#catha mentioned that radomil used to have a beard and moustache in pt... 18 i think? and i wanted to draw it
verkja · 11 months
Figuwhump Day 12 (substituting bonus image 10)
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[ID: A pencil drawing. A grinning woman with braided hair and freckles points a sword at a man with short, dark hair and a beard, who is on the ground. He also holds a sword, but it's just resting on the ground at his side; he's smiling a little wryly and has a smear of dirt on his shirt, as if he's been hit with something dusty. End ID.]
Honestly this one isn't very whumpy. I forgot about that element of Figuwhump while drawing it. It's (young, pre-story) Catha and Radomil doing some sparring. I guess maybe Radomil banged his elbow on a rock when Catha knocked him over - there, that's whump, isn't it? :')
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