#censorship sucks camel dong
tagedeszorns · 1 month
Yeah, I feel about the same. I'm not even doing sexually explicit art, but even my nudes draw the ire of the religious extremists who slowly have taken over the once free regions of the internet.
I'm on Mastodon, of course. It's my main "personal" space. I feel free and safe there. I tip the people (not corporation! It's just some dudes and dudettes sharing the same hobby as I do and have set up a server, like one does with mastodon. Like one did back in the olden days of forums) running the server I'm on, because they believe in freedom of speech and expression and hate censorship as much as I do.
I want to stay on Tumblr, too. Because Tumblr allows for more creative layouting of my posts. But if one day some religious fundamentalist decides my naked bodies and queer content are provoking their imaginary friend's ire, I may have to go.
And then, Mastodon will still be there for me.
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