no hour noted.
- Desires to know if her husband and daughter are okay and safe.
- A master at fencing.
- An Aromatherapist, herbalist, and knowledgeable in crystal healing.
- Sometimes ruthless, but more merciful toward her enemies.
- Likes a Victorian style of dressing.
- Favors those that are philosophical.
- Her body can bruise easily due to the experiments that were conducted on her.
- Wants, in her words, “A future where all can live without fear of their bodies being used in a way that degrades their entire humanity.”
- Her Joker is the equivalent of Time Rewind and Doll Fishing.
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emperorsscorpion · 6 years
When Anthony tried to take over the Bella Cruise [ Anthony is a pirate who rules, and roams the ocean with her pirate ship. She dreams of becoming a Pirate King and attacks the Genius League with her crew to achieve that dream; Anthony and her subordinates chose to build their new base from the seas near Bella Cruise and opened fire. ]  and failed Dr. X punished her by injecting her with a variant of PROJECT-X.
Why do you think she wears the eyepatch?
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emperorsscorpion · 6 years
Here are the five OC’s I’m drawing for the ���OC in your style contest~’
1. Ke ( @v3joker )
2. Mocha ( @kiraebi )
3. Noka ( @boilingcauldron )
4. Zander ( @videogambling )
5. Chaos ( @dragonofdarknesschaos )
I’m making today the last day for entries, so you have until 12:00 AM EST to ask me. There are four spots left. As a side note this is for my close mutuals & friends on here.
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emperorsscorpion · 6 years
Oh yeah!! My friends also helped me pick out Antônio’s race, too. My brows perked when ‘Brazilian’ popped up and I was like “Hey!!! That could work!”
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emperorsscorpion · 6 years
I’m sad.
I don’t think I can do a good entry for the third anniversary. I don’t feel like it would be right without all or at least the main characters... But I don’t think I can draw so many.
Maybe I won’t enter.
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emperorsscorpion · 6 years
On Elaine & PROJECT-X:
At first it was petty rumors, then it turned into scandals within the Midas Group. Whispers of Elaine denying PROJECT-X to seep through her veins because she wished to betray Dr. X. It was foolish, considering she was married to the man for seven years, but it wasn’t enough.
It led to more scandal.
Because of her marriage for so long, many thought she was using him for power. Though Dr. X was the one who found her, no one cared, and accused her. Elaine had her reasons for denying PROJECT-X injections: she worried it would change her for the worst, and make her unwanted. It would dramatically turn her into a monster, stripping her of humanity.
She saw how it affected Christine, and wondered just how he was able to at least suppress the power Dr. X put into it, but before he was able to do it, the dramatic change even surprised stoic Elaine, who was wary of her own husband’s creation for a short period of time.
The shocking thing about the situation is that Dr. X never asked her if she wanted it. Everyone else just thought he did. They tried to convince him that they were right, and Elaine was wrong and eventually he started to believe them. When they argued that night, and Dr. X told her to leave, Elaine was overcome with malice. She dared to place her hands on him, smack him across the face, and storm out before he could react.
How dare he accuse her! She who was loyal to him for all of these years, who willingly helped him create his precious project and helped him get rid of his enemies-- was it naught for nothing? Taking his hand in marriage, giving herself to him? Elaine was walking back to the intricate laboratories, and stopped at the shared one belonging to Kaito and Sharon.
She was almost jealous of the pair.
Elaine allows herself in, crossing her arms.
“Mrs. Séraphin,” Sharon greets. “It’s not often we get a visit from you.”
Kaito, who stayed silent, looked at her warily.
“I’m not here for niceties. Make an injection of PROJECT-X,” she ordered.
“Even you need permission from Dr. X for that,” Kaito responds.
“Oh?” Elaine’s brow raises. “Considering you and your wife dared to meddle in rumors about my loyalty, you should be pleased that I want it.”
“We never subscribed to such rumors, Mrs. Séraphin,” Sharon counters. “We heard it, and made our own logical conclusions.”
Elaine scoffs.
She takes her hand to her neck, taking out a metal chain with a vial attached to it, to which had a familiar, dark red liquid inside of it.
“Here’s your permission! See this vial? This vial is what my husband and I did-- we mixed our blood together on the day of our marriage,” Elaine spat. “That is, when he wasn’t foolish enough to believe preposterous LIES centered around me!”
Sharon flinched, and Kaito notices this, holding her hand immediately. Elaine chuckles darkly.
“That’s cute,” she says. “I could mix blood of a different pair for a much more different reason than a sacrament of marriage. Best get to work, yes?”
Sharon, at a loss, nods. “We’ll do it.”
It takes hours but Elaine stays and watches up until the liquid is being put into the syringe. She is directed to sit by Kaito, and he rolls up her silk purple sleeve, choosing to do the injection on the right side of her arm. This was it. If it was enough to prove herself, then she would do it. Then, when she gained whatever the power PROJECT-X gave her, because not even she could pinpoint what exactly it did, she would lay to rest so violently the ones who forced her to do this.
“It should be obvious that this is going to hurt and you’re going to be in excruciating pain,” Kaito warns her.
“Do it,” she growls.
“If you’re certain.”
The injection was quick. At first, Elaine felt nothing.
Then she screamed.
It was unbearable-- excruciating, like Kaito warned her. She fell out the chair and Kaito tried his best to hold her but Elaine fought him, unable to keep herself still. He turns to Sharon, telling her to reach Dr. X and Elaine is in too much pain to tell her not to do such a thing.
It feels like her blood is boiling. It feels like her skin is on fire. Her eyes blur. She can’t even keep her hair over her right eye any longer and moves the offending tresses out of the way, trying so desperately to see but all she sees is red. This pain she wanted to end. Her hands soon began to feel numb and all she could do is curl herself up and let out small whimpers before she fainted from all of the pain.
Elaine wakes up hours later, no longer in Kaito and Sharon’s lab. Her body ached, much like one who would get aches from a cold or the flu, but the worst of it was over. She could not forget what happened. Choosing to inject herself with her husband’s creation. Speaking of such, she notices she is back in their room. She is covered only with a sheet and she realizes why-- her body temperature is high, and she didn’t need a thermometer for that. She doubted her temperature was the normal temperature.
Slowly she gets up from the bed, keeping the sheet around her, which was the only thing cooling her, she went over to the bathroom to look at her appearance. She nearly fainted when she saw herself.
Her eye was red, a change from the beautiful onyx it used to be, and she looked at her hair, and realized it was only slightly different, being much more silkier, but nothing could prepare her for when she lifted up her hair that normally covered her right eye. Her chemical scars were gone.
The very thing that made her insecure, that was a result of an accident-- was gone. The years she scorned that side of her face would marvel before how she looked now. She touched her cheek, just to be sure, but could not feel scars. She could not understand-- all the years she tried to get rid of it and it was gone, just like that? Still she would cover her eye because she was just fond of how it looked.
She looked at her hands, and saw that they were shaking. She was most likely shocked, that was all.... but were her veins glowing? Elaine realized she still had the sheet wrapped around her and rushed out of the bathroom to a floor mirror and let it drop, revealing her bare form. Her veins-- all of them, glowed a dark red.
Elaine felt... powerful.
She closed her eyes.
Dr. X’s footsteps were quiet, in which one could not hear, and yet Elaine would find out that her newfound ability...
“Why that accursed look on your face?” She says, back turned. “Is this not what you wanted?”
“Elaine, I-”
“I see you still have the mark on your face from when I slapped you earlier today. I guess I hit well,” Elaine cuts him off.
“Is there nothing I can do to beg and receive your forgiveness?” Dr. X asks her.
“Darling, you are bold to assume I’m capable of forgiveness,” Elaine retorts.
“I’ll beg it until you are capable.”
Elaine laughs loudly, seeming to mock his every word. She turns around then, opening her eyes that are now a brilliant red.
“I’ll ask again. Is this not what you wanted?”
“Well, yes, but-”
“Hmm,” Elaine muses. “Do I not look beautiful to you? You seem very perplexed, almost as if you do not want to look my way.”
“I did not think you would have done this, Elaine! I... I was at a moment of vulnerability. I-”
“Hear this, world,” Elaine grins. “The great Dr. Casimir Séraphin, apparently at a moment of vulnerability. I am sure this will be easy to believe for many.”
“Elaine, will you please-”
“You can make yourself useful by giving me a massage,” she cuts him off again, going over to their bed and laying down on her stomach. “Your PROJECT-X makes my body hurt. For future reference my love, you could stand to make it less fucking dramatic.”
Dr. X sighs, walks over to the side of the bed where Elaine chose to lie, got down on his knees, and began to massage her.
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emperorsscorpion · 6 years
If Anthony really thinks she is weak in actuality, and ended up really succumbing to PROJECT-X (the theory is that when she tried to overthrow the Genius League, she was punished by Dr. X via the PROJECT-X injection), then that means she lets her own insecurity change her for the worst...
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emperorsscorpion · 6 years
Would He Still Look My Way?: On Elaine’s Scars.
Lately, Dr. X has been asking about Elaine’s hair, and why she covers the right side of her face. Every time he would ask, she would say the same thing: she just liked it that way, and it was her style.
It would only be half correct every time Elaine would says this.
Often when alone, she would remove the many clips she put in her hair in secret that allowed her hair to stay in place directly over the right side of her face and look at what really ailed her. The discolored scars on her face, after an experiment gone wrong. Given the wrong plant to research, Elaine ends up with the sap of giant hogweed on the right side of her face, and to this day Elaine does not know how the sap managed to miss her eye.
And Elaine still suffers.
It is a silent suffer for she has told none about her pain, yet she feels her pain is invalidated. Often, she has had to stop herself from reaching a breaking point, but now she fears her husband’s curiosity. If she lost Dr. X, then she would have nothing, and revert back to her cruel, forced solitude.
He was asking her too often, now. He even tried to place his hand on her hair, and Elaine shoved him away, too strong for him to let it go, and he was the one to leave abruptly, slamming the door in their suite behind him.
She attempted to follow after him, but could not find him afterwards.
And Elaine couldn’t talk to anyone about the situation.
Because Dr. X was her only friend, while also being her husband. She didn’t have the capacity, at least in her eyes, to have friends. Acquaintances, even. It was difficult to attempt such things, so how she had Dr. X as her husband must have taken several miracles and prayers to gods.
Knowing that her husband was, without hyperbole, the only one she could speak of her problems with, that’s exactly what Elaine did not do. Speak of her problems with him. It would be too great a burden for him, as he would be focused on his projects and goals-- and he would not want to be concerned with her insecurities.
Or so she has always thought.
Elaine always thought... That Dr. X liked perfection in everything he did. She thought that would also be inclusive of the people he chose to cross paths with, such as herself. She still had her expertise in her fields, her doctorate, and things along that field.
He often called her beautiful, and would take his hands and touch every part of her skin, which made her smile. He would kiss every part he touched, and she would knead his hair every time he did, enjoying his soft, passionate kisses.
He didn’t want her just for her body-- he wanted her for her. Her intelligence, cruelty, passion, boldness...
Knowing this, she still did not want him to see her scars.
However, as Elaine took a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror, touching her scars, she closed her eyes, and let silent tears fall down her face. She loved Dr. X dearly, but only wished he could understand her, just a bit more. If only a bit more.
She knows as night reaches, he’ll come back soon. He never stays out too late, if only to suppress Elaine’s worry.
So he does return, taking off his jacket. She’s surprised that he allows her a kiss, considering his earlier anger. She smiled, only slightly.
“Did you eat?” She asked softly.
“I did,” he responded.
“Good... I’m glad you don’t wait until late to eat anymore.”
A bit sheepish, Elaine played with the strand of hair that always dangled on the left side of her face. He notices this and holds her.
“You’re not angry?” She looked at him, surprised.
“No. I’m not,” Dr. X responds, kissing her cheek softly.
“...I’m glad.”
Dr. X pulled away, took her hand, and kissed from the back of her hand all the way to her upper arm.
“You’re being bold,” she mewled. “I... I want to show you something, though.”
Elaine pulled her hand away.
“Sit on the edge of our bed, love.”
He does so, and Elaine quickly goes to the drawer. There was some... exquisite lingerie she’d wanted to wear for him but kept forgetting. She put them on-- the panties and the garters, and made her way to their bedroom, topless. She peeked in, seeing him on the edge, smirking.
“Well? Come in so I can see you.”
Elaine does so, and immediately she sees the change in his eyes.
“You are exquisite... You always are so elegant...”
Elaine giggled, fiddling with her hair again. Part of her wanted to move it, but...
“Elaine, please move your hair.”
She averted her eyes. “...Why?”
“I want to see your face.”
She shrugged, taking out the many clips she put in her hair to keep it curled and covering the right side of her face. It dangles, revealing the scars she did not want him to see.
He trusts me, so... I should trust him, more.
Dr. X gets up immediately, touching the scars.
“...Has someone done this to you?” He asks carefully, hint of anger in his voice.
“No. It was an accident from long ago, when I was working on some botany-related projects. These are my scars from that time. Do you find them okay? Would you still look my way...?”
“Why would I not?”  He asked her firmly. “I love you, Elaine. Did you really think some feeble scars would break my love for you?”
She froze only slightly, being happy. Being relieved.
“I... I love you too...”
There was a rare, soft smile on his face as he lifted her up to hold her, pecking her lips.
“You are beautiful with or without scars.”
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