#cer is my fave ❤️
theresthesnitch · 2 years
Hiiiii my dear! 🥰 8, 10, 11, 15…!!
Thank you, love!
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8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
They're going to figure out if you can have sex while flying on a broomstick.
10. Do you work on multiple wips or stick to one fic at a time?
Multiple wips. Like so many WIPs at the same time. And sometimes literally at the same time. I'll often have 3 or 4 open at once.
11. Do you write scenes in order, or do you jump around?
Out of order about 85% of the time! I write the scene that is stuck in my head, or I can't get past it.
15. What’s your favorite time to write?
Ha! Whenever the mood strikes? Most commonly, I write in the evenings, like after 8 pm, but I'd love to write like 5-8 pm ish.
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