goatlingsvent · 9 months
Vaguely impressed at the anons who disagreed on whether catperp's punishment was too harsh and ended it on a strong "I get your point of view and respectfully disagree". No name calling, no insults, that was actually very civil
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
thecatperp was sweet, its a shame they were stupid enough to try and pass off a design as theirs... some people never learn
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
Does anyone know how old catperp is? The lying about a irl friend thing sounds like an excuse I would have made at like 13 so I'm wondering if they're a kid or not
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
catperp anon one last time, i still disagree but i see your points and respect your positions
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
catperp absolutely deserved that ban. and they tried to lie after the fact about “their friend wearing that outfit to a dance” please. it doesn’t matter if they lost. they still submitted and TRIED to win with a fully plagiarized design. the fact that they didn’t win doesn’t matter - win or not, their action was still the same, and it deserved a ban
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
yeah no, catperp fucked around and found out
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
🚘 (original catperp anon here, i forgot what emoji they used for me), i agree with you in some regards, it was definitely stupid to 1:1 copy an existing outfit while simultaneously claiming it was your own lol. what makes it different for me though is that they didn't even make it into voting. banning the botanist artist i get because that goat had been around and finalized for at least a month as a DD ad. but if thecatperp lost anyway, i don't see a point in a permaban, it seems harsh to me
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
Mhh, hot take but I actually disagree about catperp. Imo on a site like this full of artists and that's so small and fragile, copying designs like this is probably one of the worst things you can do, especially when it's so egregious. There is no excuse to so blatantly steal a design, it's not like it happens by mistake. Plus copying in that line confirming it's your idea, seriously... You should know to behave
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
Yeahhh banning seemed. like a Lot? I guess the reason was bc it was a design posted be able to sell for irl money and something something saying that the work was entirely their own but it was copied something something ...
I feel like Goatlings just needs to get other options for punishments instead of banning. Void them from submitting designs for 5 months or something, or put in a warning/strike system.
I've never submitted a design because I'm extremely paranoid to do so since I have severe memory issues and very often I'll have an idea pop into my head and make a character/drawing/ect out of only to realize the reason this idea popped into my head was because it was an already existing thing I very vaguely remembered, and now that I see these auto-bans with no warning I'm scared everything will be lost over a mistake of making something too similar to someone else
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
i dont want to start the blog's Discourse Of The Week but imo thecatperp shouldn't have been banned... the whole reason marble was allowed to stay onsite was because the rules weren't clear at the time. apparently even now the rules were so vague that after thecatperp was banned they had to update their terms even further! plus their design didn't even make it into voting! if it was another gg/botanist, i'd get it, but they lost the contest anyway, just bar them from further entries. wtf
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
i really feel like ↖️ ngl, even though i'm active and very talkative i didn't realize catperp got banned until i saw their name was white and it hasn't even been that long since they messaged (when i saw it) i never know of any drama since i never really get into it myself unless i come here lol idk if anyone hates me but i never see myself get complained about here so apparently im not enough of an issue i just be vibin
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
yeah, no. catperp, you're dumb as hell thinking you could get away with copying that
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
oddly enough, keeping up with this blog has made me aware of things onsite and in the discord i would've never found out for myself, i practically live in a tiny bubble onsite/server. had no idea cat got banned today, no wonder i didn't see them online. well, thank you cat for the penny shopkeep incident but god, you really copied that outfit 1:1 lol.
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
🏮 lmao bull fucking shit. reverse image search the pic and you see those clothes are from a store called toxic vision and their shit is listed for hundreds to thousands of dollars some kid didn't wear it to a fucking school dance. cat perp needs to stop lyin'
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
I've been in DMs with Cat... an irl friend wore the outfit to a school dance and they designed that based on the irl friend :(
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goatlingsvent · 9 months
Sorry Cat i was 100% on your side but that's practically a 1 to 1 copy... there's literally no way you could've thought you would get away with that
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