#ce njcon 2023
laf-outloud · 1 year
Jeffrey Dean Morgan (“John Winchester”) will be joining The Road So Far… The Road Ahead in New Jersey, being held April 14-16, 2023! He will be appearing on Sunday.
They somehow get the big names to fill in for Jared. Mark S who hadn't done CE cons in years filled in when Jared needed someone. Now they land JDM to fill in for him in NJ?
I saw that and my immediate thought was that Jensen called in a favor! He probably doesn't want to have a repeat of the last New Jersey con where he shared an awkward panel with Misha. I'm guessing JDM will join Jensen for at least one of the panels.
I noticed they also got Jim Beaver and Mark Pellegrino for the con, who aren't frequent guests. Guess it takes a lot of star power to make up for Jared's absence!
Of course, what I'd love to see is JDM school Drake on who John Winchester really was, but he's only scheduled for Sunday. LOL!
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laf-outloud · 1 year
In this interview he also specifies that he's getting married in Mexico, so if that is why Jared can't go to the con that makes sense. I mean, I wouldn't expect him to make it even if it had been in Austin since the wedding is Sat 4/15 and most of his con stuff would have been Sun 4/16 but in theory he could have maybe left the wedding early and still made it. But if its in Mexico... there really isn't any way for him to get back. Of course this is all speculation.
It's just another possible reason to add to the pile! Especially since the cancelation was well in advance. And like @ranwing said here, haters can speculate all they want, but the real point is, Jared doesn't need the conventions. He was responsible in providing plenty of advance notice for the fans.
(And frankly, based on the higher-than-average demographic of hellers attending in New Jersey, if Jared wanted to skip just to avoid them, I wouldn't mind either. LOL!)
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Jared has to canel NJ and they immediately start with this nonsense:
I can't even pretend to be shocked anymore when they do stupid stuff like this.
Especially because as soon as it was announced I started seeing stuff like this:
https://twitter.com/Jenmishs_bitch/status/1625935598254010368 https://twitter.com/JenMisheelsism/status/1625944387644493866
First off, I feel sorry for those who were excited to see Jared in New Jersey, but won't be able to. Hopefully, the advanced notice will give them plenty of time to make other arrangements, if desired.
My guess, Jared's having ACL surgery shortly after the New Orleans convention and canceling NJ will give him roughly 8 weeks of recovery time before the next convention.
Next, to respond to your ask... yuck! I did not need to see this bad edit. LOL!
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I will say this, though. The last time New Jersey sponsored a convention, we got Misha's Straightgate. So, if these fans want to promote another hellercon and beg for a JenMish panel, go right ahead! I've never laughed so hard in this fandom as I did after the last one, and the heller tears on top of it were icing on the cake!
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laf-outloud · 1 year
So, Matt mentioned in a couple of his recent interviews about getting married in April, and I was able to find this:
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I wonder if this is the reason Jared can't make it to the New Jersey convention, since it's the same weekend.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Jared free cons are always like watching a car crash in slow motion. Jensen flounders and Misha puts his foot in it. Can't wait to see what this one brings.
I know, right? Like, hellers and AAs think they're getting one-up on Jared fans, but really, those conventions can be more entertaining than the ones with Jared there. Plus, there's the added bonus that anyone planning to be mean towards Jared won't get that chance.
Again, my heart goes out to those who were looking forward to seeing Jared in person, but as a 'home viewer,' as long as he's taking care of his needs, I'm okay whenever he needs to cancel.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
JenMish Con, lmfao. Hellers setting themselves up for disappointment yet again.
Jensen solos are a good cure for insomnia, and JenMish panels offer some of the cringiest second hand embarrassment out there.
LOL! So true! I mean, they said it themselves at the last "hellercon:"
Misha: "This does not work very well, does it." Jensen: "Well, it does when Jared's here."
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I for one am hoping the heller jerks who are gloating and celebrating get another face full of Misha’s BS blowing up in his face. Also, if there is another Jensen and Misha panel, I hope they are ready for Jensen to constantly burn Misha like he did last time. He basically spent the panel backing away from Misha or making fun of him. This is all only relevant if Jensen doesn’t cancel now that Jared has. I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulls out too since there is plenty of notice.
I’ve seen at least four people on Twitter already putting their NJ tickets up for sale or expressing that they won’t be buying tickets even though they had been planning to.
LOL! You're right about the panel. It was a complete mess. But of course, hellers and Cockles stans don't see that because they're wearing their blue/green glasses that turn every retreat into a "chance to gaze into each other's eyes."
I suppose there's a chance Jensen pulls out, but I also think he's kind of relying on the convention money to some extent. He even signed up to do the Cross Roads Con in England, which puts his Convention schedule at JIBcon the last weekend of February, Creation Atlanta the weekend after that, Cross Roads the next weekend, then two weekends off before Creation New Orleans. That's an awful lot of traveling that he wouldn't have to do if he didn't sign on for Cross Roads. If he's willing to do that, he'll probably do New Jersey.
But his presence won't be enough for Jared fans who don't really want to be there without Jared.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
//My guess, Jared's having ACL surgery shortly after the New Orleans convention and canceling NJ will give him roughly 8 weeks of recovery time before the next convention.// - that's the general consensus right now. Apparently Walker is wrapping in March so depending on when that ends March wouldn't be good (with a little wiggle room in case anything needs to be extended) plus Nola con is the end of March so April makes sense for surgery esp since the next con isn't until the beginning of June. So he would have most of April (depending on when the surgery is) and all of May to recover before having to be traveling and be out and about at a con again. If he waited longer then he would end up having to cancel more than one con (2 cons in June, 1 in July, 1 in Aug) so this is the best timing with the least impact on his professional obligations.
Obviously, we don't know for sure, but that sounds like the most reasonable reason. We know from one of the last conventions when Jensen asked about getting it fixed, Jared responded that they were still filming, which made it seem like he was planning on getting it fixed shortly after Walker was done.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
At least if it is a wedding, it will equate with taking your kid to a premiere. Meanwhile, I still do think the ACL thing plays in, as might meetings (we never did get an answer if London panned out) So work, illness, major personal events are all acceptable reasons with advance warning, though I do feel awful for anyone who has to resell tickets now (both JP fans and GA who like him a lot)
Frankly, I think any reason is an acceptable reason. We're not entitled to have these actors attend conventions. If they want to cancel just because, they can. It just happens to be more considerate on the actor's part if they can provide enough advance notification to the fans so that they have plenty of time to make other arrangements, if needed.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I just hope Jared had to cancel for a good reason. And by good I don’t mean reason the fandom would accept, I mean good as in positive from Jared’s perspective.
Well, there's a lot of advance notice, so we know it's not Covid or a sudden issue. Whether it's filming, or fixing a broken body part, it sounds like Jared has plenty of time to prepare, and I hope everything works out for him.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I’m with you on any reason for cancelling cons being enough as long as it’s done far enough in advance. Especially when you consider the sheer volume of CE cons, it’s going to happen whether it’s other work commitments, health reasons or personal. Just like we wouldn’t give 100% of our lives over to our bosses, neither J should have to give theirs over to cons/fans. The only reason I gave Jensen the side-eye for cancelling to attend the Zombies 3 premiere was because 1) he did it so last minute and 2) he clearly attended because he didn’t want to do a con without Jared and quickly found the first excuse to get out he could find.
Exactly! If the J2 cons are going to continue, I'd much prefer to see them drop to about once every two months at the most (much like TVD/Originals cons). These guys have moved on. They have different schedules, different work requirements, I think it's unreasonable to expect them to maintain such a demanding schedule.
(And yes, I completely agree with you about Jensen's cancelation. The premier felt more like a reason after the fact than something previously planned for. Not only that, but Jensen's cancelation, in essence, canceled the entire con, not only putting out fans at the last minute, but other guests who'd made arrangements to attend.)
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I wonder if renewals and cancellations will be announced by NJCon.
I sure hope so (if only for Walkerverse announcements). I can only imagine how awkward TW panels might be if the show is canceled and the cast still have to attend conventions.
NJCon is two month's away and the CW should have a good month's worth of data by then of how S&L and GK are doing compared to what the rest of the shows did during their seasons. It's entirely possible we might have announcements by then.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Even if Jared had surgery a week before or was waiting, he could still manage some things and not others. Like not being able to do a full convention schedule standing for all those ops and running back & forth///He might, however, manage to recuperate on a beach or attend a wedding in a leg brace or while doing pre-op things insurances love.///Preparing to get the "oh, no. He's sitting in sunshine" routine from AAs.///Meanwhile no JIB uproar or demands for info on KARL like JP had (no shock)
Yeah, there's a number of things Jared could and couldn't do if he still has surgery.
I actually saw a Jared anti say that attending a friends wedding was a reasonable excuse for missing the con, so color me surprised! Not many are like that.
But you're right about the lack of interest in Karl's cancelation. I think it's because they don't follow him as closely and therefore assume that he has a legitimate reason for missing. Whereas, many Jared haters are very keen on knowing exactly what Jared's doing, so if there isn't a readily apparent excuse, they go straight towards 'he's going on vacation and can't be bothered.'
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laf-outloud · 1 year
(And frankly, based on the higher-than-average demographic of hellers attending in New Jersey, if Jared wanted to skip just to avoid them, I wouldn't mind either. LOL!)
Same, lmao. He doesn't owe them anything, and while I do feel for the fans who genuinely want to meet him, it's also obvious that there are more than a few losers with a hate agenda that populate that particular con, and if Jared wants to stay away from them, then good for him.
Definitely! Yes, there are some fantastic people who were/are planning to attend and have every right to be disappointed Jared isn't there, but if there was ever a convention for him to skip, it would be New Jersey.
In fact, if there's another NJ con next year, I might advise Jared fans to avoid that one and get tickets to another one close by. (And yes, I think anything along the East Coast is close by because I live in the West and the closest convention was a 6 1/2 hour drive away. LOL!)
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I feel like mushy is going to ignore his 'straight gate' anniversary and hope his 'fans' ignore it too. But they probably won't.
On the other hand he is not above using it as a hook to push more cheap merch for a quick buck.
I hope Heller-Con II is as funny as the last one was. What a flaming dumpster of chaos that was.
You know with Jensen leaning so hard on alcohol to get him through these things lately, this could prove to be an especially bizarre heller-con.
I think everyone will try and ignore it. That was a huge embarrassment that reached far outside the SPN fandom.
I think the next merch. that Misha will try and peddle will be vague references to GK and Harvey Dent. (I say vague since there are major copyright issues with DC-related merchandise.)
I'll be especially interested to see what the guys do if TW is canceled by then and GK is either canceled, or performing so badly the writing is on the wall. It could be hard for them to offer up any kind of enthusiasm for the fans.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I wonder what Misha will inadvertently come out as this year, only to backtrack three days later?
I guess it all depends on what he can monetize. Maybe he'll announce he's running for political office to get a weekend's worth of political donations (that he'll then say he's donating to RA when it turns out he's not really running.)
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