#ch: inessa abdelrahman
susanpxvensie-wp · 2 years
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Inessa Abdelrahman + Rick O’Connell
He loves you, too. ( insp. & insp. )
Read here: Wattpad, AO3
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susanpxvensie-wp · 1 year
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Inessa + Zahra Abdelrahman
You are just like your mother. Well, I suppose the saying is like mother, like daughter for a reason.
Read here: Wattpad, AO3
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susanpxvensie-wp · 2 years
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Inessa Abdelrahman + Rick O’Connell
I thought the plane was going down. How’d you turn it right around?
Read here: Wattpad, AO3
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susanpxvensie-wp · 2 years
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LONG LIVE: 02. The Map of Hamunaptra
AFTER the Carnahans — only Evelyn, really, since Jonathan was far too preoccupied with being... well, drunk — and Inessa had conducted a thorough investigation of the map, they came to the conclusion that it was a complete depiction of the route to Hamunaptra. They were certain it was the real thing, not a fake, and decided to present their findings to Dr Bey.
"You see the cartouche there," Evelyn said, pointing with her finger for Dr Bey to see. "It's the official royal seal of Seti I, I'm — we're — certain of it."
In truth, Evelyn had done most of the investigations into the map, and Jonathan had been the one to find it in the first place (no matter how suspicious his explanation was as to exactly how he had acquired it), so Inessa was quite surprised when Evelyn acknowledged that the siblings weren't alone in the finding of the map to Hamunaptra. To show that she was grateful for this inclusion, Inessa made eye contact with Evelyn and the two shared a smile; but it wasn't just a smile of thanks, it was also a smile of excitement, that it was truly the City of the Dead that they had found.
Dr Bey, however, wasn't as convinced as they were. "Perhaps."
"Two questions," Jonathan said. "Who the hell was Seti I, and was he rich?"
Read more: Wattpad, AO3
Read from the beginning: Wattpad, AO3
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susanpxvensie-wp · 2 years
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Inessa O’Connell née Abdelrahman ( insp. & insp. )
So, Inessa O’Connell, will you do it? To save my family, I would do anything. Then it is done.
Read here: Wattpad, AO3
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susanpxvensie-wp · 2 years
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Inessa Abdelrahman + Rick O’Connell
My own death does not frighten me. But yours? Oh, that is my greatest, deepest fear.
Read here: Wattpad, AO3
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susanpxvensie-wp · 2 years
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LONG LIVE: 03. Cairo Prison
DURING the carriage ride to Cairo Prison, Jonathan stayed pretty silent on the matter of the puzzle box containing the map of Hamunaptra. Evelyn and Inessa had to force what little information he gave out of him. After much prodding and threats (most of which had come from his sister), Jonathan confessed that he had actually stolen it from a drunk man in a casbah; he wouldn't tell them which one, so Inessa could only assume that it wasn't a reputable place for him to have been in the first place. Then, the man, becoming agitated that someone had stolen his box, had become involved in a drunken brawl, which led to his arrest. The only part of the story that hadn't been a lie was that Jonathan had found — well, stolen — the box in Thebes.
The most nervous about the encounter with the prisoner (whom Evelyn had been told was called Richard O'Connell by the prison warden when she had telephoned ahead of their arrival) was, understandably, Jonathan, who was concerned that he would be recognised for stealing the box. Even though Inessa and Evelyn felt no sympathy for him, since he did steal someone else's item, they were both incredibly glad that he had — without his sticky fingers, they wouldn't be on this journey to finding Hamunaptra.
And now, outside the entrance gates to Cairo Prison, Jonathan had cold feet. "You know, perhaps I should wait out here," he said. "You two go on ahead."
Evelyn rolled her eyes. "For goodness sake, Jonathan!" she huffed. "You stole it, you deal with the consequences."
"I know you're scared of being punched," Inessa said from where she was standing beside Evelyn, "but it's inevitable, so you'll just have to deal with it."
Read more: Wattpad, AO3
Read from the beginning: Wattpad, AO3
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susanpxvensie-wp · 2 years
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Inessa O’Connell née Abdelrahman ( insp. & insp. )
So, Inessa O’Connell, will you do it? To save my family, I would do anything. Then it is done.
Read here: Wattpad, AO3
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susanpxvensie-wp · 2 years
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Inessa Abdelrahman + Rick O’Connell
‘Ah, those two. In a fight, they’re lethal. Around each other, they melt.’ Richelle Mead, The Golden Lily: A Bloodlines Novel
Read here: Wattpad, AO3
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