evening-blossoms · 4 years
Bodyguard Chadnico AU
This is the Second time I do this post bc Tumblr deleted the first one I hate this hellsite
This AU was based of this post
Anyways!!!!! Chaddick is the spoiled, arrogant, bratty Prince of Foxwood, and Nicholas is the grumpy, cranky, impatient bodyguard.
Nico Hates this job. He Hates having to deal with that Spoiled Brat every day.
Chad Hates his new bodyguard. Who cares if Dad says hes the best one and so is the most fit to protect a Heir????? He is so annoying and did Nobody tell him that Smiles are Physically Possible???? Or does he just have a problem in that handsome face that he isnt able to smile????
But both share one thing in common - THEYRE GAY AND SO, SO, OBLIVIOUS.
Prince Cedric is a Little Less Oblivious.
So Cedric decides that if Theyre not gonna do it themselves, he should set the two up. All his attempts fail.
Nicholas kinda hates everything at this point. Except for his friend, Anadil. She doesnt take shit from anyone. She is good company. And Caleb too, but thats more because literally Any Adult That Comes In Contact With That Child Decides to Adopt Him.
No seriously. He is a Little Angel. Anyone that dislikes him is a Monster.
Nico voice// If anything happened to that kid, I'd kill everyone in this castle and then myself.
Mood, Nico. Mood
Nothing Happens to Caleb tho
Id never introduce such a cinnamon roll to then make him suffer ok
Nico and Chad go on that "Spoiled Prince vs Guard Who Aint Having None Of That Shit" fashion until...
Chad has to take them. But he Sucks. Seriously.
Nico feels like his ears are being Brutally Assaulted Every Single Time.
So one day he's had enough. And decides to Act Out the way hes feeling.
Chad scoffs. "As if you could do any better.",
"Watch me" Nico snaps. Then he sits down. And plays Wonderfully. Like, Scalping-Chad-Via-Piano Wonderful.
So that makes Chad loose his sleep a bit.
So he decides to Make Nico Teach Him.
And at first Nico is Very Angry abt this. But he does so anyways.
So Every Night they play. And at first Nico is a very grumpy and bossy teacher, but with time, things better. Maybe because Nico actually Likes playing for Chad, although hed never admit it. Perhaps it is because of the looks of admiration and awe he always gets. Probably that.
And also bc being Closer to Nico has made Chad change a bit too. Hes less Bratty and Arrogant. He's just becomig a kinder, better person in general.
And one night...
"Think I'll have a break" Chad says, and stands up, leaning on the piano tail. Nico sits down and starts playing.
And Chad just watches him play, the moon's silver light cast over him contrasting with the warm, yellow glow of the candles. It was nice to watch him play, even if it was only by the way his expression softens and the hint of a smile that plays on his lips whenever he is playing. He wonders what Nico's smiles actually are like. Probably not much of a bright smile. More of a serene smile.
And Chad only realizes the Gay has Hit him as Gently as a Train On Max Speed when he feels his cheeks going hot. Fuck. Is he blushing too???
And then Nico stands up,
And now theyre so close, oh God, Oh Fuck,
And Chad really wants to kiss him but he doesnt know how or when or-
Nicholas kisses him. It is nice, soft, gentle kiss.
It doesnt last long as Nico realizes what he's done.
Chad doesn't give him time to wonder if he's overstepped or not, because he grabs him by the waist and kisses him back.
And when they break away again, Nico is smiling. A genuine smile. It is the first time Chad has actually seen him smile.
And Chad was right. It is a serene smile. Not bright with teeth. Just a calm, a bit subtle, but still, a smile. Chad thinks it is lovely.
"Youre actually smiling." He says. Then he smirks. "Should I call a doctor?"
"Shut up"
"I can schedule you a therapist-"
"Oh, cut it out," Nico snaps, giving him a light punch on the shoulder. But he never stops smiling. Chad is Sure he's heard a giggle.
After a few days, Cedric finds abt that kiss. He decides he can finally die in peace.
And so Chad and Nico start dating. In Secret, but still Dating.
But one thing comes in their way. Chad ends up in an arranged marriage with Princess Beatrix of Jaunt Jolie.
However, Bea is a Lesbian, and is Dating Her bodyguard, Reena.
Seriously??? For Reatrix it was Love At First Sight. 3 days into the job theyre kissing. By the time the arranged marriage happens, they had already started planning to elope and get married in secret.
So Bea and Chad decided to work together to Sabotage The Wedding.
Sadly it doesnt work. One has never seen a couple looking so miserable during a wedding when the day comes.
HOWEVER! When the priest goes "does anyone object-"
Reena and Nico stand up at the same time and start talking over each other. When they realize What is going on they change to "oh no you-" "-oh please go on-" "-oh after you-"
After some minutes of that Reena talks first. And she doesnt have the time to Finish her Passionate Declaration because Bea is already rushing from the altar to jump into her arms.
Nico is more direct. He Marches into the altar and kisses Chad Right There.
This causes enough upheaval for the Wedding to be Called Off.
But yknow what??? Bea is Already in a Wedding Dress so she decides to marry Reena right there. It is a Beautiful wedding. Chad is Absolutely Sobbing.
A few weeks later he and Nico get married. It is also a great wedding. Cedric is Chads best man. He is crying like a child at the wedding. And so is Chad. By the time he can say "I do" he's sobbing.
Aaaand thats it for the Main plot!!!!! Here are some cameos that should make it to the fic if I write it:
Tagatha has a cameo!!!! Tedros is the Also Spoiled Bratty Prince, hes Heir to the Throne Of Camelot. And similar to Chaddick, he also is in a predicament of being-attracted-to-his-bodyguard-that-he-also-hates: Agatha. First appearance is Teddy paying Chad a visit and them bitching abt the bodyguard ordeal to each other lmao. Tho one week after Reatrixs wedding Tedros comes to a visit again. And Chad catches them kissing behind a pillar.
Hestadil!!!! Ani is a guard and Nicos friend. Hester is Ani's girlfriend, and although she doesnt work at the castle, she pays Ani a visit sometimes. Shes a hunter. Also Dot is their roommate, and she sells chocolate (thought itd be a nice tie to her special talent in canon sjsjdj)
And Nicphie!!!!! Sophie is Princess of Gavaldon, she makes a cameo during the wedding along with her girlfriend Nicola.
Yara is a guard at Foxwood, and Kiko is a maid And her girlfriend. (My dumbass only thought of that 14 hours after posting this so I had to edit to make the change 😔)
So yeah thats pretty much it lmao skdkdkfm
I originally wanted to make it into a Comic but Idk if I have the skill to do so??? So I think I'll only write it But I Might end up making some short comics based on it idk
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evening-blossoms · 4 years
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Day Seven of SGE Challenge
OTP: Chadnico (Chaddick×Nicholas)
Dont ask me How, When, or Why I started shipping them. All I can remember is my brain going "WHAT IF THEY WERE BOYFRIENDS" and suddenly a minor ship is my OTP.
Sadly I didnt have the energy nor the time to finish this but I wanted to stop skipping days so have this wip!!! The full piece will be posted in a later date (if things go as planned, either tomorrow or the next day)
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