#ceresent city
elkessecretplace · 1 month
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Coloured my sketch because I was having a bad day.
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Cyrus and the Borg Siblings- A History (Part 1)
Just so the information is out there if anybody's interested in reading it
Let us start all the way back with their creator Cyrus Borg (Deadname Cerese as he was assigned Female at birth) he was born at 34 weeks with a condition called Spina Bifada for the year 1975, odds were not in favor for Cyrus to live long. But he was the newborn that could, with an experimental treatment equating to today's modern surgery to repair the opening Cyrus fought through everything and eventually got to be brought home.
His father is Raphael Borg an Electrician with his own business, his mother Victoria a well known lawyer who would frequently fly from the Mountain Village to Ninjago City to take on Large cases, occasionally she would bring her son along on these trips as Raphael preferred to stay home, he did not like the hustle and bustle of the City. Cyrus can pinpoint these trips was when his interest in technology began,
They began noticing how intelligent Cyrus is right off the bat, he was not in his preschool class a month before they suggested he be moved to Kindergarten early. This trend continued until he broke the record for youngest person to graduate Highschool at 13, after that he was at home a lot and being at home lead to this young genius growing bored.
Which is where the very first P.I.X.A.L came from, Cyrus had heard of a legend his whole life, The Legend of Birchwood Forest, a forest that was a good 5 hour trip away from his mountain village. But as the legend went
A man with a brilliant mind,only wanted a son, but his beloved wife could not have one after having three daughters. So when he spoke of creating his son out of metal and gears, The Village turned on him. Soon his whole family, his wife and three daughters were ostracized due to his own actions and so he planned a place out in Birchwood, nobody knows where it is pretending to head to the market in a nearby Village, he packed up a wagon and was never seen again. Now the inventor and his robotic son wander Birchwood hiding somewhere amongst the trees.
That was the popular version anyway somebody had spotted Zane and his father in years past, there was another version that had him as a tragic figure that had to flee their Village and thus frozen in the snow and so they wander trying to get home, however Cyrus heard the version of the legend that had him as a robot.
And so he questioned could I not replicate the same process? And so Cyrus Borg set to work
Two long years ensued as he worked on the coding even working on the facial plate though he could not fully make her form his mother thought it was just another little project.
She did not know what he was working on would change the face of Ninjago, a new Genesis for a species that would come to be known as The Nindroid race, her little boy who sat before her typing away on his laptop would be the antithesis for a New Era in Technology.
One morning when Cyrus was 15 he came darting downstairs, clutching his laptop excitedly he had done it on the morning of April 13th 1989 at 2:14 in the morning, the Nindroid and P.I.X.A.L that would come to be known as Violet Genesis Borg, spoke her very first words.
Hello creator,
She did not understand why he was so excited until she saw Violet speak on her own, with no prompting entered into the laptop.
She had stared holding a plate in her hands grateful later on she had not dropped it in shock, her son had created sentience and it scared her. Out of every single invention he had never done something so big. But her son was so proud of himself, so she smiled and began treating Violet as another family member, her husband Cyrus's father was even more jovial over what their son had done.
After this invention her son started building more only he patented these ones other inventions that later on would be credited with changing the world as well only in a small way just making things easier for people electronic scanners down to the first cell phone until eventually he opened his own repair shop at the age of 20 Victoria later on would recall being very proud of her son.
In the Year 1997 though tragedy hit the family Violet who had been switched to a body from her laptop suddenly offline it would later be figured out that it was her power source that had overloaded her system Cyrus was very devastated at this first major loss his parents could recall it was the only one that he ever cried over.
Shortly thereafter however Harriet Louise Borg in 1998 would be created, the second in the lineage. Victoria did find it amusing how much Harriet mothered her son it also made her feel better that somebody was always watching him.
It was only 2 years after her creation that she went offline, and it was only a few months after that that number three Chloe Eloise Borg would be created.
Victoria did not agree with how Chloe was brought online and subsequently silenced when terrified by the crowd that had gathered to see her brought online.
His mother began seeing signs of her son not seeing them as human and that did concern her even she could see how sentient and unique they each were, she did not know if it was hurt because they had had such short life spans up until this point or what was going on, she tried to have a talk with her youngest son but he just confirmed her fears. But there was nothing she could do without driving him away. She had already lost Cliff she would not lose Cyrus.
Chloe offlined in the year 2002 their lifespans seemed to be 2 years at most Cyrus kept on creating at this point he had just opened his 7th store and Xians first official online date was also in front of a crowd that was even larger than Chloe's.
Xian was the first to break the mold of every two years she managed to last 3 years until the Year 2005,
In 2006 Artemis would be created she would offline a year later in 2007 of which Rebecca would be created to follow her this once a year thing continued with the Twins Celia and Quinzel, then their younger sister Roxanne. Victoria once again didn't know if it was frustration on Cyrus's part but her son had closed himself off and it worried her greatly it seemed to her, he more and more was ending up like his bigger brother, the wealth getting to him and that disappointed her.
In 2010 Simone and Felix were created, something had broke in Cyrus. Later on Victoria would find out it was because Felix reminded him of himself after he had modeled Simone to look like her Creator if he hadn't transitioned, to have Felix be like him in the retrospect of not feeling right in one's own body woke him up to how sentient they were.
2011 however came with the additions of for more Serilda, Isabella, Penny and Jennifer later known as Jenny.
It seemed Cyrus had grown desperate trying to figure out and experimenting to try to keep these guys online. It was summer of 2011 that the first final battle of Ninjago City occurred he decided to come out of the shadows and assist the city rebuilding and by late 2012 he transferred his final version of the P.I.X.A.L lineage to the newly opened Borg Industries, finally bestowing her with the name and acronym of P.I.X.A.L. She was his finest work everything culminated into one Nindroid that we would come to know and love
(End of part 1 see The Borg Siblings New Era for Part 2)
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My children, love is in the air! Or is that duty? I can’t tell because they smell so similar with these two: putrid and tainted with sorrow. How unfortunate it is that the faerie and wolf have been forced to recite our beautifully sacrilegious nuptials ( though I must say, it’s a little more fun this way ).
You’ve all been invited, I’m sure— must be so exciting! There’s no way for the Cicerone and I to receive wedding invitations across the veil, but that’s never stopped an uninvited guest, right? Your little city and its ongoings are my favorite form of entertainment, and I’ll always be watching. But don’t let that stop you from enjoying yourselves! My darling tells me that the venue is lovely, and the decorations even more so; very reminiscent of flowers and their thorns. 
Nerium oleander is such a gorgeous flower, but it’s consumption will lead to death, my loves.
Still, don’t let the realities of the world hinder the fervor of your celebrations. A union such as this is quite a beautiful thing and it should be enjoyed to the fullest extent. Moreover, the betrothed have kept their heads.
Tell me then, what of the preparations? Ceremonies of the unholiest of matrimonies require months if not years of preparations, though we’ve been given, what? Seven days? Tragic, but it can be done. I’m curious to know how you’ve been spending these days in preparation. How have you been feeling about the news? Do you have any reservations or outright objections towards the marriage? Do you think it’ll last? I know our little Cerese went and made the decree, but I’m wondering if she’d reverse it ( not that faerie bindings of this kind can be reversed...not unless you wish to curse the faerie to a life of emptiness ). What are you all thinking? And what is your role, if any? A guest or something more?
Finally, you must show me what you’re wearing! I know this is a last minute extravaganza, yes, but there’s got to be something in those closets of yours. Will you be wearing a dress or a full tuxedo? Something in between? I know this may seem like a shotgun wedding, but will you be treating it like a casual affair? 
Oh forgive the twenty questions, but I cannot get over the excitement! 
Dearies, the final message is always the same ( mostly ): tasks are not mandatory but we highly encourage them for character development and the like! Where these are concerned the world is your oyster as far as formatting— you can do anything from self paras, to visuals and all that falls in between, just make sure to tag all tasks with #mu:task upon posting! Send the newlyweds our best wishes, please and many thank yous!
Yours faithfully,
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esmerays · 2 years
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Some years ago, one wayward faerie was escorted into the world of the Midnight Underground, royal guards flanking her on either side in case she tried to slip away— she’d laughed and told the pair of sprites that it was the last thing on her mind, but they had no reason to trust her. That’ll happen when you commit high treason.
Though and all, she was quite lucky as far as sentencing was concerned. 
From what she’d heard, the powers that be were extending their generosity, allowing Esmeray to complete her extensive ‘community service’ in this small pocket of the Otherealm ( with the obvious caveats, of course ). The faction housing her kin folk had pleaded her case, and the city’s ruling power had so graciously accepted— so long as the faerie shared a meal with her, that is. 
And, being that she had no other choice in the matter, the faerie had immediately RSVP’d, joining the Orator for biscuits and tea. It seemed that Moira was sentimental for those older days, though she’d traded the tea for blood, and Esmeray traded those faerie delights for ash. Still, she’d smiled through this meeting, allowing herself to believe that the vampyre didn’t know better. And if she had, if this was one other test for the peri, she’d needed to pass. 
Esmeray didn’t think she was scared of death. Naivety had her seeing this end as an honorable one but she’d trembled all the same when she was laid over the headsman’s block. Her breathing had become so rapid that another had to hold her down, and her eyes had grown glossy with all the tears she’d been keeping at bay.
Cerese had raised a hand at the very last second— a show of mercy to some, and a show of power to others. “I have changed my mind,” she’d spoken in their mother tongue, “your mother’s cries have swayed me youngling, and I am most merciful. Plead for forgiveness; pledge your fealty and you will have your life.”
One other choice that made itself. 
Sitting before Moira Devlin felt entirely different, and yet, the same. She’d sat before a true ruler once again, someone that saw her regality for what it was: counterfeit. And she was forced to bare her neck all the same, to lay all her vulnerabilities on the table as the other passed judgement. 
For all the fear the woman inspired, she’d been kinder than Cerese ( if only because Moira didn’t play with her prey before going for the kill ); the Orator regarded the youngling with something like fondness, and when all was said and done, she’d taken hold of her hand and welcomed her to the Midnight Underground. “You’ll be quite useful here, and that is more than enough for me.” Esmeray’s fate had been sealed, undone and sealed again; but she should be so grateful.
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The vampyre’s death had come as a shock to Esmeray— perennial beings weren’t meant to expire so soon, not the way Moira had. Since their first meeting, they’d never met for more than a few minutes at a time, but the peri respected her in the way a child raised in a monarchy respected their Queen. She’d mourn her then, just the same. 
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dreaming-one · 7 years
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Irma Cerese
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mosaicslab · 6 years
7 Highlights you definitely need to see from Marmomac Architecture and Design Fair 2018
(2 min read)
Once again aiming to highlight the best production traditions and innovations, the biggest stone, design and technology trade fair – Marmomac, took place in the wonderful city of Verona about a week ago.
Aiming to always keep you up-to-date with the latest trends in stone and design, we’ve put together 7 highlights that you definitely need to see.
  1. The concept suggested by Neolith Nature guided visitors through sculptures within a green area. The slabs with a leather effect in pastel colors were inspired by the warm climate of Miami and the glamor of South Beach.
Photograph Courtesy Of Neolith Nature
  2. Staying true to its slogan – the beauty of natural stone, Cereser once again drew attention with wonderful, unique and high-quality marble, granite, onyx, and travertine, ready to give solutions with up-to-date processes.
Photograph Courtesy Of Cereser
  3. Constantly looking for new materials to come up with the purest and most unusual patterns and design, keeping the stones natural beauty, A&G 23 is always ready to help designers and architects create beautiful representations of style and elegance.
Photograph Courtesy Of A&G 23
  4. Unique touches, warm colors and natural stone! That’s how Cosi is conquering its customers’ hearts. Architecture with natural stone and detail-oriented design by marble. Here is just one the many examples – marble table top.
Photograph Courtesy Of Cosi
  5. Tradition, passion, and innovation! Here is the magic behind Essegi Marmi’s enthusiasm to carry out any project in natural stone with cutting-edge technology and professionalism.
Photograph Courtesy Of Essegi Marmi
  6. Designed by Carlo Colombo, Shapeways will make you think how soft, pure and natural geometric shapes bring balance, that comes from the play of shapes, able to enhance the material and sculptural beauty of marble.
Photograph Courtesy Of Carlo Colombo
  7. Last, but not least, one cannot talk about Marmomac without mentioning the Italian Stone Theatre, which became a focal point for culture and experimentation. Once again, Italian architects and designers surprised everyone with extraordinary and creative touches, keeping the “Made in Italy” high to its standards.
Photograph Courtesy Of Italian Stone Theatre
One more mission completed! We will now get back to creating breathtaking mosaic artworks to help you elevate your designs, whenever you’re ready to give your space an unforgettable treat!
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The post 7 Highlights you definitely need to see from Marmomac Architecture and Design Fair 2018 appeared first on Mosaics Lab - contemporary mosaic art, mosaic artwork, & mosaic tiles.
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elkessecretplace · 3 months
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Did I disappoint you?
Did mommy make you sad?
Do I at least remind you
Of every girl that made you mad?
Make me perfect, make me your fantasy
You know I deserve it
Well, take it out on me
Am I your dream girl?
You think of me in bed
But you could never hold me
You like me better in your head
Make me evil, then I'm an angel instead
At least you'll sanctify me when I'm dead.
=Florence and the machine
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elkessecretplace · 2 years
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Day 6 : Hunt
I can just see hunt taking selfies like this just because he knows it makes Bruce's day.
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esmerays · 2 years
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Name: Cerese Fiala Given Name: ████ Face Claim: Bianca Lawson Age: 1,423 ( appears to be in her 40s ) Circle: Wild  Occupation: Ruling Monarch of the High Fae Court 
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Hailing from the most revered clan in the Seelie High Court, Cerese Fiala was truly born to rule ( a repeating theme with those of her kin ). Her mother had been ruling monarch, as had been a grandparent before, and a great grandfather before that and so on and so forth. Theirs has been the longest-standing dynasty of the Faerie realm, spanning multiple millennia and more. 
Many of those under the Fiala rule live blissfully, though many more consider themselves dissenters.
As it stands, Cerese is as benevolent as her people deserve, and never more. Needless kindness is too close to softness and softness is folly. A queen must rule for her people, but she most also consider herself, those that preceded her in the bloodline and those that will follow. Too many have tried to end her rule prematurely; too many have tried to exorcise her soul from this realm, but she is stronger still than any of those who aim to usurp her throne.
She is one of the great Fae, but greatness is solitude all the same. While one must keep those of their court close, Cerese keeps them closer still, as close as one would keep enemies.
With the magnificence and isolation that she’s inherited, Cerese has understandably found herself plagued by bouts of paranoia— these increasing in number after she’d become afflicted with one most mysterious illness. Her fortitude is strong and her power stronger, but one surrounded by those that wish to do you harm, will find that suspicion has the sweetest caresses.
Thus, Cerese is loathe to leave her throne unattended ( wouldn’t even do so if there weren’t matters in the Otherrealm ). Still, her one and only child has begun running amuck, mingling with the non-Fae of this small desert city, playing at democratic governance. Another prominent Fae of her court roams around the very same area, and she doesn’t trust the young one to keep her hands clean of ruination; trusts her less when it involves her child. 
So she’s been traveling through the realms, spending one day within her court and the other among the less magical commoners of the Midnight Underground— while the trips have taken a toll on her healing process, a ruling monarch must remain strong through it all.
Cerese could crush these mortals beneath her thumb if she so wished it, but she is benevolent still. The matters of their realm would not concern her if they did not suddenly find themselves so close to those of her own; she would leave them to their hubris otherwise. And yet, she’s tethered to the Otherrealm by virtue of her dearest Hollis, observing the ongoings of these people as one would observe a greater ecosystem. 
It is unfortunate then, that one day these people may force her hand.
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mosaicslab · 6 years
7 Highlights you definitely need to see from Marmomac Architecture and Design Fair 2018
(2 min read)
Once again aiming to highlight the best production traditions and innovations, the biggest stone, design and technology trade fair – Marmomac, took place in the wonderful city of Verona about a week ago.
Aiming to always keep you up-to-date with the latest trends in stone and design, we’ve put together 7 highlights that you definitely need to see.
  1. The concept suggested by Neolith Nature guided visitors through sculptures within a green area. The slabs with a leather effect in pastel colors were inspired by the warm climate of Miami and the glamor of South Beach.
Photograph Courtesy Of Neolith Nature
  2. Staying true to its slogan – the beauty of natural stone, Cereser once again drew attention with wonderful, unique and high-quality marble, granite, onyx, and travertine, ready to give solutions with up-to-date processes.
Photograph Courtesy Of Cereser
  3. Constantly looking for new materials to come up with the purest and most unusual patterns and design, keeping the stones natural beauty, A&G 23 is always ready to help designers and architects create beautiful representations of style and elegance.
Photograph Courtesy Of A&G 23
  4. Unique touches, warm colors and natural stone! That’s how Cosi is conquering its customers’ hearts. Architecture with natural stone and detail-oriented design by marble. Here is just one the many examples – marble table top.
Photograph Courtesy Of Cosi
  5. Tradition, passion, and innovation! Here is the magic behind Essegi Marmi’s enthusiasm to carry out any project in natural stone with cutting-edge technology and professionalism.
Photograph Courtesy Of Essegi Marmi
  6. Designed by Carlo Colombo, Shapeways will make you think how soft, pure and natural geometric shapes bring balance, that comes from the play of shapes, able to enhance the material and sculptural beauty of marble.
Photograph Courtesy Of Carlo Colombo
  7. Last, but not least, one cannot talk about Marmomac without mentioning the Italian Stone Theatre, which became a focal point for culture and experimentation. Once again, Italian architects and designers surprised everyone with extraordinary and creative touches, keeping the “Made in Italy” high to its standards.
Photograph Courtesy Of Italian Stone Theatre
One more mission completed! We will now get back to creating breathtaking mosaic artworks to help you elevate your designs, whenever you’re ready to give your space an unforgettable treat!
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We add new works every day, check our latest Mosaic Art collection.
The post 7 Highlights you definitely need to see from Marmomac Architecture and Design Fair 2018 appeared first on Mosaics Lab - contemporary mosaic art, mosaic artwork, & mosaic tiles.
source https://www.mosaicslab.com/blog/7-highlights-you-definitely-need-to-see-from-marmomac-architecture-and-design-fair-2018/
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