#cgrn 17
thegrapeandthefig · 2 years
The Nymphaia: a look into creating libation days from isolated sources
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Today I am celebrating the Nymphaia, one of the 8 "lesser" libation days I have created for my personal calendar in order to fill the gaps between the archeological cult evidence and the literary evidence I had for Thasos.
In the case of the Nymphaia, it was crafted to take into account the sacrificial regulation known as CGRN 17 which confirms the cult of the Nymphai alongside Apollo Nymphegetes as well as the Charites, which might have been separate but that I grouped together for the sake of convenience into one libation day.
I did not have any other information available that was specific to Thasos, so I improvised the rest:
I chose to celebrate it on the 7th of Hekatombaion, which usually falls somewhere around the Summer solstice.
In order to avoid the issue of the restrictions described by the inscription, I'm sticking to fresh seasonal fruits as offerings, alongside fresh water and flowers. This year it's carnations because that's what I found (and then discovered carnations were known to the Greeks so yay!)
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